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Educational administration. & Leadership. Preservice to Practice: Today's learning builds tomorrow's educational leaders. 2012. New Books from SAGE and ...
Educational administration & Leadership Preservice to Practice:

Today’s learning builds tomorrow’s educational leaders

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Table of Contents Introduction to Educational Leadership




Supervision of Instruction


Curriculum Development


School Finance


School Law


Student Assessment


Administration & Leadership


Research Methods in Education


Educational Statistics


Data-Driven Decision Making


Technology Leadership


School Change, Reform and Restructuring


School Climate


School-Community Relations






Organizational Leadership




Program Evaluation


Reflective Practice


For Your Bookshelf


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Introduction to Educational Leadership New!

The Global Fourth Way Andy Hargreaves, Boston College • Dennis L. Shirley, Boston College This book builds upon the authors’ recently published The Fourth Way: The Inspiring Future for Educational Change by helping educators to focus on the nitty-gritty, boiler-room challenges of change leaders and the expected obstacles they must anticipate, engage, and overcome to enact fourth way strategies and values. It will be of interest to all educational leaders who seek to combine inspiring and visionary leadership with the practical skills and street-level political acumen to make the changes that have to happen to improve education today. Paperback ISBN: 978-1-4129-8786-8 • August 2012 • 176 pages • Corwin


Culturally Courageous Leadership A Guide for “Walking the Equity Talk” John Robert Browne II, Browne and Associates Since the beginning of the 21st century, government at the federal and state levels has tried to dramatically increase accountability for the academic outcomes of all students, as exemplified by education legislation and funding mandates. One result has been major reforms in the preparation and professional development of educational leaders. Nevertheless, the disparities in student educational outcomes have persisted despite changes in funding priorities and school/leadership reforms. This practical guide is designed help increase the consciousness, willingness, and political savvy of all adult school community stakeholders to successfully implement equity reforms. It proposes a bold, new leadership paradigm—Culturally Courageous Leadership—that facilitates the adoption of the values, beliefs, attitudes and skills needed to achieve equitable educational outcomes. CONTENTS Section I: Leadership for equitable outcomes—it takes an entire community / 1. Identity and Conflict / 2. The Absence of Cultural Democracy / 3. Grim Continuities / 4. Rhetoric vs. Reality / 5. Biases / 6. Barriers / Section II: Culturally courageous leadership—a paradigm for contemporary realities / 7. A New Paradigm for the 21st Century / 8. Seven Principles / 9. Transformation and Politics / 10. Stakeholder Practices / 11. Promising Departures / 12. Two Leadership Profiles / Section III: Making it real / 13. Defusing the Political Landmines / 14. Three Equity Warriors / 15. Practicing the ‘Equity Walk’ / 16. The Time is Here, the Time is Now


The New School Management by Wandering Around William A. Streshly, San Diego State University • Susan Penny Gray, San Diego State University • Larry E. Frase, San Diego State University

This book cites more than twenty well-constructed research studies that show how management by wandering around improves student discipline, raises teacher efficacy, and boosts student achievement. CONTENTS 1. Defining the MBWA Leader / 2. School Leadership: What Matters Most / 3. Why Teachers Teach and Why They Leave / 4. Why Teachers Stay / 5. Promoting Quality Curriculum Through MBWA / 6. Getting Into Classrooms / 7. Finding Time for MBWA / 8. Promoting Good Student Discipline and a Safe Campus / 9. Dealing with Unmet Expectations: Marginal and Incompetent Teachers / 10. Ensuring Due Process and Building the File Paperback ISBN: 978-1-4129-9604-4 • April 2012 • 304 pages • Corwin

Achieving Success with your Leadership Project David Middlewood, University of Warwick • Ian Abbott, University of Warwick This book gives a complete guide to carrying out and completing a project or dissertation which has a leadership or management focus. It is written in accessible, jargon-free language and provides practical advice in all the relevant areas of research and its reporting. CONTENTS Setting the Scene / Choosing your Topic and Designing the Research / The Literature Review / Research Methodology / Applying Research Methods / Practitioner Research / Presenting and Analysing Data / Making the Most of Available Support / Writing up / Understanding Assessment / Next Steps Paperback ISBN: 978-0-8570-2367-4 • ©2012 • 200 pages • SAGE

Paperback ISBN: 978-1-4129-9781-2 • June 2012 • 432 pages • Corwin

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Introduction to Leadership

Leading and Managing Schools

Concepts and Practice

Helen O’Sullivan, University of Dublin Trinity College • John West-Burnham

Second Edition Peter G. Northouse, Western Michigan University Providing practical strategies for becoming a better leader, this bestselling book includes interactive elements to help students apply leadership concepts to their own lives. CONTENTS 1. Being a Leader / 2. Recognizing Your Traits / 3. Recognizing Your Philosophy and Style of Leadership / 4. Attending to Tasks and Relationships / 5. Developing Leadership Skills / 6. Creating a Vision / 7. Setting the Tone / 9. Handling Conflict / 10. Overcoming Obstacles / 11. Addressing Ethics in Leadership Paperback ISBN: 978-1-4129-8952-7 • ©2012 • 304 pages •

Inspiring and informative in its style, the authors bring together a range of perspectives on every aspect of school leadership and management, from well known contributors such as Michael Fullan, Ciaran Sugrue and Marty Linsky, creating a unique and rich canvas. CONTENTS PART I: THE BIG PICTURE / Adaptive Challenges for School Leadership / Leading System Level Change / Governance Matters / PART II: THE IRISH PICTURE / Leading and Managing Irish Schools: A Historical Perspective / Autonomy and Accountability / Leadership and the Curriculum - A Question of Trust / Leadership and Teacher Education / Leadership and Managing Professional Learning in Schools / School Leadership for Special Educational Needs / New Schools for a New Century / PART III: THE DEVELOPING PICTURE / Rethinking Educational Leadership


Paperback ISBN: 978-0-8570-2396-4 • ©2012 • 200 pages •

Bestseller! Updated Edition of Bestseller

Leadership Theory and Practice

Proactive School Security and Emergency Preparedness Planning

Fifth Edition Edited by Peter G. Northouse, Western Michigan University Adopted at more than 800 colleges and universities worldwide, the market-leading text owes its success to the unique way in which it combines an academically robust account of the major theories and models of leadership with an accessible style and practical exercises that help students apply what they learn. CONTENTS 1. Introduction / 2. Trait Approach / 3. Skills Approach / 4. Style Approach / 5. Situational Approach / 6. Contingency Theory / 7. Path–Goal Theory / 8. Leader–Member Exchange Theory / 9. Transformational Leadership / 10. Authentic Leadership / 11. Team Leadership / 12. Psychodynamic Approach / 13. Women and Leadership / 14. Culture and Leadership / 15. Leadership Ethics Paperback ISBN: 978-1-4129-7488-2 • ©2010 • 456 pages •


Kenneth S. Trump, National School Safety and Security Services, Cleveland, Ohio Security expert Kenneth S. Trump begins with an overview of school security and the politics surrounding it, then provides nuts-and-bolts strategies for preventing violence and preparing for crises. The text covers today’s hot topics such as: bullying, cyberbullying, and harassment; after-school, transportation, and athletic event security; managing media and parent communications on safety and crises; and practical, cost-effective security and preparedness within tight budgets. CONTENTS I. Understanding and Managing School Safety / 1. The Evolving Threats to School Security / 2. The “Politricks” of School Security / 3. Comprehensive School Safety Planning and Leadership / II. Proactive School Security: Focusing on Fundamentals / 4. School Security Assessments / 5. School Security Strategies and Issues / 6. Managing Bullying: Focusing on Supervision, Conduct Codes, School Climate, and Mental Health Strategies / 7. Preparing Schools for Terrorism / 8. Managing School Safety on Tight Budgets / 9. Parents and School Safety / III. Readiness and Emergency Management for Schools / 10. Early Warning Signs of Violence / 11. Assessing and Managing Threats / 12. Lessons Learned From School Crisis Incidents / 13. Emergency Preparedness Planning and Preparation / 14. Emergency Response and Crisis Management / 15. The Postcrisis Crisis: Managing Media and Parent Communications / 16. Preparing for the Postcrisis Crisis: Managing Mental Health, Security, Financial, Operational Continuity, Liability, and School-Community Political Issues / IV. Future Directions / 17. State, Federal, and Academic Support for School Safety Paperback ISBN: 978-1-4129-7431-8 • ©2012 • 328 pages •

• Corwin


Introduction to Educational Leadership Leadership and Learning Jan Robertson, New Zealand Coaching and Mentoring Centre • Helen Timperley, University of Auckland, New Zealand Looking at a range of topics such as system leadership, professional learning communities and leading different cultures, and bringing together a host of internationally recognized academics in the field, this book is essential reading for all educational leaders. CONTENTS PART I: EXPLORING MODELS FOR LEADERSHIP AND IMPROVEMENT / Establishing Platforms for Leadership and Learning / The Layering of Leadership / How Effective Leaders Reduce Educational Disparities / Leadership and Student Learning: What Works and How / Leadership and Student Learning Outcomes / Connecting Leadership and Learning / Realizing the Potential of System Leadership / PART II: CHALLENGES IN DEVELOPING LEARNING-FOCUSED LEADERSHIP / Leading Professional Learning Communities / Leading Teachers’ Professional Learning / Leadership and Student Outcomes: Are Secondary Schools Unique? / Instructional Leadership: Teacher Level / PART III: BROADENING IDEAS OF LEARNING AND KNOWLEDGE DEVELOPMENT / A Distributed Perspective on Learning Leadership / Leadership and Diversity / Educators as Knowledge Leaders / Why the Study of Emotion Matters in School Leadership / Partnership in Leadership and Learning / Fusion and the Future of Leadership Paperback ISBN: 978-1-8492-0174-2 • ©2012 • 264 pages • SAGE

Theories of Educational Leadership and Management Fourth Edition Tony Bush, University of Warwick This internationally popular and classic text has been thoroughly revised and updated in this Fourth Edition with the latest research findings, new case studies and examples from around the world, and an increased focus on early years, post compulsory education and extended schools. CONTENTS The Importance of Leadership and Management for Education / Models of Educational Leadership and Management / Formal Models / Collegial Models / Political Models / Subjective Models / Ambiguity Models / Cultural Models / Conclusion Paperback ISBN: 978-1-8486-0191-8 • ©2011 • 232 pages • SAGE

Creative Leadership Skills That Drive Change

Leadership for Social Justice and Democracy in Our Schools Alan M. Blankstein, The HOPE Foundation, Bloomington, IN • Paul D. Houston, Center for Empowered Leadership This ninth and final book in The Soul of Educational Leadership series offers practical strategies for promoting socially responsible school cultures that enhance student engagement. CONTENTS 1. Respect / 2. Social Justice: Focusing on Assets to Overcome Barriers / 3. Becoming an Equity-Oriented Change Agent / 4. Are Women Prepared to Be School Superintendents? An Essay on the Myths and Misunderstandings / 5. Leading Schools of Character / 6. Teaching Social Responsibility / 7. Zero Indifference and Teachable Moments: School Leadership for Diversity, Inclusion and Justice / 8. Getting Kids Ready for School - Raising the Village Paperback ISBN: 978-1-4129-8161-3 • ©2012 • 208 pages • Corwin

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Second Edition Gerard J. Puccio, Buffalo State - State University of New York • Marie Mance, Buffalo State - State University of New York • Mary C. Murdock, Buffalo State - State University of New York Successful leadership today relies heavily on an individual’s ability to effectively respond to and proactively drive change—in short, to be creative. This book helps readers enhance their creative talents and employ these skills as a leader. New to the Second Edition is an expanded discussion of the important role creativity plays in leadership, a more extensive account of the skills necessary to be an effective creative leader, a broader range of historical and contemporary examples, and enhanced graphics throughout that bring the Creative Problem Solving model to life visually. CONTENTS 1. Change, Leadership, and Creativity: The Powerful Connection / 2. Creative Problem Solving: A Framework for Creative Leadership / 3. Creative Leadership: The Foundational Skills for Creative Problem Solving / 4. Creative Leadership: The Cognitive and Affective Skill Base for Creative Problem Solving / 5. Transforming Your Thinking: Developing a Creative Mindset / 6. Assessing the Situation: Tools for Diagnostic Thinking / 7. Exploring the Vision: Tools for Visionary Thinking / 8. Formulating Challenges: Tools for Strategic Thinking / 9. Exploring Ideas: Tools for Ideational Thinking / 10. Formulating Solutions: Tools for Evaluative Thinking / 11. Exploring Acceptance: Tools for Contextual Thinking / 12. Formulating a Plan: Tools for Tactical Thinking / 13. Psychological Diversity: Leading People with Different Creativity Styles / 14. Building a Climate for Creativity: How Leadership Sets the Tone Paperback ISBN: 978-1-4129-7757-9 • ©2011 • 376 pages • SAGE


The School Leadership Triangle


The Moral Imperative Realized

From Compliance to Innovation Paul L. Kimmelman, Learning Point Associates

Michael Fullan, Ontario Institute for Studies in Education, Centre for Teacher Development Award-winning author and educational reform expert Michael Fullan takes the subject of moral leadership to the next level by showing how to put change into practice at the local and systemic levels. He outlines proven ways to: create a culture of moral leadership; drive change with school leaders; achieve systemwide progress; and avoid educational blind alleys.

The author’s triangular framework based on federal policy compliance, effective leadership, and innovation helps schools and districts achieve continuous improvement in the 21st century. CONTENTS 1. Compliance / 2. Leadership / 3. Innovation / 4. Final Thoughts and Conclusions Paperback ISBN: 978-1-4129-7804-0 • ©2010 • 176 pages • Corwin

CONTENTS 1. Moral Purpose Is Not a Strategy / 2. Realized Moral Purpose / 3. School and District Symbiosis / 4. System Leaders

Creative Approaches to Problem Solving

Paperback ISBN: 978-1-4129-9610-5 • ©2011 • 96 pages • Corwin

The Principles of Educational Leadership & Management Second Edition Tony Bush, University of Warwick • Les Bell, University of Leicester • David Middlewood, University of Warwick Fully revised and thoroughly updated, this Second Edition of this classic book brings together many leading international authors on educational leadership, with brand new chapters from leaders in the field – Ken Leithwood, Paul Begley, Allan Walker and Alma Harris. Providing an overview of essential topics within the field, this book adopts an international perspective and offers conceptual and empirical insights. CONTENTS PART I: LEADERSHIP PRINCIPLES AND PRACTICE / Introduction: New Directions in Educational Leadership / School Leaders’ Influences on Student Learning: The Four Paths / Leading with Moral Purpose: The Place of Ethics / Distributed Leadership: Evidence and Implications By Alma Harris / Where to Next for Educational Leadership? / PART II: DEVELOPING LEADERS / Teacher Professionalism and Continuing Professional Development: Contested Concepts and Their Implications for School Leaders / Leadership Development / Managing People and Performance / PART III: LEADERSHIP AND LEARNING / Leadership for Learning / Building and Leading Learning Cultures / Managing Resources to Support Learning / PART IV: LEADERSHIP FOR INCLUSION / Leadership for Diversity and Inclusion / Leading Educational Partnerships: New Models for Leadership? / Leadership and Educational Networks / Community and Leadership in Education Paperback ISBN: 978-1-8486-0210-6 • ©2011 • 320 pages •


A Framework for Innovation and Change Third Edition Scott G. Isaksen, Norwegian School of Management and Creative Problem Solving Group, Inc. • K. Brian Dorval, Think First Serve, Inc. • Donald J. Treffinger, Center for Creative Learning, Inc. Provides a framework, language, guidelines, and set of easy-to-use tools for understanding challenges, generating ideas and transforming promising ideas into action, from leading experts in the field. CONTENTS 1. Creative Approaches to Problem Solving / 2. Creative Problem Solving / 3. Understanding the Challenge / 4. Generating Ideas / 5. Preparing for Action / 6. Planning Your Approach to CPS / 7. People as Creative Problem Solvers / 8. The Context for CPS / 9. The Role of Content / 10. CPS as a Change Method / 11. Designing Your Way Through CPS / 12. Applying CPS Paperback ISBN: 978-1-4129-7773-9 • ©2011 • 320 pages •

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Introduction to Educational Leadership Bestseller!


