effect of cyclodextrins on the physical properties and

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University of Zagreb, Zagreb, Croatia [email protected]. Poor technological properties of raw olive pomace extracts (OPE) significantly limits its utilization as ...
EFFECT OF CYCLODEXTRINS ON THE PHYSICAL PROPERTIES AND STABILITY OF CRUDE OLIVE POMACE EXTRACTS RADIĆ, Kristina; BUČELA, Ines; JURMANOVIĆ, Sanja; JUG, Mario; RIMAC BRNČIĆ, Suzana; VITALI ČEPO, Dubravka University of Zagreb, Zagreb, Croatia [email protected] Poor technological properties of raw olive pomace extracts (OPE) significantly limits its utilization as nutraceutical and functional food ingredient. Therefore, we investigated the yield of some of the olive pomace biophenols (OPB) and physical properties of crude OPE after encapsulation with different types and amounts of cyclodextrins (CDs). To determine physical parameters of freeze-dried OPE, CIE LAB color and particle size distribution were analyzed. Stability of crude OPE was examined under accelerated degradation conditions (60 °C, 75% humidity, 45 days). Stability parameters were: 1) total phenolic content; 2) antiradical potential; 3) the amount of OPB determined with HPLC-FLD. In comparison to the native sample (no CD) all the samples containing CDs were significantly lighter, redder, and yellower. Particle size analysis using laser diffraction was not possible to determine for the native sample since, soon after exposure to the air, lost its powder properties, absorbed moisture, and turned into gummy consistency. All the stability parameters revealed that randomly methylated β-CD (RAMEB) and hydroxypropyl β-CD (HPB) provided the greatest protection effect. All the used CDs significantly improve the technological properties of OPE. RAMEB and HPB could be considered as the most appropriate encapsulating agents. D Vitali Čepo, M Brnčić, M Trgovčević, P Albahari, N Knežević, M Jug, S Rimac Brnčić, Combination of ultrasound assisted extraction (UAE) and cyclodextrin encapsulation for the isolation of antioxidants from olive pomace, IUFoST World Congress of Food Science and Technology, Dublin (2016) A Tsarbopoulos, E Gikas, N Papadopoulos, N Aligiannis, A Kafatos, Simultaneous determination of oleuropein and its metabolites in plasma by high-performance liquid chromatography, J Chromatogr B, 785 (2003) 157-164. N Kalogeropoulos, K Yannakopoulou, A Gioxari, A Chiou, DP Makris, Polyphenol characterization and encapsulation in bcyclodextrin of a flavonoid-rich Hypericum perforatum (St John’s wort) extract, LWT-Food Sci Technol, 43 (2010) 882–889.