Explain with neat diagram the elements of an optical fiber transmission link (N/D ... Draw and explain the acceptance an
EC6702- OPTICAL COMMUNICATION AND NETWORKING QUESTION BANK UNIT I – INTRODUCTION TO OPTICAL FIBERS UNIT I- PART B 1. Explain with neat diagram the elements of an optical fiber transmission link
(N/D 07)
2. Discuss the evolution of fiber optic communication system (6) (N / D 07) 3. The relative refractive index difference between the core and the cladding of a graded index fiber is 0.7% when the refractive index at the core axis is 1.45.Estimate values for the numerical aperture of the fiber along the axis when the index profile is assumed to be triangular (A/M 08) 4. Derive an expression for numerical aperture of a step index fiber (10) (A/M 08) 5. The relative refractive index difference between the core and the cladding of a graded index fiber is 0.7% when the refractive index at the core axis is 1.45.Estimate values for the numerical aperture of the fiber along the axis when the index profile is assumed to be triangular (A / M 08) 6. Discuss the mode theory of circular waveguides.(8) (N/ D 08) 7. Discuss briefly about linearly polarized modes.(6) (N/ D 08) 8. Draw the structures of single and multimode step index fibers and graded index fiber with their typical dimensions (6) (N/ D 08) 9. Mention the advantages of optical fiber communication systems. (4) (N/ D 08) 10. Derive an expression to determine the modes propagating in step index fiber. (M/ J 09) (11) 11. Calculate the numerical aperture, cut-off parameter and number of modes supported by a fiber having µ1(core) = 1.54, µ2(cladding) = 1.5, core radius 25µm and operating wavelength 1300nm. (5) (M/ J 09) 12. Explain the phenomenon of total internal reflection using Snell’s law with figures and calculations.(12) (N /D 11) 13. Distinguish step index from graded index fibers.(4) (N/D 11) 14. Calculate NA of silica fiber with its core refractive index (n1) of 1.48 and cladding refractive index of 1.46. What should be the new value of ‘n’ in order to change the NA to 0.23?(4) (N/D 11)
15. Draw and explain the acceptance angle and numerical aperture of an derive expressions for both.(8) (M/J 12)
optical fiber and
16. A fiber has a core radius of 25mm, core refractive index of 1.48 and relative refractive index difference is 0.01. If the operating wavelength is 0.84mm, find the value of normalized frequency and the number of guided modes. Determine the number of guided modes if D is reduced to 0.03.(8) (M/J 12) 17. What is the numerical aperture of an optical fiber? Deduce an expression for the same. (N/D 11) 18.What are the various features of graded index fiber? Explain the refractive index profile and ray transmission in a multimode graded index fiber (16) 19.Draw and explain ray theory transmission in an optical communication. ( M/ J 14) 20. With diagram, explain acceptance angle, numerical aperture and total internal reflection. 21. With diagram, explain electromagnetic mode theory of optical propagation. ( M/ J 14) 22. Explain the ray theory of a fiber with special mention about TIR, acceptance angle and NA. 23. Describe single mode fibers and their mode-field diameter. What are the propagation modes in them? (8) ( M / J 13) 24. Derive the mode equations for a circular fiber using Maxwell’s equations. (8) ( M/ J 13) 25. With the help of a block diagram explain the different components of a optical fiber link. 26. Compare the optical fiber link with a satellite link. ( 4) ( N / D 13) 27. Explain the differences between meridonal and skew rays. (4) ( N / D 13) 28. Bring out the differences between phase and group velocities. (6) ( N / D 13)
29. Deduce an expression for NA of a fiber with the help of a neat figure showing all the details.(6) ( N / D 13)
UNIT 2 SIGNAL DEGRADATION OPTICAL FIBERS UNIT II – PART B 1. What is the mean optical power launched into an 8km length fiber is 120MW, the mean optical power at the fiber output is 3µW. Determine (1)Overall signal attenuation in dB/km and (2)The overall signal attenuation for a 10km optical link using the same fiber With splices at 1km intervals, each giving an attenuation of 1dB.(6) (N/ D 07) 2. Explain with suitable diagrams the different mechanisms that contribute to optical fibers.(10) (N/ D 07)
attenuation in
3. Discuss in detail the intermodal dispersion with relevant expressions and diagrams. (10) (N/ D 07) 4. Write a brief note on design optimization of single mode fibers (6)