Motion Leadership

Leading With Passion and Knowledge

The Skinny on Becoming Change Savvy

The Principal as Action Researcher

Michael Fullan, Ontario Institute for Studies in Education, Centre for Teacher Development Working with effective change leaders, Fullan shows how to “move” individuals, institutions, and whole systems forward. The book offers examples from Fullan’s global experience to help readers: understand problems and work with change; mobilize peers to collaborate; earn trust by demonstrating integrity and competence; specialize in capacity building; and make progress and performance results transparent. CONTENTS 1. The Skinny / 2. Change Problems / 3. Change Itself / 4. Connect Peers With Purpose / 5. Capacity Building Trumps Judgmentalism / 6. Learning Is the Work / 7. Transparency Rules / 8. Love, Trust, and Resistance / 9. Leadership for All Paperback ISBN: 978-1-4129-8131-6 • ©2010 • 96 pages • Corwin


Cultural Proficiency A Manual for School Leaders Third Edition Randall B. Lindsey, California State University Los Angeles • Kikanza Nuri Robins, The Robins Group • Raymond D. Terrell, Miami University, (OH)

This powerful Third Edition offers fresh approaches that enable school leaders to engage in effective interactions with students, educators, and the communities they serve. Authors provide information gathered from their experiences working with schools, educational agencies, and organizations across the United States and Canada and show how school leaders can lead a learning community toward becoming a culturally proficient organization. CONTENTS PART I: Understanding Cultural Proficiency / 1. Cultural Proficiency / 2. A Cultural and Historical Context for Our Unfolding Democracy / 3. Leadership for Today’s Schools / 4. Framing Your Work With the Cultural Proficiency Tools / PART II: Using the Tools of Cultural Proficiency / 5. The First Tool: Overcoming Barriers / 6. The Second Tool: The Guiding Principles of Cultural Proficiency / 7. The Third Tool: The Cultural Proficiency Continuum / 8. The Fourth Tool: The Essential Elements / PART III: Making the Commitment to Cultural Proficiency / 9. The Case: One Last Look

ENancy Fichtman Dana, University of Florida, Gainesville Principals can harness the power of action research for their own professional development. This book provides guidance on developing questions, collecting data, and sharing results. CONTENTS 1. Administrator Inquiry Defined / 2. The Passions That Drive Your Journey: Finding a Wondering / 3. The Road Map: Developing a Data Collection Plan / 4. The Navigation of Uncertain Terrain: Analyzing Data / 5. The Travelogue: Sharing Your Work With Others / 6. The Continuing Journey as “Head Learner”: Assessing the Quality of Inquiry Paperback ISBN: 978-1-4129-6705-1 • ©2009 • 240 pages •

• Corwin


Culturally Proficient Leadership The Personal Journey Begins Within Raymond D. Terrell, Miami University, (OH) • Randall B. Lindsey, California State University Los Angeles Addressing a broad range of equity issues, this interactive guide provides reflective questions and personal narratives to help leaders examine how underlying beliefs affect leadership practice. CONTENTS PART I: Leadership as an Informed Personal Perspective / 1. The Leadership Journey Begins Within / 2. The Cultural Proficiency Leadership Lens / 3. Constructing Your Cultural Autobiography / PART II: Knowing Ourselves / 4. Responding to Issues Related to Race, Ethnicity, and National Origin / 5. Responding to Issues Related to Language, Gender, and Social Class / 6. Responding to Issues Related to Sexual Orientation, Faith, and Ableness / PART III: Leading From an Ethical Framework / 7. Culturally Competent and Proficient Leadership Actions / 8. Educators and the Promise of Democracy Paperback ISBN: 978-1-4129-6917-8 • ©2009 • 192 pages • Corwin

Paperback ISBN: 978-1-4129-6363-3 • ©2009 • 344 pages • Corwin

Expand their minds – not their expenses. SAGE texts include high-quality content with value-added features at student-friendly prices.


Principalship Working Systemically


A Five Phase Process for Educational Transformation D’Ette Cowan, Southwest Educational Development Laboratory • Stacey Joyner, Southwest Educational Development Laboratory • Shirley Beckwith, Southwest Educational Development Laboratory The Working Systemically approach is a multidimensional process for school improvement focused on key components of the system that must be in place to support student achievement. Furthermore, leaders in the system must actively develop and apply a core set of competencies as they address components of the system. In order to ensure that the improvement is sustained for the long term, the Working Systemically approach targets multiple levels of the system. By simultaneously addressing the components and competencies at multiple levels, the approach results in systemwide improvement that increases achievement for all students. Paperback ISBN: 978-1-4522-0512-0 • May 2012 • 96 pages • Corwin

The Survival Kit for the Elementary School Principal Abby Barry Bergman, Putnam/Northern Westchester BOCES • Judy Powers, Education Consultant • Michael L. Pullen, Principal, Rochester, NY A great resource for the preservice administrator during coursework and/or internship, this book addresses daily challenges faced by all elementary school principals and offers expert solutions for virtually any leadership or administrative issue. Includes time-saving forms, sample letters, charts, and checklists for successful day-to-day school administration. The book is a complete desktop reference with solutions for immediate problems or challenges. CONTENTS 1. Your Role as Principal: “All Things to All People” or “Principle-Centered Leadership” / 2. How to Plan for the School Year: Setting Goals and Maintaining Focus / 3. Shared Decision Making: The Key to a More Effective School / 4. Improving Teacher Observation and Evaluation / 5. The Principal’s Role in Curriculum Development and Renewal / 6. Assessment in the Elementary School: Purposes and Practices / 7. Using the School Testing Program to Good Advantage / 8. Reporting Student Progress to Parents / 9. Administering Effective Programs for Students With Special Needs / 10. Student Discipline: Approaches, Alternatives, and Solutions / 11. Improving Your School’s Professional Development Program / 12. Promoting Effective Communication: Internal and External / 13. Promoting Positive Parent and Community Relations / 14. Technology and the Elementary School Program / 15. Effective Budget Preparation and Control / 16. Maintaining a Clean, Safe, and Secure School Environment / 17. Developing and Implementing Effective Class Placement Policies / 18. Effective and Creative School Scheduling Practices / 19. Staffing and Hiring: Critical Decisions for Principals / 20. Fostering a School Culture: Traditions and Ceremonies Paperback ISBN: 978-1-4129-7277-2 • ©2010 • 408 pages •

• Corwin

The Principal’s Companion Strategies for Making the Job Easier Third Edition Pam Robbins, International Education Consultant • Harvey B. Alvy, Eastern Washington University This bestseller serves as a personal mentor for principals, guiding school leaders on such critical areas as leadership skills, developing vision and a mission, teacher evaluation and supervision, curriculum, technology use, and conducting faculty meetings. CONTENTS PART I: The Principal’s Many Roles / 1. Leader as Learner / 2. Leader as Manager / 3. Leader as Shaper of School Culture / PART II: Critical Skills for Effective Leadership / 4. The Art of Human Relations: Getting the Job Done / 5. Managing Time / 6. Effectively Working With the Central Office and Other Schools: Forging Success Through Collaboration / PART III: Honoring the School’s Mission / 7. Understanding, Planning, and Implementing Change / 8. Building a Vision and a Mission Together / PART IV: Working Together to Build a Learning Organization / 9. Enhancing Teacher Growth Through Supervision and Evaluation Practices Designed to Promote Student Learning / 10. Maximizing Feedback About Teaching: Differentiated Professional Growth Options / 11. Building a Collaborative School: The Power of Teacher Leadership and Community / 12. Fueling the Learning Organization Through Professional Development / 13. Faculty Meetings: A Tool for Capacity Building / 14. Asking the Right Questions About Curriculum, Instruction, and Assessment: Getting to Know the C.I.A. / PART V: Starting Effectively and Staying the Course / 15. First Days of School / 16. Tips: Ideas That Work and Align With the School’s Mission / PART VI: Understanding Your Constituencies / 17. Working With Parents and Partnering With the Greater Community / 18. Making a Difference for Students: The Heart of the School / PART VII: The Principal’s Professional and Personal Worlds / 19. The Newcomer to the Principalship / 20. Taking Care of Yourself / 21. Keeping the Professional Candle Lit / 22. Reflections on the Principalship Paperback ISBN: 978-1-4129-6550-7 • ©2009 • 272 pages •

• Corwin


Leading Good Schools to Greatness Mastering What Great Principals Do Well Susan Penny Gray, San Diego State University • William A. Streshly, San Diego State University Using case studies, strategies, and activities, this book shows how to acquire the powerful personal leadership characteristics that the best principals use to lead their schools to greatness. CONTENTS 1. The Skills for Leading Good Schools to Greatness Can Be Learned / 2. First, Build Relationships / 3. How to Exercise Your Professional Will With Humility / 4. How to Face the Brutal Facts…Then Do Something about Them / 5. How to Get the Right Faculty on Board / 6. How to Find and Promote the Hedgehog Concept in Your School / 7. How to Build a School-Wide Culture of SelfDiscipline / 8. The Road Ahead Paperback ISBN: 978-1-4129-7978-8 • ©2010 • 208 pages • Corwin

. 10

Supervision of Instruction Teaching Matters Most A School Leader’s Guide to Improving Classroom Instruction Thomas M. McCann, Northern Illinois University • Alan C. Jones, Saint Xavier University, Chicago, IL and Janssen-Cilag Ltd • Gail Aronoff, Community High School District 94, West Chicago, IL

The Power of Teacher Teams With Cases, Analyses, and Strategies for Success Vivian Troen • Katherine C. Boles

Unlike other books that stop at evaluating teachers and instruction, these authors argue that school leaders must work to grow the instructional capacities within their schools. To meet this goal, they offer school leaders a three-step process that involves: (1) envisioning what good teaching looks like; (2) measuring the quality of current instruction against this standard; and (3) working relentlessly to move the quality of instruction closer and closer to the ideal.

While most educators believe working in teams is valuable, not all team efforts lead to instructional improvement. Through richly detailed case studies, The Power of Teacher Teams demonstrates how schools can transform their teams into more effective learning communities that foster teacher leadership. Also included are a DVD with video case studies and a CD with reproducibles.

CONTENTS 1. What Are Common Practices in Schools? / 2. What Distinguishes Quality Teaching?

CONTENTS 1. Read This First / 2. Get Ready for Better Teams / 3. What Makes a Good Team, What Makes a Team Good? / 4. Instructional Leadership: Principals and Teacher Leaders / 5. Team Development and Strategies for Success / 6. Teaching Cases

/ 3. How Can We Learn About the Quality of Our Teaching? / 4. What Should Induction and Mentoring Look Like? / 5. What Should Professional Development Look Like? / 6. How Can Teacher Evaluation Become More Meaningful? / 7. How Can We Sustain a Culture of Exceptional Instruction? / 8. How Do We Face Our Leadership Challenges? Paperback ISBN: 978-1-4522-0510-6 • August 2012 • 200 pages • Corwin

Opening the Common Core How to Bring ALL Students to College and Career Readiness Carol C. Burris, Rockville Centre School District, NY • Delia T. Garrity, Educational Consultant As with any major school reform initiative, CCSS’ success depends upon effective and well-designed implementation. This book focuses on how K-12 schools can build the rigor and skills of college readiness for all students. The four key ingredients to achieving this goal are summed up in the authors’ “ACES” framework: acceleration, critical thinking, equity, and support.

Paperback w/DVD & CD ISBN: 978-1-4129-9133-9 • ©2012 • 248 pages • Corwin

The Instructional Leader and the Brain Using Neuroscience to Inform Practice Margaret Glick Brain pioneer Margaret Glick weaves the fields of cognitive science, educational leadership, and instruction into a cohesive framework for understanding how the brain learns and shows how to apply this knowledge to teacher and student learning. CONTENTS 1. A Brain Primer – Major Structures and Their Functions / 2. Emotions / 3. Attention and Engagement / 4. The Power Processing / 5. Feedback / 6. Memory Paperback ISBN: 978-1-4129-8822-3 • ©2012 • 208 pages • Corwin

CONTENTS 1. What Matters Most / 2. Leading with Roots and Wings / 3. The Promises and Possibilities of Common Core State Standards / 4. A Relevant and Rigorous Common Core Curriculum / 5. Inviting students to Learn / 6. Powerful Professional Learning for Adults / 7. Next-Generation Assessment Systems / 8. Powerful Learning Through Powerful Technology / 9. Accountability for Excellence and Equity Paperback ISBN: 978-1-4522-2623-1 • May 2012 • 200 pages • Corwin

Transforming Schools for English Learners A Comprehensive Framework for School Leaders Debbie Zacarian, Center for English Language Education, MA Each chapter in this book focuses on a key element of EL education programming as it relates to the entire school, addressing such critical topics as: selecting the appropriate program model; managing time appropriately for English language development and content learning; making data-driven decisions using effective measures of student performance; and effectively using Response to Intervention (RTI). CONTENTS 1. Administering Schools With English Learners / 2. Developing a Rationale for Programming by Understanding Key Historical Events, Principles, and Program Model Types / 3. Selecting Effective Program Models / 4. Designing, Implementing, and/or Strengthening the English as a Second Language Component / 5. Addressing the Subject Matter Component of an English Language Education Program / 6. Emphasizing the Importance of Parent Engagement / 7. Identifying and Working With English Learners With Learning Differences and Learning Disabilities / 8. Making Data-Driven Decisions Based on Effective Measures of Student Performance Paperback ISBN: 978-1-4129-9040-0 • ©2012 • 200 pages • Corwin


Curriculum Development Leading the Common Core State Standards


Leading Academic Achievement for English Language Learners

From Common Sense to Common Practice Cheryl Dunkle, Leadership and Learning Center

A Guide for Principals Betty J. Alford, Stephen F. Austin State University • Mary Catherine Niño, Stephen F. Austin State University This practical guide equips school leaders to shape a culture conducive to high academic achievement for English language learners. Provides steps for developing teacher capacity, applying successful instructional practices, and advocating for ELLs. CONTENTS 1. Preparing for Success: Strengthening a Culture of Academic Achievement / 2. Advocating for Student Success / 3. Strengthening Knowledge of Second Language Acquisition / 4. The Principal’s Role in Building Capacity Through Quality Professional Development / 5. Strengthening Home-School-Community-University Connections / 6. Resources for School Improvement in Meeting the Needs of ELLs

This book guides leaders in successfully implementing the CCSS for continuous quality improvement in schools. The author addresses topics such as: transitioning schools and districts to align with the CCSS; communicating to teachers and parents regarding the CCSS; determining which teaching and learning practices need to change; garnering resources and support for reforms; and more. Paperback ISBN: 978-1-4522-0392-8 • June 2012 • pages • Corwin

Updated Edition of Bestseller

Paperback ISBN: 978-1-4129-8160-6 • ©2012 • 168 pages • Corwin

Curriculum Leadership

Promoting Academic Achievement Among English Learners

Strategies for Development and Implementation Third Edition

A Guide to the Research

Allan A. Glatthorn (deceased) • Floyd Boschee, The University of South Dakota • Bruce M. Whitehead, University of Montana and Missoula School District #4 • Bonni F. Boschee, Northern

Claude Goldenberg, Stanford University • Rhoda Coleman, California State University, Long Beach Presents current research about providing the highestquality educational services for language-minority students withspecific recommendations for developing effective policies and programs. CONTENTS 1. Why This Book? / 2. The Role of the Home Language / 3. Literacy Instruction in a Second Language / 4. Promoting English Oral Language Development / 5. Academic Instruction in a Second Language / 6. School and District Role: Focus and Coherence / 7. Social, Cultural, and Family Influences / 8. The Research Goes to School / 9. Conclusion: What’s Next? Paperback ISBN: 978-1-4129-5549-2 • ©2010 • 192 pages • Corwin

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State University Responding to the need for globally connected classrooms and innovative leadership, this unique text provides a rich and inclusive foundation of curriculum. The authors draw upon a wide range of research and experience to provide readers with creative, up-to-date curriculum strategies and ideas. In sharing innovative programs, learning experiences, and new approaches, they build a solid connection for curriculum development from theory to practice, helping future leaders in education meet the global challenges of our time. CONTENTS PART I: Foundations of Curriculum / 1. The Nature of Curriculum / 2. Curriculum History: The Perspective of the Past / 3. Curriculum Theory / 4. The Politics of Curriculum / PART II: Curriculum Processes / 5. Curriculum Planning / 6. Improving the Program of Studies / 7. Improving a Field of Study / 8. Processes for Developing New Courses and Units / PART III: Curriculum Management / 9. Supervising the Curriculum: Teachers and Materials Supervising the Taught Curriculum / 10. Curriculum Development and Implementation / 11. Aligning the Curriculum / 12. Curriculum Evaluation / PART IV: Current Trends in the Curriculum / 13. Current Developments in the Subject Fields / 14. Current Developments across the Curriculum / 15. Individualizing the Curriculum Hardcover ISBN: 978-1-4129-9219-0 • ©2012 • 544 pages •



