Effective budgeting for healthcare - National Health Strategy

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The move to a performance based budgeting system is ... performance management software system ... Programs. Organizatio
Effective budgeting for healthcare NHS Project 6.1 seeks to enhance budgeting within the public healthcare sector in the State of Qatar


HS Project 6.1 Budgeting Process seeks to ensure enhanced monitoring and control of healthcare expenditures for public in Qatar. The move to a performance based budgeting system is intended to facilitate transparency in the use of resources and provide organizations and senior leaders with greater ability to make effective decisions. It should align strategy, finance and performance within and across organizations to further these aims. While the National Health Strategy identified the need for a healthcare wide budgeting process which uses program based budgeting, this does not necessarily mean that the budgeting processes will be identical for the public healthcare sector, but that the processes are expected to be coordinated at a

high level, with the budgets from each organization consolidated to provide the sector totals. PROJECT BACKGROUND The project has been separated into four phases: Phase One: A budget current state report and high level budgeting manual were produced Phase Two: The function, program and subprogram structure was created Phase Three (current phase): Update to program structure, budget manual and the creation of a library of sector level KPI’s at sub-program level. Starting a pilot phase for 2016 budget, with full implementation in 2017 for a multiyear budget for the public healthcare sector in Qatar. Phase four: Implementation of the

performance management software system, Hyperion, within 2017. STAKEHOLDERS MoPH (including Qatar Council for Healthcare Practitioners and Food Safety Authority) • HMC • PHCC • naufar EXPECTED OUTCOMES AND BENEFITS • Flexibility for organizational level planning and budgeting • Alignment of strategy, finance and performance within organizations • Enhanced high level monitoring and control of healthcare expenditure for the public sector of Qatar • More transparency for health planners and policymakers.

Performance Based Budgeting (PBB) is an alignment of strategy, performance and finance. Strategy Programs Organizations’ corporate business plans will be aligned and linked to the NHS via a united set of health sector programs (priorities).


Performance Outcomes The programs have key performance measures which set out the overall outcomes the sector expects to achieve for Qatar.

Performance Based Budgeting

Finance Budgets Each organization will be funded to enable them to deliver their component of these programs and achieve the KPIs.