Effects of dietary fat levels and of antibiotics ... of crude starch in the fish diet in the absence of antibiotics cnhanced significantly (p
Effects of dietary fat levels and of antibiotics (Flumequine + Gentamycin) on nutrient digestibility in rainbow trout, Oncorhynchus mykiss (Walbaum) Georgcs Choiibert
"', Joël dc la Noiie "' and Kcné Lésel ',"
(" Luho~utoirede Nutn'iio,? drs Poi.c.c.nn.r.Strrtion d'H~rlrobiologie,INKA, 64310 - Suint-Pée-sui--Niixelle, Frunce. (2)Gi-oupede Rerherrlies en Reqc.Iuge hiolo,qiyue er Aquicitlritre (GREKEHA),Dépur-renienl de Sciences er Technolufiie des ulimcnrs, Universiré Laval. Suinie Foy, Québec, GIK 7P4. Cunudu. "Luhorutoire des Mic.70-orguni.rme.c,Stution J'Hy~Irohinln~ie. INKA, 64310 Suint-Pée-sui--Ni~*elle. Fi-unce.
Received Dcccmber 24, 1990, accepted April 16, 199 1.
Choubert D., J. de la Noüe, R. Léscl. Aquat. Living Kesour., 1991, 4 , 147-153. Abstract
Kainbow trout were fed two cxperimental diets diffcrcd in lipid content by replacement of crude starch (lipid-poor diet : 4.2% lipid or lipid or lipid-rich diet : 14.8% lipid) supplcmented or not with antibiotics (a combination Flumcquine + Gentamycin, 1:4). The apparent digestibility of dry matter, crude protcin, lipid, carbohydratc and total energy werc measured. Addition of lipid by replacement of crude starch in the fish diet in the absence of antibiotics cnhanced significantly (p