Plant and Soil 196: 115–121, 1997. c 1997 Kluwer Academic Publishers. Printed in the Netherlands.
Effect of soil nitrogen, carbon and moisture on methane uptake by dry tropical forest soils J.S. Singh1, Smita Singh, A.S. Raghubanshi, Saranath Singh, A.K. Kashyap and V.S. Reddy Department of Botany, Banaras Hindu University, Varanasi-221005 India; 1 Corresponding author Received 13 December 1996. Accepted in revised form 1 August 1997
Key words: deciduous forest, methane uptake, soil carbon, soil moisture, soil nitrogen
Abstract Methane uptake was measured for two consecutive years for four forest and one savanna sites in a seasonally dry tropical region of India. The soils were nutrient-poor and well drained. These sites differed in vegetational cover and physico-chemical features of the soil. There were significant differences in CH4 consumption rates during the two years (mean 0.43 and 0.49 mg m 2 h 1 ), and at different sites (mean 0.36 to 0.57 mg m 2 h 1 ). The mean uptake rate was higher (P < 0.05) in dry seasons than in the rainy season at all the sites. There was a significant season and site interaction, indicating that the effect of different seasons differed across the sites. There was a positive relation between soil moisture and CH4 uptake rates during summer (the driest period) and a negative relation during the rest of the year. The results suggested that seasonally dry tropical forests are a strong sink for CH4 , and C and N status of soils regulates the strength of the sink in the long term. Introduction Methane (CH4 ) is second only to carbon dioxide in importance as a greenhouse gas (Andreae and Crutzen, 1985), having 21-times higher greenhouse warming potential per molecule than CO2 (IPCC, 1992). The major biological sources of methane are decomposition of organic matter in anaerobic soils and enteric fermentation in ruminants and termites (Blake and Rowland, 1988; Crutzen, 1991; Pearman and Frazer, 1988). Although the major sink for atmospheric methane is its chemical reaction with hydroxyl radicals in the atmosphere (Lelieveld and Crutzen, 1992), uptake of ambient methane by some soils could be an additional significant sink, representing 1–15% of that oxidized by reaction with hydroxyl radical (Born et al., 1990). Microbial oxidation of atmospheric CH4 in terrestrial environments is the only known biological sink (Adamsen and King, 1993). Methane oxidation by soils in temperate ecosystems (Hutsch et al., 1994; Mosier et al., 1991), poorly drained Canadian forest (Lessard et al., 1994), oak dominated forest (Gold-
man et al., 1995), temperate German forest (Born et al., 1990), New England forest (Crill, 1991; Steudler et al., 1989), coniferous forest of northern Quebeck (Adamsen and King, 1993), tropical forests (Seiler et al., 1984), humisol (Megraw and Knowles, 1987), tundra (Whalen and Reeburgh, 1990), desert (Striegl et al., 1992) and cultivated Inceptisol (Singh et al., 1996) has been reported. The most rapid rates of oxidation (80 L CH4 L 1 h 1 ) have been reported for neutral woodland soil (Lloyd and Jenkinson, 1995). The uptake of CH4 by soils is governed by environmental variables that regulate the strength of the sink but are poorly understood (see Dubey et al., 1996 for review). In the present paper we report CH4 uptake by welldrained-soils of seasonally dry deciduous forest and savanna ecosystems. We present data to show that the long-term mean CH4 uptake is governed by soil carbon and nitrogen status and the seasonal fluctuations by soil moisture.
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116 Materials and methods
elsewhere (Pandey and Singh, 1992; Roy and Singh 1994; Singh and Singh, 1993).
