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Prof. of Dams & Water Resources - Head of department .... “Certificate of Appreciation for the perfect mother Academic Staff at Tanta ... “The Basics of GIS” Arab Council for Graduate Studies and Scientific Research, ..... Integrated. Water Resources Management Alexandria 11 Oct. 1998 organized by Alexandria University, ...
Curriculum Vitae-Bakenaz A. Zeidan–2018

Bakenaz A. Zeidan,

Prof. of Dams & Water Resources Engineering



Date of Birth


Place of Birth:






Marital Status


Residence Country


Driving License

Issued from Egypt

Passport ID:


National ID:


Work: Home:

Department of Irrigation and Hydraulics Engineering, Faculty of Engineering, Tanta University, Egypt Degla Gardens Compound, 6 October, Egypt

Mailing Address

Faculty of Engineering, Faculty Campus, Superbly, Tanta, Egypt

Zip Code

31521, Egypt


(+20) 1222832379, 1020079386


(+2) 040-3315860-61-62

Phone (home):

(+2) 050-2255719

Email address

[email protected] [email protected]


EDUCATION 1989 - 1993

PhD Student at Department of Civil Engineering, Indian Institute of Technology, IIT Powai, Bombay, India Ph.D. title: “A Numerical (FEM) Study of the Effect of Anisotropy on Phreatic Seepage Flows”.

1983 - 1988

MSc. Student, Irrigation and Hydraulic Engineering Department, Faculty of Engineering, Mansoura University, Egypt.

1977 - 1982

BSc. Student, Civil Engineering Department, Faculty of Engineering, Mansoura University, Egypt


Prof. of Dams & Water Resources - Head of department Tanta University, Faculty of Engineering, Department of Irrigation and Hydraulics Engineering, Tanta, Egypt

Associate Professor -Head of Department Tanta University, , Faculty of Engineering, Department of Irrigation and Hydraulics Engineering, Tanta, Egypt

Mar 1994 – Oct 2003

Lecturer Tanta University, Faculty of Engineering, Department of Irrigation and Hydraulics Engineering, Egypt

Oct 1989 – Jan 1993

PhD Student Indian Institute of Technology Bombay, Department of Civil Engineering, IIT Powai, Bombay, India.

Dec 1982- Sept 1988

Administrator Mansoura University, Faculty of Engineering, Department of Irrigation and Hydraulics Engineering , Egypt

Sep 2015-Mar2016

Visiting Scholar - Berkeley University – California - USA

PEER REVIEWER o o o o o o

"International Journal of Water Resources and Environmental Engineering" Victoria Island, Lagos, "International Journal of Hydrology: Current Research", Los Angeles, USA, Hydrology: Current Research Peer Reviewer and member of governing committee for USSD Peer Reviewer and Editorial Board member for EC Agriculture journal. Springer, WSJ Elsevier, Environmental hydrology, Academic Star Publishing Company, Intec Open Book, Environmental Sciences Group, ARTOAJ-RA, IJH, IWTC, E-Cronicon

TEACHING COURSES BSc. level Fluid mechanics, dams and reservoirs engineering, Hydrology, Irrigation and drainage, Design of Irrigation structures, Environmental Hydrology and Water quality control, graduation project Design of special R.C. structures, Water quality index and trophic index MSc. level Groundwater Hydrology, Fate and solute Transport in groundwater, Numerical Modeling, Dams and reservoirs, Finite Element Modeling, Seminar, Environmental Impact assessment EIA of irrigation projects, selective courses, ANSYS Environmental Hydraulics, Water policy, river migration, failure of dams, Water PhD. level resources management, Advanced Hydraulic Design (PhD.) Nile Water Crisis ,Statistics an applications,

Bakenaz A. Zeidan 2018


Oct 2003 – Sep 2015

o o o o o o o o o

Course Instructor Designed curriculum, prepared course materials, data show lecture presentations, developed internet websites for students Created assignments and exams and graded work Held office hours and provided weekly online support for classes 9 Graded assignments and exams Held tutorials for up to 300 students including creating supporting materials for lectures Managed online discussion forum for student queries



