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4) Can you predict what lies in store for Eddie when he gets home? 5) What accident did Jeremy have while at the movies? For each of the following quotes from ...
Eddie’s Big Fat Lies Study Guide

Chapter One:

1) 2) 3) 4) 5)

Why did Eddie take his cousin to the movies on his first date? What was the movie Eddie took Sarah to see? Why was Sarah so upset with Eddie on their first date? Can you predict what lies in store for Eddie when he gets home? What accident did Jeremy have while at the movies?

For each of the following quotes from chapter one, name the character who said them: A) B) C) D) E)

“Oh yes, Sarah’s mentioned that name.” “My mother won’t let me date girls.” “Are you sure you want to?” “Mum’s gunna buy me a Harry Potter poster.” “What’s that kid doing with you?”

Chapter Two:

1) 2) 3) 4) 5)

What condition was Mr. Kelly senior suffering from? What made it particularly difficult for Eddie to beat his father in an interrogation? Why was Cain also in trouble after the movies? What did Cain plan on doing to avoid having to return to school? What did he and Eddie do by way of preparing to action this plan?

For each of the following quotes from chapter two, name the character responsible: A) “And then you let another boy go and sit by her?”

B) C) D) E)

“He did what?” “Are you shaving yet, boys?” “Like Huckleberry Finn?” “I knew you wouldn’t do it.”

Chapter Three:

1) 2) 3) 4) 5)

Why is Cain not happy to go to an expensive private school? What did the senior students do to new students on their first day at school? How would you describe the principal, Mr. Larom? How was Cain’s opinion of the boys at Matthew Brady Memorial College proved wrong? How did Kevin Anderson get his revenge on Cain?

For each of the following quotes from chapter three, name the character who said them: A) B) C) D) E)

“That can’t be legal.” “I am not here to run an amusement camp.” “We don’t get many day boys in 3C.” “Get up, Anderson.” “You can actually see the imprint of Anderson’s fist.”

Chapter Four:

1) Why did Cain want to leave school? 2) What arguments did Eddie use to convince him to stay at school?

3) What is your opinion of the way Eddie lies to his friend Cain? 4) Why didn’t Mrs. Nordmeyer phone Eddie’s parents to confirm his story? 5) What Chinese proverb did Mrs. Nordmeyer keep reciting to Eddie? For each of the following quotes from chapter four, name the character who said them: A) “I’d rather be tracked by Police dogs than do math with Black Pete.” B) “I never made it home, sir.” C) “You can’t lie to grown-ups and get away with it.” D) “But your mother can sign that.” E) “That kid doesn’t like you, Eddie.”

Chapter Five:

1) 2) 3) 4) 5)

What was the origin of Mr. Desserts’ name? What did Cain do to Mr. Desserts’ strap to prevent him using it ever again? Why did Mr. Larom initiate a search of every boy’s school bag? What was the subject of Mr. Larom’s address to the boys at assembly? Did Eddie believe it was a lie to cover for his friends? Explain your answer.

For each of the following quotes from chapter five, name the character who said them: A) B) C) D) E)

“I didn’t loan my knife to anyone in 3C.” “The human heart is full of deceit.” “I have set you a bad example and I apologize.” “This school is named after some dude who lied to the Japanese isn’t it?” “Anderson took my lunch every day you were away.”

Chapter Six:

1) 2) 3) 4) 5)

Who did Mrs. Buchanan demonstrate the dance steps with? Was Gareth’s second dancing partner an improvement? Explain. In what way did Gareth show he was deluded during the annual dance? What deceit was Eddie guilty of at the annual dance? What was the aim of Eddie’s deceit at the dance?

For each of the following quotes from chapter six, name the character who said them: A) B) C) D) E)

“Three hundred pounds is a lot to carry around.” “Oh I get so excited starting with a new group.” “Wanna dance, Kerry?” “I told him not to come.” “Maybe Kerry’ll think you kind for dancing with Zoe.”

Chapter Seven:

1) 2) 3) 4) 5)

What kind of a reputation did Mr. Black have? What caused Cain to earn the disapproval of Mr. Black? How did Eddie upset his math teacher, Mr. Good? What caused Cain to suddenly feel free and powerful in Mr. Black’s class? What was Eddie threatened with by Mr. Good?

