Editorial Outstanding AC TRANSACTIONS Paper ... - IEEE Xplore

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IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON AUTOMATIC CONTROL, VOL. AC-30. NO. 5, MAY 1985. 417. Editorial. Outstanding AC TRANSACTIONS Paper. Awards For 1982-1 ...


Editorial Outstanding AC TRANSACTIONS Paper Awards For 1982-1 983


ACH year the Control Systems Society recognizes the outstanding paper or papers published in the TRANSACTIONS ON AUTOMATIC CONTROL during the two prior years. In 1984 the Outstanding TRANSACTIONS Paper Award was conferred during the Awards Luncheon of the 23rd Confererence on Decision and Control upon the following paper:

P. A. Iaonnou and P. V. Kokotovic, “An asymptotic error analysis of identifiers and adaDtive observers in the presence of parasitics,” IEEE Trans. Automat. Cintr.,vol. AC-27, pp. 921$27, Aug. 1982. The 1984 selection was made by a jury of Senior Members of the Control Systems Society who were selected at random and confirmed their willingness to serve on the jury. Jurors for this selection were: J. K. Cullum V. Gourishankar A. H. Eltimsahy F. M. Ham R. L. Klein

F. P. Kuhl, Jr. N. Levan R. F. New M. J. Piovoso R. F. Stengel

Their task was arduous and it is my pleasure to express the gratitude of the Control Systems Society for their service on the jury. Nominations for the Outstanding Paper Award for 1983-1984 are already open. Any reader who wishes to submit a nomination is urged to do so. No nominating form is required; a letter to the Chairman of the Awards and Fellow Nominations Committee, Dr. Pierre R. Belanger, Dean of Engineering, McGill University, 3480 University St., Montreal, P.Q., H3A 2A7, Canada, identifying the paper (title, author(s), issue of publication) is all that is needed. Nominators may also include reasons why they believe their nomination is merited. BERNARD FRIEDLAN~, Past Chairman, Awar& and Fellow Nominations Committee