Master Gardeners of Prince William Edmond Rishell Master Gardener College Scholarship Application Form The Master Gardeners of Prince William (MGPW) seek to award this scholarship as recognition and encouragement to those Master Gardeners who have demonstrated exceptional leadership or significant contributions toward the VCE goals. Purpose • Provide financial assistance as attendance at MG College involves significant costs • Provide continuing education opportunities to Master Gardeners, • Increase the number of MGPW graduates from VCE MG College
Eligibility All Master Gardeners of MGPW planning to attend MG College 2016 are eligible for this scholarship provided they have not previously been a recipient of a MGPW Master Gardener College scholarship. Nomination guidelines The application form must come from extension agents, members of MGPW or themselves. The individual seeking or being recommended for the scholarship is encouraged to provide details of their service to the person making the nomination. Selection criteria: MGPW’s Master Gardener College Scholarship Committee will award the scholarship based on: • Demonstrated leadership • Ability to lead by example and achieve the objectives of VCE • Creativity, imagination, and an innovative ability to fill real and anticipated needs in unit projects and programs • Ability to contribute on different levels • A financial need • Represent diversity in any category • Are role models • Exhibit the desire to continue to contribute • Are newly certified VCE MGs Additional Details • Total amount to be awarded is set in the MGPW budget; donations to the scholarship fund are added to the budgeted amount • No recipient may receive more than one scholarship in his/her MG career • MGPW is free of any personal liability • Awardee bears any tax liability •
Members of the Board of Directors are not eligible for this scholarship
MGPW Master Gardener College Scholarship Application INSTRUCTIONS: Use this form to nominate Master Gardener volunteers, which can include you yourself, for the MGPW Scholarship to the 2016 VCE Master Gardener College. You are requested to copy and paste the nomination information into an email and complete the form electronically. Completed applications should be emailed/mailed by the preparer to Leslie Paulson, 10753 Tullamore Ct Manassas VA
[email protected] . Applications must be received by April 8, 2016. Confirmation of receipt will be sent via email or phone. Required information Name: Address: Phone Number(s): E-mail, if available: Will the nominee be attending Master Gardener College from June 24-28, 2016? What leadership role (committee chair, team leader, activity or project head, etc.) has the nominee held as a MG volunteer and/or what significant contribution has this person made? Are there criteria which the individual or Extension Agent/Coordinator would like to note concerning financial need, diversity, other? (Confidentiality assured.) How will the awarding of this scholarship and attendance at MG College 2016 enhance the efforts of the local Unit? How many career service hours has the nominee contributed as of Dec 31, 2015? When did the nominee become a Master Gardener? Will this be the first time that the nominee has attended MG College? NOTES For any questions concerning submission of applications, please contact the Leslie. Please contact Jennifer Graham for an accurate tally of your hours.
[email protected] Selected awardee will be notified by e-mail or telephone by the President of MGPW. Scholarship checks will be presented to the winner at the first Board of Directors meeting following the selection of the awardee.