Economic Model Predictive Control for Sustainable Energy Systems

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Renewable sources of energy are now being considered on the priority level of ... of electric machines and power electronics for renewable energy applica-.

Invited Session:CALL CallFOR forPAPERS Papers “Economic Model Predictive Control for Sustainable Energy Committees Call for Papers can be downloaded from here in PDF format. Systems” Call for Papers

Paper and Invited Session Proposal Summary Submission of the

session: The topics of interest include, but are not limited to:

Adaptive Robustconsidered control; Process Complex systems; control; Renewable sources Control: of energy are control; now being oncontrol; the priority level ofCo-operative energy policies Plenary and Keynote


Identification and estimation; Nonlinear systems; Intelligent systems; Discrete systems; Hybrid many countries worldwide in order to reduce the high environmental impact ofevent fossil-based energy Best Paper Award and systems; Networked control systems; Sensor networks; Multi-agent systems; Delay systems; Neural systems. The current resurgence of interest in producing potential electric power has been seen by Best Student Paper networks; Fuzzy systems; Control of biological systems; Precision motion control; Control Award utilizing sources such applications; as wind, Control solar, engineering bioenergy, etc. Unlike conventional fuels, these sources are education; Marine systems; Data analytics.

massive, indigenous power sources. Harvesting energy on a large scale being undoubtedly a broader Local Attractions and Automation: Man-machine interactions; automation; Intelligent automation; Tours challenge, researchers from industry and academia have Process joined hands to overcome numerous Factory technical modeling and simulation; Home, laboratory and service automation; Network-based systems; and economic issues toPlanning, deliverscheduling sustainable energy systems in significant quantities, where control is and coordination; Nano-scale automation and assembly; Instrumentation one of the key enablingsystems; technologies for their deployment. Biomedical instrumentation and applications; Building energy efficiency. Organizer This invited session aims primarily at gathering information on current research activities on the Robotics: Modeling and identification; multi-robot systems; Robot control; Mobile robotics; Mobile development of model-based predictive control strategies for sustainable energy systems to address sensor networks; Perception systems; Micro robots and micro-manipulation; Visual servoing; Search, the economic constraints. A second objective of the session is to provide a platform for and academic rescue and field robotics; Robot sensing and data fusion; Localization, navigation mapping;and industrial communitiesDexterous to exchange their latest andbio-robotics; to identify vitalcentered issuessystems; and challenges manipulation; Medical results robots and Human Space and for underwater robots; Tele-robotics; Mechanism design and applications. future investigation to facilitate a deeper integration of sustainable energy systems within conventional Co-Organizers grids. Vision: Image/video analysis; Image-based modeling; Stereo and Structure from motion; Feature The papers to be published under this session are Scene expected to Object provide recent advances this area, extraction, grouping and segmentation; analysis; recognition; Learning andon Statistical methods; Human-computer Tracking and surveillance; Biometrics;Topics Vision include, for robots; but in particular, novel ideas and algorithms withinteraction; practical/experimental applications. recognition; Medical Image Analysis; Face and Gesture. are not limited to, the Activity/behavior following research areas: Emerging of things; Cyber-physical systems; Smart buildings, Smart grid; • Energy forecasting and itsTechnologies: impact onInternet renewable energy accommodation Energy management systems; Big data; Electric vehicles and intelligent transportation. • Distribution system operation methods and industry case studies with very high renewable penetration • Modeling, simulation, and analysis of distributed renewable energy systems Important Dates • Monitoring, prognostics, diagnostics, and reliability of electromechanical renewable energy sysDeadline for Full Paper & Invited Session Proposal submission 30 May 2018 tems Acceptance 1 August 2018 applica• All aspects of the Notification design of of electric machines and power electronics for renewable energy tions (including novel electromagnetic, power converter, designs, definitions Deadline for Camera Ready Manuscript Submission and control system 25 August 2018 of design metrics and tradeoffs, and special design considerations for particular renewable energy Deadline for Authors’ Registration 25 August 2018 applications) • Intelligent Technical Sponsorenergy and smart grids (to be confirmed) • Modeling of economic constraints within smart energy systems • Distributed and decentralized model-predictive control schemes • Resilient Control Architectures and Systems for Energy

Submission Details: Prospective authors are requested to submit their full papers online at https://controls.papercept. net/conferences/scripts/ by 30 June, 2018. Please contact the organizers to obtain the Session Code required for paper submission under this session. Organizers Information: ´ Joseph J. YAME Associate Professor Universit´e de Lorraine CRAN, CNRS, BP 70239 54506 Nancy , France Tel: +33 (0)3 83 68 47 72 Email: [email protected]

Tushar JAIN Assistant Professor Indian Institute of Technology Mandi School of Computing and Electrical Engineering Kamand - 175005, Himachal Pradesh, India Tel: +91 1905 267117 Email: [email protected]