RESEARCH MAIN AREAS           

Seismic Modeling of Dams and Reservoirs Nile Delta Groundwater Deterioration and Mitigation Seawater Intrusion in The Nile Delta Aquifer Water Quality and Ecosystem Restoration Trans-Boundary Nile Water Management Nile Water Governance and Sustainability Nile Water Scarcity and Food Security Nile Water Security and Hydro-politics Socio-Economic Water Sufficiency Impacts Risk Analysis and Safe Design of Hydraulic Structures Water Informatics and Smart Water Implementation

ACADEMIC EXPERIENCE o o o o o o o o o

Head of Department since 2003 Full Professor of Dams & Water Resources Engineering Supervising MSc. and PhD. Thesis in water and environment Board Member of Faculty Council, Faculty of Engineering PhD Visiting Scholar, Cairo Initiative 2013-2014-USAID Peer Reviewer for international journals and conferences Focal research joint with Zeweil University, Egypt Focal expert joint with Authority of Fish development Conducting and organizing scientific seminars and workshops .

Supervision of Scientific Dissertations Defense year 2000 2002 2003 2012 2015 2015 2015 2016 2016 2017 2017

MSc. Dissertation Title Ground Water Relief on Lined Canals Using Tile Drains. Control of Seepage around Hydraulic Structures by Using Side Cutoff or Filter Walls Performance of Water Structures in Channels Infested by Aquatic weeds. Wave Interaction with Coastal Structures (Submerged Breakwater) Combined Seepage and Slope Stability Analysis of Reservoir Earth Dams. On Farm Water Resources Management in Nile Delta Water Quality Modeling in Lakes and Rivers Static and Dynamic Stability Analysis of Concrete Gravity Dams. Impact of Climate Change over Egypt on Water Resources Planning and Management for Drought Mitigation Water Quality Monitoring, Modeling and Mitigating Scenarios for Rosetta Branch, Egypt. Effects of Heterogeneity of Hydraulic Conductivity on Seawater intrusion in Nile Delta, Egypt.

Bakenaz A. Zeidan 2018

Water Quality Modeling and Assessment of Water Resources using Remote Sensing and GIS. Assessment of Land Use/ Cover Change using Remote Sensing and GIS in the Nile Delta, Egypt Modeling of Water Resources in the Nile Delta Using GIS and Remote Sensing Water Quality Modeling and Assessment under Climate Change for Lake Burullus, Egypt

Registration year

2014 2015 2016 2017 2018 2018

MSc. Dissertation Title Estimation of extreme rainfall events in Egypt Performance Assessment of Drainage Water Reuse Stations in El-Behira Governorate, Egypt Monitoring, Modeling and Assessment of Drainage Water Reuse in Nile Delta, Egypt Modeling of Bathymetry for Shallow Lakes using Remote Sensing and GIS Water Security Assessment under Water Pollution and Climate Change Stresses Risk Assessment of Seawater Intrusion in the Coastal Nile Delta Aquifer PhD. Dissertation Title

Defense year 2004 2009

Ground Water Movement towards Pipe Drains in Sloping Lands Ground Water Quality Management in the Middle Delta Utilizing Environmental Isotopes.

Registration year


PhD. Dissertation Title Risk Assessment of Grand Ethiopian Resonance Dam Break


Board member in Delta-Egypt wing in Foundation Delta Alliance International


National Groundwater Association NGWA, USA


United States Society of Dams USSD, USA


International Commission on Large Dams, ICOLD, France


Board member of Egyptian wing of ICOLD


Focal research joint with Zeweil University, Egypt


Focal research joint with Authority of Fish development, Egypt


Faculty Council Board member, Faculty of Engineering, Tanta University, Egypt


Certificate of Appreciation for outstanding effort in organizing Egyptian Lake Challenges”

the Forum on


Certificate of excellence for outstanding tender and effort during scholarship from Prof. Anil Chopra hosting professor in Berkeley


“Certificate of Appreciation for outstanding effort in coordinating the First International Forum on Egyptian Water Security”.