A) B) C) D) E)

For each of the following quotes from chapter seven, name the character who said them: “Are you trying to be funny, Kelly?” “I didn’t understand what we were supposed to do.” “I hate this math it’s too hard.” “You’re the most bone idle student I have ever taught.” “I’m working on a plan to help you do better.”

Chapter Eight:

1) 2) 3) 4) 5)

What new power did Eddie believe he now had? What does the reader learn about Chas Rivers in this chapter? What was it Mr. Kelly senior knew about his turtles that enabled to win bets on them? What lesson does Mr. Kelly senior teach the boys on their visit to him in hospital? Who won the competition to fly the model plane the furthest?

For each of the following quotes from chapter eight, name the character who said them: A) B) C) D) E)

“Being sick doesn’t mean you can have some fun, nurse.” “Everyone knew who the murderer was.” “We got our photos in the paper for that.” “The only safe way is to not have races at all, Granddad.” “Fortune favours the bold.”

Chapter Nine:

1) 2) 3) 4) 5)

What finally caused Mr. Good to evict Eddie from his class? Who came up with the plan to enable Cain to cheat in math? Where did Cain find the answers to the test questions? What caused the plan to fail? In what way did Cain shock everyone in the class, including Mr. Black?

For each of the following quotes from chapter nine, name the character who said them:

A) B) C) D) E)

“He was trying to help a friend.” “Those Kelly boys are not our kind.” “You’re that sure are you, Kelly?” “It’s a bit too easy isn’t it, sir?” “Darling, I don’t believe a word of what they are saying.”

Chapter Ten:

1) 2) 3) 4) 5)

Why was D Platoon sent to the regular army’s shooting range? What was unusual about the way Sergeant O’Reilly spoke? Describe the killing that occurred at the army’s shooting range. Why did Mr. Watson believe Eddie was responsible for the killings? What was Mrs. Tompkins response to the news Eddie was believed to be responsible for the killings?

For each of the following quotes from chapter ten, name the character who said them: A) B) C) D) E)

“Alone, alone, all, all alone.” “Look, Tompkins, your dad and I go back a long way.” “You’d only need one shot to kill a pig.” “Dear God in heaven.” “My grandfather was a Bren gunner in Vietnam.”

Chapter Eleven:

1) 2) 3) 4) 5)

What did they find in Eddie’s locker that caused him to be expelled? Why did the week after Eddie’s expulsion drag for him? According to Mr. Corleone, when is a thief not a thief? According to Mr. Corleone when is a liar not a liar? How did Eddie give offence to the Kellys by telling the truth and nothing but the truth?

For each of the following quotes from chapter eleven, name the character who said them: A) B) C) D) E)

“Someone planted those drugs in my locker.” “Only someone with a direct line of fire could have killed two with one bullet.” “Go back to the scene of the crime.” “I don’t tell lies anymore.” “Mrs. Tompkins, the school has no wish to involve the police.”

Chapter Twelve:

1) 2) 3) 4) 5)

Why did the boys decide to spy on the Rivers? Who was responsible for alerting Clive and Elroy to Cain and Eddie’s presence? What illegal activity was Clive and Elroy engaged that night? Who saves Dexter’s life and why is this ironic? Why was Elroy attempting to kill Dexter?

For each of the following quotes from chapter twelve, name the character who said them: A) B) C) D) E)

“Don’t you worry, Clivey, you ain’t going to prison.” “Probably just Elroy shooting Clive for being dumb once too often.” “And no one’s gunna to catch us?” “Most of the time he’s wrong, but this time he’s right.” “We won’t tell. We won’t tell.”

Chapter Thirteen:

1) Why were Eddie and his friends going to the Rivers’ wrecking yard? 2) How did Sarah impress the boys on the way to the yard? 3) What did the friends suspect the Rivers were selling to their visitors and what was the basis of their suspicion? 4) Why did Michael agree with Cain that they would need a peep-hole to gain the evidence they required? 5) What is your explanation for the friends’ silence as they made their way back to town? For each of the following quotes from chapter thirteen, name the character who said them: A) B) C) D) E)

“We came out alive last time, Michael, but that shouldn’t have happened.” “Like running with the bulls in Pamplona, Spain.” “That dog’s a killer.” “I’ve got just one week before they send me away.” “I’m sick of this. It’s too far. Let’s go home.”

