Feng-E HE et al./Journal of Acupuncture and Herbs 1 (2015)70-76
Effect of Electro-acupuncture on Ultrastructure in Diabetic Gastroparesis Model Rats Feng-E HEa, Quan-Quan WANa, Yan PENGb, Ya-Ping LINb*, Jing SHENb a.
Graduate School, Hunan University of Traditional Chinese Medicine, Changsha, 410208, China
Key Acu-Moxibustion Lab. of Biological Information Analyzing, Institute of Acupuncture, Moxibustion and Massage, Hunan University of Traditional Chinese Medicine, Changsha, 410208, China
Received: April 11, 2015
DOI: 10.1515/tcm-2015-0010
Accepted: April 16, 2015
Abstract Objective: To observe the effects of electro-acupuncture (EA) on ultrastructure of gastric antrum smooth muscle cells (GASMCs) in diabetic gastroparesis (DGP) model rats, and to explore the possible mechanism underlying the therapeutic effects of EA. Methods: Sixty Sprague Dawley rats were randomly divided into 5 groups: blank control (group A), DGP model (group B), EA point (group C), EA non-point (group D), Metoclopramide control (group E). DGP rat model was established by 2% STZ intraperitoneal injection at once, and then being fed with high-sugar-high-fat (HSHF) for 8wks. Phenol red lavage method was employed to measure gastric emptying rate (GER) and intestinal migration rate (IMR). The ultrastructure of GASMCs was observed under the electronic microscope. Results: Compared with the blank control group, the GER and IMR in model group were decreased significantly (P<0.05 or P<0.01). Compared with the model group, the GER and IMR in EA point group were increased significantly(P<0.05 or P<0.01). Electro-acupuncture on “Zu San Li”(ST36) point, etc. has been observed improving the ultrastructure of GASMCs, as well as increasing the number of interstitial cells of Cajal (ICCs). Conclusion: Electro-acupuncture can improve the GI motility promisingly, based on a potential underlying mechanism that the electro-acupuncture can improve the ultrastructure of gastric smooth muscle, and increase the number of ICCs. Keywords: Diabetic Gastroparesis ; ultrastructure; electro-acupuncture; Cajal interstitial cells; gastric smooth muscle
Diabetic gastroparesis (DGP) is one of the major
imbalance, hyperglycemia and helicobacter pylori
chronic complications of diabetes. As a clinical
infection, etc1. So far there’s few study focusing on
syndrome, it is characterized with decreased gastric
the ultrastructure changes of stomach and effects of
antrum movement and delayed gastric emptying.
electro-acupuncture on it. We therefore designed this
Main symptoms of DGP include postprandial fullness,
study to explore how the gastric ultrastructure changes
upset in upper abdomen, hiccup, anorexia, loss of
of DGP in rats and how the EA has influence on it,
appetite, weight loss, etc. The pathogenesis of DGP is
and further to postulate the possible effective
not very clear at present, but has been related to
mechanism of EA on GI movement disorders.
autonomic neuropathy, ultrastructural changes in
1 Materials and methods
gastrointestinal (GI) smooth muscle cells, GI hormone
1.1 Materials 1.1.1 Experimental animals: 60 healthy adult
*Corresponding author. Professor.
Sprague Dawley (SD) rats, grade SPF, half male and
E-mail address:
[email protected]
half female, weighing (231±10)g were bought from
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Feng-E HE et al./JournalofAcupunctureandHerbs1 (2015)70-76
Hunan Silaike Jingda Experiment Animal Co. Ltd.
Tes-tape, as well as recorded the weight, food and
The certificate number of animal quality was
drink, fur colour, urination and defecation, activity
43004700002152. All rats were fed in the exprimental
and mental state. The duration of measurement was 8
animal center, Hunan University of Traditional
wks. The rats having a blood sugar less than
Chinese Medicine, under the temperature 22~25℃,
16.7mmol/L were ruled out from the experiment. A
relative humidity 50%~70%, free feeding and drink
successful modeling was confirmed by: ① blood
of water.
sugar≥16.7mmol/L, urine glucose positive ; ② the
1.1.2 Reagents preparation: Streptozotocin (STZ)
general state and stool character were significantly
were bought from Sigma company, USA. Before use
different from the normal control group; ③the GI
the STZ was dissolved in 0.1mmol/L citric acid-citrate
motilities were significantly different from the normal
sodium buffer (PH value 4.2, temperature 4℃) to
make 2% solution. The citric acid, citrate sodium and
1.2.2Animal grouping and process
NaOH were from Hunan Huihong Reagent Company.