“Certificate of Appreciation for the perfect mother Academic Staff at Tanta University


Certificate of Appreciation for outstanding tender and effort in the Engineers Syndicate elections”


Certificate for outstanding effort in organizing First International Environment Forum at the University of Tanta.

Bakenaz A. Zeidan 2018


2017 2018 2018 2018



Leadership Program, Strategic Studies, Faculty of Commerce, Ain Shams University


“Myers Brigs Type Indicator-MBTI” Career Counseling Egypt, Egypt.


Scientific Research Team Leadership" Project, FLDP, Tanta University, Egypt.


“Academic Standards” Faculty, Staff and Leadership Development Project, FLDP, Tanta University, Egypt.


“Quality Standards in Teaching Process” Faculty, Staff and Leadership Development Project, FLDP, Tanta University, Egypt.


“Invitation-Awareness of ENTRO Collaboration with Egyptian Academic Institutions (Training)” department of Irrigation and hydraulics, Faculty of Engineering, Cairo University.


“Leadership and Governance” Faculty, Staff and Leadership Development Project, FLDP, Tanta University, Egypt.


“The Basics of GIS” Arab Council for Graduate Studies and Scientific Research, Egypt.


“Modern techniques for measuring and monitoring environmental pollutants” Arab Council for Graduate Studies and Scientific Research.


“Training Workshop on Higher Education Enhancement Project Fund, HEEPF project (Training)” Faculty of Education, Tanta University, Tanta, Egypt.


“The university and the community” Faculty, Staff and Leadership Development Project, FLDP, Tanta University, Egypt.


“Time management and meetings” Faculty, Staff and Leadership Development Project, FLDP, Tanta University, Egypt.


Forum on Quality Assurance and Accreditation Project, QAAP, (Training)” Faculty of Commerce, Tanta University, Tanta, Egypt. “Training Strategy Workshop,” Faculty, Staff and Leadership Development Project, FLDP, Central Library, Faculty of Agriculture, Cairo.

2004 2004 2003

“Training of Trainers "Workshop III", (Faculty Developer)” Faculty, Staff and Leadership Development Project, FLDP. Ain Shams Guest House, Cairo, Egypt “"Use of Environmental Isotopes to Evaluate Water Resources and Preserve from pollution, application (Training)” Egyptian Authority for Atomic Energy, Cairo, Egypt.


IWTC2018, 28-30 July, Ismailia, Egypt


‫ قاعة السيمنار كلية‬8112/3/11"” ‫“"تلوث البحيرات وحماية الشواطئ بين الوضع الراهن والرؤية المستقبلية‬ ‫الهندسة جامعة طنطا‬


9-11 March 2016: Seismic Design for dams in the Western U.S. , ASDSO West Regional conference engineering for extremes, Convention Center, Sacramento, CA, USA.


Third International Environmental Forum, Environmental Pollution: Problem & Solution, Tanta University, Egypt, July 12-14, 2016

Bakenaz A. Zeidan 2018

October 2015: Seminar on Eco-hydrology and natural infrastructure‟ by Prof. Andrew J. Guswa coordinated by Prof. Sally Simpson, environmental engineering, UC Berkeley. CA, US.


24 October 2015: Seminar on channel migration, organized by environmental engineering department, UC Berkeley, CA, US.


December 2015: 11th Annual conference on River restoration, organized by environmental engineering department, UC Berkeley. US.


2 -3 November 2015: Managing Construction Risks for dam engineers a workshop organized by USSD, Hilton Oakland, California, USA


3rd International Conference on "Scientific Research Projects", Tanta University, Tanta, Egypt.


1st International Conference on Advances in Structural and Geotechnical Engineering, ICASGE’15, 6-9 April 2015, Hurghada, Egypt


International Symposium on Dams in Environmental Global Challenges"ICOLD2014, Bali, Indonesia, June 1ST - 6TH, 2014. ‫ندوة "االمن المائى المصرى بن الحقوق التاريخية والطموحات االقليمية‬ ‫ قاعة المؤتمرات جامعة طنطا‬8114/4/2

2014 2013

9th International Symposium of ICOLD European Club ICOLD2013, Venice, Italy, June, 1ST - 6TH, 2013.


