Jun 14, 2018 - [9] Moenir A S 2006 Public Service Management In Indonesia Jakarta: Bumi Aksara. [10] Ratminto & Atik Septi Winarsih 2013 Management ...
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Effect of Service Quality and Customer Satisfaction Patients in General Hospitals of Makassar City Region To cite this article: Hamka 2018 J. Phys.: Conf. Ser. 1028 012107
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2nd International Conference on Statistics, Mathematics, Teaching, and Research IOP Publishing IOP Conf. Series: Journal of Physics: Conf. Series 1028 (2018) 1234567890 ‘’“” 012107 doi:10.1088/1742-6596/1028/1/012107
Effect of Service Quality and Customer Satisfaction Patients in General Hospitals of Makassar City Region Hamka Lecturer Academy of Finance and Business Indonesia International Abstract. Quality of service and patient satisfaction have a very close relationship. Quality hospital services will provide patients with satisfaction and be the beginning of building a strong relationship for a long period of time. The quality of service in supporting the implementation of the procedure has not been applied maximally. One of them is the lack of professionalism in providing services and information facilities that are still considered inadequate. This study aims to examine and determine the effect of service quality on patient satisfaction in RSUD Daya Makassar Data collection techniques that the authors use is an analytical survey with descriptive analysis approach verificative. Data analysis method using likert scale and sampling using non probability sampling. The population of this research is inpatient in RSUD Daya Makassar with method of determination of sample by using slovin method. Service Quality at Makassar General Hospital of all indicators, research results show the quality of service procedures at RSUD Daya Makassar with good quality. So this shows that tangible, reliability, and assurance variables affect patient satisfaction and empathy variables and responsiveness does not affect the patient satisfaction. Although tangible, reliability, and assurance variables have an effect on patient satisfaction, the Makassar General Public Hospital must maintain or even improve these three variables and for emphaty and responsiveness variables that have no effect on patient satisfaction, the RSUD Daya tries to pay attention to the short comings by looking at how employees pay attention to patients or see how to respond to a patient's wants or needs
1. Introduction Today health issues have become a basic necessity for society. Everyone wants health because health is considered very valuable and expensive. Therefore, in order to support the health of all people, there must be efforts made, one of which is the goverment provides health facilities for the community. One such facility is the hospital. Customer satisfaction has become a central concept in business and management discourse [12]. Customers generally expect products in the form of goods or services consumed can be accepted and enjoyed with good service or satisfactory [3]. Customer satisfaction can form a perception and then can position the company's products in the eyes of its customers. Quality is the core of the institution's survival. The movement of the quality revolution through an integrated quality management approach becomes a demands that should not be ignored if an agency wants to live and grow, The increasingly fierce competition recently demands a service provider institution to always pamper consumers by providing the best service. Customers will look for products in the form of goods or services from companies that can provide the best service to them [3]. This study is based on the results of initial observations that have been found on the quality of services provided by RSUD Daya Makassar such as existing infrastructure facilities and the quality of Content from this work may be used under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution 3.0 licence. Any further distribution of this work must maintain attribution to the author(s) and the title of the work, journal citation and DOI. Published under licence by IOP Publishing Ltd 1
2nd International Conference on Statistics, Mathematics, Teaching, and Research IOP Publishing IOP Conf. Series: Journal of Physics: Conf. Series 1028 (2018) 1234567890 ‘’“” 012107 doi:10.1088/1742-6596/1028/1/012107
human resources is still low. One form of service that is deemed to still need improvement is an inadequate waiting room for patients in RSUD clinic services so that patients waiting to be examined should stand and sit on the floor. Second is the irregular queue so that sometimes the patient complains with the nurse/employee because it feels the patient who comes after they are served first, this is often complained by the patient that the employee/nurse seems unprofessional, third is the problem of inadequate information The General Hospital of Daya District of Makassar is the only Hospital owned by the Government of Makassar City and is a Convertible from Puskesmas Plus Daya to Makassar City General Hospital Type B, and also the Center of the North Gate of Makassar in accordance with the Decision of the Governor of South Sulawesi. The main problem as a health service institution that many competitors. Therefore, the Regional General Hospital of Makassar Power is required to always maintain consumer confidence by improving the quality of service to increase consumer satisfaction. The hospital needs to carefully determine the needs of consumers as an effort to fulfill the desire and increase the satisfaction of the services provided. Establish relationships and conduct research on them needs to be done so that the services provided in accordance with the expected. This is what is called consumer orientation. From the problems that have been described above, the researchers are interested to examine more about "The influence of service quality and patient satisfaction of general hospitals of municipal power area of Makassar". 