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Nov 9, 2016 - Abstract In order to reduce the height of the protrusion on the clinched joint, a height-reducing method by compressing the joint was studied in ...
Int J Adv Manuf Technol (2017) 90:3533–3541 DOI 10.1007/s00170-016-9619-8


Effects of geometrical parameters on the strength and energy absorption of the height-reduced joint Chao Chen 1,2 & Shengdun Zhao 1 & Minchao Cui 1,2 & Xiaolan Han 1 & Xuzhe Zhao 3 & Tohru Ishida 2

Received: 15 June 2016 / Accepted: 14 October 2016 / Published online: 9 November 2016 # Springer-Verlag London 2016

Abstract In order to reduce the height of the protrusion on the clinched joint, a height-reducing method by compressing the joint was studied in the present work. An investigation of effects of geometrical parameters on the strength and energy absorption of the height-reduced joint was carried out by experimental method. A series of experiments were performed by varying the geometrical parameters of the joints. Different forming displacements were applied to generate different geometrical parameters in the mechanical clinching process. The tensile strength of the height-reduced joint is higher than that of the mechanical clinched joint. The height-reduced joint with a bottom thickness of 1.5 mm has the highest tensile strength. The height-reducing method can contribute to increase the energy absorption of the joint. The strength and energy absorption of the joint depend on the neck thickness in this study. The height-reducing method can increase the tensile strength and energy absorption of the joint by increasing the neck thickness. The height-reducing method with a pair of flat dies is a helpful subsequent process of conventional mechanical clinching.

Keywords Height-reduced joint . Geometrical parameters . Strength . Energy absorption . Neck fracture

* Chao Chen [email protected]


School of Mechanical Engineering, Xi’an Jiaotong University, No. 28, Xianning West Road, Xi’an 710049, People’s Republic of China


Graduate School of Science and Technology, Tokushima University, Tokushima 770-8506, Japan


Purdue Institute of Technology, Purdue University, West Lafayette, IN 47906, USA

1 Introduction In recent years, many lightweight materials with high-strength capacity are widely used in the automotive industries [1–3]. In order to join these materials, some different joining technologies, such as mechanical clinching, spot welding, self-piece riveting, and friction stir welding, have gained considerable attention [4–9]. Common spot welding is not suitable for joining different materials because of oxide layer on the sheet, different thermal conductivity, and fusion point. The mechanical fastening technologies have been proved effective for joining lightweight materials with high strength [10–13]. Among these mechanical fastening technologies, the mechanical clinching technology has been developed rapidly [14–17]. The main advantage of mechanical clinching over selfpierce riveting and spot welding is joined without any additional elements, prepunching, and electric spark [18]. Coated or non-weldable sheets can be joined by mechanical clinching without damaging the surface. Dissimilar material sheets with different melting point and mechanical properties can also be joined effectively by mechanical clinching. Plastic deformation of the sheets is generated to form the joint in the mechanical clinching process, so the melting point and other chemical properties have little effect on the joining of different material sheets. Mechanical clinching technology which has been widely used in modern industry field is one kind of green manufacturing technologies. A mechanical interlock is produced between the metal sheets by the material flow in the mechanical clinching [9, 19–21]. The sheets can be hooked together by the mechanical interlock which has a high strength [22, 23]. The strength of the mechanical clinched joint mainly depends on the geometrical parameters of the joint profile which is mainly influenced by process parameters and clinching dies [24, 25]. A large interlock and a thick neck contribute to increase the strength


of the joint. A large interlock can prevent the button separation failure, and a thick neck can prevent the neck fracture failure. In order to improve the joint quality, it is significant to investigate the effects of geometrical parameters on the mechanical properties of the joint. Mechanical clinching technology has many advantages. However, there are still some technical challenges on this joining technology. Plastic deformation is generated in the clinching process to join the sheets. So, the sheets with low ductility are difficult to be joined together by the mechanical clinching technology. Many researchers have paid attention to the joining of the sheets with low ductility in recent years. Aluminum alloy sheets with reduced ductility can be joined together by preheating the sheets [3]. Flat, round-grooved, split (extensible), and rectangular shear dies were used to join the aluminum sheet and glass fiber reinforced polymer sheet, respectively [26]. The feasibility of mechanical clinching technology for joining AA6082 sheet and carbon fiber reinforced polymer sheet was also investigated [27]. The mechanical clinching experiments of many different thermoplastic polymers including polystyrene (PS), polycarbonate (PC), and poly(methyl methacrylate) (PMMA) were also carried out, and the results showed that these materials also can be joined together by mechanical clinching [28]. Mechanical clinching technology has been widely used in the field of automotive industry [29, 30]. However, there is a high protrusion on the clinched joint, which may limit the application of the mechanical clinching technology. Because of the high protrusion, the clinched joint cannot be used in the areas where smooth and flat surface is needed. In order to reduce the protrusion height, some new reshaping or joining methods have been investigated by many researchers. Neugebauer et al. [31, 32] investigated the dieless clinching, flat clinching, and dieless rivet clinching to reduce the protrusion height. A reshaping method for reducing the protrusion height was presented by Wen [33]. The results showed that the protrusion height can be reduced effectively in a single stroke. However, a pair of contoured dies was required in his study, which increased the cost of production. One effective method for reducing the protrusion height is reshaping the joint by compressing the protrusion. In order not to increase the cost of production, a pair of flat dies may be suitable. It is necessary to research on this issue to reduce the height of the joint protrusion. In the present study, the method for reducing the height with a pair of flat dies was investigated by experimental method. In the height-reducing process, the clinched joint was compressed and modified in a single stroke. A series of experiments were performed by varying the geometrical parameters of the height-reduced joints. Different forming displacements were applied to generate different geometrical parameters in the mechanical clinching. Tensile strength tests were carried out to evaluate the strengths of the height-reduced

