Full-text format from a database. Author's last name, first name. Year Title of Article. Title of Journal Volume(Issue):
Creating References in American Antiquity style BOOKS Single author Author’s last name, first name Year Title. Publisher, Publication Place. Kintz, Ellen R. 1990 Life Under the Tropical Canopy: Tradition and Change Among the Yucatec Maya. Holt, Rinehart, and Winston, Fort Worth. Multiple authors Author’s last name, first name, and Author’s first name last name Year Title. Publisher, Publication Place. Folan, William J., Ellen R. Kintz, and Laraine A. Fletcher 1983 Coba, A Classic Maya Metropolis. Academic Press, New York. Edited Volume Author’s last name, first name (editor) Year Title. Publisher, Publication Place. Aimers, James J. (editor) 2012 Ancient Maya Pottery: Classification, Analysis, and Interpretation. University Press of Florida, Gainesville. Sections (chapters) of a book (usually an edited volume) Chapter author’s last name, first name Year Title of Chapter. In Title of Book, edited by Editor’s first name last name, pp. xxx-xxx. Publisher, Publication Place. Badru, Pade 2001 Globalization and the African Experience. In Race Odyssey: African Americans and Sociology, edited by Bruce R. Hare, pp. 258-273. Syracuse University Press, New York.
WEBSITES Site author (can be the name of an organization or author’s last name, first name) Year last revised Title of Site. Electronic document, URL, accessed month, day, year. Pitt Rivers Museum 2005 Research – Graduate Study: The Pitt Rivers Museum and ISCA. Electronic document, http://www.prm.ox.ac.uk/research.html, accessed August 31, 2005.
JOURNAL ARTICLES In print format Author’s last name, first name Year Title of Article. Title of Journal Volume(Issue):page numbers. Kintz, Ellen R. 1998 The Yucatec Maya Frontier and Maya Women: Tenacity of Tradition and Tragedy of Transformation. Sex Roles 39(7-8):589-601. Full-text format from a database Author’s last name, first name Year Title of Article. Title of Journal Volume(Issue):page numbers. Database name, URL, accessed month day, year. Kintz, Ellen R. 1998 The Yucatec Maya Frontier and Maya Women: Tenacity of Tradition and Tragedy of Transformation. Sex Roles 39(7-8):589-601. ProQuest, https://proxy.geneseo.edu/login?url=http://search.proquest.com/docview/60079184?accountid= 11072, accessed August 30, 2005. ***Find the URL (or permalink) in the database record. If the URL/permalink is not available, then use the general URL for the database (ex: http://search.proquest.com)
Full-text format from a website Author’s last name, first name Year Title of Article. Title of Journal Volume(Issue), URL, accessed month day, year. Reid, T.R. 2003 The Sherpas: It’s their mountain, and ever since tourists started pouring in, it’s their livelihood too. National Geographic Magazine May 2003, http://magma.nationalgeographic.com/ngm/0305/feature2/index.html, accessed August 31, 2005. In-Text Citations You must provide an in-text citation whenever you use a direct quotation, or borrow or paraphrase an idea from a source (article, website, person, etc.). Failure to do so is plagiarism. At the end of a sentence
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Single Author Two Authors
(Sanders 1953) (Pacheco and Welker 2011)
Three+ Authors For direct quotations, include the page number(s) consulted
(Aimers et al. 2005) (Guzman 2013:76-78)
Sanders (1953) claims… Pacheco and Welker (2011) argue… Aimers et al. (2005) found… Guzman (2013:76-78) hypothesizes “linguistic necessity….” Updated Spr. 17 by BW