Mar 16, 2008 - Aflatoxin B1 may also play a role in a number of diseases, including Reye's syndrome, Kwashiorkor disease and hepatitis (Karlovsky, 1999; ...
Jordan Journal of Agricultural Sciences, Volume 5, No.3, 2009
Effect of Aflatoxin B1 Contaminated Feed on Broiler Chickens Performance and Meat Content of Conjugated Linoleic Acid Al-Shawabkeh, K.*, Herzallah, S.** , Al-Fataftah, A.* and Zakaria, H.* ABSTRACT The effect of aflatoxins B1 (AFB1) contaminated feeds on performance parameters (feed intake, body gain and feed conversion ratio) and on the Conjugated Linoleic Acid (CLA) content of chicken meat was investigated in broiler chicks. Feed contaminated with aflatoxin B1 caused a significant (p