60 SD rats were randomly assigned to give groups: A-
Phenol red was from Tianjin Hengxin Chemical
blank control, B-DGP model, C-EA point (model plus
Reagent Company. TCA was from Tianjin Kemiou
EA on points), D-EA non-point (model plus EA on
Chemical Reagent Company. HSHF feedstuff was
controlled non-points), E-Metoclopramide control
prepared by a mixture of common animal feeds, lard
stearin, cane sugar, milk powder, egg by proportion of
administration), 12 animals in each group. Animals in
58:15:20:5:2. Metoclopramide tablet, produced by
Group A and B were simply bound without any
Shanxi Yunpeng Pharmaceutical Co. Ltd, was
“treatment”. Animals in Group C were treated with
EA for 20 min after bundle, while in group D were
double-distilled water.
treated the same process on controlled non-points.
1.1.3 Major equipment: Acupuncture needles:
produced by Suzhou Hualun Medical Articles Co. Ltd.
Metoclopramide suspension by a dosage of 1ml/100g,
The electro-acupuncture apparatus was SDZ-Ⅱ type.
once per day for consecutive 15 days. During the
Transmission electron microscope (TEM) was FEI
experiment all the rats could take foods and water
Tecnai G2 Spirit type. Ultramicrotome was Leica UC7
without any limitation.
type. 722 spectrophotometer was Japanese Shimadzu
1.2.3 Location of acupoints and controlled
UV-1800 type.
1.2 Methods
The location of acupoints were defined by reference to Experimental Acupuncture edited by Zhong-Ren LI,
1.2.1 Modeling of DGP After an adaptive 7-day feeding and then 12 hrs
based on animal acupoint locating and personification
fasting, the rats were given 2% STZ injection in the
method. The navel was identified on the lower 1/4 and
left lower abdominal cavity (55mg/Kg).
upper 3/4
72 hrs later,
the line of
the venous blood of tails was taken and measured by
sternoclavicular joint and pubic symphysis connection.
One Touch blood glucose meter and test strips, by
Zu San Li (ST36): posterolateral side of knee, around
which the diabetic rats were identified when the
5mm under the fibular head; San Yin Jiao (SP6):
instant blood sugar was higher than 16.7mmol/L.
10mm above the inner malleolus top on the hind limbs;
From the same date of identification a HSHF feedstuff
Liang Men (ST21): the intersection point of
was administered to the rats irregularly (odd-number
medioclavicular line and the horizontal line which can
date fed only in the morning and even-number date
be identified by the middle point of xiphosternal
fed only in the afternoon). Once per week, we
synchondrosis and navel connection; "Zu San Li"
measured the blood glucose of rats by One Touch
control point: 5mm of the external side same level to
blood glucose meter and test strips, urine glucose by
Zu San Li; "San Yin Jiao" control point: 5mm of the
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Feng-E HE et al./Journal of Acupuncture and Herbs 1 (2015)70-76
internal side same level to San Yin Jiao; "Liang Men"
0.5ml to remove proteins, centrifuged at 3500 r/min
control point: 5mm of the external side same level to
for 10 min, took the supernate to assay optical density
Liang Men (ST21).
spectrophotometer. The formula for calculating gastric
1.2.4 EA method The rats were bound to rat board, by locating
emptying rate: GER=(1-real OD value/standard OD
unilaterally the above mentioned points (acupoints or
control non-points) were selected. After removing hair
③IMR: the small intestine segments were put on
around points the same trained operator inserted
ice after decoherence, without drag. Observed the
needles (size 0.25mm*25mm) on the selected points
red-stained end of small intestine, then cut a small
in a depth of 5 to 7mm. Then the negative electrode of
ventage with eye scissors. Dropped a small amount of
EA apparatus was connected to the selected points and
0.5mol/L NaOH solution on the ventage. The position
positive electrode to points 2mm under the selected
where turned to be purple was where the PSP arrived,
points. For each rat a total 3 groups of output lines
then dropped more NaOH around to determine the
were connected. The waves were set at an alternate
real arriving position. Then we measured the distance
mode with 5-second 10HZ sparse wave and 10-second
from pylorus to ileal valve (A) and the distance from
50HZ dense wave in shift. Intensity of wave was
regulated until the muscles around points shaking
slightly. The needles were kept in points for 20 min.
④Observation on the ultrastructure of GASMCs.