Aligning Your Curriculum to the Common Core State Standards

The Principal’s Guide to Curriculum Leadership Richard D. Sorenson, University of Texas at El Paso • Lloyd Milton Goldsmith, Abilene Christian University • Zulma Y. Méndez • Karen Taylor Maxwell

Joe Crawford Milken Award-winning educator and author, Joe Crawford, shares his proven process for building a viable local curriculum based on the CCSS. He discusses topics such as: a system for creating local standards from the CCSS; methods for connecting the common, formative assessments to quarterly instructional objectives; ways to scaffold learning expectations; examples taken from districts where CCSS is currently implemented; and more. CONTENTS 1. Overview of CCSS and Associated Leadership Issues / 2. Curriculum Issues and a National Curriculum Model / 3. The Development and Use of Local CCSS, Quarterly Instructional Objectives, and Common Formative Assessments / 4. A Sample K-12 Curriculum / 5. The Journey Ahead Paperback ISBN: 978-1-4522-1647-8 • ©2012 • 248 pages • Corwin

This comprehensive guide walks principals through the curriculum development and renewal process with a focus on integrating standards. Includes case studies, activities, and curriculum models. CONTENTS 1. Defining Curriculum Leadership / 2. A Curriculum Leadership Journey / 3. Principal Expectations as Curriculum Leader / 4. The Principal?s Role in Curriculum Change and Innovation / 5. Curriculum Leadership in Action / 6. Where the Action Is: Building Relationships with Teachers / 7. Systematically Integrating Curriculum and Instruction / 8. Professional Learning and Curriculum Leadership / 9. The Principal and Legislated Learning: Working the System and the Prospects of Curriculum Renewal / 10. Trailblazing Digital Curriculum Leadership 101 Paperback ISBN: 978-1-4129-8080-7 • ©2012 • 320 pages • Corwin

Using Power Standards to Build an Aligned Curriculum

Literacy Is NOT Enough 21st Century Fluencies for the Digital Age

A Process Manual

Lee Crockett, 21st Century Fluency Project • Ian Jukes, 21st Century Fluency Project • Andrew Churches, 21st Century Fluency Project In a culture of technology-driven automation, abundance, and access to global labor markets, educating students to traditional literacy standards is no longer enough. In this new volume, the authors present an effective framework for integrating comprehensive literacy or “fluency” into the traditional curriculum: Solution Fluency; Information Fluency; Creativity Fluency; and Collaboration Fluency. CONTENTS 1. Highly Educated, Useless People / 2. Is the Factory Gone? / 3. 21st-Century Fluencies / 4. Solution Fluency / 5. Information Fluency / 6. Creativity Fluency / 7. Media Fluency / 8. Collaboration Fluency / 9. Global Digital Citizenship / 10. 21st-Century Learning Environment / 11. 21st-Century Fluency Lessons / 12. So Where Do We Begin?

Joe Crawford Award-winning educator Joe Crawford describes how to use Power Standards to build an effective standardsbased curriculum and integrate them into instruction to achieve student success. CONTENTS 1. Process Overview and Curriculum Issues / 2. Designing the Work Process / 3. Developing and Deploying the Power Standards / 4. The Next Step: Quarterly Instructional Objectives / 5. Planning for Common, Aligned Assessments / 6. Special Concerns and Issues / 7. Troubleshooting and Follow Through Paperback ISBN: 978-1-4129-9116-2 • ©2012 • 216 pages • Corwin

Paperback ISBN: 978-1-4129-8780-6 • ©2012 • 232 pages • Corwin

Cross-Curricular Learning 3-14 Second Edition Jonathan Barnes, Canterbury Christ Church University Fully updated in line with recent curriculum developments and including expanded coverage of social science perspectives on learning and a range of new case studies, this Second Edition continues to be the must-have textbook on cross-curricular teaching and learning for the age group 3-14. CONTENTS What Should Schooling in the 21st Century Look Like? / Cross-Curricular Policy and Practice / What Does Good Cross-Curricular Practice Look Like? / Social Perspectives on the Learning Journey / What Does Neuroscience Tell Us about Cross-Curricular Learning? / Psychology and Cross-Curricular Learning / Cross-Curricular Pedagogies / What Principles Should We Apply? / What Themes Are Suitable for Cross-Curricular Learning? / How Can We Assess Cross-Curricular and Creative Learning? / How Should We Plan for Cross-Curricular Activity? / Key Issues for Debate Paperback ISBN: 978-0-8570-2068-0 • ©2012 • 328 pages • SAGE

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School Finance Improving Student Learning When Budgets Are Tight

Updated Edition of Bestseller

Deciding What to Teach and Test Developing, Aligning, and Leading the Curriculum Third Edition Fenwick W. English, The University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill Focusing on curriculum leadership and closing the achievement gap, this influential book is updated with new insights on developing and aligning curriculum in a standards-based environment. CONTENTS 1. The Function of Curriculum in Schools / 2. A Template for Curriculum Construction / 3. Aligning the Curriculum / 4. The Challenge of Curriculum Leadership in the Teaching and Testing Nexus Paperback ISBN: 978-1-4129-6013-7 • ©2010 • 168 pages • Corwin

Allan R. Odden, University of Wisconsin–Madison How do you stay focused on increasing student learning when budget cuts threaten everything you are striving for? This book offers a comprehensive framework to enhance student achievement in good times and in bad. School reform expert Allan R. Odden outlines a school improvement action plan focused sharply on student learning and then shows how to target resources to implement each strategy in that plan. More than just a “theory” book, this text describes concrete, specific actions that can be taken immediately. CONTENTS 1. A Plan of Action: Turning Around Low and Enhancing High Performing Schools / 2. Resource Needs of the Plan of Action / 3. Targeting Resources to Student Learning When Budgets are Tight / 4. Recruiting, Developing and Compensating Top Educator Talent: Local Practices and Supporting State Policies / 5. Computers and Technology in Education: Costs and Online Options / 6. When Budget Cuts Are Necessary Paperback ISBN: 978-1-4522-1708-6 • February 2012 • 216 pages • Corwin

School Budgeting for Hard Times


The Principal as Curriculum Leader

Confronting Cutbacks and Critics

Shaping What Is Taught and Tested

William K. Poston, Jr., Iowa State University

Third Edition

The proven strategies for performance-based budgeting will help administrators attain the truly important goals while avoiding the dire cutbacks that threaten local educational systems’

Allan A. Glatthorn • Jerry M. Jailall Featuring current research, how-to strategies, and more, this bestseller shows principals how to provide strong leadership to influence curriculum at local and state levels. CONTENTS PART I: Laying the Foundations / 1. What It Means to Be a Curriculum Leader: No Child Left Behind (NCLB) and Beyond / 2. The Four Curriculum Levels: State, District, School, and Classroom / 3. Importance of the Principal / PART II: Shaping State and District Curricula / 4. State Policies and Frameworks / 5. District Curricula / PART III: Providing Leadership / 6. Developing Vision and Goals / 7. Rethinking the Program of Studies / 8. Committing to a LearningCentered Schedule / 9. Integrating the Curriculum / 10. Aligning the Curriculum / 11. Monitoring the Implementation Process / PART IV: Working With Teachers / 12. Making Yearly Planning Calendars / 13. Developing Units of Study / 14. Enriching the Curriculum and Remediating Learning / 15. Evaluating the Curriculum / PART V: Looking Ahead / 16. Curriculum Leadership: Putting It All Together Paperback ISBN: 978-1-4129-6035-9 • ©2009 • 216 pages • Corwin

effectiveness. CONTENTS 1. Performance-Based Budgeting: Beginning the Journey: An Overview / 2. Why Change: The Rationale for Performance-Based Budgeting / 3. Budget Planning for Financial Effectiveness and Efficiency / 4. Budgeting for Financial Prudence and Productivity / 5. Organizing and Goal Setting for Performance-Based Budgeting / 6. Constructing the Process for Performance-Based Budgeting / 7. Developing Performance-Based Budget Increment Packages / 8. Determining Budget Priorities and Component Funding Levels / 9. Building the Budget Recommendation / 10. Budget Issues and Evaluation / 11. Ideas to Action: Commencing the Journey Paperback ISBN: 978-1-4129-9090-5 • ©2011 • 200 pages • Corwin


School Law

Student Assessment The Legal Rights and Responsibilities of Teachers

Everything School Leaders Need to Know About Assessment

Issues of Employment and Instruction

W. James Popham, University of California, Los Angeles

Allan G. Osborne, Jr., Principal (Retired), Snug Harbor Community School, Quincy, Massachusetts • Charles J. Russo, University of Dayton

With plain language and practical examples, Popham covers key understandings for school leaders, including validity, formative assessment, interpreting test results, instructional sensitivity, and more.

This book answers the important legal questions regarding employment and instruction. Key topics include tenure, collective bargaining, academic freedom, copyright law, safety, and student bullying. CONTENTS 1. Introduction: The Historical and Legal Foundations of Public Education / 2. School Governance and the Teacher / 3. Basic Constitutional Rights and Freedoms / 4. Employment Terms and Conditions / 5. Collective Bargaining / 6. Prohibitions Against Employment Discrimination / 7. Teacher Discipline, Dismissal, and Due Process / 8. Curricular and Instructional Issues / 9. Tort Liability

CONTENTS 1. Why Do We Test? / 2. Validity: Assessment’s Cornerstone / 3. Test Reliability / 4. Assessment Bias / 5. Instructional Sensitivity / 6. Test Construction / 7. Rubrics: Potentially Potent Evaluative Tools / 8. Formative Assessment: Underused Magic Bullet / 9. Assessing Students’ Affect / 10. “Top 20” Crucial Understandings About Educational Assessment Paperback ISBN: 978-1-4129-7979-5 • ©2010 • 224 pages • Corwin

Paperback ISBN: 978-1-4129-7546-9 • ©2012 • 352 pages • Corwin

Special Education Law


Fourth Edition

What Every Principal Needs to Know About Special Education

Laura Rothstein, University of Louisville and Louis D. Brandeis School of Law • Scott F. Johnson, Concord Law School The Fourth Edition provides a comprehensive and current overview of the major federal laws—and judicial interpretations of those laws—that apply to the education of children with special needs. The text helps students understand what the law requires so that when they become educators, they can develop policies and make decisions that comply with these laws. CONTENTS 1. The Legal System and How It Works / 2. History of Special Education Law / 3. Statutory Provisions: A General Overview / 4. The People / 5. Who Is Protected / 6. Identification and Evaluation / 7. Eligibility / 8. Individualized Education Program / 9. Free Appropriate Public Education / 10. Related Services / 11. Placement and Least Restrictive Environment / 12. Private School Placements, Residential Placements, and Public School Choice Programs / 13. Special Issues With Secondary Students / 14. Cost Issues / 15. Procedural Safeguards: An Overview / 16. Discipline / 17. Dispute Resolution / 18. Americans with Disabilities Act and Section / 50. of the Rehabilitation Act / 19. Education Records / 20. Special Education Malpractice / 21. Remedies / 22. The Status and Future of Special Education Law Paperback ISBN: 978-1-4129-6771-6 • ©2010 • 400 pages •


Second Edition Margaret J. McLaughlin, University of Maryland Addressing recent federal mandates, this volume provides principals with information on accessing the general curriculum, standardized testing, and individualized education plans. CONTENTS SECTION I: Creating Quality Special Education: Understanding the Basics of Special Education / SECTION II: Creating Quality Special Education: The Foundations / SECTION III: Creating Quality Special Education: The Context / SECTION IV: Summary Paperback ISBN: 978-1-4129-6416-6 • ©2009 • 120 pages • Corwin

School Law Volume 1 Edited by Charles J. Russo, University of Dayton Education of America’s school children always has been and always will be a hot-button issue. From what should be taught to how to pay for education to how to keep kids safe in schools, impassioned debates emerge and mushroom, both within the scholarly community and among the general public. This volume in the point/counterpoint Debating Issues in American Education reference series tackles the topic of school law. Fifteen to twenty chapters explore such varied issues as academic freedom, copyright, privacy rights of students and of teachers, due process rights, unions and collective bargaining, and more. Each chapter opens with an introductory essay by the volume editor, followed by point/counterpoint articles written and signed by invited experts, and concludes with Further Readings and Resources, thus providing readers with views on multiple sides of legal issues within the school setting and pointing them toward more in-depth resources for further exploration. Hardcover ISBN: 978-1-4522-8758-5 • August 2012 • 400 pages • SAGE


Administration and Leadership A Very Short, Fairly Interesting and Reasonably Cheap Book About Coaching and Mentoring Bob Garvey, Sheffield Hallam University Written to challenge, stimulate, and inform, this book takes a critical look at the rapidly-growing field of coaching and mentoring. Focusing on all types of organization—public, private, large, small, and not-for-profit—Robert Garvey delves into contemporary debates such as concerns about standards, competencies, and codes of ethics, interspersed with views on power, control, and politics. CONTENTS What Is Mentoring and What Is Coaching? / Are Coaching and Mentoring the Same? The Definition Debate / What Are the Discourses and What Are We Not Hearing in Coaching and Mentoring? / Are We Obsessed with Skills and Competences in Coaching and Mentoring? / What Is Performance in Coaching and Mentoring? / The Psychological Influences on Coaching and Mentoring / Conclusions and Further Questions Paperback ISBN: 978-1-8492-0783-6 • ©2012 • 128 pages • SAGE

Extending Professional Practice in the Early Years Edited by Linda Miller, The Open University • Carrie Cable, The Open University • Rose Drury, The Open University Encouraging readers to take a critical stance in relation to a variety of themes and issues, this book is aimed at early years practitioners engaged in on-going learning and working in a diverse range of settings. Throughout the book, authors reflect common concerns such as the rights of children, diversity, and a more holistic approach to working with young children, and highlight key research in the field. CONTENTS PART I: LISTENING TO CHILDREN / Ways of seeing : using the Mosaic Approach to listen to young children’s perspectives / Is my city or community child-friendly? / Horses in the sandpit: photography, prolonged involvement and ‘stepping back’ as strategies for listening to children’s voices / Conducting research with young children : some ethical considerations / Promoting young children’s development: implications of the UN Convention on the Rights of the Child / PART II: DIVERSITY AND TRANSITIONS / Questioning diversity / Inclusive practice for children with Special Educational Needs / Childcare Practitioners and the Process of Professionalization / Reflective family-centred practice: parents’ perspectives and early intervention / The challenges for children experiencing rural poverty in Wales / ‘Just like having a best friend.’ How babies and toddlers construct relationships with their key workers in nurseries / ‘I didn’t expect I would get tons of friends… more each day’: children’s experiences of friendship during the transition to school / Postmodern and Post-structuralist perspectives on early childhood education / PART III: PEDAGOGY AND PRACTICE / ‘Improper’ children / Digital technologies at home: the experiences of 3- and 4-year-olds in Scotland / A cultural-historical theory of children’s development / Through a different lens: exploring Reggio Emilia in a Welsh context / Pedagogy - a holistic, personal approach to work with children and young people, across services / PART IV: LEADERSHIP AND CHANGE / Constructions of Professional Identity / Leading and managing in the Early Years / Building and leading a team / Effective Leadership in the Early Years Sector: the ELEYS study / Negotiating the moral maze: developing ethical literacy in multi-agency settings Paperback ISBN: 978-1-4462-0752-9 • ©2012 • 336 pages • SAGE •


Educational Leadership Context, Strategy and Collaboration Margaret Preedy, Open University, UK • Nigel Bennett, Open University, UK • Christine Wise, The Open University, UK The book explores major challenges for educational leaders in managing the increasingly permeable boundary between educational organizations and their external contexts, and reconciling environmental expectations and internal priorities. It will encourage you to positively problematize the field and reflect on current debates and issues. CONTENTS PART I: LEADERSHIP THEORIES AND VALUES / An overview of the leadership discourses / From successful school leadership towards distributed leadership / The nature and specialised purposes of educational leadership / Emotional intelligence, emotional labour and affective leadership / PART II: STRATEGIC LEADERSHIP AND MANAGING CHANGE / Concepts of leadership in organisational change / The nature and dimensions of strategic leadership / The strategy lenses / The practice of leadership in the messy world of organisation / PART III: LEADERSHIP IN CONTEXT / Reframing the role of organisations in policy implementation: resources for practice, in practice / Contextualising leader dynamics: how public service leaders endeavour to build influence / Stories of compliance and subversion in a prescriptive policy environment / Evaluation, accountability and performance measurement in national education systems: trends, methods and issues / ‘Blended leadership’: employee perspectives on effective leadership in the UK Further Education sector / Leadership for diversity and inclusion / PART IV: PARTNERSHIPS AND COLLABORATION / Reconfiguring urban leadership: taking a perspective on community / Networks as power bases for school improvement / Inter-professional work and expertise: new roles at the boundaries of schools / Approaches to system leadership: lessons learned and policy pointers / PART V: LOOKING TO THE FUTURE / Leadership, participation and power in the school system / The fourth way Paperback ISBN: 978-1-4462-0164-0 • ©2012 • 312 pages •


Family Partnership Working A Guide for Education Practitioners Rita Cheminais, Freelance Education Consultant Rita Cheminais provides an evaluation framework that will enable practitioners to review current practice, and further enhance and develop their partnership working with families. Guidance on auditing your own work and action planning is included, and the book provides a range of practical resources which are available to download from the SAGE website. CONTENTS The Context and Concept of Family Partnership Working / The Context and Concept of Family Partnership Working / How to Achieve Effective Family Partnership Working / Auditing Family Partnership Working and Action Planning / Building a Family Partnership Working Portfolio of Evidence / Monitoring, Evaluating and Assessing Family Partnership Working / Communicating with Families Paperback ISBN: 978-1-4462-0800-7 • ©2012 • 128 pages •



Research Methods in Education Leading and Managing in the Early Years

Qualitative Research in Education

Second Edition

A User’s Guide

Carol Aubrey, University of Warwick, UK

Third Edition

This Second Edition explores and integrates leadership and management practice with a real understanding of early years settings.