2nd International Conference on “Enhancing Scientific Research Projects", Tanta University, Tanta, Egypt


Workshop on" Academic Standards", Quality Assurance Center, Tanta University. 26-28 March 2013

Publication Highlights Book Chapters Bakenaz A. Zeidan: Chapter: Transboundary Nile Water Governance. 08/2018; Unpublished chapter. Bakenaz A. Zeidan: Chapter: Nile Water Conflict Management. 08/2018; Unpublished chapter. Bakenaz A. Zeidan: Chapter: Groundwater Quality Management. 08/2018; Unpublished chapter. Bakenaz A. Zeidan: Chapter: Impact of Hydraulic Conductivity Uniformity on Seawater Intrusion in Nile Delta Aquifer, Egypt, 08/2018; under publication chapter. Bakenaz A. Zeidan: Chapter 6: Canal Headworks. 03/2018; Unpublished chapter –Lecture notes Bakenaz A Zeidan: Groundwater Degradation and Remediation in the Nile Delta Aquifer. Book series: The Handbook of Environmental Chemistry Series, Volume title: The Nile Delta 12/2016: chapter 6; Springer, DOI: 10.1007/698_2016_128 Mosaad Khadr, Bakenaz A. Zeidan, Ayat Elnmer: On-Farm Water Management in the Nile Delta. Volume title: The Nile Delta, Springer, 10.1007/698_2016_128, Dec. 2016. 08/2016; DOI: 10.1007/698_2016_56

Bakenaz A. Zeidan 2018



chapter; Bakenaz A Zeidan: Design and Analysis of Concrete Gravity Dams. 08/2015: Article Review for Promotion, June 2013, Research gate, DOI, 10.13140/RG.2.1.4414.3849 Bakenaz A. Zeidan: "Mathematical Modeling of Environment Problems". Environmental Science and Engineering, Instrument, Modeling and Analysis (Volume 7), 11/2015: chapter 17: pages 422-461; Stadium Press LLC, USA, ISBN: ISBN of Series 1-62699-088-3, ISBN OF Volume 1-62699-095-6

