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How is technology used in school? Will online classes. ever replace traditional classes? Do teachers give too much homew
The Role of Education: Define: Public Education Public: Available to general public, Education supplied by the government, students in the school, Canadian citizens Education: Teaching, Sharing Knowledge, Learning What are the roles of schools? Teach people Get a job Prepare you for future endeavors Variety of experiences How do schools prepare students to be a part of society? Extracurriculars, Intellectual stimulating environment Multitude of things to do (Objects, Computers / technology) What are the roles of students? Get along with others Be engaged in the multitude of activities

What are the rights and responsibilities of students? Be respectful to the school community Safe environment Privacy

What are the roles of teachers? Teach Provide a multitude of activities.

What are the rights and responsibilities of teachers? Provide consequences that reflect the action. Respected

Education Issues: For all questions ask: Who is effected and who is the larger group? 1. Answer the question. 2. Restate as a resolution 3. Define resolution 4. Prop (pros) Arguments a. Evidence 5. Opp (cons) Arguments a. Evidence Rebuttal Questions (Fit resolution into one of three categories) (2 lines to 1 opp, 1 prop, point, clash, point)

For 30 minutes (10 minutes each) explore three of the below using the above criteria. How is technology used in school? Will online classes ever replace traditional classes?

Do teachers give too much homework? Why? Tie - Teachers giving out too much homework

This house believes that all teachers should give no homework. House: Saskatoon Public Schools Teachers: Employee of government to teach young people Homework: Work not finished in class Or extension to curriculum. Pro Arguments: Frees up time for students to explore extra-curs Have more time with families Evidence: Possible evidence to indicate that students are overstressed leading to poor decisions. Opposition arguments: Homework teaches life skills and discipline Maximizing learning time Takes learning out of a time limit Evidence: France - Case study Netherlands - No homework until college Rebuttal Questions: (summarize debate in our favour)

Thematic, political, Is there a need for this resolution. Summarize the cases: WIll this act improve the level of learning.

Should students be able to grade their teachers? Why?

Should school uniforms be mandatory? Why?

Should students be given school credit for extracurricular activities?

Should all students be expected to learn French? Why?

Should schools use standardized testing? Why?

Should schools enforce healthy lifestyles by banning junk food?

Should personal devices be banned from school (phones, ipods). Why?

How can schools keep students safe?

Should metal detectors be mandatory in school? Why?

Create your own resolutions using the above or through a brainstorm in your group and fill out the attached chart :

Resolution: Proposition statement Who does it effect and how?

Evidence of proposition

Opposition statement Who does it effect and how?

Evidence of opposition

_____________________________________________ _____________________________________________ _____________________________________________ _____________________________________________

Resolution: Proposition statement Who does it effect and how?

Evidence of proposition

Opposition statement Who does it effect and how?

Evidence of opposition

_____________________________________________ _____________________________________________ _____________________________________________ _____________________________________________