Marilyn Lichtman, Virginia Tech

CONTENTS 1. The early childhood leaders’ agenda / 2. Leadership in English early childhood education and care / 3. Practitioners’ understandings of early childhood leadership / 4. Early childhood leaders’ work / 5. ‘I don’t like the idea of making a profit … exploiting those on low wages’ / 6. Journeys into leadership / 7. Mentoring as a leadership strategy / 8. The challenge of leading multi-agency teams / 9. Leading in a time of change / 10. Reflective practice and action learning / 11. Reflections Paperback ISBN: 978-1-8492-0755-3 • ©2012 • 240 pages • SAGE

Multi-agency Working in the Early Years Challenges and Opportunities Michael Gasper, Educational Consultant and Researcher Getting multi-agency working right is an exciting but challenging goal in early years care and education; this book suggests ways to draw together the different professional ideas, methods, and targets. CONTENTS What is partnership working, where did it come from and why is it important? / The models and principles that form the basis of partnership working in practice / Developments in partnership working / Partnership working in practice / Why partnership working matters / Leadership and management issues in multi-agency settings / The ‘new professionals’ Paperback ISBN: 978-1-8478-7528-0 • ©2012 • 176 pages •

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This text continues to bring together the essential elements of qualitative research, including traditions and influences in the field and practical, step-bystep coverage of each stage of the research process. Synthesizing the best thinking on conducting qualitative research in education, author Marilyn Lichtman uses a conversational writing style that draws readers into the excitement of the research process. Real-world examples provide both practical and theoretical information, helping readers understand abstract ideas and apply them to their own research. CONTENTS PART I: Traditions and Influences / 1. Introduction and Overview of the Field / 2. Learning How to be a Qualitative Researcher / 3. Ethical Issues in Qualitative Research / 4. Designing Your Research: Five Popular Research Approaches / 5. Designing Your Research: Additional Research Approaches / PART II: Gathering, Organizing, and Analyzing / 6. Social Media, the Internet, and Technology / 7. Embarking on Qualitative Research / 8. Reflexivity and Subjectivity / 9. The Role and Function of a Literature Review / 10. Learning about others Through Interviewing / 11. Learning About Others Through Observations and Other Techniques / PART III: Putting it All Together / 12. Making Meaning From Your Data / 13. Communicating Your Ideas / 14. Judging and Evaluating / 15. Thinking About the Future • SAGE

Paperback ISBN: 978-1-4129-9532-0 • January 2012 • 368 pages •

Research Methods in Education Joseph Check, University of Massachusetts Boston • Russell K. Schutt, University of Massachusetts Boston This lively and innovative text introduces research methods as an integrated set of techniques for investigating questions about the educational world. It helps students connect technique and substance, appreciate the value of both qualitative and quantitative methodologies, and make ethical research decisions. It weaves actual research “stories” into the presentation of research topics, and it emphasizes validity, authenticity, and practical significance as overarching research goals.The text is divided into three sections: Foundations of Research (5 chapters), Research Design and Data Collection (7 chapters), and Analyzing and Reporting Data (3 chapters). This tripartite conceptual framework honors traditional quantitative approaches while reflecting the growing popularity of qualitative studies, mixed method designs, and school-based techniques. This approach provides a comprehensive, conceptually unified, and well-written introduction to the exciting but complex field of educational research. CONTENTS PART I: Foundations of Research / 1. Science, Schooling, and Educational Research / 2. The Process and Problems of Educational Research / 3. Ethics in Research / 4. Conceptualization and Measurement / 5. Sampling / PART II: Research Design and Data Collection / 6. Causation and Research Design / 7. Evaluation Research / 8. Survey Research / 9. Qualitative Methods: Observing, Participating, Listening / 10. Single-Subject Design / 11. Mixing and Comparing Methods and Studies / 12. Teacher Research and Action Research / PART III: Analyzing and Reporting Data / 13. Quantitative Data Analysis / 14. Qualitative Data Analysis / 15. Proposing and Reporting Research

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Paperback ISBN: 978-1-4129-4009-2 • ©2012 • 440 pages •



Updated Edition of Bestseller

Educational Research

Third Edition

Fourth Edition

Craig A. Mertler, Lynn University

Burke Johnson, University of South Alabama • Larry Christensen, University of South Alabama This is a comprehensive introductory research methods textbook for upper level undergraduate and graduate students. Readers will develop an understanding of the multiple research methods and strategies used in education and related fields, the ability to read and critically evaluate published research, and the ability to write a proposal, construct a questionnaire, and conduct an empirical research study on their own. CONTENTS PART I: Introduction / 1. Introduction to Educational Research / 2. Quantitative, Qualitative, and Mixed Research / PART II: Planning the Research Study / 3. How to Review the Literature and Develop Research Questions / 4. How to Write a Research Proposal / 5. Research Ethics / PART III: Foundations of Research / 6. Standardized Measurement and Assessment / 7. How to Construct a Questionnaire / 8. Methods of Data Collection / 9. Sampling in Quantitative, Qualitative, and Mixed Research / 10. Validity of Research Results in Quantitative, Qualitative, and Mixed Research / PART IV: Selecting a Research Method / 11. Experimental Research / 12. Quasi-Experimental and Single-Case Designs / 13. Nonexperimental Quantitative Research / 14. Qualitative Research / 15. Historical Research / 16. Mixed Research / PART V: Analyzing the Data / 17. Descriptive Statistics / 18. Inferential Statistics / 19. Data Analysis in Qualitative and Mixed Research / PART VI: Writing the Research Report / 20. How to Prepare a Research Report and Use APA Style Guidelines


Written for pre-and in-service educators, this Third Edition of Craig A. Mertler’s Action Research: Improving Schools and Empowering Educators introduces the process of conducting one’s own classroom- or school-based action research in conjunction with everyday instructional practices and activities. The text provides educators with the knowledge and skills necessary to design research studies, conduct research, and communicate findings to relevant stakeholders and interested parties. CONTENTS PART I: “What Is Action Research?” / 1. Introduction to Action Research / 2. Overview of the Action Research Process / PART II: “How DO I Begin My Action Research Study?” / 3. Planning for Action Research / 4. Developing a Research Plan / PART III: “What Do I Do With All These Data?” / 5. Collecting Data / 6. Analyzing Data / PART IV: “I’ve Got Results! . . . Now What?” / 7. Developing an Action Plan / 8. Sharing and Reflecting / 9. Writing Up Action Research Paperback ISBN: 978-1-4129-8889-6 • ©2012 • 328 pages •


The SAGE Handbook for Research in Education Pursuing Ideas as the Keystone of Exemplary Inquiry Second Edition


Introduction to Educational Research A Critical Thinking Approach Second Edition W. Newton Suter, University of Arkansas at Little Rock Engaging, informative, and nontechnical, this text was written and organized specifically for students intending to conduct future educational research. It enables students to think clearly and critically about the process of research and illustrates how easily research can be misinterpreted. The author empowers educators and makes research truly accessible by equipping readers with the reasoning and thinking skills needed to understand and critically evaluate empirical studies across all areas of education. Students are guided through the stages of the research process: thinking about research, formulating hypotheses, selecting appropriate research designs, collecting and analyzing statistical and qualitative data, and completing research analyses and critiques. As a result, students will better understand research as an integrated process, as well as show and why researchers think like they do. CONTENTS PART I: Foundations / 1. Educators as Critical Thinkers / 2. Thinking About Research / 3. Diversity of Educational Research / PART II: Research as Process / 4. The Research Problem / 5. Research Language / 6. Theory and Practice / PART III: Data Collection / 7. Research Bias and Control / 8. Sampling in Research / 9. Measurement in Research / PART IV: Design and Analysis / 10. Common Experimental Research Designs / 11. Common Non-Intervention Research Designs / 12. Qualitative Data, Analysis, and Design / 13. Statistical Data Analysis / PART V: Consumer to Producer / 14. Research Analysis and Critique / 15. Writing Research Proposals Paperback ISBN: 978-1-4129-9573-3 • ©2012 • 528 pages •

Action Research Improving Schools and Empowering Educators

Quantitative, Qualitative, and Mixed Approaches

Hardcover ISBN: 978-1-4129-7828-6 • ©2012 • 648 pages •



Edited by Clifton F. Conrad, University of Wisconsin - Madison • Ronald C. Serlin, University of Wisconsin Madison This handbook stimulates and encourages students, faculty, and educational practitioners, including individuals in Pre K-16 education, government, and the private sector who conduct applied and policy-oriented educational research, to place the pursuit of ideas at the epicenter of their research. As well as supporting readers to place the pursuit of ideas as the keystone of exemplary inquiry, the handbook draws on the perspectives of scholars representing diverse fields within the field of education as well as qualitative, quantitative, and mixed-methods approaches to inquiry. CONTENTS PART I: Exploring Ideas: Embracing Inquiry and the Craft of Framing Meaningful Problems / 1. Muddying the Waters Even More / 2. Speaking Truth to Policy and Practice / 3. Minding the Gap Between Research and Policy Making / 4. Developing and Framing Meaningful Problems / 5. Inquiry Through a Keyhole / 6. Reviewing Literature and Formulating Problems / 7. The Challenge of Framing a Problem / 8. Developing and Nurturing Interesting and Researchable Ideas / 9. Situating Ourselves and Our Inquiry / PART II: Pursuing and Sharing Ideas / 10. Research Design in Qualitative/Quantitative/Mixed Methods / 11. Intellect, Light, and Shadow in Research Design / 12. Comparative Education / 13. Conceptualizing and Conducting Meaningful Research Studies in Education / 14. Constructing Data / 15. Constructing Analyses / 16. Approaching Rigor in Applied Qualitative Research / 17. Constructing Conclusions / 18. Windows of Possibility / 19. Education as Design for Learning / 20. Cultivating Idea-Centric Writing in Our Teaching of Writing / 21. Writing in Education Research / 22. Experimenting With Voice and Reflexivity to Produce Multi-Voiced Texts / 23. Getting the Word Out / PART III: Engaging Ideas: Reflections of Scholars / 24. Using Historical Methods to Explore Educational Questions / 25. Texts for Beginning Readers / 26. Conducting Research on Leadership and Change in Education / 27. College Access and Educational Research / 28. The Arc of Research Hardcover ISBN: 978-1-4129-8000-5 • ©2011 • 528 pages • SAGE


Educational Statistics Using Statistics to Make Educational Decisions

The Action Research Guidebook Four-Stage Process for Educators and School Teams Second Edition Richard Sagor, Washington State University In this second edition of his best-selling volume, The Action Research Guidebook,Richard Sagor provides updated tools and insights to guide the implementation of school-based research for student success. Ideal for teacher leaders and teacher teams, this practical guidebook features new examples, activities and leadership applications that reflect the recent growth of professional learning communities, wider acceptance of standards, and the need for more qualitative research. CONTENTS 1. Introduction to Action Research / 2. Finding a Focus / 3. Refining the Focus / 4. Articulating a Theory of Action / 5. Drawing a Theory of Action / 6. Determining the Research Questions / 7. Building a Data-Collection Plan / 8. Analyzing the Data / 9. Turning Findings Into Action Plans / 10. Reporting and Sharing Action Research / 11. Conclusion: The School as a Learning Organization Paperback ISBN: 978-1-4129-8128-6 • ©2011 • 248 pages • Corwin

Conducting Educational Research Guide to Completing a Major Project

David Tanner, California State University, Fresno Government scrutiny and intensified oversight have dramatically changed the landscape of education in recent years. Observers want to know how schools compare, which district is best, which states are spending the most per student on education, whether reforms are making a difference, and why so many students are failing. Some of these questions require technical answers that educators historically redirected to outside experts, but the questions leveled at all educators have become so acute and persistent that they can no longer be outsourced. This text helps educators develop the tools and the conceptual understanding needed to provide definitive answers to difficult statistical questions facing education today. CONTENTS PART A: Developing a Context for Statistical Analysis / 1. A Context for Solving Quantitative Problems / 2. Describing Data / PART B: Presenting Data / 3. Data Distributions: Picturing Data / 4. Working with the Normal Curve: z Scores / PART C: Examining Differences / 5. Probability and the Normal Distribution / 6. t for One, or Two / 7. Analysis of Variance / 8. ANOVA with more than One Independent Variable: Factorial ANOVA / 9. Dependent Groups Tests for Interval Data / PART D: Association and Prediction / 10. Correlation / 11. Regression with One Predictor / 12. Regression with More than One Predictor / PART E: Tests for Nominal and Ordinal Data / 13. Some of the Chi-square Tests / 14. Working with Ordinal, More, or Less-than Data / PART F: Tests, Measurement Issues and Selected Advanced Topics / 15. Testing Issues / 16. A Brief Introduction to Selected Advanced Topics Paperback ISBN: 978-1-4129-6977-2 • ©2012 • 552 pages •


Daniel J. Boudah, East Carolina University

Understanding and Evaluating Qualitative Educational Research

Designed to be used during the research process, this book walks readers through each step of a research project or thesis, including developing a research question, performing a literature search, developing a research plan, collecting and analyzing data, drawing conclusions, and sharing the conclusions with others. Throughout the book, Daniel J. Boudah covers all types of research (including experimental, descriptive, qualitative, group designs, and single subject designs) and helps readers link research questions to designs, designs to data sources, and data sources to appropriate analyses. CONTENTS 1. Research in Education / 2. Identifying a Research Problem, Question, and Searching Relevant Literature / 3. Understanding Relevant Literature and Writing a Literature Review / 4. Issues in Validity and Trustworthiness / 5. Designing and Conducting Experimental Research / 6. Designing and Conducting Qualitative Research / 7. Designing and Conducting Descriptive Research / 8. Creating a Research Proposal / 10. Analyzing and Interpreting Qualitative Research / 11. Analyzing and Interpreting Descriptive Research / 12. Writing Research Reports Paperback ISBN: 978-1-4129-7902-3 • ©2011 • 336 pages • SAGE

Edited by Marilyn Lichtman, Virginia Tech This text uses published research articles to teach students how to understand and evaluate qualitative research in education. It gives students a well-rounded and practical look at what qualitative research is, along with guidance on how to read, analyze, and design studies themselves. CONTENTS PART I: Qualitative Research Approaches / 1. Reading Ethnography / 2. Reading Grounded Theory / 3. Reading Phenomenology / 4. Reading Case Studies / 5. Reading Action Research / 6. Reading Narrative / 7. Reading Mixed Methods / PART II: Issues at the Forefront of the Qualitative Research Field / 8. Clarifying Research Approaches / 9. Qualitative Research in the New Millennium / 10. Standards of Evidence / 11. Review Boards, Research Ethics, and Academic Freedom / 12. Writing Up Results / 13. Reflexivity / 14. Negotiating Through Graduate School Paperback ISBN: 978-1-4129-7526-1 • ©2011 • 328 pages •



Data-Driven Decision Making

Technology Leadership

Putting FACES on the Data

From Digital Natives to Digital Wisdom

What Great Leaders Do!

