Effect of Overload on Fatigue Crack Growth Behavior of Airframe ...

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ensure the safety of the structure during its service. Index Terms— Aircraft, Pressurization, Fuselage Structure,. Fatigue, Fatigue Life, Fatigue Crack Growth, Load ...
ISSN: 2277-3754 ISO 9001:2008 Certified International Journal of Engineering and Innovative Technology (IJEIT) Volume 2, Issue 7, January 2013

Effect of Overload on Fatigue Crack Growth Behavior of Airframe Structure through FEM Approach Vinayakumar B. Melmari, Ravindra Naik, Adarsh Adeppa Durability is an important factor. Also, if a part fails, it doesn’t necessarily result in failure of the whole aircraft. It is still possible for the aircraft to glide over to a safe landing place only if the aerodynamic shape is retained-structural integrity is achieved. The basic functions of an aircraft’s structure are to transmit and resist the applied loads; to provide an aerodynamic shape and to protect passengers, payload systems, etc., from the environmental conditions encountered in flight. These requirements, in most aircraft, result in thin shell structures where the outer surface or skin of the shell is usually supported by longitudinal stiffening torsion loads without buckling. Such structures are known as semi-monocoque, while thin shells which rely entirely on their skins for their capacity to resist loads are referred to as monocoque. The load-bearing members of these main sections, those subjected to major forces, are called the airframe. The airframe is what remains if all equipment and systems are stripped away. In most modern aircrafts, the skin plays an important role in carrying loads. Sheet metals can usually only support tension. But if the sheet is folded, it suddenly does have the ability to carry compressive loads. Stiffeners are used for that. A section of skin, combined with stiffeners, called stringers, is termed a thin- walled structure, the airframe of an aircraft is its mechanical structure, which is typically considered to exclude the propulsion system. Airframe design is a field of engineering that combines aerodynamics, materials technology, and manufacturing methods to achieve balances of performance, reliability and cost. The fuselage will experience a wide range of loads from a number of sources. The weight of the fuselage structure and payload will cause the fuselage to bend downwards from its support at the wing, putting the top in tension and the bottom in compression. In maneuvering flight, the loads on the fuselage will usually be greater than for steady flight. During negative G-maneuvers, some of the loads are reversed. Also landing loads may be significant. The structure must be designed to withstand all loads cases. The bending loads are higher when the weight is distributed towards the nose and tail. Therefore, aircraft are loaded close to the canter of gravity. The larger part of passenger and freighter aircraft is usually pressurized. The cabin altitude is usually changed quite slowly, beginning pressurizing long before 2500m, which is the normal cabin pressure altitude during cruise, is reached. Combat aircrafts have no need for pressurization of large areas of the fuselage. Particular problems occur in areas where the fuselage is required to be non-cylindrical. Internal

Abstract— catastrophic structural failures in many engineering fields like aircraft, automobile and ships are primarily due to fatigue. Where any structure experiences fluctuating loading during service its load carrying capacity decreases due to a process known as fatigue. Fatigue damage accumulates during every cycle of loading the structure experiences during its operation. When this accumulated damage reaches a critical value, a fatigue crack appears on the structure under service loading. A structure will have a finite fatigue life during which fatigue cracks initiate and propagate to critical sizes leading to catastrophic failure of the structure. Therefore fatigue life consists of two parts: the first part is the life to the initiation of fatigue crack and the second part is the fatigue crack propagation to final fracture. On the other hand fatigue crack growth is the dominant phase for more ductile structures or material. Large structure like an aircraft has a large number of components which are mechanically fastened together to form the total airframe. Service experience indicates that designing airframes against fatigue failure is better served if it is assumed that the airframe has crack-like flaws right from day-one when it enters the service. Airframe will experience the variable loading during the service. If damage is present in the structure in the form of a crack then one needs to calculate the fatigue crack growth life. This is essential to properly schedule the inspection intervals to ensure the safety of the structure during its service. Index Terms— Aircraft, Pressurization, Fuselage Structure, Fatigue, Fatigue Life, Fatigue Crack Growth, Load Spectrum, Overload Effect, Finite Element Analysis.