The EAs were performed every day by changing sides,
The gastric antrum tissue pieces were fixed in 2.5%
for consecutive 15 days.
glutaric dialdehyde at 4 ℃ for 10 to 12 hrs; then were washed by 0.1mol phosphoric acid PBS for three
1.2.5 Sample collection and process At the end of experiment, the rats were restricted
times, 10 min for each time, then were fixed in 1%
foods for 24 hrs and water for 2hrs. 2 ml of 50mg/dL
perosmic acid for 1 hr, washed by PBS again for three
times, 10 min for each time; then were gradient
administered to each rat, after 20 min we collected the
dehydration by acetone and embedded in ethoxyline
samples under anesthesia by abdominal cavity
resin (Epon) 812, solidification at 37℃ for 24 hrs, 60℃
injection of 10% chloral hydrate according to animal
for 24 hrs. Slices were made by ultramicrotome, with
weight (3ml/kg). From each group two rats were
thickness around 50 to 100nm. The slices were double
randomly selected. After cutting the belly the cardia
stained by uranyl acetate and plumbi nitras, and were
and pylorus were ligated, the whole stomach was
observed and photographed by TEM.
picked off. Slivering the stomach along the curvature
1.2.7 Statistics
gastrica major, washing contents with 0.9% NaCl
All data were analyzed by the SPSS 17.0 statistical
solution. Cutting off a small tissue (size around
package. The data were tested normal distribution first,
1*1*3mm) quickly and putting it in 2.5% glutaric
measurement data were expressed as mean±SD (χ±s).
diadehyde solution at 4℃ for further TEM observation.
One-way ANOVA was employed for comparison data
At the same time a total of 20 ml gastric content was
in multiple groups, wherein LSD method for
collected for measuring the GER; small intestine
homogeneity of variance and Dunnett’s T3 method for
segment was acquired for measuring the IMR.
heterogeneity of variance. Data not in normal
1.2.6 Observational indexes
distribution were expressed by interquartile range and
①General state: food and drink, urination and
tested by rank sum method. P<0.05 was set as the
defecation, fur colors, activity and mental state.
criterion of significant difference.
② Gastric emptying: to mix the 20ml gastric content with 20ml 0.5 mol/L NaOH, after standing for 1 hr we took 5ml supernate, and added 20% TCA
2 Result 2.1 General state
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Feng-E HE et al./JournalofAcupunctureandHerbs1 (2015)70-76
During the experiment, rats in the blank control group
above showed that the modeling was successful.
had been active, with sensitive reaction, smooth fur colors, and normal eating, urination and defecation.
2.2 GER and IMR comparison among groups (Table 1)
Rats in model group had an increased eating and
From Table 1: compared with blank control, the
drinking from the third date of modeling, then
GER and IMR of rats in model groups were decreased
continuously had increased drinking, eating, loose
with statistical significance (P<0.01), indicating a
foul stool; from the fourth week, some of them had
prolonged gastric emptying and retarded intestinal
decreased appetite, down spirit,
retarded reaction
migration movement. Compared with either model
and weight loss; from the sixth week, most of the rats,
group (group B) or EA non-point group (group D), the
apart from increased drinking and urination, could
EA point group (group C) had achieved increased
have apparent decreased eating, significant weight
GER and IMR with statistical significance (P<0.01
loss, altered stool character (loose or hard) with foul
and P<0.05, respectively). The difference between
smell, dry yellow fur easy to lose, and retarded
acupoints and non-points suggested that acupoints had
reaction. The indexes for evaluation above-mentioned
specific effects on regulating the GI movement.
general state were from
The description
Table 1Comparison of GER and IMR among groups (n=12,χ±s) Group
Blank control (A)
DGP model (B)
EA acupoint (C)
EA non-point (D)
Metoclopramide (E)
Note: compared with blank control with EA non-point group,
P<0.01; compared with model group
P<0.01; compared
P<0.05, P<0.01.
2.3 Ultrastructural changes of the GASMCs
the blank control. The cell sizes got smaller, structure
Normal control group: In the intercellular stroma
got unclear, with dissolved cytoplasm. There were a
adjacent to muscle plexus neurons we could see
interstitial cells of Cajal (ICCs), in oval shape, with
many cell processes and stubby microvilli, in the
vacuole-like changes, or even dissolve; the rough
cytoplasm we could also see many ring-shaped
endoplasmic reticulum was expanded, ribosome on
mitochondria with clear crest and well-developed
the surface were off, number of free ribosomes was
rough endoplasmic reticulum, attached on the surface
reduced. Nucleus were atrophic, heterochromatin in
by lots of ribosome particles; the nucleus was large
nucleus were gathered into a mass. Dense body and
and regular, nuclear membrane was smooth and less
dense disc were apparently decreased. The smooth
wrinkled, heterochromatin was distributed evenly,
muscle cells in gastric antrum were in irregular
dense patch cytoplasm and dense conspicuous were
apparent. The filaments were clearly visible. The gaps
cells and nerve cells were loose, with messy junctions,
among ICCs and smooth muscle cells and nerve cells
or even not connected to a network. Those signs
were tight (Fig. 1).
suggested that the ultrastructure of smooth muscle
DGP model group: the number of ICCs in gastric antrum was apparently decreased by comparison to
Gaps among ICCs and smooth muscle
cells in the rat gastric antrum had apparent changes after modeling (Fig. 2A and Fig. 2B).