Chapter Fourteen:

1) 2) 3) 4) 5)

What mistake did Sarah make in bringing one of her father’s drills for Eddie to use? According to Sarah, Eddie only ever lied once to her, what was that lie? What did Eddie do with the drill Sarah brought along to the Rivers place? Why did Eddie’s Aunt Lois lock Chas Rivers out of his car? What did Eddie to help stall Chas in his pursuit of Aunt Lois?

For each of the following quotes from chapter fourteen, name the character who said them: A) B) C) D) E)

“You can’t kiss if someone else is there. Can you?” “No one locks me out of my wagon.” “I never knew girls could be so cool.” “You’ve gone soft on her, haven’t you?” “It’s not a good idea to let a girl in on our secrets, Ed.”

Chapter Fifteen:

1) 2) 3) 4) 5)

What did the friends do to force the Rivers to reveal the location of the drugs? Explain how the Rivers had successfully kept the location of the drugs a secret? Why was Gareth very angry with his friends? How did Sergeant Myers get Arthur to confess he had put drugs in Eddie’s locker? What did the narrator mean when he said, “There would be no more tangled webs for Eddie Tompkins because the little spider that weaved them was dead.”?

For each of the following quotes from chapter thirteen, name the character who said them: A) “Oh my goodness, you’re such a little liar.” B) “Hey, Arthur, the smoke it’s going, them aliens must be leaving.” C) “Maybe they’s trying to smoke us out ‘cause we got something they want.” D) “Oh, boy, that’s so wrong. Do you need lessons?” E) “What did you say to me, boy?”

Answers: Chapter One: 1) He took Jeremy because he believed that would remove the problem of whether to kiss her or not. 2) It was a Harry Potter movie. 3) Sarah was upset for several reasons: he lied about bringing his cousin, he allowed his friend to take his seat and Cain acted inappropriately. 4) Answers will vary but should mention consequences for his lying. 5) Jeremy wet his pants. Characters and quotes: A) Mrs. Meyers, B) Gareth, C) Eddie, D) Jeremy, E) Cain.

Chapter Two: 1) 2) 3) 4) 5)

He was suffering from tuberculosis. Mr. Tompkins was a trained lawyer. Mrs. Kelly received a phone call informing her what Cain had done to Sarah at the movies. He planned on running away and living in the bush. They made a raft, stored food and spare clothes, wrote notes to their parents and swore Gareth and Michael to secrecy.

Characters and quotes: A) Mr. Tompkins, B) Mrs. Kelly, C) Uncle Frank, D) Eddie, E) Gareth.

Chapter Three: 1) 2) 3) 4) 5)

Cain believes the students of the private school are not tough enough for his company. They removed the knob from the top of their caps. He is a very serious, severe man. Cain’s encounter with Kevin Anderson changed his opinion of the boys at his new school. Kevin fought him again behind the handball courts.

Characters and quotes: A) Michael, B) Mr. Larom, C) Kevin Anderson, D) Mr. Norton, E) Michael.

Chapter Four: 1) He couldn’t understand the teachers, they gave too much homework and the weather was too hot. 2) Eddie told him he would starve, that the authorities knew where he was, and that an attractive girl had expressed interest in him coming to the dance. 3) Opinions will vary. Those in favour will mention Eddie is lying to help his friend; those against will note he is betraying his friend’s trust. 4) The note instructing her to do so by Mr. Larom was lost and never read by Mrs. Nordmeyer: it became detached from Eddie’s file, floated to the ground and was placed in the trash by the cleaners. 5) “O, what a tangled web we weave when first we practice to deceive.” Characters and quotes: A) Cain, B) Eddie, C) Michael, D) Mr. Kelly senior, E) Michael.

Chapter Five: 1) 2) 3) 4) 5)

The name was given to his family by an immigration official who could not read Arabic. Cain cut the strap into small pieces. Mr. Larom was hoping to find a knife during the search. The importance of honesty. No. He based this on the practice of soldiers in war who lie to protect friends. Characters and quotes: A) Eddie, B) Mr. Larom, C) Mr. Desserts, D) Cain, E) Gareth.