I. INTRODUCTION Aircraft are members and transverse frames to enable it to resist bending, compressive and vehicles which are able to fly by being supported by the air, or in general, the atmosphere of a planet. An aircraft counters the force of gravity by using either static lift or by using the dynamic lift of an airfoil, or in a few cases the downward thrust from jet engines. An aircraft is a complex structure, but a very efficient man-made flying machine. Aircrafts are generally built-up from the basic components of wings, fuselage, tail units and control surfaces. Each component has one or more specific functions and must be designed to ensure that it can carry out these functions safely. Any small failure of any of these components may lead to a catastrophic disaster causing huge destruction of lives and property. When designing an aircraft, it’s all about ending the optimal proportion of the weight of the vehicle and payload. It needs to be strong and stiff enough to withstand the exceptional circumstances in which it has to operate.


ISSN: 2277-3754 ISO 9001:2008 Certified International Journal of Engineering and Innovative Technology (IJEIT) Volume 2, Issue 7, January 2013 pressure will generate large bending loads in fuselage frames. 2.1 a cabin pressurization system typically maintains a cabin The structure in these areas must be reinforced to withstand pressure altitude of approximately 8,000 feet at the maximum these loads. Because fuselages are pressurized for safety, the designed cruising altitude of an aircraft. This prevents rapid designer must consider what will happen if the pressurization changes of cabin altitude that may be uncomfortable or cause is lost. The damage due to depressurization depends on the injury to passengers and crew. In addition, the pressurization rate of pressure loss. For very high rates, far higher loads system permits a reasonably fast exchange of air from the would occur than during normal operation. Doors and hatches inside to the outside of the cabin. This is necessary to are a major challenge when designing an aircraft. Windows, eliminate doors and to remove stale air. Fig 1 being small, do not create a severe problem. Depending on their design, doors will or will not carry some of the load of the fuselage structure. On the floor of the fuselage also very high localized loads can occur, especially from small-heeled shoes. Therefore floors need a strong upper surface to withstand high local stresses. II. AIRCRAFT CABIN PRESSURIZATION Aircraft are flown at high altitudes for two reasons. First, an aircraft flown at high altitude consumes less fuel for a given airspeed than it does for the same speed at a lower altitude because the aircraft is more efficient at a high altitude. Second, bad weather and turbulence may be avoided by flying in relatively smooth air above the storms.

Fig 2 Standard Atmospheric Pressure Chart [11]

Pressurization of the aircraft cabin is an accepted method of protecting occupants against the effects of hypoxia. Within a pressurized cabin, occupants can be transported comfortably and safely for long periods of time, particularly if the cabin altitude is maintained at 8,000 feet or below, where the use of oxygen equipment is not required. The flight crew in this type of aircraft must be aware of the danger of accidental loss of cabin pressure and be prepared to deal with such an emergency whenever it occurs. III. GEOMETRIC CONFIGURATION OF THE FUSELAGE A segment of the fuselage is considered in the current study. The structural components of the fuselage are skin, bulkhead and Longerons. Geometric modeling is carried out by using SOLIDWORKS 2012 software. The total length of the structure is 1500mm and diameter is 2200mm. It contains 4nos Z section (Bulkhead) and 40nos L section (Longerons).

Fig .1 High Performance Airplane Pressurization System

Many modern aircraft are being designed to operate at high altitudes, taking advantage of that environment. In order to fly at higher altitudes, the aircraft must be pressurized. It is important for pilots who fly these aircraft to be familiar with the basic operating principles. In a typical pressurization system, the cabin, flight compartment, and baggage compartments are incorporated into a sealed unit capable of containing air under a pressure higher than outside atmospheric pressure. On aircraft powered by turbine engines, bleed air from the engine compressor section is used to pressurize the cabin. Superchargers may be used on older model turbine-powered aircraft to pump air into the sealed fuselage. Piston-powered aircraft may use air supplied from each engine turbocharger through a sonic venture (flow limiter). Air is released from the fuselage by a device called an outflow valve. By regulating the air exit, the outflow valve allows for a constant inflow of air to the pressurized area. Fig

Fig 3 CAD Model of the Fuselage Part


ISSN: 2277-3754 ISO 9001:2008 Certified International Journal of Engineering and Innovative Technology (IJEIT) Volume 2, Issue 7, January 2013 Table 1 Maximum Displacement, Maximum Stress and IV. FINITE ELEMENT MODEL OF THE FUSELAGE Hoop Stress for Different Pressure in the Fuselage Structure

Fig 4 Meshing of the fuselage model

 Elements used in the Fuselage structure: Number of grid points =148320 Number of CBEAM elements =3200 Number of CQUAD4 elements =136640 Number of CTRAI3 elements =1280

