PROLONGS OUALITY OF LIFE. Page 1 of 1. Economy Measures Austerity, Cost Control.PDF. Economy Measures Austerity, Cost Co
Federation Naticinal of IndianRailwaymen FIOAD, NEWDELHI- 110055 3, CHELMSFORD Affiliatedto : IndianNationalTradeUnionCongress(INTUC) InternationalTransportWorkers'Federation(lTF)
The Financial Commissioner. Railway Board, New Delhi. Dear Sir, Sub:
Economy Measures,Austerity, Cost control; Rationalization of Expenditure and Revenue augmentation- reg. i
While appreciatingthe D.O. No.20l5-B-235 dated27'nNovember, 2015 of Financial Commissioner, Railway Board, New Delhi to the GMs etc., the NFIR desiresthe Board (FC) to consider the following: (a) Indian Railways is a mega transportation network expected to function round the clock for ensuring unintemrpted services. (b) The Railway employees of various categories are involved in rendering services, maintenance of . assetsand thereby contributing for productivity and efficiency. (c) For achieving the results, the employeesare duty bound to rise to the occasion for proceeding on duty to different places for fetching materials, spare parts etc., while assisting the system to avoid - dislocation. Imposing restriction on TA/DA for a period beyond I 5 days and requirement of DRM/ CWM's approval is not a right step considering the fact that the officers below the rank of DRM/CWM are directly responsible.for the efficiency and productivity of their own departments and also accountable for overall performance. When an employee is required to be ordered to go to a particular station/place in the interest of Railway, the controlling officer should have power to take decision instead processing the case each and every time to the level of DRM/CWM. Such exercise will be causing hindrance to the efficiency as well targets required to be achievedby the railways. The staffofdifferent categoriesconnectedwith train operations,safety . and regular inspections are necessarily to be on line for maintaining efficiency standardseven beyond 20 days or in some cases beyond 25 days in a month. Clamping restriction that the case where TA being involved beyond l5 days has necessarilyto be approved by DRM/CWM is totally illogical as such enforcement has been noticed as counter-productive. NFIR therefore requests the Board (FC) to kindly review the decision dated 27thNovember, 2015 in the overall interestsofRailways' efficiency and seethat powers are restored to the concernedbranch officers to take decisionsinsteadreaching DRM/CWM each and every time. Yours faithfttty,
-f-hJ l
(Dr.M. Raghavaiah)'-, General Secretary f
-/ Copvto the GeneralSecretaries of Affiliated Unionsof NFIR. Copyto the DivisionalSecretary,SRESChennaiwith referenceto his letterNo.NFIR/SRES/RE-MTPI 6 datedl " December, 2016. CN/TADA/FC/GSA{FIR/20 Copyto NFIR Media Cell.
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