renewable energy and other related technologies and systems that relate to, arise from, ... plications of sustainable energy sources in various parts of the world.
Editorial IEEE Transactions on Sustainable Energy
HE IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON SUSTAINABLE ENERGY (TSTE) is a cross-disciplinary and internationally archival journal aimed at disseminating results of research on renewable energy and other related technologies and systems that relate to, arise from, or deliberately influence electricity generation, transmission, distribution, and delivery. The journal publishes original research on theories, and developments on principles of renewable energy technologies and systems as well as practical case studies which are precursors to widespread applications of sustainable energy technologies. TSTE also welcomes manuscripts on design, implementation, and evaluation of power systems that are affected through the applications of such. Surveys of existing work on renewable energy may also be considered for publication when they propose a new viewpoint on history and a challenging perspective on the future of renewable energy. In addition, energy efficiency, fuel cells, and carbon capture and sequestration are areas where this journal intends to attract original contributions. The overall focus is to advance the scientific and technical discourse to reduce the carbon footprint from electricity generation. Following are the technology topical areas for which this journal welcomes contributions. Biomass. Combined heat and power. Fuel cells. Geothermal electricity. Small hydro design and applications. Solar photovoltaics. Solar thermal electricity. Tidal and wave energy. Ocean thermal energy conversion. Wind turbine generators. Battery and storage. Energy efficiency. Hydrogen technology. Grid interaction of sustainable energy sources.
Carbon capture from power generation. Mitigation of greenhouse gas emissions. Sustainable energy technologies have gained much attention in recent years as a potential solution to problems of air pollution, climate change, energy security, and high fuel prices. The first issue of the journal explores the planning, design, and operational issues associated with bringing about the practical applications of sustainable energy sources in various parts of the world. Interest in sustainable energy has grown multifold in recent years with concern about global warming and the desires of citizens, government leaders, academics, and business leaders to take action in arresting the runaway growth of greenhouse gas emissions. As renewable portfolio standards and other sustainable-energy-friendly policies are pursued by many countries around the world, it becomes incumbent on researchers to conceive, validate, and apply various technologies and systems. One such highly efficient and low-carbon technology for electricity generation is the fuel cell. The IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON SUSTAINABLE ENERGY provides a platform for a discourse on this topic along with other highly efficient electricity-generation technologies. During the decades-long transition away from fossil fuels to nonfossil alternatives, there will be a need to practice large-scale energy efficiency measures and capture and sequester carbon. We expect that, in addition to addressing the systems and technology aspects of renewable and sustainable energy sources, this journal will be a home for reporting on the models and case studies dealing with the options for capturing and storing carbon dioxide in order to reduce the pressure on the climate system from greenhouse gas emissions. We believe that over time, this journal will take its place among the highly cited publications which provide a platform for researchers, policy makers, and practitioners to share their ideas, experiences, and case studies with the technical community engaged in the development of sustainable energy systems.
SAIFUR RAHMAN, Editor-in-Chief
Digital Object Identifier 10.1109/TSTE.2010.2046277
1949-3029/$26.00 © 2010 IEEE