Sl no

Applied Pressure

Ma displ in mm

Hoop Stress Theo

Hoop FEM

% error


Max stress in Mpa 38.45






2 3

7psi 8psi

44.83 51.2

0.474 0.541

25.49 30.21

29.14 33.45

9.1% 9.7%





















































































 Loads and boundary conditions:

Fig 5 Loads and Boundary Conditions

Edge nodes of fuselage are constrained and applying the inside pressure.  Stress analysis of the fuselage structure:

Theoretical calculation for Hoop stress σhoop th= p*r/t (eq 1) Where Cabin pressure (p) = 6psi=0.0042kg/mm 2 =0.041202Mpa Radius of curvature of the fuselage (r) =1100mm Thickness of the skin (t) = 2mm Substitution of the values in eqn 1 we get σhoop th=2.31kg/mm 2= 22.66Mpa

Fig 6 Stress Analysis of the Fuselage Structure

 Displacement of the fuselage structure:

V. LOCAL ANALYSIS OF THE STIFFENED PANEL From the Global finite element analysis carried out on the fuselage segment at the maximum stress location, Based on the maximum stress location a local analysis is carried out by considering a stiffened panel.  Geometric configuration for local analysis

Fig 7 Displacement of the Fuselage Structure


ISSN: 2277-3754 ISO 9001:2008 Certified International Journal of Engineering and Innovative Technology (IJEIT) Volume 2, Issue 7, January 2013  Load applied on the stiffened panel

Fig 10 Loads Applied On the Stiffened Panel

Applying the UDL on skin is 4.62kg/mm and on bulkhead is 6.93kg/mm

Fig 8 Geometric Configuration for Local Analysis

Finite element mesh of the stiffened panel

 

stress in the stiffened panel:

Fig 11 Stresses in the Stiffened Panel

Displacement in the stiffened panel:

Fig 9 Finite Element Mesh Of the Stiffened Panel

Elements used in the stiffened panel

Number of grid points =22091 Number of CBAR elements =84 Number of CQUAD4 elements =21174 Number of CTRIA3 elements = 52  Loads on the stiffened panel For skin: For 6psi pressure the hoop stress is, σhoop th=2.31kg/mm 2= 22.66Mpa UDL is applied on the axial x direction, Ps =Load on the skin σhoop th=2.31kg/mm 2 A= Cross sectional area of the skin in mm 2 A= w*t= 375*2= 750 mm 2 Ps = σhoop th *A= 1732.5kg/mm 2 UDL=1732.5/375 = 4.62kg/mm For Bulkhead: Pbh =Load on the bulkhead σhoop th=2.31kg/mm 2 A= Cross sectional area of the skin in mm 2 A= (L1+L2+L3)*tbh= (17+94+27)*3= 414 mm 2 Ps = σhoop th *A= 956.34kg/mm 2 Ps =956.34/138 Ps =6.93kg/mm

Fig 12 Displacement in the Stiffened Panel

VI. INTRODUCTION TO FATIGUE CRACK GROWTH Fatigue may be defined as a mechanism of failure based on the formation and growth of cracks under the action of repeated stresses. Normally, small cracks will not cause failure, but if the design is insufficient in relation to fatigue, the cracks may propagate to such an extent that failure of the considered detail occurs. Fatigue is associated with stresses that vary with time often in a repeated manner. There many possible sources of time varying stress e.g.


ISSN: 2277-3754 ISO 9001:2008 Certified International Journal of Engineering and Innovative Technology (IJEIT) Volume 2, Issue 7, January 2013  Fluctuating live loads  Acceleration forces in moving structures  Pressure changes  Temperature fluctuations  Mechanical vibrations  Environmental loading (wind, waves, current) VII. STUDY OF OVERLOAD EFFECT When one single high stress is interspersed in a constant amplitude history, the crack growth immediately after the “overload” is much slower than before the overload. After a period of very slow growth immediately following the overload, gradually the original growth rates are resumed. This phenomenon is known as “retardation”. A negative load following the overload reduces retardation but does not eliminate it. Crack growth analysis for variable amplitude loading is not very well possible without an account of retardation effects. Before such an account can be made, retardation must be explained .Consider a crack subjected to constant amplitude loading at R=0; during the first cycle the load varies from A to C through B. Before the loading starts, imagine a little dashed circle (figure 6.1) at the crack tip. Indicating the material that will undergo plastic deformation in the future plastic zone The plate is then loaded to B. Imagine that one could now remove the plastic zone and put it aside (figure 6.1). After unloading to C the situation of figure 8.1.d is reached: all material is elastic the plastic material having been cut out so that all strains and displacements are zero after unloading. Hence, after unloading the hole at the crack tip in figure 8.1d is equal in size to the dashed circle in figure 8.1a the plastic zone has become permanently deformed: it is larger than before the loading started. Thus it will not fit in the hole of figure 6.1 in order to make it fit it must be squeezed back to its original size for which a stress at least equal to the yield strength is needed. The plastic zone in fatigue loading is very small. Most of the fatigue crack growth takes place at low values of k the rates are so high that little crack growth life is left; most of the life is covered at low k. In the following crack growth analysis for variable amplitude loading will be illustrated on the basis of the wheeler model. This model is used here not because it is believed to be better than any other,but because it is very simple, so that is can be used easily for illustrations. In this chapter first we used to calculate the SIF for stiffened panel crack growth calculated by the use of

