Required: Jaeger and Blalock. Microelectronic Circuit Design,. McGraw-Hill (
2007). Recommended: J.R. Nilsson and S.A. Riedel,. Introduction to PSpice
Manual ...
ECE 2204 Electronics I Kathleen Meehan 460 Whittemore Hall
[email protected]
Topics Covered • Semiconductor Materials ▫ ▫ ▫ ▫
Direct and indirect bandgap energies and energy diagrams Intrinsic carrier concentration and doping with impurities Resistivity and resistance Drift and diffusion currents
• Diodes ▫ ▫ ▫ ▫
Clipping and Clamping Circuits Rectifying Circuits Voltage Regulators LEDs and Photodetectors
• Transistors ▫ Metal Oxide Semiconductor Field Effect Transistor (MOSFET) ▫ Bipolar Junction Transistor (BJT)
• Digital Logic Circuits ▫ Diode Logic ▫ NMOS, PMOS, and CMOS ▫ Diode-Transistor Logic (DTL) and Transistor-Transistor Logic (TTL)
Texts: Required: Jaeger and Blalock Microelectronic Circuit Design, McGraw-Hill (2007) Recommended: J.R. Nilsson and S.A. Riedel, Introduction to PSpice Manual for Electric Circuits, 4th Edition Prentice Hall, (2000) OR J.G. Tront, PSpice for Basic Circuit Analysis, 1st Edition, McGraw-Hill, (2004)
Textbook • You have access to an electronic version of Jaeger and Blalock for free on the course Scholar site.
▫ You may not have access to this in future semesters. This book is also used in ECE 3204. You can download the book as a .pdf in chunks of 50 pages. You should do this. I also suggest that you purchase a used copy of either the course textbook or Microelectronic Circuit Design and Analysis by Neaman for your personal professional library.
• Jaeger uses the same symbols for MOSFETs as is used in PSpice; however, there are several alternative symbols for MOSFETS. ▫ I like some of the other symbols better and may use them on occasion. Feel free to remind me to stick with the ones that Jaeger is using.
Grading In-Class Work Homework Exam 1 ‡ Exam 2 ‡ Exam 3 ‡ Final ‡
10% 15% 75% The final will not be cumulative. Your lowest score on Exams 1-3 and the Final will be dropped when calculating your final exam average.
Homework Assignments • I make up problems for homework assignments.
▫ There are numerous problems worked out in the textbook and there are solutions to most of the answers to the questions in the back of the chapter readily available. ▫ I post solutions to the homework assignments. I do not post solutions to the example exams that I provide. ▫ You may use PSpice to check your answers. Do not rely on this as you will not be able to use PSpice on exams.
• When we start analyzing digital logic circuits, I will define the logic levels that will be equal to a logical “0” and “1”. ▫ These will be used as the default levels on all calculations.
• I plan to ask you to perform a few experiments to see how certain circuits operation. Work will be done in pairs and may be performed in class. You will have to submit the results as part of your homework assignments.
▫ Make sure that you have access to an ANDY board, scope, and the parts kit.
Exams • I provide equation sheets for each exam. • Piecewise models will be provided ▫ For diodes only on Exam 1 ▫ For MOSFETs only on Exam 2 ▫ For BJTs only on Exam 3
Answers on HW and Exams • • • •
Use 3 significant digits always Use units always Use prefixes when appropriate Scientific notation is only used in some solutions for questions on semiconductor materials and device physics. • A correct answer includes work to substantiate your final result. ▫ You may use your favorite analysis technique from ECE 2004 (e.g., mesh or nodal analysis) when calculating currents and voltages in a circuit.
Nomenclature Variable
iB, vBE
Total instantaneous values
dc values
ib, vbe
ac values
Ib, Vbe
Phasor values
Analysis of DC circuits or slowly-varying AC circuits will dominate in this course.