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Feng-E HE et al./Journal of Acupuncture and Herbs 1 (2015)70-76
EA point group: compared with the model group,
less than EA point group. The shape and structure of
the ICCs in gastric antrum had apparently increased,
cells were slightly blurred, mitochondria were
but less than blank control. The shape and structure of
vacuolar, partially dissolved, gap junctions among
cells were basically normal, but the mitochondria had
cells still existed. The pathological damage of gap
some slight swelling. The gas junctions exist, though
junctions among cells was less than model group, but
has some damages, but less than that in the model
worse than EA point group. This suggested that EA on
group. This suggested that EA on Zu San Li (ST36)
non-point or Metoclopramide had limited repair
could increase the number of ICCs and fix the
effects for ultrastructure of gastric antrum, possibly
damaged ultrastructure of them (Fig. 3).
EA non-point group and Metoclopramide group:
acupoint-specific effects (Fig.4 and Fig.5).
the number of ICCs was more than model group, but
Fig.1 (2×1000)
Fig.2A (5×1000)
Fig.3 (2×1000)
Fig.2B (2×1000)
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Feng-E HE et al./JournalofAcupunctureandHerbs1 (2015)70-76
3 Discussion
the nerve system and smooth muscle system to form a
There is no corresponding name for DGP in
complex network to regulate the GI movement. The
traditional Chinese medicine (TCM), but by symptom
previous studies indicated that ICCs serve as the
analyses, TCM holds the concept that the Qi
pace-maker cells for GI tract. It can produce and
stagnation in the middle Jiao can affect the functions
spread slow wave signal. It distributes unevenly, but
of spleen and stomach so a bunch of DGP-related
mostly in the gastric antrum part. A decreased ICCs
symptoms such as vomiting, fullness, belching would
can lead to decreased GI movement and digestion5,6.
occur3, therefore DGP can basically be reflected in the
The results of this study showed that in the DGP
TCM diseases “fullness”, “vomiting”, etc. Based on
model group, the ultrastructure of smooth muscle cells
our experience of acupuncture on treating such TCM
in gastric antrum has had apparent changes, especially
diseases, we established this DGP rat model to
in its nucleus and mitochondria, also the number of
observe the effects of EA on Zu San Li (ST36), Liang
ICCs getting decreased, the gap junctions among ICCs
Men (ST21) and San Yin Jiao (SP6) for the gastric
and other cells also had more or less changes,
antrum ultrastructure, by which we hope to further
suggesting that pathological changes in mitochondria
understand the mechanism of EA on DGP from the
might be an important mechanism involved because it
viewpoint of morphology.
can affect the necessary energy of cells underlying the
Zu San Li (ST36) is the He-sea point of stomach.
GI movement. After EA treatment, the pathological
“He-sea can treat diseases belonging to inner Fu
changes of cells have had improvement on certain
organs”, in the very early ABC of Acupuncture it
degree, as described above. The results showed that
wrote “Zu San Li in charge of Zhong Xiao (Diabetes
EA on certain points could increase the quantity of
Middle Jiao type)”, acupuncture on Zu San Li can
ICCs, repair the ultrastructure of smooth muscle cells,
stimulate the GI movement, so that the stomach can
have a quicker emptying. Liang Men (ST21) is also an
symptoms. This might be one of the mechanisms that
important point on stomach meridian, having the
EA could prevent and treat DGP.
Competing interests
stagnation and indigestion, and harmonizing stomach
The authors declare that they have no competing
and intestine, serving as a common used point for GI
diseases. San Yin Jiao (SP6) locates on the
intersection point of Zu Tai Yin, Zu Shao Yin and Zu
The authors thank for the fund support from National
Jue Yin, so it can strengthen spleen and promote Qi,
Natural Science Foundation of China(No. 81403487),
cultivate blood and activate blood flow and regulate
Qi movement. Our clinical experience calls for further
universities of Hunan Province (No.12k088), and
demonstration of those points on DGP.
Youth project from Hunan Education Administration
So far the mechanism of GI disorder of DGP
patients is not clear. Most of researchers believe that the ultrastructural changes of gastric antrum smooth muscles might be the main reason of it. Yi
found that DGP rats had common pathological changes in gastric antrum muscle cells, meanwhile the Bcl-2 gene expression in those cells decreased. The
smooth muscle of gastric antrum is the core unit to regulate GI movement. Interstitial cells of Cajal (ICCs)
are a special kind of interstitial cells existing between GI nerve end and smooth muscle, they together with 4
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