Fig. 13. Residual stress at crack tip (a)Load at A; (b) Load at B; (c) Load at B: plastic zone removed;(d) Load at C: plastic zone still out; (e) Load at C: plastic zone back in.

VIII. STRESS INTENSITY FACTOR CALCULATIONS THROUGH STRESS ANALYSIS OF THE UN STIFFENED PANEL  Virtual crack closure technique for determining stress intensity factor

There are different methods used in the numerical fracture mechanics to calculate stress intensity factors (SIF). The crack opening displacement (COD) method and the force method were popular in early applications of FE to fracture analysis. The virtual crack extension (VCE) lead to increased accuracy of stress intensity factor results The virtual crack extension method requires only one complete analysis of a given structure to calculate SIF. The total energy release rate or J-integral is computed locally, based on a calculation that involves only elements affected by the virtual crack extension. Both the COD and VCE methods can be used to calculate SIF for all three fracture modes. However, additional complex numerical procedures have to be applied to get results. The equivalent domain integral method which can be applied to both linear and nonlinear problems renders mode separation possible. The VCCT, originally proposed in 1977 by Rybicki and Kanninen, is a very attractive SIF extraction technique because of its good accuracy, a relatively easy algorithm of application capability to calculate SIF for all three fracture modes. The VCCT has a significant advantage over other methods; it has not yet been implemented into most of the large commercial general-purpose finite element codes. This technique can be applied as a post processing routine in conjunction with general-purpose finite element codes. The VCCT is based on the energy balance. In this technique, SIF are obtained for three fracture modes from the equation.



vsKeffective from the paper


--- (Eq7.1)

Where GI= the energy release rate for mode I, KI = stress intensity factor for mode I in MPa , E =elastic modulus in MPa, γ = Poisson ratio, β = 1 for plane stress, β = 1 – γ2 for plane strain. The energy released in the process of crack expansion is equal to work required to close the crack to its original state as the crack extends by a small amount c.

NASA/TM-2005-213907 for Al 2024-T351 Crack growth rate curve we get the crack growth rate per cycle. Then Over load plastic zone size and Retardation factor are calculated, finally Calculating the crack growth rate within the overload region is carried out.


ISSN: 2277-3754 ISO 9001:2008 Certified International Journal of Engineering and Innovative Technology (IJEIT) Volume 2, Issue 7, January 2013 W=


E =young’s modulus =7000kg/mm2=68670 MPa G=Strain energy release rate

Where u = relative displacement, σ =stress, r = distance from the crack tip, Δc = change in virtual crack length. Therefore, the energy release rate is,

Theoretically SIF value is calculated by KI = MPa (Eq7.4) *f(




Figure 14 shows a FE model in the vicinity of a crack tip before the virtual crack closure, while Figure 7.2 shows the same finite elements after the closure. In the finite element (FE) calculations, changes in the crack length as it progresses are governed by size of finite element. Moreover, the interaction between the neighboring FE exists only in shared nodes. Therefore, the element edges do not transfer forces. Generally, work needed to close the crack stating from the state shown in fig.14 to reach the state shown in fig 15 is equal to W=




Where = Crack length in mm f(

=Correction factor

b=Width of the plate (200 mm) From the stress analysis of the stiffened panel it can be observed that a crack will get initiated from the maximum stress location but there are other possibilities of crack initiation at different locations in the stiffened panel due to discrete source of damage. It may be due to bird hit, foreign object hit etc. Fine meshing is carried out near the crack to get accurate results which is shown in Fig 16 and Fig 17 .Other than the crack region coarse meshing is carried out. To get the mesh continuity from fine-mesh to coarse-mesh different quad and tria elements are used.


