Power-Switching Converters: Medium and High Power By Dorin O. Neacsu CRC Press (Taylor & Francis), 2006 Hardcover, 365 pages, ISBN-10: 0-8247-2625-1 ISBN-13: 978-0978-08247-2625-6
ower-Switching Converters, authored by Dr. Dorin O. Neacsu, visiting assistant professor from the Department of Electrical Engineering, University of New Orleans, Louisiana, covers the main problems related to medium- and high-power converters. The book consists of the following chapters: 1) “Introduction to Medium- and High-Power Switching Converters” “High-Power Semiconductor 2) Devices” 3) “Basic Three-Phase Inverters” 4) “Carrier-Based Pulse-Width Modulation and Operation Limits” 5) “Vectorial Pulse-Width Modulation for Basic Three-Phase Inverters” Digital Object Identifier 10.1109/MIE.2007.909726
6) “Practical Aspects in Building er topologies, modulation techniques Three-Phase Power Converters” (carrier-based and space vector modulation), practical building aspects, and 7) “Implementation of Pulse-Width Modulation Algorithms” advanced vector control schemes. The book is well balanced; however, 8) “Practical Aspects of Implementaa very important section on multilevel tion Closed-Loop Current Control” high-power converters is missing. Also, 9) “Resonant Three-Phase Converters” the presented examples of three-phase “Component-Minimized Three10) ac/dc grid interfacing converters do Phase Power Converters” not discuss direct power 11) “Ac/Dc Grid Intercontrol (DPC) with switchface Based on the Three-Phase Voltage ing table and direct power The book is Source Converter” control with space vector well balanced; “Parallel and Intermodulation (DTC-SVM) 12) schemes. Some of the figleaved Power Con- however, a very verters.” important section ures are not precisely described (see, for example, on multilevel Figures 3.16 and 3.17). Index high-power The book is easy to read Each chapter is suppleconverters and the author illustrates mented by a conclusion, key concepts with simulaexample problems, and a is missing. selected list of references. tions and experiments. With advances in techPractical problems are presented to help readers follow the disnology of power semiconductor components and digital signal processors cussed materials. Therefore, this book (DSPs), the interest in power-switchfills the gap between textbooks and teching converter design and optimization nical papers and may be attractive for research and development engineers as increase systematically. This text exwell as graduate students who are interplores the latest technology in medium and high two-level power converters ested in the design of medium- and highwith complete analysis of basic convertpower electronic converters.
Education News (continued from page 46) n
Krishnan Ramu (Virginia Tech, USA): linear levitated and nonlevitated drives in emerging applications, unconventional high-performance motor drives, whither motors and SRM and PMSM drives Alfred C. Weaver (University of Virginia, USA): industrial informatics, federated, secure trust networks, electronic commerce, data monitoring and process control over the Internet Bogdan Wilamowski (Auburn University, USA): VLSI-based soft computing for mechatronics applications, VLSI nonlinear analog
Prof. Holtz gives a lecture.
signal processing, computational intelligence for mechatronics. Interested IES Chapter representatives should contact the new IES-DL Coordinator Istvan Nagy at
[email protected], offering a brief description of the planned activity
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