Abstract The application of in-feed antibiotic growth promoters in livestock diet threatens consumer health and has arisen into a controversial issue worldwide.
Effect of probiotic and prebiotic as antibiotic growth promoter substitutions on productive and carcass traits of broiler chicks Mehdi Toghyani+1, MajidToghyani2and Sayed Ali Tabeidian2 1
Young Researchers Club, Khorasgan Branch, Islamic Azad University, Isfahan, Iran Department of Animal Science,Khorasgan Branch, Islamic Azad University, Isfahan, Iran
The application of in-feed antibiotic growth promoters in livestock diet threatens consumer health and has arisen into a controversial issue worldwide. Thus,this study was designed to investigate the impact of probiotic and prebiotic as growth promoter agents compared to antibiotic on performance and carcass traits of broiler chicks. A total of two hundred and forty,one-day-old male broilers (Ross 308) were randomly assigned to four treatments with four replicates of fifteen chicks based on a completely randomized design. The dietary treatments consisted of the basal diet as control, experimental groups receiving 3 mg/kg flavophospholipol, 15mg/kg ProtoxinTM and, 1 g/kg manna oligosaccharide as AGP, probiotic and prebiotic, respectively.Body weight, feed intake, and feed conversion ratio were recorded at 2 week intervalsto week 7of the experiment. At 42 d, two birds per replicate were slaughtered for determination of carcass yield and internal organ weights.Diet supplementationwith probiotic and prebiotic increased body weight of broilers at 28 and 42 d of age (P