Study sites Flux measurements The study sites were distributed in Mirzapur and Sonbhadra districts of Uttar Pradesh, situated between 24 and 26 N latitude and 82 and 84 E longitude. The altitude ranges between 299 and 355 m above mean sea level. The climate is tropical monsoonal, with the year divisible into winter (November–February), summer (April–mid June) and rainy (late June–October) seasons. The mean monthly minimum temperature ranges between 13.3 and 30.5 C and the mean monthly maximum between 23.2 and 40.0 C. About 8 months of the year are dry and 4 months are moist, the latter receiving about 86% of the total annual rainfall (mm) due to the south-west monsoon. The major ecosystems investigated included forest and savanna. Two forest sites on the Vindhyan plateau were studied, one in the Hathinala region (hilltop and hillbase subsites), and the other in the Marihan range. The latter site was characterized by the presence of topographic depressions; litter accumulation in these ‘troughs’ gives rise to patchy microsites which are different in appearance from the adjoining non-patchy milieu (flats) (Roy and Singh, 1994). The savanna site was situated near the Hathinala forest. The soils of these sites are residual, well-drained Ultisols, derived from Kaimur sandstones (Dhandraul orthoquartzites), sandy to sandy loam in texture and reddish to reddish brown in colour (Singh et al., 1989). Annual rainfall in the Hathinala averaged 1145 mm (Pandey and Singh, 1992) and in the Marihan range 821 mm (Singh and Singh, 1993). Major characteristics of these sites are summarized in Table 1. The Hathinala hillbase forest site was dominated by Shorea robusta C.F. Gaertn with a density of 2210 woody plants ha 1 (net production: 16.6–18.8 t ha 1 yr 1 ). The Hathinala hilltop forest site was dominated by Ziziphus glaberrima (Sedgw.) Santap., with 950 woody plants ha 1 (net production: 14.2–16.7 t ha 1 yr 1 ). The Marihan forest site was dominated by Acacia catechu (L.f.) Willd with a tree density of 627 ha 1 (net production 11.3–19.2 t ha 1 yr 1 ). The savanna site was dominated by Chrysopogon fulvus (Spreng.) Chiov., Bothriochloa pertusa (L.) A. Camus and Heteropogon contortus (L.) P. Beav. ex R. & S., with a density of ligneous components ranging from 180– 130 ha 1 (net production 0.57 t ha 1 yr 1 ). Other characteristic features of the above sites are described
Three replicate plots were selected on each site to study the CH4 flux. Measurements of CH4 fluxes between soil and the atmosphere were made during the rainy, winter and summer seasons for two consecutive years using 2-piece transparent perspex chambers as described by Parashar et al. (1993). Aluminium bases were installed manually at each measurement site well in advance (at least 12 h before sampling). A perspex chamber (52.5 L 33 W 63 H cm) which fitted into the groove of the aluminium base was put in place at the time of sampling, covering an area of 0.168 m2 . The air inside the chamber was isolated from the outside atmosphere and the system was made airtight by filling the groove in the aluminium base with water. A battery-operated air-circulation pump (pulse pump obtained from M/S Aerovironment Inc., Monrovia, CA, USA) connected to polyethylene tubing was used to mix the air inside the chamber and to draw the air samples into Tedlar bags (M/S Aerovironment Inc., USA) at 0, 15 and 30 min. Methane fluxes were measured six times on each day of sampling (one day per season per year per site), equally distributed in the forenoon and afternoon. The temperature inside the perspex chamber was recorded using a thermometer inserted through a rubber septum installed at the top of the chamber. Air samples were analysed for CH4 on a gas chromatograph (Chemito 8510, Toshniwal Instruments, India) equipped with a flame ionization detector and Porapak Q column. Column, injector, and detector temperatures were maintained at 27, 110 and 180 C, respectively, and nitrogen served as a carrier gas (flow rate 30 mL min 1 ). Fluxes were calculated using a linear least-square fit to the time-series of concentrations for each measurement. Air and soil temperatures, and gravimetric soil moisture, were also recorded during each CH4 flux measurement. Soil analysis Proportions of sand, silt and clay were determined by employing sieves of different mesh sizes (Anon, 1965) and hydrometer method (Bouyoucos, 1962). Bulk density of the soil was determined by measuring the weight of dry soil of a unit volume to 10 cm depth (Piper, 1944). Soil pH was determined by using a pH meter equipped with glass electrode (1:2.5 soil:water ratio).