1.1. Problem Based on the above background, then the formulation of the problem in this study are: 1. How the quality of services provided by the General Hospital of Daya City of Makassar. 2. How is the influence between the quality of medical services to patient satisfaction at the Regional General Hospital of Daya City of Makassar. 2. Literature review Service is one of the spearhead of customer satisfaction efforts and is a must that must be optimized both by individuals and organizations, because of the form of services provided reflected the quality of individuals or organizations that provide services. In order to improve the health status of the community, many things to note. One of them is considered to have an important role is the implementation of health services. In order for the provision of health services to achieve the desired objectives, the service must meet the various requirements of which are available and sustainable, acceptable and reasonable, easy to reach, easy to reach and quality [1,2].. Given current events that the behavior of medical practitioners sometimes lacks consideration of the processes and completeness of the service equipment and the interactions that occur in each of its mutually beneficial procedures. In general, consumers as users of health services such as patients, do not realize that they have the right to get quality services in each procedure. That is, a patient is entitled to question the service to employees / nurses who felt unclear, even burdensome consumers themselves [10]. Service is an activity or sequence of activities that occur in direct interaction between someone with another person or machine physically, and provide customer satisfaction [5,8]. Service can basically be defined as the activity of a person, group and or organization either directly or indirectly to meet the needs. [8] said that service is the process of meeting the needs through the activities of others directly. [6,7], service is as an act (deed), a performance (performance) or a business (effort). While the more detailed definition given by gronroos as stated that the service is an activity or series of activities that are invisible (not palpable) that occur as a result of the intraction between
2nd International Conference on Statistics, Mathematics, Teaching, and Research IOP Publishing IOP Conf. Series: Journal of Physics: Conf. Series 1028 (2018) 1234567890 ‘’“” 012107 doi:10.1088/1742-6596/1028/1/012107
consumers with employees or other things provided by the company that provides service intended to solve consumer/customer problem [9]. Health services are part of health services whose primary purpose is to improve health and prevent disease with the main target being the community. Since the scope of services is public health concerning the interests of the community, the role of government in public health services is quite large in [10] According to Levey and Loomba (1973) health services are defined as "any effort that is selfadministered or jointly within an organization to maintain and improve health, prevent and cure diseases and restore the health of individuals, families, groups and or society". in Azwar (64: 2010) in accordance with the existing limitations, it can be understood that the form and type of health services can be found there are several kinds of them: 1. Organizing services, whether implemented alone or collectively in an organization. 2. The scope of the activity, whether it covers only health maintenance activities, health promotion, disease prevention, disease cure, health recovery or a combination. 3. The target of health services, whether for individuals, families, groups or for society as a whole. 3. Material and Methods Data collection techniques that the authors use is an analytical survey with descriptive analysis approach verifikatif. Data analysis method using likert scale and sampling using non probability sampling. The population of this research is inpatient in RSUD Daya Makassar with method of determination of sample by using slovin method. Data were collected by spreading questionnaires to obtain customer assessment data on the quality of medical services, paramedic quality of service, quality of medical support services, and perceived satisfaction. The type of data collected includes the primary data obtained from the consumer/patient or patient's family. 4. Result The service of RSUD Daya Makassar is seen from five services that are passed and received by hospital patient that is Medical Record, Polyclinic, Radiology/Laboratory, Inpatient and Pharmacy. To see the quality of health service in RSUD Daya, the indicator of size that is located in five dimensions of service quality according to Zeithaml-Pasasuraman-Berry [9] is tangible dimension, reliability dimension, responsiveness dimension, assurance dimension , and the emphaty dimension. From the five indicators on tangible dimension in Medical Record, it can be concluded that the quality of Medical Record service in the analysis on Tangibel indicator can be concluded enough quality (range 2.60-3.39). It can be seen from all respondent's answer about Tangible dimension show average value 3.24. From four indicators on the dimension of Reliability in Medical Records, it can be concluded that the quality of Medical Record service in the analysis on Reliability indicator can be concluded enough quality (range 2.60-3.39). This can be seen from the overall respondent's answer about Tangible dimension show average value 3.20. From the five indicators on the dimensions of Responsiveness in the Medical Record, it can be concluded that the quality of Medical Record service in the analysis on the indicator of Responsiveness can be concluded enough quality (range 2.60-3.39). This can be seen from the total respondents' answers about the dimensions of Responsiveness value Mean 3.22. From the four indicators on the Assurance dimension in the Medical Record, it can be concluded that the quality of Medical Record service in the analysis on the Assurance indicator can be inferred qualified (range 3.40-4.19). This can be seen from the total respondents' answers about the Assurance dimension show the average value 3.50.