Chapter Six: 1) 2) 3) 4) 5)

Gareth. No. He was forced to dance with Arthur Cunningham who did not like him. He deceived himself into thinking Kerry McGrath liked him when she clearly did not. He gave Phillipa the impression he liked her by dancing with her. He wanted to impress Sarah with his apparent kindness. Characters and quotes: A) Eddie, B) Mrs. Buchanan, C) Gareth, D) Eddie, E) Michael.

Chapter Seven: 1) 2) 3) 4) 5)

Mr. Black was a man known for his bad temper. Cain’s lack of math skills upset Mr. Black because he believed Cain was not trying. Eddie upset Mr. Good by not doing his homework and not giving his best effort in class. Cain had decided he would no longer allow himself to be frightened or bullied. Mr. Good threatened to send Eddie to the alternative math class. Characters and quotes:

A) Mr. Black, B) Eddie, C) Cain, D) Mr. Black, E) Eddie.

Chapter Eight: 1) 2) 3) 4) 5)

He believed he could tell lies without people ever knowing. He is suspected of having killed his girlfriend. He can tell them apart and knows which one is a sprinter and which one is a stayer. It is important to always have a go lest you have regrets later on. Eddie. Characters and quotes:

A) Mr. Kelly, senior, B) Cain, C) Cain, D) Michael, E) Mr. Kelly, senior.

Chapter Nine: 1) 2) 3) 4)

Eddie drew an insulting caricature of him. Michael came up with the plan. Cain found them written on a toilet roll. Arthur Cunningham followed Cain out to the toilet and retrieved the roll with the indentations of the answers still on it. 5) He managed to work out a long division problem on the board. Characters and quotes: A) Mr. Tompkins, B) Mrs. Tompkins, C) Mr. Black, D) Cain, E) Eddie’s grandmother.

Chapter Ten: 1) They were sent to the range to ensure they were not around to embarrass the school during an inspection because they were very poor at marching. 2) Sergeant O’Reilly enunciated his words in a robotic, staccato manner. 3) Six sheep were killed by someone who deliberately aimed his Bren gun at them. 4) There were six sheep killed and Eddie had six bullets missing from his target. 5) Mrs. Tompkins wanted to send Eddie to a boarding school. Characters and quotes: A) Eddie, B)Mr. Watson, C) Cain, D)Sergeant O’Reilly, E) Gareth

Chapter Eleven: 1) 2) 3) 4)

They found the illegal drug, cannabis/marijuana. It dragged because Eddie was grounded and spent the week in his room. A thief is not a thief when he gives his things away. A liar is not a liar when he tells the truth even when it makes him look bad, even when it gets him into trouble. 5) Eddie offended them by saying what he really thought of their mother’s chocolate cake. Characters and quotes: B) Eddie, B) Michael, C) Sarah, D) Eddie, E)Mr. Larom.

Chapter Twelve: 1) They wanted to prove that the Rivers were involved in the cultivation of cannabis. 2) Dexter, the mouse broke cover and Eddie was seen chasing after him. 3) They were rustling cattle. 4) Clive saves him. This is ironic because Clive is supposed to be supporting Elroy. 5) Elroy wanted to show the boys the kind of people they were and give them a reason to be afraid. Characters and quotes: A)Elroy, B)Cain, C) Clive, D) Elroy, E) Eddie.

Chapter Thirteen: 1) They were going in search of evidence to prove the Rivers were involved with drugs. 2) Sarah impressed the boys with her knowledge of motor bikes. 3) They suspected the Rivers were selling drugs because their visitors were exchanging money for small packets which the friends suspected contained drugs. 4) They needed to be able to see into the shed and find out the location of the drug supply. 5) They were silent because they were now committed to something very dangerous.

Characters and quotes:

A) Cain, B) Sarah, C) Cain, D) Eddie, E) Gareth.

Chapter Fourteen: 1) 2) 3) 4) 5)

Sarah brought an electric drill instead of a hand powered drill. Eddie lied when he told Sarah Jeremy had not come to the movies with him. Eddie drilled a hole in the side of the Rivers’ shed. Eddie’s Aunt Lois was trying to prevent Chas Rivers from going back into town. Eddie punctured one of the tyres on Chas Rivers’ vehicle with the drill.

Characters and quotes: A) Eddie, B) Chas, C) Eddie, D) Cain, E) Michael.

