Eco.AP - European Investment Bank

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investment p. Portuguese. The TA dev implementat public build ... relevant sta investors an. 2013- 2016. ADENE has ... ems to be re ment Program able energy.
Europea an Investmen nt Bank ECO O.AP (Programma de Efficciencia Enerrgetica na Ad dministracao Publica)

Eco.AP (Programm ma de Efficiencia Energe etica na Adm ministracao Publica)

Lo ocation

Lisbon Regio on

Be eneficiary

Agencia parra Energia (A ADENE)

Co oM signatory y


Se ector

EE in buildin ngs, street an nd traffic ligh hting

To otal PDS cost

EUR 721,27 73.00

Ele ena contribution

EUR 649,14 45.70 The obj ectivve of t he E L LENA a ssistance i s t o deploy d t he necessary n technical, fi nancial n and legal ex perttise tha t will allow d eveloping the investment programme p i involving ES SCOs and us sing EPC bettween the Portuguese public admin nistration and d private ESC COs. The TA de veloped v w ith the E lena funds f w ill s upport u AD EN NE i n the implementattion of the I nvestment n P rogramme th hat aims at retrofitting r public bu ildings, stree t and t raffic lighting s ys stems l ocate ed in the ovement o f the energy efficiency. e T public The Lisbon R egiion f or impro are ow ned buildings concerned c d by the Portuguese e cen tral government, while the sttreet and trafffic lighting systems s are owned o by p n of the I nvestment n the Lis bon Municipalityy. Th e im plementation e p ublic sector s ac torss in mee ting their EE Programme will hel p th ese and C C o bjectives. b T he h progr amm me w ill con ntribute to mobilising m relevant s ta akeholders from th e Region: p ublic u bo diess, ban ks, investors an nd businesses in a broade er use of ESCOs to impro ove EE. 2013- 2016

Prroject development se ervices (PDS)) financed by EL LENA De escription of ELENA op peration

Tim meframe Ba asis for invesstment ide entification Invvestment pro ogramme de escription

Invvestment to be b mo obilized Exxpected results

Le everage facto or (M Minimum 20) Ma arket replicattion po otential

Prroject status Co ontact person n at Be eneficiary

ADENE ha s a lready p erformed e s ome p reparatory w orks, including preliminary assessment a on of some 50 5 buildings as a well as and selectio lighting syste ems to be re etrofitted under the projec ct. The In vestm ment P rogram mme a ims at a implemen ting t en ergy efficiency and re newa able en ergyy (P V, sola ar thermal) measures in p ublic buildings, s treet t a nd t raffic r lig hting g syste ms. Third T party financing (TPF) i s th he app roach h adopted for the im mplementation n of the Investment Programme.. It will be based b on the e EP Cs b etw ween th e building and lighting systtems ownerss and ESCOss companiess. EUR 36 million The implem entation of the t Inv estme ent Progra mme m w ill res ult u in final e te rmss th e p otential en ergy energy s avings of 88.7 GW/a. In r elative f energy) are estimate ed foreseeing g a 20% con nsumption savings (in final energy re du uction i n buildings, 5 5% in tr affic ligh hts an d 15% % in s treet lighting syste em. In additiion, the Investment Prog gramme will contribute c to producing g about 4.0 G GWh/a of ren newable enerrgy. Consequ uently the project will re esult in emisssion reductio on of 38,810 0 t CO2e/a. 56 The p rojectt w ill contribute to launching the programme e thro ugh implementattion o f first p projects. On ce c p roven v iable, i the prrogramme will be s caled-up a nd replicated r i n ot her Portuguese r egiions. Th e s ccontribute to the development of ESC Co market project will significantly in Portugal. signed Dinis Rodrigues


[email protected])