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OPEN CALL July – 7th July 2017 EdTech Winter School “Emerging trends and new horizons in the study of education and technology” 3rd

-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Ceibal Foundation is a leading institution in education and technology research. The center for research was created in 2014 by Plan Ceibal -the first nationwide educational computer program in the world based on the 1:1 model-. Ceibal Foundation aims to promote research, analysis and knowledge transfer in order to support educational policy and decision-making and to better understand the use of digital technologies for creating better learning opportunities. Since 2014, the foundation has actively promoted multidisciplinary and interinstitutional partnerships with research centres, ministries of education, public and private educational institutions, research groups in Latin and North America, Europe and Asia. -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------SUMMARY Ceibal Foundation is organizing the 1st EdTech Winter School to take place in Uruguay, called “Emerging trends and new horizons in the study of education and technology”. The event will gather postgraduate students and early career academics from the main higher educational institutions in the country and the Latin American region. The Winter School is organized in partnership with ANII (Agencia Nacional de Investigación e Innovación), Departamento de Comunicación, Departamento de Educación (Universidad Católica del Uruguay), Universidad ORT, FLACSO Uruguay, Universidad de Montevideo and Facultad de Ingeniería (Universidad de la República). It aims to offer a stimulating learning environment for participants to present and discuss key challenges, research trends and opportunities, to foresee new horizons in education, learning and teaching practices enhanced by digital technologies. OBJECTIVES The Winter School will offer an exciting opportunity for postgraduate students and early career faculties to present and discuss relevant EdTech policies and research for studying the future of education and technology, innovation and inclusion in the coming decade. • To create a collaborative environment of discussion and analysis involving keynote speakers from the Massachusetts Institute of Technology - MIT, the Oxford Internet Institute, the Berkmam Klein Center -Harvard University-, Tel Aviv University (School of Education), along with early-

career scholars and students. This will be an opportunity for learning about novel research methodologies and scientific perspectives enabling capacity-building and knowledge transfer in areas of common interest. • To present and exchange national and international research-based case studies in the five academic areas of the Winter school: Social uses of ICT and Digital Culture; Resources and Platforms; New Ways of Knowing, Learning, Teaching and Evaluate; Extended learning achievements and Educators in the Digital Age. • To create a long-term international academic network of excellence in education and technology (EdTech) based on multidisciplinary studies with different methodological perspectives. The academic network aims to enable international capacity building in the fields of EdTech, innovation and inclusion. This community will be also of great value for promoting and implementing international research projects, seminars and initiatives in the field.

Additionally, Winter School participants’ will be invited to: a) Collaborate in a special publication that will be prepared, where attendees will disseminate the results of their studies; b) Explore future collaborations in areas of common interest; c) Become a Ceibal Foundation’s affiliate and participate in collective books publications, dissemination of academic works in the Institutional Repository of Ceibal Foundation, among other scientific initiatives.

PROGRAMME (4 days +1 open day) 4 days – From the 3rd July until the 6th July 2017 Open day – 7th July 2017 During a week of academic activities, candidates are expected to gain valuable knowledge, skills and meaningful perspectives in the fields of EdTech, innovation and inclusion. The official language of the event will be English. The programme will combine keynote lectures, training and participating in joint project-based learning. International academics and renowned experts will be invited to lecture about their latest work, and also to liaise with participants during the sessions.

National and international participants are expected to benefit from lectures, as well as from the exchange and discussion that will take place during these days. Participants will be also organized in teams to design research projects or an impact evaluation study of a national EdTech policy. This multidisciplinary work will be presented as a poster at the end of the Winter School with attendees and other communities. A number of social activities will be included in the program such as excursions, horseback riding or aqua gym (if weather allows) among others. The “open day” (public event) will be an additional opportunity where keynote speakers and participants would be able to share their research with Primary and Secondary national school teachers. The aim of this final day will be to exchange knowledge and practices in education and technology.

SPEAKERS We have invited renowned academics as keynotes to this academic event. Their participation will involve presentations, training on new research techniques, social networking as well as participation in the “open day”. Confirmed keynote speakers: Claudia Urrea, PhD Claudia Urrea is an international referee in the One Laptop per Child organization, currently acting as Associate Director at the Office of Digital Learning of the Massachusetts Institute of Technology. Her research has been focused in online learning and assessment, curriculum design, pre-K12 and higher education for developing countries, teacher professional development, educational programming and robotics. Taha Yasseri, PhD Taha Yasseri is a Research Fellow in Computational Social Science at the Oxford Internet Institute, a Faculty Fellow at the Alan Turing Institute for Data Science, and Research Fellow in Humanities and Social Sciences at Wolfson College, University of Oxford. His research has been focused in Big data, human dynamics, peer production, Wikis, online societies, conflict and cooperation, opinion formation, language complexity, collective behaviour, social networks, agent-based modelling, urban computing. Monica Bulger, PhD Monica Bulger is a Fellow at the Harvard Berkman Klein Center for Internet and Society and a Research Associate at the Oxford Internet Institute. She is an educational researcher contributing policy research to multi-national groups such as UNICEF, ECPAT, and the European Commission.

Her work focuses on the implications of technology use for youth with a particular focus on learning, safety, and empowerment. Arnon Hershkovitz, PhD Arnon Hershkovitz is a Senior Lecturer in Tel Aviv University – School of Education (Israel). His main research areas are Educational Data Mining and Learning Analytics, one-to-one computing in schools and learning-related aspects of using social media. He holds a PhD in Science Education, a M.A. in Applied Mathematics and a B.A. in Mathematics and Computer Science.

PARTICIPANTS The Winter School has two different target audiences who are expected to benefit from attending this event: (a) national and international postgraduate students -mainly from Uruguay and Latin Americanenrolled in a PhD, Master's Degree or specialized course at the moment of their application; (b) national and international early career scholars (particularly early career faculties, lectures, research associates); (c) national and international policy-makers involved and/or interested in education or technology. Candidates of the Winter School should be able to demonstrate academic knowledge or professional skills and experience in fields related to education and technology, ICT and innovation, and social inclusion. Please note that the event lectures and activities will be held in English, therefore candidates should have a good knowledge of the language.

VENUE The venue of the event will be announced in June.

APPLICATION Participants will be selected on the basis of their academic/professional experience and their motivation for participating in the Winter School. Ceibal Foundation will provide scholarships for the selected participants.

Applications to the programme should be submitted via email. Candidates should send the required documents in a Zip file with their name and last name to [email protected] The organizing institutions will not cover the airplane tickets or any other incidental expenses. The file should include the following documents in Pdf format: 1. Letter of application (max. one page) clearly stating his/her motivation for participating in the Winter School. 2.

2 pages CV (including research papers and publications)


Letter of support from faculty or university (in case of students, early career faculties and research associates).


International Students should also present proof of health/life insurance for their stay in the country.

Scholarships include participation in the Winter School, Accommodation and Lodging. Please note that it does NOT include flight tickets or any other incidental expenses. NOTE: For those candidates selected as scholarship beneficiaries, accommodation will be assigned in double rooms.

CALENDAR 19th May 2017 - Deadline for submitting applications June 2017 - Evaluation and selection of candidates