Chapter Fifteen: 1) The friends let off a smoke bomb. 2) They had a spring-loaded false floor in the shed. 3) He was angry because Cain fooled him in to hurrying down the tree by telling him Chas and his dogs were coming. 4) Sergeant Myers gained a confession from Arthur by threatening to reveal to his uncle, Chas Rivers, that it was Arthur who helped the police. 5) Eddie’s attitude to lying had changed and with that the “spider” had died.

Characters and quotes: A) Mrs Nordmeyer, B) Clive, C) Clive, D) Cain, E) Elroy.

When the Novel is Over

Follow-up activities once students have completed reading the novel.


2. 3. 4. 5.


7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15.

Panorama Make a large mural illustrating the novel from beginning to end. Assign groups different chapters. Each group can decide what scene they wish to illustrate on the mural. Wanted Poster Make the kind of wanted poster Mr. Watson could have made seeking information about the identity of the sheep killer. Dictionary Make a vocabulary list of unusual words from the book. The Characters Line-Up Banner Draw a banner including as many characters from the book as possible. Map Make a map of a scene in which an event takes place. An example would be a map of the Rivers’ Wrecking Yard that the boys could have used on the night they went with the smoke bomb. It can be in poster form or it can be a relief map made out of clay. Write a Newspaper Article Imagine you are a reporter who finds hears the story of what happened at the rifle range and one of the characters to write a feature article for the front page of a newspaper. Diorama Make a diorama or book float of one of your favorite episodes from the book. Film Make a short film using a scene from the book. Play Rewrite a scene from the book as a play. Join with friends to present the play to the class. Poem Write a poem about the characters in the book. Crossword: Using the events and characters in the book, create a crossword puzzle writing the best definitions you can for the clues. Opinion Find a controversial moral event within the book and write your opinion. Oracle Retell the story as a legend or myth. Be sure your story has all the characteristic hallmarks of such a genre. Persuasive Speaking Write a speech persuading others to read the book. Mock Trial Put someone on trial for something he did within the book. Direct proceedings with fellow classmates acting as judge, lawyers, defendant, witnesses, jury etc.

End of unit test: 1)








Eddie’s first attempt to phone Sarah for a date was: a) Successful b) A happy experience c) A complete embarrassment d) A great chance to chat with her mother Eddie took his cousin Jeremy to the movies because a) He regretted having treated him badly in the past b) He knew Jeremy would enjoy Harry Potter c) He figured that act of kindness would be appealing to Sarah d) He wanted to avoid the problem of kissing When Mrs. Kelly learned of Cain’s behavior at the movies she a) Chased him around the house with the wooden spoon b) Called her brother Peter c) Called her brother Frank d) Sent him to boarding school Mrs. Kelly sent her boys to a private school because a) She had no choice b) Their grandfather agreed to pay the fees c) Their Uncle Peter agreed to pay the fees d) Cain wanted to be in the same school as Eddie Mr. Larom is a character who can best be described as a) Jovial, good humored, and fun b) Nervous, unconfident, and shy c) Strict, severe, and uncompromising d) Incompetent, lazy, and tired The boys are initially appointed to the following classes a) Michael A class, Eddie B class and Cain and Gareth C class b) Michael and Eddie A class, Cain B class and Gareth C class c) Michael and Eddie B class, Cain and Gareth C class d) Michael A class, Eddie, Cain and Gareth C class Cain manages to obtain his grandfather’s signature on a note because a) He deceives him b) His grandfather wants him to take time off c) His mother did not have time to sign it d) His grandfather did not have his glasses on Cain ditched school because he a) Was being made to look foolish in Mr. Black’s class b) Saw no point in getting an education c) Was tempted by all the money he could make as a trapper d) Just had to find and trap a big opossum called Blackie

