Ed Games Apps for the iPod Touch, iPhone and iPad - Google Sites

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Game based apps and some that display data in online assessment system. (App-titude) ... Years 5-6 initially. • Teache
Imagination in your Pocket: mobile learning and apps Cecilie Murray Delphian eLearning App-titude Learning

Today’s session Mobile learning research What do we know about the impact on learning? (Delphian eLearning)

Game based apps and some that display data in online assessment system (App-titude)

The Research ‘disruptive learning’ ‘learning in a more personalised way, handing over more control to the learners themselves’

(Stead, 2006) ‘holds and heightens student interest, engages students in learning, and provides yet another means for expressive and receptive literacy’ (Dogeby, 2007)

‘a small, cleverly designed handheld game can significantly enhance learner performance in mental maths as well as having a positive impact on other aspects of classroom life’ (Robertson, 2009). ‘mobile devices can have a positive impact on learning experiences for both educators and students’ (McFarlane, Triggs& Yee, 2008; Ng & Nicholas, 2009)

‘Schools with one-to-one computing programs have fewer discipline problems, lower dropout rates, and higher rates of college attendance than schools with a higher ratio of students to computers…but for one-to-one programs to boost student achievement as well, they must be properly implemented.’

Project Red (Revolutionizing Education) June 2010

New research Mobile Technologies and Handheld Devices for Ubiquitous Learning: Research and Pedagogy

(ed. Wan Ng, 2010) Chapter: Imagine Mobile Learning in your Pocket

Due for release in August

The mobiles

Research aims • how mobile learning might be used to increase engagement, motivation, ICT curriculum integration and effective learning in K-12 schools. • action research questions focused on impact for learning in core curriculum areas, literacy and media, basic maths operations

iPodagogy 2007 iPods and video podcasting for learning • Collaborative project co-funded • Average VIC government school – not high-tech • 30 Year 8 students

• Teachers – average ICT skills • Cross curriculum approach – English, Social Science, Maths, Science, Music and German

iPod Touch Project 2008 • Three diverse schools, locations and communities: – Corio South, Courtney Gardens, Epsom

• Years 5-6 initially

• Teacher action research; good ICT skills • Cross curriculum approach embedded within VELS • Emphasis on literacy - reading, writing, media • 8 iPod Touches per class

Global Mobile Learning Project • Two year project – Australia, Singapore and USA • Year 1: – global citizenship and cultural identity

• Year 2: – personalised learning, improving student literacy in reading and writing, speaking and listening, digital, media and visual literacy – class sets of iPod Touches, Studywiz online learning environment, vodcasts, Apps, etc

Nintendo DS • Two schools – Xavier College and Trinity Catholic Primary School • Focus – potential of Nintendo DS to support student learning in Mathematics • Four classes used Professor Kageyama Maths Training Program; control group of students used same Maths program with traditional pen and paper • 20 minutes each day for 10 weeks

What the research says • Promotes confidence and independence regardless of year level and age • Peer coaching or developing activities for each other • Important in encouraging ESL learners, reluctant learners (at risk/disengaged) • Improves attendance, more active participation in class • Better preparation and organisation for class • More regular completion of school work and homework • Enjoy learning as a ‘fun’ activity

What the research says • Greater interaction (& writing) from boys in particular, in blogs, podcasts and web pages • Stimulates teachers and students to work creatively to improve literacy and numeracy

• Student performance data – improves numeracy and literacy, increases skills in teamwork, interpersonal skills and ICT skills • Motivates teachers to rethink their pedagogy around the use of ICT and mobile devices

Good Practice Tips Implementation of Mobile Learning projects http://www.delphian.com.au/images/documents/mobile%20learning%20good %20practice%20guide.pdf

Research reports iPod Touch Report http://www.eduweb.vic.gov.au/edulibrary/public/ict/ipodtouchresearch2009.doc iPodagogy: Using iPods and Video Podcasting for Learning http://www.delphian.com.au/images/documents/ipodagogy%20research%20rep ort_final1.pdf Global Mobile Learning http://www.delphian.com.au/images/documents/mobile%20learning%20researc h_summary_jan09.pdf

The Future ‘public agencies [Departments of Education] and schools are beginning to explore multimobile services – convenient, flexible tools that enable users to access information in a range of formats using mobile devices – as a way to support… staff and students’ (The New Media Consortium, 2009)

Why Apps for Learning? • Small handheld devices enable learning anywhere, anytime

• Convergence of innovations in mobile technology and social software • Young people’s social use of technologies

• For schools it means 1:1 is achievable

Educational games Apps • Relevant to kids • Use technologies that pervade their lives • Engaging for learning • Inquiry based constructivist content

• High quality games prolong engagement • Kids can consolidate knowledge independently

Apps are based on constructivist learning principles Promote deep thinking, not simply skills development

Curriculum-driven content, high quality graphics Monitor student progress online

An online assessment system collects data from the app Teachers monitor student progress at a glance

Levels of Achievement Unafraid: The student has played all three activities at least once.

Getting Stuck In: The student has spent 10 days on the farm. I.e. they have played an activity to completion 10 times. Hard Worker: The student has spent 30 days on the farm. I.e. they have played an activity to completion 30 times.

All Rounder:The student has scored at least 2 stars in all three activities. Great Counting: The student has scored a total of 9 stars.

Heli Ace: The student has all 4 stars for the Helicopter activity.

Round Up Ace: The student has all 4 stars for the Round Up activity.

Jump Ace: The student has all 4 stars for the Jump activity. Perfect Farm: The student has all 12 stars - the total number available across all activities.

Discussion Forum for Teacher Input

MATHSTRONAUT is a maths challenge app for addition and subtraction, designed for Primary and Middle school students.

CYBERSAFETY app aims to create awareness for Middle school students about how to stay safe online.

References Project Red, 2010, Revolutionizing Education, One to One Institute, US. http://projectred.org/

McFarlane, A. Triggs, P. & Yee, W. (2008). Researching mobile learning - Interim report to Becta http://partners.becta.org.uk/uploaddir/downloads/page_documents/research/mobile_learning.pdf Ng, W. & Nicholas, H. (2009a). Introduction of pocket PC in schools: attitudes and beliefs in the first year. Computers and Education. Robertson, M. (2009) Innovative Schooling and Responsiveness to ongoing Global Change, La Trobe University, Melbourne Stead, G. (2006). Mobile technologies: transforming the future of learning, in Emerging Technologies for Learning, BECTA. http://partners.becta.org.uk/uploaddir/downloads/page_documents/research/emerging_technologies.pdf Metiri Group (2006) Technology in Schools, What the Research Says, Cisco Systems. http://www.cisco.com/web/strategy/docs/education/TechnologyinSchoolsReport.pdf Dogeby, (2006) Using iPods for Instruction, Principals Partnership, Florida. http://www.principalspartnership.com/iPods.pdf

Web: www.app-titude.com.au Email: [email protected] [email protected]

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