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117 Table 1. Soil characteristics [soil texture, organic-C, total N, total P, bulk density (B.D.), water holding capacity (WHC) and pH] and vegetation of different sites. Values are means 1 SE
Site Location
Hathinala Ziziphus glaberrima (Sedgw.) (hilltop) Santap., Acacia catechu (L.f.) Willd., Anogeissus latifolia (Roxb. ex DC) Wall ex Bedd., Hardwickia binata Roxb. etc.
Hathinala Shorea robusta C.F. Gaertn., (hillbase) Aegle marmelos (L.) Correa, Madhuca longifolia (Koen.) Mac Br., Bauhinia racemosa Lamk, Briedelia retusa Muell.-Arg.
Marihan plateau (trough microsite)
Acacia catechu, Lannea coromandelica (Houtt.) Merrill, Nyctanthes arbor-tristis L., Holarrhena antidysenterica (Roth) A.DC., Ziziphus glaberrima (Sedgw) Santap. and Ziziphus oenoplia (L.) Mill.
Marihan plateau (flat microsite)
Acacia catechu, Lannea coromandelica, Nyctanthes arbor-tristis, Holarrhena antidysenterica, Ziziphus glaberrima, Ziziphus oenoplia.
Telburva grazed savanna
Chrysopogon fulvus (Spreng.) Chiov., Borthriochloa pertusa (L.) A. Camus, Heteropogon contortus (L.) P. Beav. ex R. & S., Hardwickia binata, Wrightia tomentosa (R.&S.), Adina cordifolia (Roxb.) Hook. F. ex Brandis and Butea monosperma (Lamk.) Taub.
Clay Silt (%) (%)
Sand Org-C Total N Total P B.D. (%) (%) (%) (g g 1 ) (g cm
4.7 51.2 44.1
2.0 34.0 64.0
3.8 57.2 39.0
4.8 56.4 38.8
0.045 190
1.9 69.3 28.8
0.3 0.3 1.8 0.06 0.004 50
0.2 0.3 0.6 0.06 0.005 7
0.4 0.6 1.0 0.02 0.002 10
0.3 0.5 0.8 0.06 0.001 10
0.1 0.9 0.1 0.05 0.003 8
Water holding capacity (WHC) was determined using perforated circular brass boxes as described by Piper (1944). Organic carbon (C) was analysed by dichromate oxidation and titration with ferrous ammonium sulfate (Walkley, 1947). Total nitrogen (N) was analysed by macrokjeldahl method (Jackson, 1958) and total phosphorus (P) was measured colorimetrically after HClO4 digestion (Jackson, 1958).
WHC pH (%) 42.5 0.3
39.20 0.3
31.49 0.6
41.0 0.2
0.7 0.04
Results and discussion CH4 uptake rates by soils from five different sites are presented in Figure 1. The results suggested that CH4 uptake varied during two years of observations at different sites and seasons. ANOVA indicated significant differences due to site (F4;158 = 14.15, P < 0.001).
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118 Table 2. Effect of year, season and site on mean CH4 uptake rate (mg m 2 h 1 1 SE) in natural ecosystems
Methane uptake
Year1 1993–1994 1994–1995
0.43 0.03a 0.49 0.03b
Season2 Summer Rainy Winter
0.41 0.02a 0.26 0.01b 0.71 0.03c
Site3 Hathinala (hilltop) Hathinala (hillbase) Marihan plateau (trough) Marihan plateau (flat) Telburva grazed savanna
0.49 0.36 0.40 0.57 0.48
0.04a 0.03b 0.03b 0.04c 0.06a
Values in the column under each category suffixed with different letters are significant at P < 0.05. 1 Number of observations (n) = 3 sample plots 6 measurements seasons 5 sites per year = 270. 2 Number of observations (n) = 3 sample plots 6 measurements 5 sites 2 years per season = 180. 3 Number of observations (n) = 3 sample plots 6 measurements 3 seasons 2 years per site = 108.
