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By clicking the link that we provide, you could take guide Orientations By W. Somerset Maugham flawlessly. Connect to internet, download, as well as conserve to your device. Exactly what else to ask? Reviewing can be so easy when you have the soft file of this Orientations By W. Somerset Maugham in your device. You could also duplicate the data Orientations By W. Somerset Maugham to your workplace computer or in the house or perhaps in your laptop. Simply share this excellent news to others. Suggest them to visit this web page and get their looked for publications Orientations By W. Somerset Maugham.
About the Author W. Somerset Maugham (1874-1965) was an English novelist and playwright. Maugham was famous as a dramatist before he was known for his novels and short stories. His clarity of style, the perfection of his form, and the subtlety of his thought, thinly veiled by a worldly cynicism made him an international figure. Among his novels are Of Human Bondage, The Moon and Sixpence, and The Razor's Edge.
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The Punctiliousness of Don Sebastian -- A Bad Example -- De Amicitia -- Faith -- The Choice of Amyntas -Daisy -● ● ●
Published on: 2015-01-08 Released on: 2015-01-08 Format: Kindle eBook
About the Author W. Somerset Maugham (1874-1965) was an English novelist and playwright. Maugham was famous as a dramatist before he was known for his novels and short stories. His clarity of style, the perfection of his form, and the subtlety of his thought, thinly veiled by a worldly cynicism made him an international figure. Among his novels are Of Human Bondage, The Moon and Sixpence, and The Razor's Edge. Most helpful customer reviews 6 of 9 people found the following review helpful. One gem and five lumps of coal By Edmund Pickett "Orientations" may not be Maugham's first book of stories but it is very early and he had definitely not found his voice as a writer. There are five very bad stories and one excellent one. I hate to say this, as I am a serious fan of Maugham, based on his later novels, such as "Of Human Bondage and "Moon and Sixpence," his Ashenden stories and his essays in "The Vagrant Mood." I read Ted Morgan's biography and I just downloaded the rest of his novels and essays, which I'm eager to read. But "Orientations" can only be recommended to completists and scholars. The five bad stories appear to have been written by an adolescent with no knowledge of the world that grownups really live in. The long smooth sentences and the latinate vocabulary show an expensive education but can't hide the juvenile conception and mediocre execution. These are the kind of stories that secondary students would publish in their school literary magazines, if their secondary school happened to be Eton. Three of the stories are set in Spain, but it is the Spain of magazine clichs and fantastic tales, of the kind that Poe, Hawthorne and even Edith Wharton could dash off in an afternoon. Another story, about two straight-laced English art lovers in France, takes a very long time to reach the obvious conclusion. There is a story about a clerk who gets religion, but it is as flat as the protagonist and his wife, who never acquire a 3rd dimension. In one of the other stories a monk loses his faith and there is no reason for the reader to care. The last story though, "Daisy", is the real deal, or the real Maugham. Here his mature voice sounds loud and clear. (Spoiler follows) Set in an English village, it tells the story of a lower middle class girl whose father sees that she gets more education than her stupid mother feels is proper. Disaster strikes when Daisy runs off with a soldier. She sinks as low as possible and is disowned and ostracized. That would be the end of the tale in a normal Victorian or even Edwardian story, but the God the villagers worship decides not to play by the rules they expect him to and Daisy rebounds with miraculous good fortune, while her pious family begin a slow descent towards poverty. The characters of Daisy, her father and mother come to life on the page and they become people we know. The villagers are caricatures, but they provide a Greek chorus to remind you
that this story is going the wrong way. Maugham drops the authorial commentary and digressions of the other stories and his ironic sympathy shines clearly through simple yet highly polished prose. The is the Maugham who wrote the later masterpieces. The other five stories are just wrong turns that he took on the way to discovering himself as a writer. You would be wasting your time to read them. You have been warned. 0 of 0 people found the following review helpful. Somerset Maughan at some of his best! By Carolina This is a small but really good collection of some of Maughan's short stories. Written in his special style, the stories are an interesting read, and represent great examples of his art. 0 of 0 people found the following review helpful. A Maugham Fan By Russell Traughber Short stories that were written by the genius Maugham. I feel guilty only giving him four stars, but this is in comparison to his masterpieces,of five stars! See all 4 customer reviews...
Be the first to obtain this book now and obtain all reasons why you have to read this Orientations By W. Somerset Maugham Guide Orientations By W. Somerset Maugham is not just for your responsibilities or requirement in your life. Books will consistently be a buddy in whenever you read. Now, allow the others find out about this web page. You can take the perks as well as discuss it also for your buddies and people around you. By this way, you could actually obtain the meaning of this publication Orientations By W. Somerset Maugham profitably. Just what do you believe regarding our concept below? About the Author W. Somerset Maugham (1874-1965) was an English novelist and playwright. Maugham was famous as a dramatist before he was known for his novels and short stories. His clarity of style, the perfection of his form, and the subtlety of his thought, thinly veiled by a worldly cynicism made him an international figure. Among his novels are Of Human Bondage, The Moon and Sixpence, and The Razor's Edge.
By clicking the link that we provide, you could take guide Orientations By W. Somerset Maugham flawlessly. Connect to internet, download, as well as conserve to your device. Exactly what else to ask? Reviewing can be so easy when you have the soft file of this Orientations By W. Somerset Maugham in your device. You could also duplicate the data Orientations By W. Somerset Maugham to your workplace computer or in the house or perhaps in your laptop. Simply share this excellent news to others. Suggest them to visit this web page and get their looked for publications Orientations By W. Somerset Maugham.