Fig 14 2D Finite Element Models in The Vicinity Of a Crack Tip Before the Virtual Closure Table 2 Displacement vector for UN stiffened Panel POI NT ID. 5482 0 5486 3









-1.941 106E03 -1.940 486E03

1.040 564E01 1.075 943E01



0. 0

1.0100 68E-03

0. 0

-1.0098 16E-03




Fig. 15 Fine Element Mesh for Un Stiffened Panel at The Center Of Skin Near The Crack


Where G =Strain energy release rate F =Forces at the crack tip in kg or N 𝜟c=change in virtual crack length in mm T = thickness of skin in mm U = relative displacement, Then the SIF is calculated by FEM method by substituting Eq7.2 in below Eq7.3

Fig.16 Close up View of Fine Mesh for UN Stiffened Panel at the Center of Skin near the Crack Table 3 Comparison of Analytical (FEM) SIF Values with Theoretical SIF Values for Un-Stiffened Panel for 1mm Element Size

KI= MPa Where KI= stress intensity factor (SIF)

Width of the plate: 500mm Length of the plate: 1000mm Thickness of the plate: 2mm



ISSN: 2277-3754 ISO 9001:2008 Certified International Journal of Engineering and Innovative Technology (IJEIT) Volume 2, Issue 7, January 2013 SR .N o


Crac k lengt h ”2a” in mm 10



















Kfemin MPa√ m

Kthwitho ut consider ing the C.F in MPa√m

Correcti on factor C.F

Kthwith consideri ng the C.F in MPa√m

%erro r

1.828 3 2.595 0 3.192 1 3.699 2 4.147 4 4.558 7 4.942 1 5.304 7 5.651 6 5.986 3














0.295 % 0.234 % 0.01%




















0.208 % 0.307 % 0.397 % 0.481 % 0.551 %

Fig.18.Nodes and Elements near the Crack Tip

Consider crack length, 2a=20 mm SIF calculation by Theoretical method KI =



(From Eq7.4)

Where =P/A=1.5Kg/mm2 =10 mm f(

Applied load: 1500Kg  Validation of FEM approach for stress intensity factor (SIF) calculation

=1.000740667which is calculated by using Eq7.8

Substituting above values in Eq7.7 .SIF value will be KItheoretical = 2.6027MPa Strain energy relies rate is calculated by Eq7.2 which is G= For relative displacement

adding the displacement of nodes

54820 and 54863 in T2 direction the displacement is obtained in the f06 file created by the MSC Nastran (solver) software shown in Table 3 Table 4 Grid point force balance for un stiffened Panel POIN ELESOUR T1 T2 T-ID ID CE 378 306 QUAD 2.533442E+0 -5.738164E+ 4 0 00 378 3531 QUAD 2.534859E+0 5.739905E+0 2 4 0 0 378 5410 QUAD -2.536320E+ -5.563833E+ 0 4 00 00 378 5412 QUAD -2.531982E+ 5.562092E+0 0 4 00 0

0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0

For the relative displacement u= 1.075943E-01 - 1.040564E-01 u= 0.003538 For Forces at the crack tip in kg or N, adding any one side of elements (Elm 35312, 54120 or Elm306, 54100) forces acting on the crack tip in T2 direction. The Forces at the crack tip is obtained in the f06 file created by the MSC Nastran (solver) software shown in table 7.2 For Forces at the crack tip F= 5.739905+5.562092 F= 11.3020

Fig 17 Stress in the UN stiffened panel crack tip




ISSN: 2277-3754 ISO 9001:2008 Certified International Journal of Engineering and Innovative Technology (IJEIT) Volume 2, Issue 7, January 2013 Where F = 11.3020Kg =110.87N U = 0.003538 mm 𝜟c= 1 mm T = 2 mm Substitute all values in Eq7.5 then G= 0.09806Mpa Now Analytical SIF is calculated by Eq7.3 which is KI fem= Where E=7000kg/mm2=68670 MPa Substituting G and E values in Eq7.6 KI fem=2.5950MPa The above calculation is carried for different crack length considering a known load. A stress intensity factor value calculated by FEM (using VCCT technique) and stress intensity values calculated by theoretical method for un-stiffened panel is tabulated. From the table 4 and the fig 19 it is clear that SIF values obtained by using FEM (by using MVCCI technique) for un-stiffened panel agrees with the SIF values calculated theoretically by Eq7.7.Therefore FEM (by using MVCCI method) for finding SIF value is valid.