(N/ D 07)
5. With aid of diagrams discuss the various losses occurring in optical fibers.(16) (A/ M 08) 6.A 6km optical link consists of multimode step index fiber with a core refractive index of 1.5 and a relative refractive index of 1%. Estimate the delay difference between the slowest and fastest modes at the fiber output and the rms pulse broadening due to intermodal dispersion on the link. Also derive the expression involved in it. (8) (A/ M 08) 7. Explain the scattering and bending losses that occur in an optical fiber with relevant diagrams and expressions. (8) (N/ D 08) 8. Discuss polarization mode dispersion and its limitations.(8) (N/ D 08) 9.Discuss material and waveguide dispersion mechanisms with necessary mathematical expressions. (8) (N/ D 08) 10.Write a brief note on pulse broadening in graded index fibers.(8) (N/ D 08) 11. Explain the effects of signal distortion in optical waveguide (12) (M /J 09) 12.Explain the effects of signal distortion in optical waveguide.(12)
(M /J 09)
13. Compute the total intermodal, intramodal and total dispersion for a fiber having fiber length 1km, line width 50nm, intermodal and intramodal dispersions5ns/km and 80 pcs/km respectively. (4) (M /J 09) 14. What do you mean by pulse broadening? Explain its effect on information carrying capacity of a fiber .(12) (N/ D 11)
15. An LED operating at 850 nm has a spectral width of 45 nm, what is the pulse spreading in ns/km due to material dispersion? What is the pulse spreading when a laser diode having a 2nm spectral width is used? The material dispersion is 90ps/nm.km.(4) (N/ D 11) 16.What is meant by ‘fiber splicing’? Explain fusion splicing of optical fibers.
(8) (N/ D 11)
17. Explain expanded beam fiber connector with a neat schematic. (8)(N/ D 11) 18. Explain the following with necessary diagram and expressions (i) Non linear scattering loss and fiber bend loss. (ii) Material dispersion in optical fiber. (16) ( M/ J 12) 19. Explain mechanical splices with neat diagrams.(8) ( M/ J 12) 20. Write a brief note on fiber alignment and joint loss. ( M/ J 12) 21. What are the losses on signal attenuation mechanisms in a fiber? Explain in
detail (16)
22. Derive expressions for material dispersion and waveguide dispersion and explain them. (8) ( M / J 13) 23.Describe the various types of fiber connectors and couplers. (8) ( M / J 13) 24. Explain fiber alignment and joint losses. (6) ( M / J 13) 25. Describe various fiber splicing techniques with their diagrams. (10) ( M / J 13) 26. Discuss the attenuation encountered in optical fiber communication due to Bending, Scattering and Absorption. (12) (N / D 13) 27. Clearly bring out the differences between intra and inter modal dispersion. (12) ( N / D 13) 28. Find the maximum bit rate for the fiber link of 5 Kms. The numerical aperture is 0.25and the refractive index is 1.48. (4) ( N / D 13) 29. Explain the attenuation and losses in fiber ( M / J 14) 30. With diagram, explain intra and inter modal dispersion. (M / J 14)
UNIT -3 FIBER OPTICAL SOURCES AND COUPLING UNIT III – PART B 1. Draw and explain the LED structures based Double Hetrostucture configuration.(8) (N/D 07) 2. Discuss the principle of operation of LASER diodes. What are the effects of temperature on the performance of a LASER diode? (8) (N/D 07) 3. Explain the different lensing scheme available to improve the power coupling efficiency.(8) 4. Explain the fiber splicing techniques with necessary diagrams.(8) (N/D 07) 5. Explain briefly the three key processes involved in the laser action .Describe for a fabry perot resonator laser diode, modes and threshold conditions. Obtain its rate equations for steady state output.(16) (A / M 08) 6.What type of materials are used for optical sources. What are the advantages of double Hetro structure. Compare surface emitting and edge emitting LED structures (8) (A / M 08) 7. Derive an expression for the internal optical power level generated in LEDs.(8) (A / M 08) 8. Draw and explain the different structures used to achieve carrier and optical laser diodes. (8) (N /D08)
confinement in