Journal Publications Bakenaz A Zeidan: pp.: 82-88 ، 8112 ‫ عدد ابريل‬،‫العلم والحياة‬-‫“نهر النيل بين الطموحات والتحديات" مجلة فضاء العلوم‬ Asaad M. Armanuos, Mona G. Ibrahim, Wael Elham Mahmod, Abdelazim Negm, C. Yoshimura, Jiro Takemura, Bakenaz A. Zeidan: Evaluation the potential impact of Grand Ethiopian Renaissance Dam and pumping scenarios on groundwater level in the Nile Delta aquifer. Water Science & Technology Water Supply 03/2017; 17(5). DOI:10.2166/ws.2017.037 Mohamed Elkollaly, Mosaad Khadr, Bakenaz Zeidan: Drought analysis in the Eastern Nile basin using the standardized precipitation index. Environmental Science and Pollution Research 01/2017; DOI: 10.1007/s11356-016-8347-9 A. Mohsen, M. Elshemy, and B. A. Zeidan: Change detection for Lake Burullus, Egypt using remote sensing and GIS approaches. Environmental Science and Pollution Research 12/2016; DOI: 10.1007/s11356-016-8167-y Bakenaz A Zeidan: Effect of Foundation Flexibility on Dam- Reservoir-Foundation Interaction. International Water Technology Journal, IWTJ, Vol.6, No.2, June 2016. Heba Elshinnawy and, Bakenaz A. Zeidan: Impact of Hydraulic Conductivity Uniformity on Seawater Intrusion in Nile Delta Aquifer, Egypt. Journal of Al-Azhar University Engineering Sector, JAUES (2015) Vol .37 ,No .4., Sep. 2015. W Assar, M Elshemy, and B A Zeidan (2015): Water Quality Modeling for Lake Burullus, Egypt, Part I: Model Calibration. Mansoura Engineering Journal, (MEJ), Vol. 40, Issue 2, June 2015, pp: 53-60 . Bakenaz A Zeidan (2014): Nile Water Conflict Management. Advanced Research in Engineering Sciences “ARES” E-ISSN: 2347- 4130; Vol. 2(2) April 2014 S.M. Ghoraba, B.A. Zeidan, I.M.H. Rashwan (2012): Solute transport modeling of the groundwater for quaternary aquifer quality management in Middle Delta, Egypt. AEJ - Alexandria Engineering Journal 06/2013; 52(2):197-207., DOI:10.1016/j.aej.2012.12.007 R I Nasr, B A. Zeidan, M F Bakry, and M S Saloom (2003): Uplift pressure relief on lined canals using tile drains. AEJ - Alexandria Engineering Journal, Vol. 42 (2003), No.4, 497-507 Tarek A. El-Samman, Bakenaz A. Zeidan, Tamer A. Gado: Performance of Control Structures in Channels Infested by Aquatic Weeds in Egypt. Mansoura Engineering Journal, (MEJ), Vol. 28, Issue 2, June 2003, c: 1-25. Rabeia I. M.Nasr, Bakenaz A. Zeidan, S.M.A. Ghoraba: Three Dimensional Finite Element Analysis of Seepage around Heading up Structures. . Mansoura Engineering Journal, (MEJ), Vol. 28, Issue 2, June 2003. Bakenaz A. Zeidan (2005): Coping with Water Crisis Contingency in the Nile River Basin”. 2nd International Symposium on Transboundary Waters Management, USA, 16-19 November 2004, Susanna Eden, Water International, Taylor & Francis, Volume 30, Issue 1, 2005.

Bakenaz A. Zeidan 2018


Bakenaz A Zeidan: Groundwater Monitoring, Modeling and Assessment in the Nile Delta. 07/2016: unpublished