2nd International Conference on Statistics, Mathematics, Teaching, and Research IOP Publishing IOP Conf. Series: Journal of Physics: Conf. Series 1028 (2018) 1234567890 ‘’“” 012107 doi:10.1088/1742-6596/1028/1/012107
From the five indicators on the Emphaty dimension in the Medical Record, it can be concluded that the quality of Medical Record service in the analysis on the Emphaty indicator can be summed up in quality (range 2.60-3.39). This can be seen from the total respondents' answers about the dimensions of Emphaty value Mean 3.16. Based on the result of recapitulation of service quality at RSUD Daya, where at service of Medical Record, Polyclinic, Radiology/Laboratory with good quality (Range 2.60 - 3.39) where still lack of waiting room and completeness of facility in service room and also attitude of officer/less responsive and quick in providing services. On Inpatient and Pharmacy with Good Quality (range 3.40-4.19). So the results of the study found that the quality of service in RSUD Daya Makassar is good enough. 5. Conclusion Based on the results of data analysis and discussion above can be concluded that all service quality variables have a significant influence on patient satisfaction of General Hospital of RSUD City of Makassar. Medical service quality variables have the greatest influence then the quality of medical supporting comfort, and the smallest quality of medical service. In tangible, reliability, and assurance variables have an influence on patient satisfaction, RSUD Daya must still maintain or even improve these three variables and for emphaty and responsiveness variables that have no effect on patient satisfaction, the RSUD Daya try to pay attention to deficiencies by looking at the way employees pay attention to the patient or see how to respond to the wishes or needs of the patient. To that end, the General Hospital of RSUD Daya City of Makassar needs to routinely observe its services in order to maintain the existing advantages and fix the shortcomings. The involvement of medical personnel, paramedics, and medical supporters in serving the consumers/patients needs to be improved so that their trust and influence on customer satisfaction increases. Improving the quality of paramedical services needs to be prioritized because this variable has the greatest influence on customer satisfaction. References [1] Azwar Azrul 1996 Introduction to Health Administration Jakarta: Binarupa Aksara [2] Azwar Azrul 2001 Introduction to Health Administration Publisher Literature Development Tangerang [3] Assauri Sofjan 2003 Good Customer Service Platform for Customer Satisfaction Achievement in Entrepreneur No. 01 Year XXXII January p 25-30 Jakarta [4] Barnes James G 2003 Secrets of Customer Relationship Management (Translation Andreas Winardi) Yogyakarta: Andi Publisher [5] Batinggi A & Badu Ahmad 2013 Public Service Management CV ANDI OFFSET Yogyakarta [6] Kotler Philip 2002 Marketing Management Volume I and 2 (Benjamin Molan Translation) Jakarta: Prenhallindo [7] Kotler Philip 2003 Marketing Management New Jersey: Prentice Hall [8] Kountur Ronny 2003 Research methods Jakarta: PPM [9] Moenir A S 2006 Public Service Management In Indonesia Jakarta: Bumi Aksara [10] Ratminto & Atik Septi Winarsih 2013 Management Services: Xprinting, Student Literature [11] Rahayu A S 1997 Public Sector Phenomenon and Service Quality Era in Business and Bureaucracy No1/Vol.III/April/1997 Jakarta. [12] Tjiptono Fandi and Gregorius Candra 2005 Service Quality and Satisfaction Yogyakarta: Andi Offset [13] Sugiyono 2003 Administrative Research Methods Bandung: Alfabeta [14] Uma 2003 Research Methods for Business: A Skill-Building Approach New York: John Wiley & Sons Inc [15] Decree of the Minister of Manpower No 63 of 2003 on General Guidelines for the Implementation of Public Service
2nd International Conference on Statistics, Mathematics, Teaching, and Research IOP Publishing IOP Conf. Series: Journal of Physics: Conf. Series 1028 (2018) 1234567890 ‘’“” 012107 doi:10.1088/1742-6596/1028/1/012107
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