The CH4 consumption was maximum in Marihan flat site and minimum in Hathinala hillbase and Marihan trough sites (Table 2). The present sites differed in several physico-chemical features particularly in soil organic C and total nitrogen contents. Soil nitrogen content was highest for the Hathinala hillbase site and lowest for Marihan flat site (Table 1). Regression analysis indicated a significant inverse relationship between CH4 uptake (Y, mg m 2 h 1 ) and soil N (X, %) according to Y = 0.625 ( 0.029) – 1.481 ( 0.238) X, (R2 = 0.93, P = 0.0084). Laboratory measurements and field studies have demonstrated that N-fertilization reduces the ability of the soil to adsorb and oxidize CH4 (Adamsen and King, 1993; Hansen et al., 1993; Hutsch et al., 1993; Keller et al., 1990; Mosier et al., 1991, 1993; Nesbit and Breitenbeck, 1992; Steudler et al., 1989). Mosier et al. (1991) suggested that the rate of N turnover in the soil may be an important factor leading to decreased CH4 oxidation. CH4 oxidation also depends on the form of N-fertilizer applied. Hutsch et al. (1994) demonstrated a striking difference between two forms of nitrogen, NH+ 4 and NO3 ; they reported that inhibition was virtu-
ally complete in plots receiving NH+ 4 , whilst NO3 had no inhibitory effect on CH4 oxidation rate. Willison et al. (1995) found that the addition of ammonium fertilizers to grasslands for 138 years caused a significant decrease in atmospheric methane oxidation, whereas the application of nitrate-N for the same period did not. Thus high availability of ammonium inhibits CH4 oxidation by soils (Hutsch et al., 1994; Steudler et al., 1989), although NO3 may also cause moderate inhibition of CH4 uptake (Bronson and Mosier, 1994). In Marihan trough microsites the mean annual NO3 –N to NH4 –N accumulation ratio in N-mineralization was 1 (Roy and Singh, 1995). The trough microsites where the proportion of ammonium was greater than the nitrate showed lower CH4 uptake rate than flat microsites (Table 2). Hutsch et al. (1993) postulated that the inhibition by NH+ 4 was competitive, the nitrifiers being favoured at the expense of methanotrophs. CH4 and NH4 are alternative substrates for both CH4 monooxygenase and NH4 monooxygenase, the two enzymes which are considered responsible for the first step in CH4 oxidation in soil (Bedard and Knowles, 1989). Long-term addition of inorganic fertilizer increased the populations of nitrifiers at the expense of methanotrophs (Hutsch et al., 1993). Addition of inorganic N reduced CH4 oxidation in a farmyard manure-applied site (Willison et al., 1996). Another possible mechanism for the inhibiting effect of N inputs on CH4 oxidation could be a change in the kinetics of methanotrophs which affects their threshold value (Hutsch et al. 1994). According to King (1992), the threshold value is the CH4 concentration below which no uptake occurs and it can be a critical determinant of overall CH4 consumption. Soils generally have subatmospheric thresholds (atmospheric = 1.7 L CH4 L 1 ). However, Yavitt et al. (1990) have observed threshold values of about 10 L CH4 L 1 for a forest soil that apparently did not consume atmospheric CH4 . The causes of threshold variability are currently uncertain but may be related to physiological phenomenon such as competitive inhibition of CH4 monooxygenase by NH3 (King, 1992). In our study soil organic carbon was highest for Hathinala hillbase site and lowest for Marihan flat site. The CH4 flux (Y, mg m 2 h 1 ) was inversely related to soil C (X, %) according to (Y = 0.577 (0.036) 0.079 (0.021) X, (R2 = 0.82, P = 0.0329). It is possible that high amount of organic matter may result in decreased oxygen content in the soil atmosphere, leading to reduced net uptake of methane in organic matter
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Figure 2. Relationship between soil moisture and methane uptake in five natural ecosystem sites. (a) During summer season CH4 uptake (Y, mg m 2 h 1 ) and soil moisture (X, %) were positively related according to Y = exp[–3.606 ( 0.287) + 0.412 ( 0.044) X)]; R2 = 0.91, P = 0.0000. (b) During winter and rainy seasons CH4 uptake and soil moisture were inversely related according to Y = exp[1.457 ( 0.128) – 0.180 ( 0.009) X]; R2 = 0.95, P = 0.0000.