9. Discuss the effects of temperature on the performance of a laser diode. (4) (N /D 08) 10. Give a brief account of the modulation of an LED. (4) (N /D 08) 11. Derive expressions for the power coupled from a surface emitting LED into step index and graded index fibers.(10) (N /D 08) 12. Explain the mechanical misalignments that can occur between two joined fibers with necessary diagrams. (6) (N /D 08) 13. Explain the step involved in splicing the fiber. Discuss the various splicing techniques employed between two fibers. (8) (M / J 09) 14. Explain the lensing schemes used to improve optical source - to- fiber coupling efficiency 15. Explain the basic LED configurations used as optical source. Derive the expression for quantum efficiency and optical power generated in LED’s.(10) (M / J 09) 16. Explain the modulation process involved in LED and discuss its frequency response (6)
17. Compare LED with a LASER diode. (N /D11) 18. With the help of a neat diagram explain the construction and working of a surface emitting LED? (N /D11) 19. Explain the structure and working of a silicon APD. (N /D11) 20. Define S/N ratio of a photo detector. What conditions should be met to achieve a high SNR. (N /D11) 21. Explain the operation of APD with neat diagram. (N /D11) 22.A silicon p-i-n photodiode incorporated into an optical receiver has a quantum efficiency of 60% when operating at a wavelength of 0.9mm. The dark current is 3 nA and the load resistance is 4 KΩ. The incident optical power is 200 nW and the post detection bandwidth of the receiver is 5 MHZ. Calculate the root mean square (rms) shot noise and thermal noise currents generated.(N /D11) 23. Draw and explain surface and edge emitting LEDs. (M /J 12) 24. Explain any two injection laser structures with neat diagrams. (M /J 12) 25. Draw the structures of SLED and ELED and explain their principle of operation.(8)(M / J 13) 26. Draw the injection laser diode structure and explain lasing in it. ( 8) (M / J 13) 27.Draw the structures of PIN and APD photo detectors and explain their operations.(8)(M /J 13) 28. Derive the expressions for the SNS of both PIN and APD by incorporating all noise sources . 29. Explain the working of n hetero structure LED (10) ( N /D 13) 30. Define Internal quantum efficiency of a LED. Deduce the expression for the same.(6)( D 13) 31. What do you understand by optical-wave confinement and current confinement in LASER diode? Explain with suitable structures.(10) ( N /D 13) 32. Briefly explain the different noise sources of a photo detector. ( 6) ( N /D 13) 33. With diagram, explain surface and edge emitters of LED structures. (M / J 14) 34. Draw and compare the construction and characteristics of PIN and avalanche photo diode.
UNIT -4 FIBER OPTIC RECEIVER AND MEASUREMENTS UNIT IV - PART B 1. A silicon p-i-n photodiode incorporated into an optical receiver has a quantum efficiency of 60% at a wavelength of 0.9µm.The dark current is 3 nA and load resistance is 4 KΩ. The incident optical power is 200nw and the receiver bandwidth is 5Mhz. Determine (1) mean square quantum noise current, (2) mean square dark current and (3) mean square thermal noise current at a temperature of 20◦C. (8) (N/D 07) 2.Draw and explain the operation of APD
(8) (N/D 07)
3. Derive an expression for the bit error rate of an optical digital receiver (10) (N/D 07) 4. Discuss the different noise sources and disturbances in the optical pulse detection mechanism 5. Explain the operation of avalanche photodiode (10) (A/M 08) 6. The quantum efficiency of a particular silicon RAPD is 80% for the detection of radiation at a wavelength of 0.9µm, when the incident optical power is 0.5µW.The output current from the device(after avalanche gain) is 11µA.Determine the multiplication factor of the photodiode under these conditions. (6) (A/M 08) 7 .Draw the circuit diagram of high impedance pre-amplifier and explain its operation. 8. Discuss the sources of errors in optical receivers (8) (A/M 08) 9. Discuss with necessary expressions that different types of noise that affect the of a photo detector (10) ( N/ D 08)
10. When 3 ×1011 photons each with a wavelength of 0.85µm is incident on the photodiode, on the average 1.2×1011 electrons are collected at the terminals of the device. Determine the quantum efficiency and responsivity of the photodiode at 0.85µm.(6) ( N/ D 08) 11. Draw and explain the high impedance preamplifier designs based on BJT and FET. 12. Write a brief note on trans-impedance amplifier (8) ( N/ D 08) 13. With the neat sketch explain the operation of PIN photodiode and Avalanche photodiode. 14. Derive the expression for signal- to- noise ratio obtained at the output of an optical receiver.