Hopeful Essays for 21st Century Learning

Lyn Sharratt, York Region District School Board • Michael Fullan, Ontario Institute for Studies in Education, Centre for Teacher Development This book will show how to develop a common language for sharing all students’ progress with all teachers and leaders, and how to use ongoing assessment to inform instruction. Based on worldwide research of 500 educators.

Marc R. Prensky, Games2Train This new volume contains the best of bestselling author Marc Prensky’s most inspiring and thoughtful essays over the past decade written specifically for educators. It explore the full range of instructional methods, curriculum, strategies, and use of technology tools and includes book study questions at the end of each section/chapter for both personal and group discussion.

CONTENTS PART I: Re-thinking Education / 1. The Reformers Are Leaving Our Schools

CONTENTS 1. From Information Glut to Well-Known FACES / 2. The Power of Putting FACES on the Data / 3. Making it Work in Practice—Assessment / 4. Making It Work in Practice—Instruction / 5. Leadership—Individualizing for Improvement / 6. Ownership—Of All FACES Paperback ISBN: 978-1-4522-0258-7 • January 2012 • 264 pages • Corwin

Multi-Dimensional Education A Common Sense Approach to Data-Driven Thinking Michael W. Corrigan • Doug Grove • Philip F. Vincent This comprehensive guide to school improvement outlines the steps for identifying, collecting, analyzing, and using data as a basis for making instructional and schoolwide decisions. CONTENTS 1. The Paradoxes, Oxymorons, and Myths of Education / 2. The Seven Dimensions to Guiding Systemic Data-Driven Thinking / 3. Connecting the Data Dots to Achievement / 4. The 4Cs Framework for Shared Leadership and Planning / 5. The C of Curriculum / 6. The C of Community / 7. The C of Climate / 8. The C of Character / 9. Gearing Up for Systemic Success / 10. Rising Above the Standards Paperback ISBN: 978-1-4129-9259-6 • ©2012 • 320 pages • Corwin


Using Data to Improve Learning for All A Collaborative Inquiry Approach Nancy Love, Director of Program Development, Research for Better Teaching School leaders will discover how to implement collaborative inquiry, use data systematically and effectively, and establish an equitable school climate to improve outcomes for all students. CONTENTS PART I: Collaborative Inquiry / 1. Building a High-Performing Data Culture / 2. Getting Organized for Collaborative Inquiry / 3. The Using Data Process: A Model for Collaborative Inquiry / 4. Bringing Cultural Proficiency to Collaborative Inquiry / PART II: Stories From the Field / 5. A District Uses Data to Improve Results: Johnson County, Tennessee / 6. A Data Team Problem Solves About Problem Solving: Clark County, Nevada Paperback ISBN: 978-1-4129-6085-4 • ©2009 • 192 pages • Corwin

in the 20th Century / 2. On Learning / 3. Educaiton As Rocket Science / 4. Turning on the Lights / 5. Digital natives/Digital Immigrants: / PART I / 6. The Emerging Online Life of the Digital Native / 7. Young Minds, Fast Times / 8. Blame Our Young? Or Use Their Passion! / 9. Can We “Out-Educate” with the Education of the Past? / 10. To Educate, We Must Listen / 11. Bringing the Future to School: The Prensky Challenge / 12. An Open Letter to the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation / PART II: 21st Century Learning and Technology in the Classroom / 13. The Role of Technology / 14. Backup Education? / 15. Simple Changes in Current Practices May Save Our Schools / 16. Why YouTube Matters / 17. Beyond the Lemonade Stand / 18. Types of learning and Possible Game Styles / 19. On Being Disrespected / 20. Let’s Be “Digital Multipliers” / 21. Search vs. Research / 22. Simulation Nation / 24. The True 21st Century Literacy is Programming / PART III: Epilogue: From Digital Natives to Digital Wisdom / 25. Homo Sapiens Digital: From Digital Natives and Digital Immigrants to Digital Wisdom Paperback ISBN: 978-1-4522-3009-2 • January 2012 • 264 pages • Corwin

Cyber Savvy Embracing Digital Safety and Civility Nancy Willard The author integrates her expertise in risk prevention, law, and education to provide a collaborative and positive process for teaching secondary students media literacy, safety, and “netiquette.”

CONTENTS PART I: Teaching Digital Safety

& Citizenship / 1. Let Them Teach Each Other to Swim / 2. Making Positive Choices Online / 3. The Dangers of Techno-Panic / 4. Targeted Youth Risk Online Prevention & Intervention / 5. Law Enforcement Officers as Instructors / 6. School Staff Online / 7. Providing Parent Guidance / PART II: Digital Safety and Citizenship Issues / 8. Cyber Safe Kids / 9. Avoid the Impulse - Remember What You Do Reflects on You / 10. Read With Your Eyes Open - Assess the Credibility of Information / 11. Keep Your Life in Balance - Avoid Addictive Use / 12. Think Before You Post - Protect Your Reputation & Respect Others / 13. Connect Safely - Interact Safely With Others Online / 14. Keep Yourself Secure - Implement Security & Avoid Scams / 15. Abide by the Terms - Act in Accord with Laws, Policies, & Terms / 16. Stay Out of the Garbage - Avoid Objectionable & Illegal Material / 17. Don’t Sell Yourself - Disclose & Consume Wisely / 18. Protect Your Face & Friends - Be a Savvy & Civil When Networking / 19. Embrace Civility - Prevent Hurtful Digital Communications / 20. Cyberdate Safely - Avoid Exploitation & Abusive Relationships Paperback ISBN: 978-1-4129-9621-1 • ©2012 • 176 pages • Corwin

Learning on the Blog Collected Posts for Educators and Parents Will Richardson Best-selling author Will Richardson’s comprehensive collection of posts from his acclaimed blog outlines the educational reform we must achieve to stay ahead of the curve. The book’s entries present a multifaceted vision of the 21st-century classroom and describe how a social media-changed world has created new opportunities for teaching and learning.

CONTENTS PART I: Teachers as Master Learners / PART II: Learning is Anytime, Anywhere,

Anyone / PART III: The Learner as Network / PART IV: Learning and Leadership / PART VI: The Bigger Shifts . . . Deal with It

Paperback ISBN: 978-1-4129-9570-2 • ©2012 • 144 pages • Corwin


Getting It Right Aligning Technology Initiatives for Measurable Student Results Ian Jukes, 21st Century Fluency Project • Matt McClure, 21st Century Fluency Project • Randolph MacLean, 21st Century Fluency Project The authors provide a model for addressing state and regional standards, improving test scores, meeting curricular requirements, and providing measurable accountability for technology expenditures. CONTENTS 1. Planning for the Future / 2. Making Alignment Work / 3. Planning for Success / 4. Step 1: Focus on Learning, Not Technology / 5. Step 2: Building a Broad Base of Understanding / 6. Step 3: Commitment to High Levels of Staff Development / 7. Step 4: Focus on Doing a Few Things Well / 8. Step 5: Proceed Slowly / 9. Step 6: Providing Adequate Resources / 10. Step 7: Using Assessment to Steer Programs / 11. Step 8: Use Research to Chart Your Path / 12. Getting It Right: Summary Paperback ISBN: 978-1-4129-8237-5 • ©2012 • 136 pages • Corwin

The Best of Corwin Educational Technology for School Leaders wLynne Schrum, George Mason University This collection offers key chapters from Corwin’s leadership and educational technology books that focus on 21st century challenges, technology and learning, cyber safety, and cyberbullying. CONTENTS PART I: Our 21st-Century Schools / 1. Partnering: A Pedagogy for the New Educational Landscape / 2. No More Cookie-Cutter High Schools / 3. Strategic Leadership: Encouraging and Assessing Technology Integration / 4. Emerging Roles Within the Knowledge Community / PART II: Technology-Powered Classrooms / 5. Understanding Youth and Digital Media / 6. “Short”: Social Networking in a Low-Tech Environment / 7. Why Use Web 2.0 Tools With ELLs? / 8. Assessment in the Partnership Pedagogy / PART III: Safety and Policy Matters / 9. Policies, Procedures, and Contracts: Communicating Expectations to Teachers, Students, and Parents / 10. Preventing Cyberbullying / 11. Top Ten Rules That Govern School Authority Over Student Cyber Expressions Paperback ISBN: 978-1-4522-1727-7 • ©2012 • 240 pages • Corwin


Leading Good Schools to Greatness Mastering What Great Principals Do Well Susan Penny Gray, San Diego State University • William A. Streshly, San Diego State University Using case studies, strategies, and activities, this book shows how to acquire the powerful personal leadership characteristics that the best principals use to lead their schools to greatness. CONTENTS 1. The Skills for Leading Good Schools to Greatness Can Be Learned / 2. First, Build Relationships / 3. How to Exercise Your Professional Will With Humility / 4. How to Face the Brutal Facts…Then Do Something about Them / 5. How to Get the Right Faculty on Board / 6. How to Find and Promote the Hedgehog Concept in Your School / 7. How to Build a School-Wide Culture of SelfDiscipline / 8. The Road Ahead Paperback ISBN: 978-1-4129-7978-8 • ©2010 • pages • Corwin

Technology Leadership for School Improvement Rosemary Papa, Northern Arizona University This text provides prospective and current K–12 educational leaders with practical coverage of the skills and knowledge necessary to manage and administrate technology in school settings. Designed to help educational leaders develop an understanding of multimedia teaching tools that optimize learning, as well as the leadership skills needed to support others, this one-of-a-kind book explores data-driven decision making and technology standards. Each chapter is written by a specialist in the field and follows a common format. CONTENTS PART I: Leadership Policy and Innovative Practice / 1. Entrepreneurial Leadership for Technology: An Opposable Mind / 2. Technology Leadership Standards: The Next Generation / 3. Administration of Technology: Teaching, Learning, and Resource Management / 4. Designing and Using Academic Information Systems: Providing Decision Support Systems for Educational Leaders / PART II: Leadership Teaching and Learning / 5. Leading Adult Learners: Preparing Future Leaders and Professional Development of Those They Lead / 6. Planning, Designing, Implementing, and Evaluating Technology / 7. Web 2.0 Learning Environments in Distance Learning / 8. Design of Creative Online Learning Spaces / PART III: Leadership: Social, Cultural, and Legal / 9. School, Technology, and Society: Home-School Communications and Access / 10. Security, Internet Safety, Copyright, and Plagiarism / PART IV: Leadership Digital Assessments and Evaluation / 11. Online Evaluation / 12. Using Technology for Assessing and Evaluating Student Learning and Instructional Practices / 13. Program Evaluation and Technology Integration Strategies Paperback ISBN: 978-1-4129-7210-9 • ©2011 • 320 pages •



Leading 21st-Century Schools Harnessing Technology for Engagement and Achievement Lynne Schrum, George Mason University • Barbara B. Levin, The University of North Carolina at Greensboro Aligned to the ISTE NETS standards for administrators, this guide provides an actionable plan for integrating new technology into teaching and learning and realizing measurable improvement. CONTENTS PART I: 21st-Century Schools: A New World for Administrators, Teachers, and Students / 1. Leading 21st-Century Schools: What School Leaders Need to Know / 2. The Digital Information Age: Who Are Our Students and Teachers? / PART II: New Tools and Strategies for Teaching and Learning in the 21st Century / 3. New Tools for Collaboration, Communication, and Creation / 4. Other Technology Tools to Consider / 5. Instructional Strategies for Teaching and Learning With Technology / PART III: Leading the Way / 6. Strategic Leadership: Encouraging and Assessing Technology Integration / 7. Increasing Communication to Build Community / 8. Privacy, Permission, and Protection: Steps to Ensure Success / 9. Important Considerations for 21st-Century Leaders: Hard Questions and Answers Paperback ISBN: 978-1-4129-7295-6 • ©2009 • 240 pages • Corwin


School Change, Reform and Restructuring More High School Graduates


The Fourth Way

How Schools Can Save Students From Dropping Out

The Inspiring Future for Educational Change

Ben Levin, University of Manitoba, Canada

Edited by Andy Hargreaves, Boston College • Dennis Shirley, Boston College

This book creates a roadmap for school leaders and government policymakers to boost high school graduation rates. Drawing from his knowledge as an education official and professor, author Ben Levin presents a proven system to turn around secondary schools adaptable for local-, district-, and state-level decision making.

This book analyzes three previous major change efforts, outlines their strengths and limitations, and offers a successful and sustainable fourth way to integrate teacher professionalism, community engagement, government policy, and accountability.

CONTENTS 1. The Challenge / 2. The Framework / 3. Connecting With Every Student / 4.

CONTENTS 1. The Three Ways of Change / 2. The Three Paths of Distraction / 3. The Four Horizons of Hope / 4. The Fourth Way

Curriculum and Graduation Requirements / 5. Improving Teaching and Learning / 6. Connecting with Community / 7. Implementation / 8. Conclusion

Paperback ISBN: 978-1-4129-7637-4 • ©2009 • 168 pages • Corwin

Paperback ISBN: 978-1-4129-9224-4 • ©2012 • 208 pages • Corwin

Realizing the Promise of 21st-Century Education An Owner’s Manual Bruce Joyce, Booksend Laboratories • Emily Calhoun The authors outline the steps to building a new generation of courses and schools that prepares children to learn and work in the 21st century. CONTENTS 1. A New Chance to Live Our Dreams / 2. Terms of Convenience—Building a New Language for Teaching and Learning / PART I: A Considerable Opportunity / 3. Educating at the Level of the Highest Ideas of Our Time—Enlarging Moral Purpose in the Pursuit of Equity and Excellence / 4. Promises—Educational Renewal Is Getting a Lift / 5. Platforms for Education: The Enhanced School/ Home Educational System / 6. The 21st Century Skills / PART II: Important Things to Just Do Right Now / 7. The Responsible Parties—The Essential Local Democratic Process / 8. Near-Term Development—Hybrid Instruction and Learning Platforms Near and Far / 9. Crossroads—Actually Cloverleafs—for the High School / 10. The School as a Platform for Professional Development— The Reciprocal Concept / PART III: The New Basics of Embedded School Reform— Responsible Parties, Watching Learning Grow, Research and Development / 11. Pembroke Elementary School / 12. Direct, Performance-Based, Formative Assessment—Watching Learning Grow / 13. An Optimistic Future Paperback ISBN: 978-1-4129-8824-7 • ©2012 • 192 pages • Corwin

The Answer Is in the Room How Effective Schools Scale Up Student Success Alan M. Blankstein, The HOPE Foundation, Bloomington, IN Best-selling author Alan M. Blankstein shares the results of his research with top educational experts and describes a five-step process of finding and scaling excellent practices within learning communities. CONTENTS 1. Why We Can’t Wait to Scale Student Success! / 2. A Process to CREATE Sustained Student Success / 3. The Courage to Commit to the Work / 4. Resources are in the Room / 5. Taking Stock of Excellence in the Room / 6. An Action Plan for Engaging the Entire Learning Community / 7. Transference of Knowledge and Skills Throughout the Learning Community Paperback ISBN: 978-1-4129-9876-5 • ©2012 • 144 pages • Corwin

From School Improvement to Sustained Capacity The Parallel Leadership Pathway Frank Crowther Based on a recent research study that examined how school leaders collaborated to enhance quality in their workplaces, bestselling author Frank Crowther makes a compelling case for capacity building and parallel leadership as the keys to ensuring sustainable improvement. CONTENTS 1. The COSMIC C-B Approach: A Prelude / 2. The First C-B Dynamic: Committing to Revitalization / 3. The Second C-B Dynamic: Organizational Diagnosis and Coherence / 4. The Third C-B Dynamic: Seeking New Heights / 5. The Fourth C-B Dynamic: Micro-Pedagogical Deepening / 6. The Fifth C-B Dynamic: Invoking Reaction / 7. The Sixth C-B Dynamic: Consolidating Success / 8. Next Steps Along the Parallel Leadership C-B Pathway Paperback ISBN: 978-1-4129-8694-6 • ©2012 • 240 pages • Corwin


School Change, Reform and Restructuring Transformative Professional Learning

Leading Schools to Success

A System to Enhance Teacher and Student Motivation

Constructing and Sustaining HighPerforming Learning Cultures

Margery B. Ginsberg

James W. Guthrie, Southern Methodist University • Patrick Schuermann, Vanderbilt University

This professional development program provides practical steps to strengthen student motivation and learning through research-based approaches to enhance instructional improvement. CONTENTS 1. Transformative Professional Development in Culturally Diverse Classrooms / 2. The Motivational Framework for Culturally Responsive Teaching / 3. Shadowing Students to Stimulate and Enrich Teacher Knowledge / 4. Creating Transformative and Culturally Responsive Learning Through Home Visits / 5. Creating Transformative Learning Through Collaborative Lesson Design and Reflective Group Work / 6. Using Data to Improve Student Learning Paperback ISBN: 978-1-4129-8185-9 • ©2012 • 184 pages • Corwin

