effect of naphthalene acetic acid and phosphorus

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Key Words: Rice (Oryza sativa L.), NAA = naphthalene acetic acid, phosphorus. ... of soils of Pakistan which is very much clear from its low recovery efficiency of ...
Sarhad J. Agric, Vol.27, No.2, 2011


EFFECT OF NAPHTHALENE ACETIC ACID AND PHOSPHORUS LEVELS ON THE YIELD POTENTIAL OF TRANSPLANTED COARSE RICE IMAM BAKHSH, HIMAYAT ULLAH KHAN, MOHAMMAD QASIM KHAN and SADAF JAVARIA Faculty of Agriculture, Gomal University, Dera Ismail Khan – Pakistan. ABSTRACT The effect of various levels of NAA and phosphorus on the yield and yield components of transplanted coarse rice, was studied. The study was conducted at Research Area at Rukh Bibi Campus Gomal University, Dara Ismail Khan, NWFP, Pakistan during 2004 and 2005. The experimental design was RCB with split plot arrangement. Main plot consisted of four levels of NAA viz. 0, 60, 90 and 120 ml ha-1, while sub-plots consisted of five levels of 0, 50, 100, 150 and 200 kg ha-1 phosphorus in the form of single supper phosphate (SSP). It was noted that plant height, productive tillers, 1000-grain weight, paddy yield, and harvest index were maximum at 90 ml followed by 60 and 120 ml ha-1 and minimum in control during both years. Where as in phosphorus levels maximum plant height, productive tillers, 1000-grain weight, paddy yield and harvest index were recorded at 100 kg P2O5 ha-1 followed by 150,200 and 50 kg P2O5 ha-1. The treatments interactive effects of plant growth regulator and phosphorus levels were maximum in 90 ml NAA x 100kg P2O5 ha-1 and minimum in control plots during both years. Key Words: Rice (Oryza sativa L.), NAA = naphthalene acetic acid, phosphorus. Citation: Bakhsh, I., H.U. Khan, M.Q. Khan and S. Javaria. 2011. Effect of naphthalene acetic acid and phosphorus levels on the yield potential of transplanted coarse rice. Sarhad J. Agric 27(2): 161-165 INTRODUCTION Rice (Oryza sativa L.) is one of the most important food crop of the world and 2nd most important staple food crop after wheat in Pakistan. Pakistan is 5th largest rice producing country of the world and is the 3rd largest crop after wheat and cotton in share of area (2581 thousand hectare) and production (5438 thousand tons) with an average yield of 2107 kg ha-1 (Anonymous, 2007), which is very low as compared to other rice producing countries. There are many factors for low yield. The most important one is imbalance use of nutrients. Phosphorus after nitrogen is the key element for crop production. Its availability is seriously affected due to alkaline calcarious nature of soils of Pakistan which is very much clear from its low recovery efficiency of 15-20% (Zia, et al. 1991) the remaining 80-85% phosphorus is left as non available. It is important for root development, increased resistant to lodging, reduced flower shedding, increased grain weight, improved seedling vigor and seed quality (Henry, et al. 1995). Therefore there is a need to improve its efficiency in crop productivity. The use of plant growth regulators in the field of agriculture has become commercialized in some advanced counties like Europe, USA and Japan. The current uses for plant growth regulators are not only in a high value horticultural crops but it also increase field crop yield directly either by increasing total biological yield or the harvest index. Growth substances can be divided into five classes as Auxin, Gibberellins, Cytokinins, Abcisic acid, and Ethylene. Naphthalene Acetic Acid (NAA) belongs to synthetic forms of Auxins. Auxins play key role in cell elongation, cell division, vascular tissue, differentiation, root initiation, apical dominance, leaf senescence, leaf and fruit abscission, fruit setting and flowering (Davies, 1987). Growth and yield parameters of rice are significantly promoted in response to various Auxin levels (Zahir, et al. 1998). Planofix (Naphthalene Acetic Acid) had a significant effect on plant height, number of fruiting branches, volume of boll and yield in cotton (Abro, et al. 2004). Naphthalene Acetic Acid @ 20ppm showed better performance in enhancing the straw and grain yields of wheat cultivars (Alam, et al. 2002). Naphthalene Acetic Acid have been used for the enhancement of growth and yield of cereals (Lilani, et al. 1991). Agricultural scientists are focusing their attention to maximize the crop productivity with low inputs technology. A lot of research has been conducted and reported using various agricultural inputs in order to increase crop productivity. However, there is lake of information regarding the use of phosphorus along with plant growth regulators to improve phosphorus management and maximize its efficiency. Therefore, the objective of the present study was to introduce low inputs technology for enhancing the yield potential of coarse rice by the use of phosphorus element in conjunction with plant growth regulator (NAA). MATERIALS AND METHODS The research project on “Effect of Naphthalene Acetic Acid (NAA) and phosphorus levels on the yield potential of coarse rice” was undertaken at the Postgraduate Agriculture Research Farm, Gomal University, Dera