Fig 20 Stress in the Stiffened Panel Crack Tip Table 5 Calculation of crack growth

rate for 250 mm crack

in the stiffened panel.


Crack length ”2a” in mm

Kfemin MPa√m

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19

10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 100 110 120 130 150 180 200 220 230 240 250

2.7073 3.8507 5.3582 5.6338 6.0779 6.6572 6.8367 7.6994 8.1174 8.5105 9.1091 9.5588 9.8287 10.421 11.773 13.430 14.216 15.120 15.882 16.666

The crack growth rate is calculated or obtained through vs𝜟k curve from the respective material. Therefore to

Fig.19 Comparison of Theoretical SIF Value With Analytical SIF Value

Methodology of finding SIF values for un-stiffened panel using FEM was extended to get SIF values for stiffened panel.

obtain the

(crack growth rate) one should first calculate

the 𝜟keffective. 𝜟keffective is calculated by using the Eq 8.1 and Eq 8.2 (Ref: “The practical use of fracture mechanics” by David Broek) [17]. 𝜟Keffective= 𝜟Kmax-𝜟Kopening MPa (Eq8.1)


𝜟Kopening=𝜟Kmax(0.5+0.4R) MPa R→0



ISSN: 2277-3754 ISO 9001:2008 Certified International Journal of Engineering and Innovative Technology (IJEIT) Volume 2, Issue 7, January 2013 Where 𝜟c= 1 mm T = 2 mm 𝜟Kmax= maximum stress intensity factor Substitute all values in Eq7.2 then 𝜟Kman= minimum stress intensity factor G= 0.904861 Kg/mm R= = 0 because 𝝈minimum→0 Now Analytical SIF is calculated by Eq7.3 which is KI fem= We know that Kmax =16.666MPa . Kmin=0.0 Substituting the values in Eq 8.2 we get Kopening=8.33 MPa Substituting the values in Eq 8.1 we get Keffective= 8.33MPa From the paper Ref [12] NASA/TM-2005-213907 for Al 2024-T351 Crack growth rate curve we get the crack growth rate per cycle For Keffective=8.33MPa , We get 7.39×10-5 mm/cycle To growth a crack of 1mm it requires 13532 cycles. After 13532 cycles the crack size will be 251mm which is considered for the next analysis and overload cycle is applied. B. Calculation of stress intensity factor (SIF) for 101 mm crack in the stiffened panel with overload is applied. Considering a crack length 0f 251 mm on the skin and the overload corresponding to 9 PSI which is L=2598.75kg ≈ 6.93kg/mm uniformly distributed load is applied at the remote edge of the panel. All the loads and boundary conditions are same.  SIF calculation by Analytical method (FEM) for 251mm crack length POINT ID.

Where E=7000kg/mm2 Substituting G and E values in Eq7.6 KI fem=24.689318 MPa C. Calculation of crack growth in the stiffened panel for 9PSI load We know that Kmax =24.689318 MPa . Kmin=0.0 Substituting the values in Eq 8.2 we get Kopening= 12.344659 MPa Substituting the values in Eq 8.1 we get Keffective= 12.344659 MPa From the paper NASA/TM-2005-213907 for Al 2024-T351 Crack growth rate curve we get the crack growth rate per cycle For Keffective=12.344659 MPa , We get 2.85×10-4mm/cycle With 1 cycle of 9PSI load the crack growth increment is 0.000285mm. After the application of one overload cycle with crack increment of 0.000285 mm the total crack size will be 251.000285mm. With the crack length of 251mm other iteration is carried out with the load of 6psi. Kmax =16.45953MPa . Kmin=0.0 Substituting the values in Eq 8.2 we get Kopening=8.22976 MPa Substituting the values in Eq 8.1 we get Keffective= 8.23MPa From the paper Ref [12] NASA/TM-2005-213907 for Al 2024-T351 Crack growth rate curve we get the crack growth rate per cycle For Keffective=8.23MPa , We get 7.39×10-5 mm/cycle

Table 6 Displacement vector TYPE T1







For the relative displacement (2.583312*E-01-2.341051*E-01) = 0.0242261 mm For Forces at the crack tip in kg or N, adding any one side of elements (Elm 35037, 35039 or Elm36045, 36047) forces acting on the crack tip in T1 direction. The Forces at the crack tip are obtained in the f06 file created by the MSC Nastran (solver) software. These values are tabulated and shown in table 7. Table 7 Grid point Force balance POINT-ID 39399 39399 39399 39399