8 Conference Proceedings M. Elshemy, B. A. Zeidan, W. Assar. “Water Quality Mitigation Scenarios for Burullus Coastal Lake, Egypt”. Proceedings of the “Sixth International Conference on Estuaries and Coasts” (ICEC-2018), August 20 - 23, 2018, Caen, France. A. Shalby, M. Elshemy, B. A. Zeidan. “Climate Change Impacts on Lake Burullus, Coastal Lagoon (Egypt)”. Proceedings of the “Sixth International Conference on Estuaries and Coasts” (ICEC-2018), August 20 - 23, 2018, Caen, France. Bakenaz A. Zeidan, M Shahien, M Elshemy, M S Kirra: Seepage and Slope Stability Analysis of Earth Dams. ICOLD2018, Vienna, Austria, 1/7/2018 Bakenaz A. Zeidan, Ayman A. Seleemah: Seismic Stability Analysis of Concrete Gravity Dams. ICOLD2018, Vienna, Austria, 1/7/2018 Mohammed I. Idress, Fahmy S. Abdelhaleem, Bakenaz A. Zeidan (2018): Prediction of Flood Hydrograph Due To Grand Ethiopian Renaissance Dam Break. IWTC2018, 28-30 July, Ismailia, Egypt Abeer M. Salama, Tamer Gado, Bakenaz Zeidan (2018) : On Selection Of Probability Distributions For Annual Extreme Rainfall Series In Egypt, IWTC2018, 28-30 July, Ismailia, Egypt. Bakenaz Zeidan, M Shahien, M Elshemy, M S Kirra: Combined Seepage and Slope Stability Analysis of Failed Earthen Dams. ICOLD2017, Prague, Czech Republic; 07/2017 Ayman Seleemah, Bakenaz Zeidan, Ahmed Rashed, Mohammed Elprince: Effect of ground motion excitations on seismic response of concrete gravity dams. ICOLD2017, Prague, Czech Republic; 07/2017 Ahmed Shalby, M. Elshemy, and B. A. Zeidan: Selecting of Regional Climate Model Simulations for Modeling Climate Change Impacts on the Water Quality Status of Lake Burullus, Egypt. Twentieth International Water Technology Conference, IWTC20, Hurghada, Red Sea, Egypt; 05/2017 A Nada, M Elshemy, and B A Zeidan, an A Hassan: Water Quality Assessment of Rosetta Branch, Nile River, Egypt. Third International Environmental Forum, Environmental Pollution: Problem & Solution, Tanta University, Egypt, July 12-14, 2016, Tanta University, Egypt, 07/2016 S R Emara, M Khadr, and B A Zeidan: Assessment of Land Use/ Cover Change Using Remote Sensing and GIS in the Nile Delta, Egypt. Third International Environmental Forum, Environmental Pollution: Problem & Solution, Tanta University, Egypt, July 12-14, 2016, Tanta University, Egypt, 07/2016 A Mohsen, M Elshemy, and B A Zeidan: Change Detection Analysis Using Remote Sensing and GIS Approaches For Lake Burullus, Egypt. Third International Environmental Forum, Environmental Pollution: Problem & Solution, Tanta University, Egypt, July 12-14, 2016, Tanta University, Egypt, 07/2016 Bakenaz A Zeidan: Seismic Finite Element Analysis of Dam-Reservoir-Foundation Interaction. International Conference on Advances in Structural and Geotechnical Engineering 6-9 April 2015, Hurghada, Egypt ICASGE’15, Hurghada, Egypt; 14/8115 Bakenaz Zeidan, M.R. Elprince, Ayman Seleemah, Ahmed A. Rashed: Seismic Behavior of Concrete Gravity Dams Including Dam-Reservoir-Foundation Interaction. International Conference on Advances in Structural and Geotechnical Engineering, ICASGE’15, 6-9 April 2015, Hurghada, Egypt., Hurghada, Egypt.; 04/2015