Imam Bakhsh et al. Effect of naphthalene acetic acid and phosphorus levels in rice…


Ismail Khan, Khyber Pakhtunkhwa, Pakistan, during rice growing seasons of 2004 and 2005. The nature of soil was clay with pH value of 7.9 and 8.1. The experiment was laid out in RCB design with split plot arrangement, replicated four times. All the collected data were tabulated and analyzed statistically using analysis of variance technique and subsequently using Least Significance difference (LSD at 1%) for comparing the treatment means, by MStatC computer software (Steel and Torrie, 1980). Phytofix (Naphthalene Acetic Acid 4.5% in sodium salt) was applied with the help of skilled labour by hand pump sprayer. The plant growth regulator levels were kept in main plot and phosphorus levels were kept in sub plots. The sub-plot size was 3 x 5 m-2. Four different levels of Phytofix i.e. 0, 60, 90 and 120 ml ha-1 were applied at the time of panicle initiation whereas phosphatic fertilizer levels were 0, 50, 100, 150 and 200 kg ha-1 which was applied at the time of seed bed preparation before transplanting the rice nursery. Recommended level of (120 kg N ha-1) was applied in two split levels, half at the time of transplanting and remaining half at the time of panicle initiation. Treated and sprouted seed of well adapted, non-aromatic coarse rice variety “IR-6” which belongs to the Indica rice group was sown at well prepared nursery seed bed for the experiment. The 35 days old seedlings, free of pests and disease were transplanted in the plots using row to row and plant to plant spacing of 20 x 20 cm with two seedlings per hill by trained manual labors on 15th Jun each year. All other agronomic practices were maintained till the harvesting and threshing of crop. Data were recorded on plant height (cm), productive tillers (m-2), 1000-grain weight (g), paddy yield (t ha-1) and harvest index (%). RESULTS AND DISCUSSION Plant Height (cm) Data recorded on plant height are presented in (Table I). The data indicated that levels of NAA differed significantly from each other in relation to plant height during both the cropping seasons. Plant growth regulator (NAA) level of 90 ml ha-1 showed maximum plant height (129.4 and 131.4 cm) during 2004 and 2005, respectively. It is obvious from the data that smallest plants were recorded in plots with no plant growth regulator application. Islam et al. (2005) also reported that the highest plant height was observed where GA3 was applied @ 75 g ha-1. As far as the effect of phosphatic fertilizer levels on plant height of rice crop is concerned, it was observed that various levels of phosphatic fertilizer significantly affected the plant height. During both years, the tallest plants (131.8 and 135 cm) were recorded in the treatment with 100 kg P2O5 ha-1, followed by 150 and 200 kg P2O5 ha-1 treatment. However during both years of the study smallest plants were observed in the plots without phosphorus application. Kumar and Reddy, (2003) showed that application of phosphorus at high level increased seedling height but up to some level. The interaction of plant growth regulator and phosphatic fertilizer levels were also highly significant during both the years. During 2004 and 2005 the treatment having plant growth regulator level of 90 ml ha-1 with 100 kg ha-1 phosphatic fertilizer was on top in plant height having 139 and 142 cm plant height, respectively. The smallest plants were measured in treatments with no level of plant growth regulator and without phosphatic fertilizer application during both the years of study. Productive Tillers (m-2) The data recorded on number of productive tillers m-2 are presented in (Table I). The data indicated that levels of plant growth regulator (NAA) significantly affected the number of productive tiller during both the cropping seasons. It revealed that the plant growth regulator level of 90 ml ha-1 showed maximum number of productive tillers (363.6 and 366.00 m-2) during 2004 and 2005, respectively. It is obvious from the data that lowest number of productive tillers (m-2) were recorded in plots with no growth regulator application. Zahir, et al. (1998) depicted similar results by the application of Tryptophan @ 105 M. As far as the effect of phosphatic fertilizer levels on number of productive tillers of rice crop is concerned, it was observed that various levels significantly affected the productive tillers during both the years. Maximum number of productive tillers were recorded in the treatment with 100 kg P2O5 ha-1 (362.3 and 364.3 m-2), followed by 150 (352.5 and 354.5 m-2) and 200 kg P2O5 ha-1 (352.0 and 354.0 m-2), but the difference was significant. However during both the years of study the lowest number of productive tillers were observed in the plots without phosphatic fertilizer. Similar results were observed by Qadir and Ansari (2006) who reported that high phosphorus levels were needed for maximum fertile tillers in rice crop. The interaction of plant growth regulator levels and phosphatic fertilizer was highly significant during 2004 and 2005. The treatment having plant growth regulator level of 90 ml ha-1 with 100 kg ha-1 phosphatic fertilizer was on top with maximum number of productive tillers (374.0 and 376.0 m2) during both the experimental years. The lowest number of productive tillers were noticed in treatment with no level of plant growth regulator and without phosphatic fertilizer application during both years of study having 325.0 and 324.5 (m-2) productive tillers during the 1st and 2nd year of study, respectively.

