Effect of color, cow dung and clay suspension on oviposition behavior of gravid female mosquitoes in Zaria, Kaduna state, Nigeria Dibal DB,1 Nok IN2 and Umar YA1* 1
Department of Biological Sciences, Nigerian Defence Academy Kaduna, Nigeria 2 Department of Biological Sciences, Ahmadu Bello University Zaria, Nigeria Abstract
An investigation was conducted to assess the influence of color, organic (Cow dung) and inorganic (Clay) substrate environment on the oviposition behavior of different gravid female mosquitoes found in Zaria, Kaduna state – Nigeria. Of the fifty six (56) colored cylindrical cups, eight each of Blue, Red, Green, Orange, Pink and Brown containing de-chlorinated water assessed, 34% of the gravid female mosquitoes preferred Red cups, followed by Purple and Brown cups with 17.9% and 13.5% respectively. Green colored cups were the least preferred. In addition, cups enriched with Cow dung had a significantly higher mean larval recovery than cups containing clay suspension. However, the combined effect of color and substrate environment shows that colored cups enriched with Cow dung had significantly higher mean larval recovery than similar colored cups containing clay suspension (P