Using Research to Lead School Improvement Turning Evidence Into Action Scott C. Bauer, George Mason University • S. David Brazer, George Mason University This one-of-a-kind book takes readers beyond thinking about school improvement to leading the process of creating excellent learning environments. Beginning with fundamental principles of school leadership for grades K-12, the book demonstrates how action research and published studies can work hand-in-hand to explain the nature of student achievement gaps and the reasons that underlie them. Using examples from education leadership classrooms, research, and practice, the authors bring to life the processes of problem identification and diagnosis, developing solutions, and project implementation and evaluation. CONTENTS PART I: Research and Leadership / 1. A Structured Approach to Leading School Improvement / 2. Research, Leaders, and Improving Student Performance / 3. Involving Others, Forming a Team / PART II: Problem Articulation: Using Evidence to Find Improvement Needs / 4. Assessing the Local Situation / 5. Communicating a Message with Data / PART III: Building a Deep Understanding of the Problem / 6. Getting to the Root of the Problem / 7. Finding Supportive Literature / 8. Understanding Research Design and Analysis / PART IV: Completing the Journey: Solutions, Actions, and Implementation / 9. Identifying Solutions and Action Planning for School Improvement / 10. Considering Implementation and Evaluation Paperback ISBN: 978-1-4129-7405-9 • ©2012 • 336 pages • SAGE

Providing a combined 70 years of classroom and administrative experience, renowned authors James Guthrie and Patrick Schuermann offer a practice-based approach, grounded in research and theory, to achieving and maintaining an atmosphere of success in schools through effective leadership. CONTENTS Case Study 1: Buchanan School: Can School Culture Get Better than this? / 1. Defining and Specifying the Significance of School Culture / Case Study 2: Possible Reform at Washington High School: How Far Can a Productive Culture Stretch? / 2. Components of a High Performing School Culture / Cast Study 3: Walton Charter Prepares to Select A Head: What Kind of Leader Might Create a Productive Culture? / 3. Leadership and Effective School Culture / Case Study 4: Warren County School Board Performance Pay Cram Down Can a Productive Culture Withstand an Unexpected External Pressure? / 4. Personnel and School Culture / Case Study 5: The Challenge of an (Almost) Brand New School: Can the Past be Blended with the New to Form a Productive Culture? / 5. Resource Deployment and School Culture / Case Study 6: Data, Data Everywhere but Hardly a Drop of Useful Information / 6. Data-driven Decision Making and School Culture / Case Study 7: “My Way” Ray and the “New” Accountability / 7. Assessments, Accountability, Awards, and School Culture / Case Study 8: A Principal Opening at the Grant School: Can a Dysfunctional Culture Be Undone? / 8. Contextual Challenges to Formation of a Learning Culture Paperback ISBN: 978-1-4129-7901-6 • ©2011 • 304 pages • SAGE

The TurnAround ToolKit Managing Rapid, Sustainable School Improvement Lynn Winters, Long Beach Unified School District • Joan Herman, UCLA This timely volume offers educators a nine-step method based on data-driven continuous improvement processes. Authors frame these steps within three overarching “turnaround tasks” that begin with realigning systems, progress to integrating data to create the turnaround plan, and, finally, set the stage for ongoing plan revision. CONTENTS PART I: The 3 Rs of Turnaround Work: Realign, Redesign, Refine / SECTION I: Realign: Create the Structures for Turnaround Work / 1. Develop Systems for Managing Turnaround Activities: Distributed Leadership, Collaborative Teams, Expert Reviewers and Networks, Data Capacity / 2. Organize Information Needed to Redesign Programs / 3. Prepare Data Summaries and Displays / SECTION II: Redesign: Use Data to Create the Turnaround Plan / 4. Identify the Turnaround Focus / 5. Redesign Programs to Address the Turnaround Focus / 6. Develop and Implement the Turnaround Plan / SECTION III: Refine: Evaluate and Revise the Turnaround Plan / 7. Design an Evaluation of the Turnaround Plan / 8. Analyze Evaluation Data and Revise the Program / 9. The 4th R of Turnaround Work: Reflect on Lessons Learned / PART II: Leader’s Guides for The TurnAround ToolKit / 1. Develop Systems for Managing Turnaround Activities: Distributed Leadership, Collaborative Teams, Expert Reviewers and Networks, Data Capacity: Leader’s Guide / 2. Organize Information Needed to Redesign Programs: Leader’s Guide / 3. Prepare Data Summaries and Displays: Leader’s Guide / 4. Identify the Turnaround Focus: Leader’s Guide / 5. Redesign Programs to Address the Turnaround Focus: Leader’s Guide / 6. Develop and Implement the Turnaround Plan: Leader’s Guide / 7. Design an Evaluation of the Turnaround Plan: Leader’s Guide / 8. Analyze Evaluation Data and Revise the Program: Leader’s Guide Paperback ISBN: 978-1-4129-7501-8 • ©2011 • 312 pages •

• Corwin


Deliverology 101

Giving Wings to Children’s Dreams

A Field Guide For Educational Leaders

Making Our Schools Worthy of Our Children

Michael Barber • Andy Moffit, McKinsey & Company • Paul Kihn, McKinsey & Company

Paul D. Houston, Center for Empowered Leadership


This practical field guide shares Barber’s proven reform delivery processes. Citing education reform case studies from more than 20 countries, the authors illustrate a field-tested program that ensures reform is achieved in the most profound sense, with students able to see, feel, and reap the benefits of a high-quality education. CONTENTS 1. Develop a Foundation for Delivery / 2. Understand the Delivery Challenge / 3. Plan for Delivery / 4. Drive Delivery / 5. Create an Irreversible Delivery Culture Paperback ISBN: 978-1-4129-8950-3 • ©2011 • 304 pages • Corwin

From Silos to Systems Reframing Schools for Success Sally B. Kilgore, Modern Red SchoolHouse Institute • Karen J. Reynolds, Modern Red SchoolHouse Institute This text provides specific application steps for engaging all staff in a systematic approach to dealing with the various causes of schoolwide problems and creating a positive school climate. CONTENTS SECTION I / 1. Why Reframe Professional Lives of Educators? / 2. Essential Structure for Reframing Professional Life in Schools / 3. Essential Processes for Teamwork / 4. Managing Change Successfully / 5. Barriers and Pitfalls / SECTION II / 6. School Culture and Climate / 7. Data Analysis / 8. Family and Community Partnerships / 9. Curriculum and Instruction / 10. Technology / 11. Professional Development Paperback ISBN: 978-1-4129-7308-3 • ©2011 • 224 pages • Corwin

The former director of the American Association of School Administrators outlines a coherent countervision for turning schools back into places that nurture children. CONTENTS 1. My Wings / 2. Teachers: Magicians and Conductors / 3. Attitude=Altitude / 4. Leaning Our Ladder Against the Right Wall / 5. Crawling Out of the Box / 6. How It Ought to Be / 7. Getting Kids Ready for Democracy / 8. Getting Kids Ready for School—Raising the Village / 9. Getting Schools Ready for Kids / 10. Getting the Words and Symbols Right / 11. Horse Whispering: Harnessing Technology to Enhance Learning / 12. The Brain is a Terrible Thing to Waste / 13. Creativity and the Arts: The Surry, Not the Fringe / 14. Authentic Accountability / 15. Lead Is Not a Four Letter Word / 16. Bored of Education / 17. Dealing with the Heart and Soul / 18. A School Worthy of Our Children—A Fable Paperback ISBN: 978-1-4129-8035-7 • ©2010 • 176 pages • Corwin

Handbook of School Improvement How High-Performing Principals Create High-Performing Schools Joseph Blasé, University of Georgia • Dana Yon Phillips Capturing insights from 20 successful principals, this illuminating book presents real-world strategies that help school leaders refine their administrative skills and generate dramatic improvements in schoolwide achievement. CONTENTS PART I: Administrative Leadership for School Improvement: Action Foci of High-Performing Principals / 1. Learning: Principals of High-Performing Schools Are Models of Learning / 2. Modeling: Principals of High-Performing Schools Are Exemplars of the Field’s Standards of Leadership / 3. Focusing: Principals of High-Performing Schools Focus on School and Teacher Practices Associated With Increased Student Achievement / 4. Leading for Achievement: Principals of High-Performing Schools Lead in Ways That Have Maximum Impact on Student Achievement / 5. Improving Instruction: Principals of High-Performing Schools Work With Teachers on the School Mission: They Engage in On-Going, Collaborative Study of School-Wide Instructional Improvement Efforts / 6. Developing Systems: Principals of High-Performing Schools Use a “Systems development” Approach to Dispatch With Managerial Responsibilities and to Support Instructional Aspects of Work / 7. Empowering: Principals of High-Performing Schools Take an Empowering (Team) Approach to Almost Everything and Create “Learning Communities” in Their School / 8. Hiring: Principals of High-Performing Schools Hire Strong People for Administrative, Faculty, and Staff Positions / 9. Using Data: Principals of High-Performing Schools Insist on Using Data to Inform Instructional Decisions / PART II: Instructional Leadership for School Improvement: Goals of High-Performing Principals / 10. Teaching and Learning: To Maintain a Focus on Teaching and Learning / 12. Dialogue: To Establish a Context for Dialogue About Instruction / 13. Research: To Reference Research-Based Instructional Elements When Observing Instruction and When Talking With Teachers / 14. Development: To Provide Effective, On-Going Professional Learning, a.k.a., Staff Development / PART III: Conclusion: Systems Thinking and the Systems Development Approach in Educational Leadership / 15. The Importance of Systems Thinking and the “Systems Development” Approach for School Improvement / 16. Afterword: A Summary and A Note About Preparation for Educational Leadership Paperback ISBN: 978-1-4129-7997-9 • ©2010 • 240 pages • Corwin


School Change, Reform and Restructuring Updated Edition of Bestseller

Reframing the Path to School Leadership A Guide for Teachers and Principals Second Edition Lee G. Bolman, University of Missouri • Terrence E. Deal, University of Southern California, Rossier School This second edition of the bestseller helps teachers and principals reframe challenges and expand leadership potential by using four defining lenses: political, human resources, structural, and symbolic. CONTENTS PART I: A Pair of Rookies / 1. A New Teacher’s First Day / 2. Getting Off on the Right Foot / 3. A New Principal Finds a Wise Friend / Leadership Lessons I: Surmounting Entry Barriers / PART II: The Political Frame / 4. The Old Guard and the New Principal / 5. The Tracking Wars: School Politics at Work / Leadership Lessons II: Scoping, Mastering and Mapping the Political Terrain / PART III: The Human Resource Frame / 6. Sagging Morale / Leadership Lessons III: Building Relationships and Empowering Yourself / PART IV: The Structural Frame / 7. Student Discipline: Who’s Really in Charge? / 8. Standards and Accountability / Leadership Lessons IV: Coping With Reform / PART V: The Symbolic Frame / 9. The End of the Year: Symbols and Culture in Schools / 10. “I’m Just a Great Teacher!” / Leadership Lessons V: Celebrating Values and Culture / PART VI: Values, Ethics, and Spirit / 11. Teaching and Leading: Finding a Balance / 12. A Talk About Values / Leadership Lessons VI: Problems and Dilemmas / PART VII: The Torch is Passed / 13. The Essence of Teaching: Leaving a Legacy / 14. Passing the Torch: The Beat Goes On / Leadership Lessons VII: The Enduring Sequence Paperback ISBN: 978-1-4129-7819-4 • ©2010 • 176 pages • Corwin


All Systems Go The Change Imperative for Whole System Reform Michael Fullan, Ontario Institute for Studies in Education, Centre for Teacher Development Based on Fullan’s work with school districts and large systems in the United States, United Kingdom, and Canada, this resource lays out a comprehensive action plan for achieving whole system reform. CONTENTS PART I: The System / 1. The Idea and Importance of Whole System Reform / 2. Deceptive Inadequacies / PART II: Getting There / 3. Collective Capacity at the School and District Level / 4. The State We Are In / 5. Individual Capacity Building / PART III: A New Era / 6. Politicians and Professionals Unite Paperback ISBN: 978-1-4129-7873-6 • ©2010 • 136 pages • Corwin


The Cultural Proficiency Journey Moving Beyond Ethical Barriers Toward Profound School Change Franklin Campbell-Jones • Brenda Campbell-Jones, CampbellJones & Associates • Randall B. Lindsey, California State University Los Angeles Focusing on ethical decision making, this compelling book shows how to develop a deeper personal understanding of cultural differences and strengthen equitable practices in schools and districts. CONTENTS PART I: Cultural Proficiency and Morality / 1. Oakland Hills / 2. The Tools of Cultural Proficiency / 3. Values, Assumptions, and Beliefs Guide Our Actions / 4. Morality: Motivation, Purpose, and Intent / PART II: Case Studies: From Reflection to Action / 5. Barrier 1: Systems of Oppression / 6. Barrier 2: Resistance to Change / 7. Barrier 3: A Sense of Privilege and Entitlement Paperback ISBN: 978-1-4129-7794-4 • ©2010 • 144 pages • Corwin


Failure Is Not an Option® 6 Principles for Making Student Success the ONLY Option Second Edition Alan M. Blankstein, The HOPE Foundation, Bloomington, IN Five years, 200,000 readers, and one national award after the first edition, Blankstein documents how educators have closed gaps, turned schools around, and sustained overall success. CONTENTS 1. Why Failure Is Not an Option / 2. Courageous Leadership for School Success / 3. / 10 Common Routes to Failure, and How to Avoid Each / 4. Relational Trust as Foundation for the Learning Community / 5. Principle 1: Common Mission, Vision, Values, and Goals / 6. Principle 2: Ensuring Achievement for All Students—Systems for Prevention and Intervention / 7. Principle 3: Collaborative Teaming Focused on Teaching for Learning / 8. Principle 4: Data-Based Decision Making for Continuous Improvement / 9. Principle 5: Gaining Active Engagement From Family and Community / 10. Principle 6: Building Sustainable Leadership Capacity Paperback ISBN: 978-1-4129-7923-8 • ©2010 • 288 pages • Corwin


School Climate Leading Change in Multiple Contexts

Transforming School Climate and Learning

Concepts and Practices in Organizational, Community, Political, Social, and Global Change Settings

Beyond Bullying and Compliance

Gill Robinson Hickman, University of Richmond This is the first book to bring together leadership and change theories, concepts, and processes uses a consistent framework and the latest research to help readers understand and apply the concepts and practices in five contexts—organizational, community, political, social change, and global. Real-life vignettes throughout the text provide examples. CONTENTS PART I: CONCEPTUAL PERSPECTIVES ON LEADING CHANGE / 1. Causality, Change, and Leadership / PART II: LEADING ORGANIZATIONAL CHANGE / 2. Concepts of Organizational Change / 3. Concepts of Leadership in Organizational Change / 4. Organizational Change Practices / PART III: LEADING COMMUNITIY AND ORGANIZATIONAL CHANGE / 5. Community Change Context / 6. Crossing Organizational and Community Contexts / PART IV: LEADING POLITICAL AND SOCIAL CHANGE / 7. Political Change Context / 8. Social Change Context / 9. Crossing Political and Social Contexts / PART V: LEADING GLOBAL CHANGE / 10. Global Change Context / 11. Crossing Global and Social Contexts: Virtual Activism in Transnational Dotcauses, E-Movements, and Internet Nongovernmental Organizations Paperback ISBN: 978-1-4129-2678-2 • ©2010 • 336 pages • SAGE


50 Ways to Close the Achievement Gap Third Edition

Carolyn J. Downey • Betty E. Steffy • William K. Poston, Jr., Iowa State University • Fenwick W. English, The University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill This besteller outlines detailed, research-based strategies for developing high-performing schools and fostering educational equity for all students. CONTENTS 1. Standard One: Establish a Well-Crafted, Focused, Valid, and Clear Curriculum to Direct Teaching / 2. Standard Two: Provide Assessments Aligned With the Curriculum / 3. Standard Three: Align Program and Instructional Resources With the Curriculum and Provide Student Equality and Equity / 4. Standard Four: Use a Mastery Learning Approach and Effective Teaching Strategies / 5. Standard Five: Establish Curriculum Expectations, Monitoring, and Accountability / 6. Standard Six: Institute Effective District and School Planning, Staff Development, and Resource Allocations, and Provide a Quality Learning Environment Paperback ISBN: 978-1-4129-5898-1 • ©2009 • 336 pages • Corwin

Sacred Trust A Children’s Education Bill of Rights Peter W. Cookson, Jr. Peter Cookson asserts that all children have the right to an excellent education, and provides steps for creating an action plan that will lead to equitable schools.

