Nov 4, 2008 ... Sherry Cormier-Kuhn. 347. Debbie Macon. 493. Christopher P. Maloney. 405.
Thomas Patrick Sullivan. 645. Write-in Votes. 20. Brighton District ...
Date:11/17/08 Time:15:24:54 Page:1 of 1
Cards Cast 100291 State Board of Education Total Votes Scott Jenkins Richard Zeile John Austin Kathleen Straus Dwain Reynolds, III Karen Adams Gail M. Graeser Bill Hall Jeff A. Steinport Write-in Votes
Whitmore Lake School Board Member, 6 Yr. Term Rep Rep Dem Dem Grn Ust Ust Lib Lib
U of M Board of Regents Total Votes Susan Brown John G. LaFond Laurence B. Deitch Denise Ilitch Ellis Boal Richard Ryskamp Joe Sanger Eric L. Larson Kerry L. Morgan Write-in Votes
Rep Rep Dem Dem Grn Ust Ust Lib Lib
MSU Board of Trustees Total Votes Lisa Bouchard George Scott Romney Dianne Byrum Diann Woodard Therese Marie Storm Robert Gale Crystal Van Sickle David A. Brown Joseph Rosenquist Write-in Votes
Wayne State Board of Governors Total Votes Torion J. Bridges Danialle Karmanos Paul Massaron Gary S. Pollard Margaret Guttshall Rick Butkowski Terry Haines Dan Keizer Nicole Michalak Write-in Votes Hamburg Township Library Board Director Total Votes Stella Campbell Richelle Hocking Sally Crouch (WI) Margaret Eibler (WI) Michaelene Farrell (WI) Duncan McIntyre (WI) Frank Pate (WI) Write-in Votes Howell School Board Member Total Votes Phillip Arrington Patricia L. Howle Kris Kauserud Mark Michaels Doug Moore Robert E. Parker Ann Routt Michael E. Yenshaw Write-in Votes
Howell School Board Member, Partial Term Total Votes Deborah Drick Dan Fondriest Write-in Votes Pinckney School Board Member Total Votes Terri Bankes Kevin R. MacRitchie Write-in Votes
Total 18408 9751 8529 128
Total 14154 7123 6944 87
Total Votes Udo Huff Anne Iaquinto Kent Sparks Write-in Votes Whitmore Lake School Board Member, 4 Yr. Term Total Votes Bob Henry John Mayleben Write-in Votes
Total 1285 261 486 536 2 Total 1081 571 503 7
Oakland Community College Board of Trustees Total Votes Phillip J. Abraham Shirley J. Bryant Sandra L. Ritter Carlyle Fielding Stewart Timothy Terpening Write-in Votes Oakland Community College Board of Trustees, Partial Term Total Votes Sherry Cormier-Kuhn Debbie Macon Christopher P. Maloney Thomas Patrick Sullivan Write-in Votes Brighton District Library Board Member Total Votes Jane C. Clarke Jeannette M. Hill Scott Nielsen Write-in Votes