ELEMENT-ID 35037 35039 36045 36047


rate for 251 mm crack

T1 37.4300 37.27135 -36.4621 -38.1642

For Forces at the crack tip F=(37.4300+37.27135)=74.5866Kg. Where F = 74.5866 Kg U = 0.0242261 mm Fig. 21 A Typical Load Spectrum With An Over Load


ISSN: 2277-3754 ISO 9001:2008 Certified International Journal of Engineering and Innovative Technology (IJEIT) Volume 2, Issue 7, January 2013 The overload plastic zone size is given by the following To calculate crack growth rate in the First region following Equation data are considered Load of 6psi with crack size now become Rpc =Rpo= (Eq8.3) ai= 251+(2.0375×10-4×1)=251.0002038mm And ao, Rpc ,Rpo will be as follows Where ao= 251.000285+(2.0375×10-4×1)=251.0004888mm Rpo= over load plastic zone size Rpc=3.622570124×10-4 mm Kmax= maximum SIF value Rpo=(2.0375×10-4×3)=6.1125×10-4 mm = yield strength Retardation factor for first region from Eq 8.4 Considering Fty=345 Mpa ØR1= here And Kmax=16.66585154Mpa Substituting the values in Eq8.3 Rpo =8.150×10-4mm. ØR1 =0.404191924 Followed by the 251.000285mm crack and 6psi load Therefore total overload plastic zone size is 7.39×10 -5 by Kmax=16.45953Mpa multiplying the retardation factor we get the da/dN crack Substituting in Eq8.3 growth size for the First region is calculated. da/dN= 7.39×10-5× ØR1 Rpc== da/dN=8.150×10-4×0.404191924 da/dN=3.294164181×10-4 mm/cycle To grow the first region crack it required 3036 cycles. Rpc= 3.622570124×10-4mm. B) Second Region. Where Rpc= current plastic zone size. D. Calculations for the Retardation factor As explained in the section 8.2 about the crack growth retardation because of the overload plastic zone size the retardation factor is calculated using the following equation ØR =


To calculate crack growth rate in the Second region considering the following data Load of 6psi with crack size now become ai= 251+(2.0375×10-4×2)=251.0004075mm And ao, Rpc ,Rpo will be ao =251.000285+(2.0375×10-4×2)=251.0006925mm Rpc=3.622570124×10-4mm, Rpo=(2.0375×10-4×2)=4.075×10-4mm, Retardation factor for second region from Eq 8.4


Where ØR= Retardation factor ai=current crack length ao= after the overload crack length Wheeler parametric value =1.4 ØR= 0.2111902. E. Calculating the crack growth rate within the overload region As the crack grows within the overload plastic size the effect of over load on the crack growth rate also varies. Therefore the crack growth rate is calculated by dividing the overload region by four parts each one having region as 2.0375×10-4mm


ØR2==0.40367898 Therefore total overload plastic zone size is 5×10-5 by multiplying the retardation factor we get the da/dN crack growth size for Second region is calculated. da/dN = 7.39×10-5 ×ØR2 da/dN = 8.150×10-4×0.403678698 da/dN =3.289981×10-4 mm/cycle To grow the 1mm crack it required 3039 cycles. C) Third Region. To calculate crack growth rate in the Third region we taken fallowing data Load 6psi with crack size now become ai= 251+(2.0375×10-4×3)=251.0006113mm, And ao, Rpc ,Rpo become ao =251.000285+(2.0375×10-4×3)=251.0008963 Rpc=3.622570124×10-4mm, Rpo=(2.0375×10-4×1)= 2.0375×10-4, The overload plastic zone size after the second region is 2.0375×10-4 is less than the current plastic zone size. Therefore the assumed Third regions for the calculation of retardation factor need not to be considered. Shown in table 8.

Fig. 22 Four Divisions Considered Within the Overload Plastic Zone Size



Crack Growth Calculations

First Region.


ISSN: 2277-3754 ISO 9001:2008 Certified International Journal of Engineering and Innovative Technology (IJEIT) Volume 2, Issue 7, January 2013 [1] Full-scale Testing of the Fuselage Panels By Dr. John G. Bakuckas, Dr. Catherine A. Bigelow,Dr. Paul W. Tan, Prof. Jonathan Awerbuch, Prof. Alan C. Law, Prof. T. M. Tan.

Number of cycles required for a crack growth increment of 1mm.