Bakenaz A. Zeidan 2018

M.S. Kirra, M. Shahien, M. Elshemy, B. A. Zeidan: Seepage and Slope Stability Analysis of Mandali Earth Dam, Iraq: A Case Study. International Conference on Advances in Structural and Geotechnical Engineering, ICASGE15, Hurghada, Egypt; 04/2015 Bakenaz A Zeidan, Mosaad Khadr, Ayat Elnmer: Optimal Water Productivity of Crop Pattern in Central Nile Delta, Egypt. Eighteenth International Water Technology Conference, IWTC15- Sharm ElSheikh, Egypt, 12-14 March 2015. Bakenaz A Zeidan: Effect of Foundation Flexibility on Dam- Reservoir-Foundation Interaction. 18th International Water Technology Conference, IWTC2015, Sharm El-Shiekh, Egypt, March 12 -14, 2015. Bakenaz A. Zeidan, Aly Islam Metwally Aly, Ibrahim M. H. Rashwan, Mona A. Ahmed, Shaimaa M. Ghoraba: Scenarios for Groundwater Remediation Using N15 in the Nile Delta. ” 12th International Water Technology Conference, IWTC2015, Sharm El-Shiekh, Egypt, March 12 -14, 2015. Bakenaz A. Zeidan: Seismic Analysis of Dam-Reservoir-Foundation Interaction for Concrete Gravity Dams. International Symposium on Dams in Environmental Global Challenges" ICOLD2014, Bali, Indonesia, 1-6 June 2014, Bali, Indonesia. Bakenaz A. Zeidan (8114) “Finite Element Modeling for Acoustic Reservoir-Dam-Foundation Coupled System", International Symposium on Dams in Environmental Global Challenges" ICOLD2014, Bali, Indonesia, 1-6 June 2014, Bali, Indonesia. Bakenaz A. Zeidan: Egyptian Water Security between historical rights and regional ambitions. First International Forum on Egyptian Water Security, Tanta University; 8-4-2014 Bakenaz A Zeidan, Aly I M Aly, Ibrahim M H Rashwan, Mona A Ahmed, and Shaima M Ghoraba: Groundwater Quality Management in Middle Nile Delta utilizing Environmental Isotopes and Solute Transport Modeling. ” NGWA Summit-The National and International Conference on Groundwater, 29 April- 2 May, Texas, USA. Texas, USA. Bakenaz A Zeidan (2013): Seismic Dam-Reservoir Interaction of Concrete Gravity Dams. ” 9th Symposium of ICOLD European Club IECS2013, 10-12 April, Italy. Venissia, Italy; 04/2013 Bakenaz A Zeidan (2013): Hydrodynamic Analysis of Concrete Gravity Dams Subjected to Ground motion. 9th Symposium of ICOLD European Club IECS2013, 10-12 April, Italy. An I El-Shinnawy, AN S Ahmed, B A Zeidan (2012): Validation of Numerical Model to Predict Wave Transmission at Submerged Breakwaters. International Conference of ASCE, September 2012, Cairo, Egypt. Cairo, Egypt. Bakenaz A. Zeidan (2006((: .‫ مصر‬- ‫ القاهرة‬8116 ‫ يناير‬2 ‫"جودة المياه فى الوطن العربى ومحددات التنمية المستدامة " المؤتمر الدولى االولى للمياه الصحية فى العالم العربى‬ Bakenaz A. Zeidan (2005):" .‫ القاهرة مصر‬2005 ‫ مايو‬28-29 ‫“منظومة البحث العلمى فى مصر المستفبل " المؤتمر القومى االول حول منظومة البحث العلمى‬ Bakenaz A. Zeidan (2004): ‫”الدور الفاعل للتقدم الفكرى والثقافة العلمية فى تحديث المجتمع المصرى ”مؤتمر االصالح السياسى واالقتصادى واالجتماعى فى الوطن العربى "مارس‬ .‫مصر‬- ‫مكتبة االسكندرية – االسكندرية‬2004-