Figure 1. Methane flux from four forest and one savanna sites in three seasons in a seasonally dry tropical region of India. Linear bars represent 1 SE.
rich sites. Midslope position of a Colorado shortgrass steppe with 1.2% total C exhibited higher CH4 uptake (4.1–6.3 g C ha 1 d 1 ) compared to the Swale position which had higher C content (1.8–2.2%) and showed only 3.6 g C ha 1 d 1 methane uptake (Mosier et al., 1991). However, in the Colorado study, CH4 uptake in cultivated grassland sites (wheat field and fallow) which were poor in total C (0.85–0.95%) was lower (1.3–1.8 g C ha 1 d 1 ) compared to the uncultivated shortgrass steppe sites which had greater amount of soil C. Duenas et al. (1994) found no obvious relationship between CH4 uptake and soil organic matter content in uncultivated bare soils. We observed a strong seasonality in the methane uptake rate in both the years. ANOVA indicated that differences in the CH4 flux due to season were significant (F2;158 = 186.77, P < 0.001) as was the site season interaction (F8;158 = 9.56, P < 0.001). Howev-
er, the season year interaction was not significant, although year site interaction was significant (F4;158 = 7.07 P < 0.001). The minimum values for the rate of uptake occurred during the rainy season and maximum in the winter season (Table 2). The seasonal variation in CH4 uptake was related to moisture content of the soils. However, this relationship was complex. While soil moisture and CH4 consumption in the summer season had a positive exponential relationship, in the rainy and winter seasons they had an inverse exponential relationship (Figure 2). Soil moisture influences methane uptake by controlling diffusion of methane and oxygen in the soil atmosphere (Adamsen and King, 1993; King and Adamsen, 1992; Whalen et al., 1990). In temperate forest soil CH4 uptake rates decreased significantly when soil moisture increased to 14% (Steudler et al., 1989). Methane consumption was inversely related to soil moisture over normal moisture conditions (Castro et al., 1994), but it was directly related to soil moisture under very dry conditions as found in deserts (Striegl et al., 1992) and dry tropical forests (Keller et al., 1990). Methane oxidation rate was greatest when the soil moisture content was between 5 and 15% (Adamsen and King, 1993; Mancinelli et al., 1991; Whalen and Reeburgh, 1990). Evidently an adequate level of soil moisture is needed for optimal functioning of methanotrophs also. In our study CH4 consumption
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120 University Grants Commission through GATE Fellowship.
Figure 3. Distribution of mean CH4 uptake rates along gradients of soil nitrogen and carbon. The multiple regression equation was: CH4 uptake = 0.621 ( 0.037) – 1.305 ( 0.753) N – 0.011 ( 0.042) C, (R2 = 0.86, P = 0.0000). CH4 uptake rate is in mg m 2 h 1 and soil N and C contents are in %.
peaked around 9% soil moisture, thereafter it declined with further increase in soil moisture, attaining the minimum value at 18% soil moisture content in the rainy season. A site rich in organic matter can show a greater decrease in net CH4 uptake at a given soil moisture than a site poor in organic matter because organic matter-rich soil can easily become anoxic. This probably explains the significant site season interaction in our study. Our study thus showed that the long-term mean (2-yr mean) CH4 uptake rates were conditioned by the soil N and C levels (Figure 3), while the seasonal variations were largely controlled by soil moisture. The deposition of airborne N compounds (NOX , NH4 and NO3 ) has increased in several regions of the world within the last decades. For example, 40–80 kg N ha 1 yr 1 deposition occurs in some forests in Germany and The Netherlands due to high NH3 emission from bioindustries and heavy application of organic manure on arable lands (Zoettl, 1990). This may affect the CH4 budget of the atmosphere, through interference with CH4 oxidation over large forest areas (Sitaula et al., 1995).
Acknowledgements Funding support was received from Ministry of Environment and Forests. Smita Singh was supported by the
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