Constant amplitude loading (6PSI) for 250 mm crack SIF= 16.6658Mpa Overload (without considering the overload plastic zone size applied)(9PSI)


7.39𝖷10 cycles

[2] Experimental/numerical techniques for aircraft fuselage structures containing damage By Padraic E. O’Donoghue, Jinsan Ju . [3] New techniques for detecting early fatigue damage accumulation in aircraft structure by Curtis A. Ride out and Scott J. Ritchie IEEEAC paper #1244, Version 2, November 29, 2006.



[4] Elangovan.R“A analytical determination of residual strength and linkup strength for curved panels with multiple site damage”.


[5] Garcia a N, “Simplifying MSD modeling by using continuing damage assumption and parametric study: The role of rivet squeeze force.

SIF=24.3446 Mpa at 251mm crack length

[6] A. Murphya, M. Pricea, C. Lynchb, A. Gibsona “The computational post-buckling analysis of fuselage stiffened panels loaded in shear”.

After the overload plastic zone size effect With considering the retardation factor 6.0189207𝖷10-5 0.2111902 cycles. 0.2111902𝖷2.85𝖷10-5 = Table 8 Crack growth calculations


[7] A. Cornec , W. Schönfeld, K.-H. Schwalbe, I. Scheider “Application of the cohesive model for predicting the residual strength of a large scale fuselage structure with a two-bay crack”.

IX. CONCLUSION Damage tolerance design philosophy is generally used in the aircraft structural design to reduce the weight of the structure. Stiffened panel is a generic structural element of the fuselage structure. Therefore it is considered for the current study. A FEM approach is followed for the stress analysis of the stiffened panel. The internal pressure is one of the main loads that the fuselage needs to hold. Stress analysis is carried out to identify the maximum tensile stress location in the stiffened panel. A local analysis is carried out at the maximum stress location with the rivet hole representation. The crack is initiated from the location of maximum tensile stress. MVCCI method is used for calculation of stress intensity factor. A crack in the skin is initiated with the local model to capture the stress intensity factor. Stress intensity factor calculations are carried out for various incremental cracks. When the SIF at the crack tip reaches a value equivalent to the fracture toughness of the material, then the crack will propagate rapidly leading to catastrophic failure of the structure. A load spectrum consisting of constant load cycles with a over load in-between is considered to study the over load effect on the crack growth rate. The crack growth rate for constant amplitude load cycles is carried out by considering the crack growth rate data curve (da/dN vs.𝜟K). Plastic zone size due to constant amplitude load cycles and over load cycle is calculated. The calculations have indicated that the over load will reduce the rate of crack growth due to large plastic zone size near the crack tip. The effect of large plastic zone due to over load is estimated by calculating the crack growth retardation factor.

[8] Andrzej Leski, 2006, “Implementation of the virtual crack closure technique in engineering FE calculations”. Finite element analysis and design 43, 2003, Pages 261-268. [9] An accurate and fast analysis for strongly interacting multiple crack configuration including kinked (v) branched (y) cracks by A.K. Yavuz, S.L. Phoenix, S.C. TerMaath [10] Investigation of mixed mode stress intensity factors non homogeneous materials using an interaction integral method by Hongjun Yu, Linzhi Wu, Licheng Guo, Shanyi Du, Qilin. [11] http://www.flightlearnings.com/2010/04/14/pressurized-aircra ft-part-one/. [12] NASA/TM-2005-213907 for 7075-T6 and 2024-T351 Aluminum Alloy Fatigue Crack Growth Rate Data by Scott C. Forth and Christopher W. Wright Langley Research Center, Hampton, Virginia William M. Johnston, Jr. Lockheed Martin Corporation, Hampton, Virgini.

AUTHOR BIOGRAPHY Mr. Vinayakumar B. Melmari is currently working as assistant professor in Dept. of Mechanical Engineering, Shaikh college of Engineering and technology, Belgaum, Karnataka, India. Two Year industrial experience and one international journal published and two national conferences given.

Mr. Ravindra Naik is currently working as assistant professor in Dept. of Mechanical Engineering, AGMR Engineering and technology, Varur, Hubli, and Karnataka, India. Ten Year industrial experience and one international journal published and one national conference given.


Mr. Adarsh Adeppa is currently working as assistant professor in Dept. of Mechanical


ISSN: 2277-3754 ISO 9001:2008 Certified International Journal of Engineering and Innovative Technology (IJEIT) Volume 2, Issue 7, January 2013 Engineering, Bheemanna Khandre institute of technology, Belgaum, Karnataka, India. One international journal published and one national conference given.