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Obtained good exposure to ship building methodology and practices. ▫ Observed and studied the construction of key comp
R O WT HU SRI RA M | NA09B02 1 Ind i an In st it ut e o f T echno lo g y M ad r as #430, Jamuna Hostel, IIT Madras

+91 9043404283

[email protected]

EDUCATION B.Tech Class XII Class X, I.C.S.E

Naval Architecture and Ocean Engineering ST Patrick’s Junior College, Hyderabad ST Ann’s, Vishakhapatnam

COURSE WORK Strength of Materials Ocean Wave Hydrodynamics Ship Theory Ship resistance and propulsion Ship Design Vibrations of marine structures and acoustics Introduction to Solid, Fluid Mechanics Physical Modeling and Instrumentation

7.08 86.4% 85.6%

2013 2008 2006

Ship Hydrodynamics Dynamics of floating systems and maneuvering Material and ship production process Design of ocean structures Ship Structure Analysis of offshore structures Ocean Energy Systems

LABS Applied Mechanics Lab/Fluid Mechanics Lab Computer Aided Ship Design Drawing Lab Ocean Engineering Lab for resistance & propulsion and wave hydrodynamic tests OTHER COURSES Minor: - Innovation and Social Entrepreneurship  Studied extensively about various social enterprises and their Business Models, like AMUL,IDEI etc  Developed a product (Compost Bin) and Business Plan based on SWOT analysis  Carried out Rural Field study, developed a Business Model and Business Plan which benefits (increases the profit) fishermen in Kadalur village, T.N by reducing middlemen in the supply chain. SKILLS  Programming Languages: C,C++  Software: AutoCAD, Mat lab, Moses, Orca flex ACADEMICS/PROJECTS • B-Tech Project (Design of Solar Powered Catamaran) [Guide: Prof. Krishnankutty.P]  Objective of the project is to work towards Green Boat Design with low emission using solar power  The catamaran is to be designed to carry 10 people with a design speed of 5 knots that runs on solar energy  Detailed study of solar energy conversion systems will be carried out  Estimation of the surface area of the deck required to place solar panels to achieve power requirements  Resistance, propulsion, hydrodynamic analysis, power requirements and structural design will be carried out  Perform Cost analysis to estimate short term and long term effects of use of solar energy for shipping industry


Intern at National Institute of Ocean Technology (NIOT) Chennai (May ’12 to June ’12)  Designed different shapes of Buoys using MOSES as the software  Estimated and compared weight and hydrostatic stability of different buoys  Hydrodynamic stability is checked by finding Motion RAO’s after simulation in various weather conditions  Completed Single point mooring analysis

Intern at Cochin Shipyard Limited (May ‘11 to June ‘11)  Obtained good exposure to ship building methodology and practices  Observed and studied the construction of key components in the Indigenous Aircraft carrier (first to be built in India)  Studied about methods being followed for dry docking etc  Studied about PSVs (Platform supply vessels) and about its DPS (Dynamic positioning system)

POSITIONS OF RESPONSIBILITY • Sports Secretary, Jamuna Hostel, IIT Madras  Selected and coordinated with a team of 15 captains of various sports throughout the year  Secured second position in Schroeter (Inter hostel sports championship) after span of 5 years  Proposed and managed an annual sports budget of 4 lakhs INR  Opened a new Mini Gym in the hostel, for the first time in IIT, with a budget of INR 35,000  Motivated freshmen to take part in NSO selections resulting in maximum number of freshmen, 85 out of 164(increase to 50% from 15%)  Successful in conducting inter and intra hostel football events throughout the year •

Selected to lead a team of 11 as the captain of the volleyball team for my hostel

Successfully organized the Terry Fox Run, an initiative to create awareness on cancer and raise funds for cancer patients

Photography Coordinator for Saarang2011: Documented events to aid their better conduct in the subsequent years

Coordinator for Wavez (annual department fest)  Worked as publicity coordinator for wavez, 2009  Core member in charge of organizing sports events for the better integration in the department

EXTRA-CURRICULAR ACTIVITIES • Member of ‘Institute Volleyball team’, sports fest team and was a member of various hostel sports teams Sport Position

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Bronze in 2011 Inter IIT sports meet (Kharagpur)


Fourth position in sports fest team 2010, 2011, 2012


Silver in Schroeter (Inter hostel Sports championship) 2012


Gold in Schroeter 2012

Member of hostel athletics, football, cricket, road race and cycling teams and participated in various inter hostel competitions Selected for the NSO program in Cricket in the year 2009; 20 students selected out of 800 freshmen

CO-CIRRICULAR ACTVITIES • Active participant in Technical events, and  Part of the team that placed 1st in Manual Robotics in Tech Soc 2009 (annual inter hostel technical competition)  Part of the team that placed 3rd in Junkyard Wars in Tech Soc 2011 • Secured 1st place in Daily events in Saarang 2011, where more than 200 students participated