CONTENTS 1. The Power of People and the Purpose of Public Education / 2. The Right to a Safe, Healthy, World-Class Pubic School / 3. The Cultural and Individual Rights of Students / 4. The Right to High Quality Instruction and School Leadership / 5. The Right to World-Class 21st-Century Curriculum and Technology / 6. The Right to Equality of Educational Opportunity / 7. The Right to Good Government Paperback ISBN: 978-1-4129-8116-3 • ©2011 • 160 pages • Corwin

Bill Preble, New England College • Rick Gordon This book details a comprehensive process for empowering students and teachers as school improvement leaders and “experts.” The authors explain how schools can use the SafeMeasures™ collaborative action research process to: collect and analyze school climate data; develop improvement goals; and create exciting and inspiring action plans to dramatically improve their school’s climate and student engagement. Each chapter features success stories from real schools, strategies and implementation activities, and book study questions that help all stakeholders transform both their school climate and student learning. CONTENTS 1. School Climate: The Heart and Soul of a School / 2. The SafeMeasures Process: A Student-Led, Collaborative Action Research Process / 3. Stage One: Everyone Is a Leader: Empowering Students and Teachers / 4. Stage Two: Including All Voices: School Climate Data Collection / 5. Stage Three: Thinking Together: Data Analysis and Goal Setting / 6. Stage Four: Making Change Happen: Action Planning and Project Development / 7. Stage Four Specifics: Action Projects to Promote Respectful Teaching and Learning / 8. Stage Five: Moving Forward Together: Sustainability and Continuous Improvement / 9. The Road Ahead: Transforming School Climate and Learning Paperback ISBN: 978-1-4129-9268-8 • ©2012 • 184 pages • Corwin


On Purpose How Great School Cultures Form Strong Character Samuel Casey Carter, Center for Education Reform Bestselling author Samuel Casey Carter showcases a dozen extraordinary K–12 public and charter schools where confident children joyfully strive to accomplish worthy goals in concert with their friends. These mainstream American institutions focus on a culture of character as their foundation and demonstrate scalable, sustainable, and replicable models for schools to emulate. CONTENTS 1. Four Common Traits of Great School Cultures / 2. Creating a Great School Culture / 3. Harvest Park Middle School, Pleasanton, CA / 4. Veritas Academy, Phoenix, AZ / 5. Hinsdale Central High School, Hinsdale, IL / 6. P.S.124 New York, NY / 7. Providence St. Mel, Chicago, IL / 8. Arlington Traditional School, Arlington, VA / 9. HOPE Prima, Milwaukee, WI / 10. Cotswold Elementary, Charlotte, NC / 11. Atlantis Elementary, Port St. John, FL / 12. Grayhawk Elementary, Scottsdale, AZ / 13. An Achievable Dream Middle and High, Newport News, VA / 14. Benjamin Franklin Classical Charter Public School, Franklin, MA / 15. How Communities Can Help Form Great School Cultures Paperback ISBN: 978-1-4129-8672-4 • ©2011 • 208 pages • Corwin


School-Community Relations Bestseller!

School, Family, and Community Partnerships Your Handbook for Action Third Edition Joyce L. Epstein, The Johns Hopkins University • Mavis G. Sanders, The Johns Hopkins University • Steven B. Sheldon, The Johns Hopkins University • Beth S. Simon, Blue Shield of California • Karen Clark Salinas, The Johns Hopkins University • Natalie Rodriguez Jansorn, The Johns Hopkins University • Frances L. Van Voorhis, The Johns Hopkins University • Cecelia S. Martin, Maryland Parental Information Resource Center • Brenda G. Thomas, The Johns Hopkins University • Marsha D. Greenfeld, The Johns Hopkins University • Darcy J. Hutchins, The Johns Hopkins University • Kenyatta J. Williams, Prince George’s County Public Schools. Maryland When schools, families, and communities collaborate and share responsibility for students’ education, they can make a positive impact on student achievement. Based on 25 years of research, this updated edition of a bestseller details a framework that enables school, district, and state leaders to develop more effective programs for family and community involvement. A team of well-known experts shows how to create Action Teams for Partnerships and train team members in planning and implementing partnership activities to reach school goals. Educational leaders will also learn how teams can mobilize community resources, resolve challenges to reach all families, evaluate program results, and continue to improve plans and practices over time. CONTENTS 1. A Comprehensive Framework / 2. Use the Framework to Reach School Goals: Stories From the Field / 3. Take an Action Team Approach / 4. Conduct Workshops / 5. Select Materials for Presentations and Workshops / 6. Strengthen Partnership Programs in Middle and High Schools / 7. Develop District and State Leadership for Partnerships / 8. Implement Teachers Involve Parents in Schoolwork (TIPS) / 9. Evaluate Your Partnership Program / 10. Network With Others for Best Results on Partnerships Paperback ISBN: 978-1-4129-5902-5 • ©2009 • 376 pages • Corwin

Superintendency Workforce Diversity Current and Emerging Issues and Cases Chaunda L. Scott, Oakland University • Marilyn Y. Byrd, University of Mary Hardin-Baylor Designed to introduce students to the core concepts, theoretical frameworks, and myriad issues surrounding the expansive topic of diversity within the workplace. the book also offers experiential exercises and resources such as interviewing guides and film analyses to encourage students to think critically about the issues presented and begin to practice how they might address various situations in the workplace. CONTENTS PART I: Establishing Workforce Diversity Foundations / 1. Historical Perspectives for Studying Workforce Diversity / 2. Suggested Theoretical Frameworks and Conceptual Models to Address Emerging Workforce Diversity Issues / 3. Exploring the Relationship between the Organizational Culture and Workforce Diversity / PART II: Traditional Workforce Diversity Issues / 4. Race and Workforce Diversity / 5. Gender and Workforce Diversity / 6. Ethnicity and Workforce Diversity / 7. Developing Human Resource Development Competencies to Manage Sexual Orientation and Transgender Issues in the Workforce / 8. Social Class in the Workforce / PART III: The Emerging Issues of a Contemporary Workforce / 9. Spirituality in the Workforce / 10. Intergenerational Workforce Tensions / 11. Cross-Cultural Teams in the Workforce with Global Implications / 12. Linguistic Profiling in the Workforce / 13. Personal/Physical Appearance Stigmatizing in the Workforce / 14. Visible/Invisible Disabilities in the Workforce: Exclusion and Discrimination / 15. Re-Emergence of Racial Harassment and Hate Symbols in the Workforce / 16. Leveraging Workforce Diversity Paperback ISBN: 978-1-4129-8794-3 • ©2012 • 344 pages • SAGE

A Culturally Proficient Society Begins in School Leadership for Equity Carmella S. Franco • Maria G. Ott • Darline P. Robles, Los Angeles County Office of Education Extending democracy into schools so that every child has the opportunity to achieve is the topic of many books and conversations. The three Latina superintendents who coauthored this book do more than discuss the issue of equity in education—they live it. They grew up affected by it, taught students who needed it, and changed the minds of those who resisted it. These trailblazing women chronicle their childhoods, careers, and challenges and share their vision to transform schools into places of equity and excellence.

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CONTENTS 1. The Why of This Book / 2. Pueblo, Kronach, and East Los Angeles: Our Beginnings / 3. Conversations With the Superintendents: The Teacher Years / 4. Conversations With the Superintendents: The Administrator Years / 5. Lessons Learned: Acknowledging Barriers, Recognizing Cultural Assets / 6. Lessons Learned: Cultural Assets Inform Actions / 7. Developing Your Leadership for Equity Plan Paperback ISBN: 978-1-4129-8653-3 • ©2012 • 208 pages • Corwin


Ethics A Very Short Fairly Interesting and Reasonably Cheap Book About Studying Leadership Second Edition Brad Jackson, University of Auckland • Ken Parry, Bond University This bestselling pocket guide provides students with alternative ways of looking at leadership beyond prescriptive ‘how to’ approaches. It shows how leadership is a relational activity and encourages students to think about leadership in fresh and innovative ways. The Second Edition includes expanded discussion of hot topics like followership, gender, ethics, authenticity, and leadership and the arts, set against the backdrop of the global financial crisis. CONTENTS Should You Buy This Book? / Introduction / Leader-Centered Perspectives on Leadership / Follower-Centered Perspectives on Leadership / Cultural Perspectives on Leadership / Critical and Distributed Perspectives on Leadership / Leadership with a Higher Purpose Paperback ISBN: 978-1-8492-0739-3 • ©2012 • 208 pages • SAGE

Achieving Success for New and Aspiring Superintendents A Practical Guide Mary Frances Callan, Retired - Superintendent • William Levinson, Retired - Superintendent This unique reference focuses on the interconnections between leadership, organization, and action and provides tools for assessing the most appropriate response to any on-the-job situation. Offering both the benefits of their knowledge and a vision for the future, the authors (both veteran superintendents) cover a full range of topics, including: keys to providing exceptional instructional leadership; strategic planning, goal setting, and decision making; budgeting, negotiations and collective bargaining; and effective communication with staff, the board, unions, and the media. CONTENTS This comprehensive how-to guide for aspiring and new superintendents focuses on the interconnections between leadership, organization, and action and provides tools for assessing the most appropriate response to any on-the-job situation. / 1. Becoming a Superintendent / 2. Transitioning to Your New District / 3. Getting Started: Organizing to Lead / 4. Moving the District Forward / 5. Completing Year One, Planning Year Two: A Continuous Cycle / 6. Working With a School Board / 7. Working With Employee Groups / 8. Negotiating Agreements / 9. Communicating: Enhanced Decisions / 10. Looking Ahead Paperback ISBN: 978-1-4129-8896-4 • ©2011 • 328 pages • Corwin

One Little Finger Malini Chib, Freelance Writer Activist and Advocate This is the autobiography of Malini Chib’s search for independence and identity, and her zeal to live a full, meaningful life despite the lifelong disability of Cerebral Palsy. She recounts her experiences from childhood to adulthood, her struggles with motor skills and speech, managing day-to-day activities, and the apathy and indifference of people towards her and others who are disabled. CONTENTS ROOTS / GROWING UP / A SLICE OF FREEDOM Hardcover ISBN: 978-8-1321-0632-6 • ©2012 • 228 pages •


Talent Management in Education Brent Davies, University of Hull • Barbara J Davies, Business School, University of Hull In showing how to develop talented individuals for roles and responsibilities in new configurations of schools and leadership, this book explains the key concepts and provides frameworks for leaders to apply ideas of talent management in their organizations. The authors focus on talent management and how this contributes to other strategic objectives, such as building a high performance learning environment and building leadership in depth in the school. CONTENTS The Context / Introduction / Defining Organizational Strategy and Values / SECTION ONE: TALENT IDENTIFICATION / Performance Evaluation / Performance or Potential? / SECTION TWO: TALENT DEVELOPMENT / Talent Development / Professional Learning / The Architecture to Support Talent Development / SECTION THREE: TALENT CULTURE / Building a Talent-Management Culture / School or System Talent? / SECTION FOUR: THE WAY FORWARD / An Integrated Talent Management Model for Schools Paperback ISBN: 978-0-8570-2737-5 • ©2012 • 200 pages • SAGE •


The School Superintendent Theory, Practice, and Cases Second Edition Theodore J. Kowalski, University of Dayton Blending theory and practice and examining the professional and personal rewards and challenges commonly experienced by school superintendents, this Second Edition covers the emerging role of superintendent as communicator, the changing conditions in districts and schools, policy administration, leadership roles, and community involvement. Case studies encourage readers to link content with personal experiences. CONTENTS PART I: School District Superintendents / 1. Defining Practice / 2. Role Characterizations / 3. Conditions of Practice / PART II: School Districts: Governance And Organization / 4. School Districts as Organizations / 5. School Boards / 6. Superintendent and School Board Relationships / 7. School District Policy / PART III: Superintendent Leadership And Management Responsibilities / 8. Providing Leadership at the District Level / 9. Material Resources Management / 10. Human Resources Management / 11. Community Leadership / PART IV: Contemporary And Personal Perspectives / 12. Contemporary Challenges By Theodore J. Kowalski and Lars Bjork / 13. Personal Practice Management / 14. Becoming a Superintendent Hardcover ISBN: 978-1-4129-0677-7 • ©2006 • 424 pages • SAGE


Organizational Leadership Leading Organizations Perspectives for a New Era Second Edition Edited by Gill Robinson Hickman, University of Richmond This text includes 50 short chapters from the most prominent international scholars of leadership who provide students with invaluable overviews, insights, and perspectives on leadership in today’s organizations. The book has a central organizing framework outlining the components of leadership (which is presented in the Introduction). This Second Edition incorporates: a new section on shared responsibility for leadership; new chapters on the external environment and on dysfunctional or unethical leadership behavior; a new section on inclusion; and coverage of all the classic leadership theories, with updated chapters covering vision, mission, and structure that enhance the relevance of these theories in today’s organizational context. CONTENTS PART I: THE ENVIRONMENT OF NEW ERA ORGANIZATIONS / 1. Inevitable Strategies / 2. Globalization / 3. Creating the Environmentally Aware Organization / 4. How to Make Sense of Weak Signals / 5. Wikinomics: The Art and Science of Peer Production / PART II: LEADERSHIP CONCEPTS AND THEORIES / 6. Leadership (Excerpts) / 8. Servant Leadership / 7. The Transformational Model of Leadership / 9. Charismatic Theory / 10. Contingency Theories of Leadership / 11. Strategic Leadership: Top Management Teams / PART III: SHARED RESPONSIBILITY FOR LEADERSHIP / 12. All Those Years Ago: The Historical Underpinnings of Shared Leadership / 13. Followership / 14. Empowerment / 15. Leadership and the Problem of Bogus Empowerment / 16. Leading Teams: Imperatives for Leaders / 17. E-Leadership / 18. Leadership in the 21st Century / PART IV: IMPETUS FOR ORGANIZATIONAL LEADERSHIP / 19. What Do We Know About Vision? / 20. Is Your Vision Consistent? A Method for Checking, Based On Scenario Concepts / 21. The Mission Statement: A Corporate Reporting Tool With a Past, Present, and Future / 22. Do Firms Practice What They Preach? The Relationship Between Missions Statements and Stakeholder Management / 23. What is the Right Organization Design? / PART V: CULTURE: THE ORGANIZATION’S DNA / 24. Influencing Organization Culture / 25. The Learning Culture and the Learning Leader / 26. Moral Leadership and Business Ethics / 27. Characteristics of Ethical Business Cultures / 28. Being Ethical When the Boss is Not / 29. Toxic Leaders: They’re Plentiful / 30. Making Meaning of Being Bad / 31. Understanding Ethical Failures in Leadership / PART VI: INCLUSION / 32. Unlocking the Benefits of Diversity: All-Inclusive Multiculturalism and Positive Organizational Change / 33. Goal Interdependence for Working Across Cultural Boundaries: Chinese Employees With Foreign Managers / 34. Women and the Labyrinth of Leadership / 35. ‘Just Because You Can Get a Wheelchair in the Building Doesn’t Mean That You Can Still Participate’: Barriers to the Career Advancement of Disabled Professionals / 36. Support a Diverse Workforce: What Type of Support Is Most Meaningful for Lesbian and Gay Employees? / 37. The Multigenerational Workforce: Opportunity for Competitive Success / 38. Respectful Pluralism at Work / PART VII : CAPACITY BUILDING / 39. Adaptive Work / 40. Organizational Change Practices / 41. Collaborating for Systemic Change / 42. Leading Through Conflict: The Mediator / 43. Illuminating a Cross-Cultural Leadership Challenge: When Identity Groups Collide / 44. Beyond Empowerment: A Company of Citizens 45. The Tenets of the Democratic Enterprise / 46. The Path to Democracy and Sharing / PART VIII: NEW RESPONSIBILITIES OF ORGANIZATIONAL LEADERSHIP: SOCIAL ACTIVISM / 47. Leading Corporate Citizenship / 48. A New Kind of Company: B Corporations Worry About Stakeholders Not Just Shareholders / 49. Ideologically Motivated Activism: How Activist Groups Influence Corporate Social Change Activities / 50. Missionary Leadership: Harnessing the Power of the Mission Paperback ISBN: 978-1-4129-3908-9 • ©2010 • 696 pages • SAGE