Bakenaz A. Zeidan 2018


M S Kirra, B a Zeidan, M Shahien, M Elshemy: Seepage Analysis of Walter F. George Dam, USA: A case Study. International Conference on Advances in Structural and Geotechnical Engineering, ICASGE’15, Hurghada, Egypt; 04/2015

Bakenaz A. Zeidan (2004): "The Nile River Basin since HAPY till NBI. 2nd International Conference on Role of Engineering towards a Better Environment, 21-23 December, Alexandria Bibliotheca Alexandrina, Alexandria‫و‬, Egypt; “Bakenaz A. Zeidan (2004): "‫ "نحو افاق جديدة فى تطوير مقررات الرى والهيدروليكا‬workshop, Faculty of Engineering, Tanta University, 16 March 2004, Tanta, Egypt. Bakenaz A. Zeidan (2003): "‫ "العقول المصرية ومستقبل التعليم والثقافة العلمية – قضية الساعة‬Conference on "Human Resources in the 3rd Millennium", Organized by the Egyptian Scientific Union, 29-31 Dec., Cairo, Egypt, Cairo, Egypt. Bakenaz A. Zeidan (2003): "‫ ”واقع التعليم والبحث العلمى بين الطموحات والتحديات‬Conference on "Human Resources in the 3rd Millennium", Organized by the Egyptian Scientific Union, 29-31 Dec., Cairo, Egypt., Cairo, Egypt. Bakenaz A. Zeidan, I.A. Elshinnawy (2003): Impact of the Catchment Area on Water and Sediment Quality of AlBurullus Lake, Egypt. Water Resources Management-2003, International Conference, 30/4 to 2/5/2003 organized by ASCE, Wessex Institute, Southampton University, UK., pp.: 256-265., , Las Palmas, Gran Canarias, Spain Bakenaz A. Zeidan, I.A. Elshinnawy, H.A.E. Rahman (2002): Water Balance of Al-Burullus Lake", Forth International Conference on Role of Engineering Towards a Better Environment, Alexandria, Egypt, 2123 December2002, organized by Faculty of Engineering , Alexandria University, pp.: 157-171 Bakenaz A. Zeidan (1998): Experimental Analysis on Tile Drainage through Leaky phreatic Aquifers. ", Integrated Water Resources Management Alexandria 11 Oct. 1998 organized by Alexandria University, Faculty of Engineering, Hydraulics and Irrigation Department, pp:127-140, Egypt. Bakenaz A. Zeidan (1998): Efficiency of Tile Drainage through Leaky phreatic Aquifers. Conference on Coping with Water Scarcity, Hurghada, 26-28 August, organized by National Water Research Center, Egypt, pp.: 2.17.1-2.17.16., Hurghada, Egypt. Bakenaz A. Zeidan and Saher Elkhoriby (1997): Geotechnical Analysis for the Locations of R.C. Irrigation Constructions on Sheik Zayed Canal Irrigation Project". Fifth International Conference, December, 19-22, 1997 organized by Al-Azhar University, Faculty of Engineering, pp.: 221-235. Egypt. Bakenaz A. Zeidan (1996): Environmental Changes in the Aquatic Media of Canals and Drains due to Industrial and Sanitary Wastewater in Gharbia Governorate". In Arabic, First Gharbia Environmental Conference, 89 May, Tanta, Egypt. Tanta, Egypt. Bakenaz A. Zeidan (1996): On Farm Water Management Efficiency in Egyptian Practice. First International Water Technology Conference IWTC96, Alexandria, February 1996, Egypt, and pp.: 175-185. Bakenaz A. Zeidan (1995): Stability and Convergence of Water Table Drawdown Simulation. Al-Azhar Engineering Fourth International conference 16-19 December 1995, Cairo, Egypt. Cairo, Egypt. Bakenaz A. Zeidan (1995): "Parametric Study of Water Table Drawdown in Anisotropic Media". First Engineering Conference, Faculty of Engineering, Mansoura University, Mansoura, 28-30 March 1995, Egypt. Mansoura, Egypt. Bakenaz A. Zeidan (1993): A Posterior Error Analysis and Adaptive Finite Element Discretization in Steady Free Surface Seepage Flow. Al-Azhar Engineering Third International Conference, December 18-21, 1993 Cairo, Egypt.

Bakenaz A. Zeidan 2018


Bakenaz A Zeidan (2004): Groundwater Quality Studies in the 21 St Century. Al-Azhar Engineering Eighth International Conference December 24 - 27, 2004 Code: C155, A.

Bakenaz A. Zeidan (1991): Error Analysis in Phreatic Seepage Problems. 18th International Conference on Fluid Mechanics and Fluid Power, December 29-30th, 1991 Indore, India. Technical Reports Bakenaz A. Zeidan: Zeidan' Activities in UC Berkeley scholarship 2015-2016.

Languages: Fluent Arabic, Good English Personal Skills: Think tank, leadership, hardworking, deterministic, technical writing and presentation, administration, reform. Interests: Music, modeling and simulation, think tanks, reform, HR books, Finite element modeling, ANSYS, dam engineering, Management, training, new technologies.

References Prof. Anil K. Chopra, Prof. Anil K. Chopra, Johnson Professor of Structural Engineering, Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering, University of California, Berkeley, CA 94720-1710 ([email protected]) Prof.











([email protected]) Prof. Aly I. M. Aly, Former President of Egyptian Authority for Atomic Energy, Cairo, Egypt ([email protected]). Prof. Hala Fouad, Former President of Tanta University, Egypt ([email protected]) Prof. Ayman Seleemah, Prof. of Structure engineering, Faculty of Engineering, Tanta University ([email protected]) Prof. Ignacio Escuder Bueno, ICOLD European Club Secretary ([email protected]), Spain. Prof. Salah El-Din Taher, Prof. of concrete structures, Faculty of Engineering, Tanta University, ([email protected])

Bakenaz A. Zeidan 2018


Bakenaz A. Zeidan (1992): A Numerical (FEM) Study of the Effect of Anisotropy on Phreatic Seepage Flows. 19th International Conference on Fluid Mechanics and Fluid Power, December 3-5, 1992, Powai, Bombay, India.