15.Explain the fiber optic receiver operation using a simple model and its equivalent circuit. 16. Explain the operation of pre-amplifier built using a FET. ( N/ D 11) 17. Explain the measurement technique used in the case of ( N/ D 11) I. Numerical aperture II. Refractive index profile III. Fiber cut – off wavelength IV. Fiber diameter. V. 18. Discuss the noise and disturbances affecting the optical detection Systems. (Nov/Dec 2011) 19. Draw and explain the operation of high impedance FET and BJT pre- amplifiers. (M/J 12) 20. Explain the following measurements.(May/June 2012) I. Attenuation measurement using cut back techniques. II. Frequency domain measurement of fiber dispersion. 21. What are the various types of preamplifiers available for optical networks? Explain any three of them with their circuit diagrams. ( 16) ( M/ J 13) 22. Write detailed notes on the following. ( M/ J 13) i) Fiber refractive index profile measurement (8) ii) Fiber cut off wavelength measurement (8) 23. Explain any two types of preamplifiers used in a receiver. (12) ( N/ D 13) 24. Define the terms – Quantum Limit and Probability error with respect to a receiver with typical values.(4) ( N / D 13) 25. Explain the technique used in “ Frequency – Domain Intermodal Dispersion measurement. 26. Explain the “Insertion – Loss Method” used for attenuation measurement. (8) ( N/DJ 13) 27. With suitable diagram, explain optical receiver operation and its performance. ( M/ J 14) 28. Describe the dispersion and numerical measurements of fiber. ( M/ J 14)
UNIT – 5 OPTICAL NETWORKS AND SYSTEM TRANSMISSION UNIT V - PART B 1.Explain the significance of link power budget and rise time budget with one illustration for each. (16) (Nov/Dec 2007), (April/May 2008) 2.Give a brief account of the principles of SONET (6) (Nov/Dec 2007), (April/May 2008) 3.Explain the principle of operation of Erbium doped fiber amplifiers (10) N/ D 07) 4.Explain the principles of WDM .(8) (A/M 08) 5. Explain the salient features of solitons using relevant expressions and diagrams(16) ( N/ D 08) 6. Discuss the concept of WDM with neat diagram (6) ( N/ D 08) 7. Draw and explain the basic format of an STS-N SONET frame (4)( N/ D 08) 8. Explain the amplification mechanism in EDFA. Discuss the possible configurations of EDFA with neat diagram. (10) ( M/ J 09) 9. Derive the expression for EDFA conversion efficiency and amplifier gain (6) ( M/ J 09) 10. Explain the basic frame format structure and network architecture of SONET. (8) ( M/ J 09) 11.Explain the operation of WDM components (8) ( M/ J 09) 12. Explain the layers of SONET with neat sketches. (8) ( M/ J 09) 13. Describe the operation of unidirectional and bidirectional WDM. (8) ( M/ J 09) 14. Draw and explain the principle of operations of an EDFA. Describe the approaches to achieve flatness in its gain.(8) ( M/ J 09) 15. What are the key system requirements and characteristics required in analyzing a point- point link? (6) (April/May 2010)
16.Write short notes on (A/M 10) (i) WDM (8) (ii) SONET/SDH network. 17.Explain the architecture of SONET and discuss non-linear effects on network Performance. ( N / D 11) 18.Write short notes on (a) Wavelength routed networks. (b) Optical CDMA.
( N / D 11)
19.Explain the principle of solitons and discuss the soliton parameters with necessary expressions and diagrams.(May/Jun 2012) 20. Write short notes with necessary diagrams on: (May/Jun 2012) (i) Optical CDMA. (ii) WDM and EDFA system performance. 21. Explain the SA/ SA protocol and modified SA/SA protocol of broadcast and select networks.(8) ( M/ J 13) 22. What are the non-linear effects on network performance? Explain them briefly.(8) ( M/ J 13) 23. Explain the layered architecture of SONET/SDH with neat diagram. (8) ( M/ J 13) 24. Write a detailed notes on optical CDMA and its applications. (8) ( M/ J 13) 25. What is a ‘four-fiber BLSR ring in a SONET? Explain the reconfiguration of the same during node or fiber failure. ( 8) ( N/ D 13) 26. What is broadcast- and select multihop network? Explain. (8) ( N / D 13) 27. Write notes on solitons. (8) ( N / D 13) 28. Explain the following requirements for the design of an optically amplified WDM link: i) Link Bandwidth ii) Optical power requirements for a specific BER. (8) ( N / D 13)