Sarhad J. Agric, Vol.27, No.2, 2011



Plant height and productive tillers as affected by plant growth regulator (NAA) and phosphorus levels in transplanted coarse rice during 2004 – 2005 Plant Height (cm) Productive Tillers (m-2) Treatments (ha-1) 2004 2005 2004 2005 Growth Regulator (G) ml G0 0 113.8 C 116.2 C 339.8 C 340.7 C G1 60 120.8 B 123.6 B 349.8 B 352.2 B G2 90 129.4 A 131.4 A 363.6 A 366.0 A G3 120 120.6 B 123.0 B 349.8 B 351.8 B LSD 2.957 2.336 3.224 3.005 Phosphorus P (kg) P0 0 106.5 D 108.5 D 339.5 D 341.0 D P1 50 117.5 C 120.0 C 347.5 C 349.5 C P2 100 131.8 A 135.0 A 362.3 A 364.3 A P3 150 124.8 B 126.8 B 352.5 B 354.5 B P4 200 125.3 B 127.5 B 352.0 B 354.0 B LSD 2.631 2.689 3.929 3.136 G0 X P0 95.00 J 97.00 K 325.0 J 324.5 J G0 X P1 110.0 I 113.0 IJ 337.0 I 336.0 I G0 X P2 125.0 DE 128.0 DE 350.0 DEFG 352.0 DEF G0 X P3 119.0 FGH 121.0 FGH 344.0 FGHI 346.0 FGH G0 X P4 120.0 EFGH 122.0 FGH 343.0 GHI 345.0 GH G1 X P0 106.0 I 108.0 J 338.0 I 340.0 HI G1 X P1 116.0 H 118.0 HI 346.0 EFGH 350.0EFG G1 X P2 131.0 BC 134.0 BC 362.0 BC 364.0 BC G1 X P3 125.0 DE 128.0 DE 352.0 DE 354.0 DE G1 X P4 126.0 CD 130.0CDE 351.0 DEF 353.0 DE G2 X P0 118.0 GH 120.0 GH 355.0 CD 358.0 CD G2 X P1 127.0 BCD 130.0 CDE 360.0 BC 363.0 BC G2 X P2 139.0 A 142.0 A 374.0 A 376.0 A G2 X P3 131.0 BC 132.0 BCD 364.0 B 366.0 B G2 X P4 132.0 B 133.0 BCD 365.0 B 367.0 B G3 X P0 107.0 I 109.0 J 340.0 HI 342.0 HI G3 X P1 117.0 H 119.0 H 347.0 EFGH 349.0 EFG G3 X P2 132.0 B 136.0 B 363.0 B 365.0 B G3 X P3 124.0 DEF 126.0 EF 350.0 DEFG 352.0 DEF G3 X P4 123.0 DEFG 125.0 EFG 349.0 DEFG 351.0 EFG LSD 5.263 5.378 7.858 6.271

Means followed by different letter(s) are significantly different at 1% level of probability using LSD test. 1000-Grain Weight (g) The (Table II) revealed that the effect of plant growth regulator (NAA) levels differed significantly from each other during both the cropping seasons with respect to 1000-grain weight. It revealed that the plant growth regulator level of 90 ml ha-1 showed maximum 1000-grain weight (20.65 and 20.7 g) during 2004 and 2005, respectively, followed by plant growth regulator level of 60 and 120 ml ha-1. It is obvious from the data that lowest 1000-grain weight (19.37 and 19.61 g) were recorded in plots with no growth regulator application during 2004 and 2005. Zahir, et al. (2000) reported that L-Tryptophan application to different crops significantly increased all yield components. As far as the effect of phosphatic fertilizer levels on 1000-grain weight is concerned, it was observed that various phosphatic fertilizer levels significantly affected the 1000-grain weight at P