9) Mr. Dessert’s name was unusual because a) He came from the Middle East b) He encountered an immigration officer who did not know Arabic c) His family encountered an immigration officer who did not know Arabic d) He liked pudding and therefore changed his name 10) According to Michael, which major religion of the world rates lying alongside murder a) Hinduism b) Islam c) Christianity d) Buddhism 11) Kerry McGrath does not dance with Gareth because a) He was so handsome he makes her nervous b) She was playing hard to get c) She couldn’t stand the sight of him d) He stood on her toes the previous year 12) Eddie dances with Phillipa, the girl with polio, because a) He wanted to impress Sarah with his kindness b) He found her attractive c) He had a cousin with polio d) He admired her fighting spirit 13) Mr. Black can accurately be described as a) Obese, bad-tempered, insomniac b) Lazy, inept, student-hater c) Loving, intelligent, inspiration d) Obese, calm, dreamer 14) The only reason Cain did not lose his temper in Mr. Black’s class is because a) He was afraid of Mr. Black b) Gareth advised him not to c) He knew he would be expelled d) The bell went 15) Mr. Kelly’s personal motto was ‘always have a go’ because a) He himself was now too old to have a go b) He regretted not taking a risk in the Korean war c) He realized his grandsons were wimps who needed encouragement d) He was impulsive and not very wise 16) Which of the following is a true statement a) Cain and Michael received a poor welcome at their former house in the cul-de-sac b) It was rumored that Chas Rivers was a murderer c) The matron at the hospital did not like Mr. Kelly d) All of the above

17) Eddie deliberately faked incompetence with Mr. Good because a) He could no longer endure the pressure of his class b) He was testing him c) He wanted to join Cain and Gareth’s class d) He wanted the experience of living dangerously 18) Which of the following would have come as a shock to Eddie a) There was a file in the office noting all his attempts at lying b) Mr. Black was out to get him c) Arthur hated him d) Cain was happy to have him in his math class 19) D platoon was sent to the army rifle range because a) They were poor shots and needed the chance to improve b) They were an embarrassment c) They had earned a special reward d) They were the ones chosen to prepare for war 20) Cain was tempted to laugh at Sergeant O’Reilly because a) He knew he had failed math at school b) He knew he had a weakness for chocolate bonbons c) He had an unfortunate speech impediment d) He had an odd way of emphasizing every syllable 21) Eddie refused to confess to the killing of the sheep because a) He didn’t do it b) He wanted to be known as tough c) His father had played rugby with Mr. Watson d) He enjoyed seeing Mr. Watson fail in his interrogation methods 22) Eddie felt uncomfortable about lying, for the first time, when a) His mother caught him at it b) His father spoke with Mr. Larom c) His grandmother continued to believe in him despite all he had been accused of d) He realized Sarah would discover he had been accused of killing sheep 23) Elroy decided to intimidate Cain and Eddie by a) Threatening to kill Dexter b) Killing Dexter c) Asking Clive to squeeze them in a bear hug d) Threatening to phone the police 24) Dexter’s life was saved by a) Mrs. Nordmeyer b) Cain c) Eddie d) Clive

25) Sarah impressed Cain on the way to the Rivers because a) She was not afraid b) She rode her bike at speed c) She knew some interesting things about big motor bikes d) She could speak fluent Mandarin 26) Cain was afraid of no one and no thing except a) Spiders b) Girls c) Rogue oppossums d) Dogs 27) Eddie’s second unofficial date with Sarah took place a) At the movies b) At her grandparents’ farm c) At night on a mission to drill a hole in a wall d) At the school dance 28) Chas River’s ability to solve problems the night Sarah and Eddie were watching him a) Was handicapped by excess consumption of alcohol b) A bad temper c) A low level of intelligence d) Too much stress 29) Arthur and Clive were thrown into confusion in the final chapter by a) Clive thinking he had seen aliens b) Arthur’s panic c) A smoke bomb d) Loud fireworks 30) Arthur was pleased to be expelled from Matthew Brady Memorial school because a) He found the math too hard b) He wanted to go to a school with girls c) He knew it would please his uncles d) He was more interested in repairing cars For each of the following quotes, identify from the list of characters below who said it: 1) 2) 3) 4) 5) 6) 7) 8) 9)

“Oh what a tangled web we weave when first we practice to deceive.” “I didn’t loan my knife to anyone in 3C.” “Cobber thought you were lunch.” “I have set you a bad example and I apologize.” “This is our first lesson.” “Wanna a dance, Kerry.” “Are you trying to be funny, Kelly?” “But there was nothing at all difficult about the work, Tompkins.” “That Norton would be faster than any Harley.”

10) “I seen it. I seen it.”

Answers to the Test Mrs. Nordmeyer, Eddie, Cain, Clive, Mr. Black, Mr. Good, Mr. Desserts, Mrs. Buchannon, Gareth, Sarah. Finally, write a five point essay 300-400 words with the following thesis: Honesty is the best policy in the long run even if, at times lying does appear to be an attractive alternative.