Creating Effective Teams A Guide for Members and Leaders Third Edition Susan A. Wheelan, G.D.Q Associates, Inc. This practical guide for building and sustaining top performing teams describes why teams are important, how they function, and what makes them productive. Filled with real-life examples and practical, what-youcan-do sections, the updated Third Edition covers diversity in groups, the developmental nature of teams, the responsibilities of team leaders and members, and step-by-step directions for becoming a high-performing team. CONTENTS 1. Why Groups? / 2. Effective Organizational Support for Teams / 3. From Groups to Teams: The Stages of Group Development / 4. How Do High Performance Teams Function? / 5. Effective Team Members / 6. Effective Team Leadership / 7. Navigating Stage 1 / 8. Surviving Stage 2 / 9. Reorganizing at Stage 3 / 10. Sustaining High Performance Paperback ISBN: 978-1-4129-7515-5 • ©2010 • 160 pages • SAGE



Program Evaluation Leading the Strategically Focused School Success and Sustainability Second Edition Brent Davies, University of Hull

This book focuses on building strategic capability within the school in order to ensure long-term success and sustainability. Drawing upon Brent Davies’s extensive experience in presenting nationally and internationally to school leaders, this book distils the collective wisdom from educationalists across the globe. Updated with new international examples and references and a significant new chapter on developing strategic talent in schools, the book has been described as a ‘must read’ for existing and aspiring school leaders. CONTENTS What Is Meant by Leading for Sustainable Strategic Success? / Start with Values and Beliefs / Strategic Processes: Overview / Strategic Processes: Conceptualizing / Strategic Processes: Engaging the People / Strategic Processes: Articulating / Strategic Approaches / Strategic Leadership / Developing Strategic Leadership / Deploying and Implementing Strategy / A Strategically Focused School Paperback ISBN: 978-1-8492-0809-3 • ©2012 • 192 pages •


Inclusive Education International Policy & Practice Ann Cheryl Armstrong, University of Sydney • Derrick Armstrong, University of Sydney • Ilektra Spandagou, University of Sydney Bringing together issues of theory, research, policy, and practice, this ground-breaking book provides a critical discussion of recent developments in the field of inclusive education. The book’s international perspective illuminates common successes, failures, and concerns. CONTENTS PART I: HISTORY, SOCIAL CONTEXT AND KEY IDEAS / Inclusive Education: Key Themes / The Social History of Inclusion / The Current State of Inclusive Education: Contradictions and Concerns / PART II: POLICY CASE STUDIES / Globalization: Internationalization of Inclusive Education / The Impact of International Agencies on Inclusive Policies / The European Union: A Common Policy on Inclusion? / PART III: FROM POLICY TO PRACTICE / Making Inclusion Special: A Case Study of English Policy Contradictions / From Policy to Practice: Defining Inclusion in Schools / Exporting Inclusion to the Developing World / PART IV: CONCLUSIONS AND REFLECTIONS / A conclusion or a Starting Point for the Future? / An Epilogue on Reflection Paperback ISBN: 978-1-8478-7941-7 • ©2010 • 176 pages •


The Complete Guide to RTI An Implementation Toolkit Dolores Burton, New York Institute of Technology • John Kappenberg, New York Institute of Technology This comprehensive toolkit demonstrates innovative ways to use RTI to inform instruction and guide curriculum development in inclusive classroom settings. The text includes strategies, techniques, and checklists for evaluating existing programs and implementing RTI effectively. CONTENTS 1. Introducing the Book / 2. Progressing with Progress Monitoring / 3. The Instructional Support Team: A Foundation of the RTI Process / 4. Literacy Instruction: Tier 1 / 5. Literacy Intervention: Tiers 2 and 3 / 6. Mathematics Difficulty or Mathematics Disability: RTI and Mathematics / 7. Being Positive about Student Behavior: RTI and Positive Behavior Support / 8. Emerging Agendas in Collaboration: Working with Families in the RTI Process / 9. Leadership: The Role of School and District Administrators in Implementing RTI / 10. Managing Time: RTI in the Middle and High School Master Schedule Paperback ISBN: 978-1-4129-9709-6 • ©2012 • 240 pages • Corwin

Making a Difference 10 Essential Steps to Building a PreK-3 System Linda Sullivan-Dudzic, Kitsap Community Resources Head Start • Donna K. Gearns • Kelli Leavell Drawing on more than 20 years’ success with a PreK–3 system in Washington state, the authors present a 10-step, field-tested model that demonstrates how early childhood professionals and K–12 school leaders can outline a clear implementation plan for an integrated PreK–3 system. CONTENTS 1. Establishing Need and Common Interests / 2. Locate and Connect With Your Early Childhood Learning Environments / 3. Develop a Leadership Group / 4. High Quality Professional Development / 5. Connect and Align Quality PreK to Kindergarten / 6. Maximize the Benefits of Full-Day Kindergarten / 7. Align and Connect Full-Day Kindergarten With Grades 1-3 / 8. Conquer the Fade Out / 9. Create a Sustainable System of Support / 10. Review, Revise, and Extend Paperback ISBN: 978-1-4129-7423-3 • ©2010 • 184 pages • Corwin

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For Your Bookshelf The SAGE Handbook of Leadership Edited by Alan Bryman, University of Leicester • David Collinson, University of Lancaster • Keith Grint, University of Warwick • Brad Jackson, University of Auckland • Mary Uhl-Bien, University of Nebraska, Lincoln With contributions from those who have defined that territory, this volume is not only a key point of reference for researchers, students and practitioners, but also an agenda-setting prospective and retrospective look at the state of leadership in the twenty-first century. It evaluates the domain and stretches it further by considering leadership scholarship from every angle, concluding with an optimistic look at the future of leaders, followers and their place in organizations and society at large. CONTENTS PART I: OVERVIEW PERSPECTIVES / A History of Leadership / Research Methods in the Study of Leadership / The Enduring and Elusive Quest for a General Theory of Leadership / Leadership Development / PART II: MACRO AND SOCIOLOGICAL PERSPECTIVES / Leadership and Organization Theory / Perspectives on Strategic Leadership / Charismatic Leadership / Gender and Leadership / A Network Approach to Leader Cognition and Effectiveness / Trust and Distrust in the Leadership Process / Leadership and Organizational Culture / Cross-Cultural Leadership Revisited / PART III: POLITICAL AND PHILOSOPHICAL PERSPECTIVES / Critical Leadership Studies / Leadership and Power / Political Leadership / Leadership and Cults / Leadership Ethics / Philosophy of Leadership / Aesthetics and Leadership / PART IV: PSYCHOLOGICAL PERSPECTIVES / Predictors of Leadership / Contingency Theories of Effective Leadership / Transformational Leadership / Leader-Member Exchange / Leadership and Attachment Theory / Team Leadership / Authentic Leadership / A Multi-level View of Leadership and Emotions / The Shadow Side of Leadership / Psychoanalytic Approaches to Leadership / Creativity, Innovation and Leadership / PART V: EMERGING PERSPECTIVES / Followership and Follower-Centred Approaches / Hybrid Configurations of Leadership / Moving Relationality / Complexity Leadership Theory / Spirituality and Leadership B / Discursive Approaches to Leadership / Being Leaders / The Virtual Leader • SAGE

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Pat Swenson, California State University, Northridge • Nancy A. Taylor, California State University, Northridge This text is a manual for instructors whose classroom resides online. The unprecedented explosion of online learning courses has resulted in increased demands for online teachers, and regular classroom teachers are often asked to teach in an online environment, whether they are prepared or not. This book is a unique text, one for teachers written by experienced teachers. It will function as a general reference guide and how to manual, encouraging new and experienced instructors to explore the vast variety of resources available to create and/or enhance their online teaching experience. It will present practical material in an approachable manner, allowing a larger audience to be reached. Teachers will come away from reading this book with a new confidence in how to utilize technology to enhance student learning. CONTENTS 1. What You Need to Know about Online Teaching / 2. The Learning Management System / 3. Web 2.0 – A World Wide Web of Options / 4. Choosing Your Course Format and Features / 5. Planning Future Semesters Paperback ISBN: 978-1-4129-9619-8 • January 2012 • 104 pages •


Effective College and University Teaching Strategies and Tactics for the New Professoriate William Buskist, Auburn University • Victor A. Benassi, University of New Hampshire, Durham

Reflective Practice Learning and Teaching at M-Level A Guide for Student Teachers Hazel Bryan, Canterbury Christ Church University • Chris Carpenter, Canterbury Christ Church University • Simon Hoult, Canterbury Christ Church University This text helps student teachers to ‘read’ practice and theory critically, developing them as critical practitioners as well as teacher researchers. It also supports student teachers in developing Masters level research by providing ways to read, write and research at Masters level. CONTENTS PART I: THE IMPORTANCE OF ENQUIRY IN ENHANCING LEARNING / Teacher Professionalism Today / Developing a Deeper Understanding of Learning / Considering Theories for Learning / The Student Teacher as Researcher / PART II: KEY METHODS AND WAYS OF DOING ENQUIRY / Looking at Classrooms / Observing Children / Doing Qualitative Research / Reading and Writing Critically / Doing Fieldwork: Interviews and Questionnaires / PART III: PROFESSIONAL DEVELOPMENT AND MOVING FROM STUDENT TO TEACHER / Working with Other Professionals / Developing Professionally at Masters-Level Paperback ISBN: 978-1-8486-0616-6 • ©2011 • 240 pages •

Online Teaching in the Digital Age


Using empirical research, this text gives faculty and graduate teaching assistants the tools for understanding why certain teaching practices work and how to adjust their teaching to changing classroom room and online environments. The majority of books on college and university teaching are “how to” books. This book takes a unique approach and provides both the rationale and a detailed guide for how to use and teach these practices to others. Written by leading scholars and expert master teachers, this it outlines, reviews, and discusses the best practices for preparing graduate students to become effective in their duties as teaching assistants and as teachers of record and for new faculty teaching earlier in their careers. The text provides full coverage of those topics central to developing efficacious training practices aimed at the professional development of teachers at the college and university level. CONTENTS Preparing the New Professoriate to Teach / Creating Effective Working Relationships Between Faculty and Graduate Teaching Assistants / Allaying Graduate Student Fears About Teaching / Preparing for the Transition From Graduate School to the Academy: An Exemplar From Psychology / Teaching in the Context of Professional Development and Work-Private Life Balance / The Science of Learning and Its Applications / Course Design / Writing and Developing Your Philosophy of Teaching / Developing Student-Teacher Rapport in the Undergraduate Classroom / Learning-Centered Lecturing / Active Learning / Leading Discussions / Assessing Student Learning / Becoming an Ethical Teacher / Conflict in the College Classroom: Understanding, Preventing, and Dealing With Classroom Incivilities / Diversity and Diversity Issues in Teaching / Teaching Controversial Issues, Liberally / Technology in Higher Education / Course and Instructor Evaluation / Assessing the Effectiveness of GTA Prepatory Activities and Programs / Preparing Graduate Students for the Political Nature of the Academy / Preparing for the Future: Undergraduates as Teaching Assistants / Useful Resources for Preparing the New Professoriate Paperback: $44.95 ISBN: 978-1-4129-9607-5 • ©2012 • 256 pages •



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Alternative Schooling and School Choice Volume 1 Edited by Allan G. Osborne, Jr., Principal (Retired), Snug Harbor Community School, Quincy, Massachusetts • Charles J. Russo, University of Dayton • Gerald M. Cattaro, Fordham University Education of America’s school children always has been and always will be a hot-button issue. From what should be taught to how to pay for education to how to keep kids safe in schools, impassioned debates emerge and mushroom, both within the scholarly community and among the general public. This volume in the point/counterpoint Debating Issues in American Education reference series tackles the topic of alternative schooling and school choice. Fifteen to twenty chapters explore such varied issues as charter schools, for-profit schools, faith-based schools, magnet schools, vouchers, and more. Each chapter opens with an introductory essay by the volume editor, followed by point/counterpoint articles written and signed by invited experts, and concludes with Further Readings and Resources, thus providing readers with views on multiple sides of alternative schooling and school choice issues and pointing them toward more in-depth resources for further exploration. Hardcover: $85.00, ISBN: 978-1-4129-8785-0 • ©2012 • 440 pages • SAGE

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Curriculum Leadership Strategies for Development and Implementation Third Edition Allan A. Glatthorn (deceased) Floyd Boschee, The University of South Dakota Bruce M. Whitehead, University of Montana and Missoula School District #4 Bonni F. Boschee, Northern State University

Responding to the need for globally connected classrooms and innovative leadership, this unique text provides a rich and inclusive foundation of curriculum. The authors draw upon a wide range of research and experience to provide readers with creative, up-to-date curriculum strategies and ideas. In sharing innovative programs, learning experiences, and new approaches, they build a solid connection for curriculum development from theory to practice, helping future leaders in education meet the global challenges of our time.

NEW TO THIS EDITION • Coverage of Common Core State Standards examines how new standards in language arts and math are becoming a major part of school curriculum development. • Additional coverage of globally connected classrooms provides emphasis on contemporary theory and global technology in K–12 education. • New topics presented include improving schools include closing the achievement gap, the importance of student outcomes, and individualized learning • Expanded coverage of curriculum processes presents examples of how teachers and teacher-leaders can best enhance curriculum (e.g., the importance of reinventing schools from a global perspective) • An increased focus on the role of teacher as curriculum leader demonstrates how aspiring leaders can become more effective

Hardcover ISBN: 978-1-4129-9219-0 • ©2012 • 544 pages


Empowering Family-Teacher Partnerships Building community and empowering partnerships Mick Coleman, University of Georgia

This text prepares students to work collaboratively with families and community professionals in support of children’s early and middle childhood education and development. Students are invited to develop a personal philosophy of family involvement to guide their work with families and to join a community of learners in relying on their collective insights and problem-solving skills to address family involvement challenges.

KEY FEATURES • Each chapter begins with a highlight of family-school community professional standards, which reminds students of their professional responsibilities for working with families and community professionals. • Chapter 2 includes the standards for three professional organizations: the National Association for the Education of Young Children (NAEYC), the Association for Childhood Education International (ACEI), and the National Parent Teacher Association (PTA). • Guides for developing a philosophy of family involvement in Chapter 2 help students meet the expectation of potential employers to provide an explanation of their own philosophy of working with families and community professionals. • Three organizing models are presented in Chapter 14 to help students organize and manage a cohesive family involvement program. • Reflections are embedded within each chapter to facilitate students’ self-awareness and self-examination. • Capstone Activities at the end of each chapter focus on students’ application of family involvement principles, concepts, and strategies. • Internet resources include guides for developing a family involvement portfolio, which students can use to document their skills in planning for and working with families and community professionals. Other Internet resources, along with video clips, serve to expand upon the information found in the book and facilitate class discussions.

Paperback ISBN: 978-1-4129-9232-9 • February 2012 • 416 pages

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Blankstein Failure Is Not an Option®, 2e..................................... 24

Davies Leading the Strategically Focused School, 2e................... 29

Blankstein The Answer Is in the Room......................................... 21

Davies/Davies Talent Management in Education......................... 27

Blankstein/Houston Leadership for Social Justice and Democracy in Our Schools..................................................... 6

Downey/Steffy/Poston/English 50 Ways to Close the Achievement Gap, 3e............................................................ 25

Blasé/Phillips Handbook of School Improvement........................ 23

Dunkle Common Core State Standards........................................ 11

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English Deciding What to Teach and Test, 3e................................. 13

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Poston School Budgeting for Hard Times...................................... 13

Hickman Leading Organizations, 2e............................................. 28

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Prensky From Digital Natives to Digital Wisdom........................... 19

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Sagor The Action Research Guidebook, 2e................................... 18

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Schrum The Best of Corwin: Educational Technology for School Leaders................................................... 20

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Lindsey/Robins/Terrell Cultural Proficiency, 3e............................. 8

Teaching Leadership....................................................................... 31

Love Using Data to Improve Learning for All................................. 19

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Northouse Leadership, 5e.............................................................. 5 O’Sullivan/West-Burnham Leading and Managing Schools......... 5

Trump Proactive School Security and Emergency Preparedness Planning................................................................. 5

Odden Improving Student Learning When Budgets Are Tight....... 13

Wheelan Creating Effective Teams, 3e.......................................... 28

Osborne/Russo The Legal Rights and Responsibilities of Teachers.................................................................................. 14

Willard Cyber Savvy...................................................................... 19

Osborne/Russo/Cattaro Alternative Schooling and School Choice............................................................................. 31

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Winters/Herman The TurnAround ToolKit..................................... 22




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