will represent East Tennessee State University to the best of my ability at all times and follow the. Student Code of Co
East Tennessee State University Mascot Application Name____________________________________________ Phone Number _______________ E #______________________________________________ GPA______________ Address________________________________________________________________ E-‐mail (required) _______________________________________________________________ Height______________ Approximate Weight__________________ (for costume purposes) Class Standing in 2016-‐2017: Freshman
Major_______________________________ Number of credits you plan to take: Fall___________________ Spring___________________ *I understand that by signing below I release my academic and disciplinary record for review as a part of my application portfolio as a University Mascot. I also acknowledge that being a mascot is a huge time commitment and that I have completely identified the time commitments that I am currently or anticipate being involved with for the 2016-‐2017 year. I understand that if chosen to be the mascot I will represent East Tennessee State University to the best of my ability at all times and follow the Student Code of Conduct. You may be requested to drop some of your leadership activities if chosen to be a Buccaneer. _______________________________________________ ________________________ Signature