Int J Adv Manuf Technol (2017) 90:3533–3541

joints with different geometrical parameters. The effects of geometrical parameters on the strength and energy absorption of the joint were analyzed. The height-reducing method with a pair of flat dies can be a helpful subsequent process of conventional mechanical clinching.

2 Materials and methods 2.1 Materials In recent years, Al5052 sheets which have excellent ductility are widely used to build the structure of automobile. So, Al5052 sheets with thickness of 1.9 mm were employed in the joining experiments. All of the sheets were cut from the same initial plate along the rolling direction. The width and length of the Al5052 sheet are 25 and 80 mm, respectively, which is suitable for the clinching experiment. The mechanical properties of the Al5052 sheets were measured by tensile strength tests on Instron 5982 tensile testing machine. According to the testing results, the tensile strength of Al5052 is 235.2 MPa, and the elastic modulus is 62.7 GPa. The Poisson’s ratio of the material Al5052 is 0.33, and the elongation at break is 18 %. Material flow stress can be described by Hollomon model as σ = 351ε0.12. 2.2 Experimental procedure The mechanical clinching process with extensible dies is shown in Fig. 1. In the mechanical clinching process, extensible dies were used to generate the clinched joint. The extensible dies consist of the punch, sheet holder, anvil, sliding sectors, and spring. A mechanical interlock was generated by material flow in the punch-die cavity volume. The clinched joint was produced by plastic deformation with no chemical reaction [22, 34]. The mechanical clinching process was conducted on a clinching machine produced by express company. The anvil was fixed, and the punch was controlled to move downward. The speed of the punch on the clinching machine was set to be constant with 1 mm/s in the mechanical clinching process. The joint strength mainly depends on the geometrical parameters of the joint profile, such as neck thickness (tn) and interlock (ts). The neck thickness and interlock are difficult to measure without cutting the joint along the center shaft. Different values of neck thickness and interlock can be obtained by varying the magnitude of the bottom thickness. The bottom thickness (X) is easy to measure without damage to the clinched joint. So, the bottom thickness is taken as the measurable and controllable parameter in the mechanical clinching process. Different bottom thicknesses can represent different geometrical parameters. The bottom thicknesses of the clinched joints were set to 1.2, 1.3, 1.4, and 1.5 mm by

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Fig. 1 Mechanical clinching process with extensible dies

controlling the displacements of the punch in the mechanical clinching process. The height-reducing process with a pair of flat dies is shown in Fig. 2. In the height-reducing process, a pair of flat dies was used to compress the joint. The geometrical shape of the clinched joint was modified and reshaped by material flow. The clinched joint was placed between the flat dies with no blank holder. The interlock was not damaged in the heightreducing process, so the sheets were still hooked together with a high strength. The height-reducing process was carried out on a hydraulic servo press with a load capability of 160 kN. The force and speed of the hydraulic servo press can be controlled precisely. The speed of the flat die on the press was set to be constant with 0.05 mm/s in the height-reducing process, and the force of the press was set to 28 kN. The joining strengths of the clinched joint are classified as shear strength and tensile strength [35, 36]. The tensile strength was taken as the main assessment criteria in this study. Tensile strength tests were conducted to measure Fig. 2 Height-reducing process with a pair of flat dies

the tensile strengths of clinched joints and heightreduced joints with different geometrical parameters. Instron 5982 tensile testing machine were used to conduct the tensile strength tests. A schematic diagram of the sample used in the tensile strength test is shown in Fig. 3. The two Al5052 sheets were arranged according to the cross shape. The joint was located in the center of the sheets. The experimental clamping system is shown in Fig. 4. During the strength test, the lower Al5052 sheet was fixed, and a constant upward movement was applied on the upper Al5052 sheet. The speed of the clamping system was set to be constant with 2 mm/min in the tensile strength tests. The testing machine was controlled to stop when the two sheets were separated. The maximum tensile load measured by the tensile testing machine was taken to be the tensile strength of the joint. Six groups of tensile strength tests are conducted to get the average tensile strength of the joint. The force-displacement curve of the joint was recorded continuously during each test.


Int J Adv Manuf Technol (2017) 90:3533–3541

final geometry of the clinched joint be inherited smoothly in the simulation, the height-reducing process was continued to do via changing the dies in the same software. A plastic model was assumed for the sheet material, and the flat dies were taken as rigid. The friction coefficient in the contact between the sheets and the flat dies was taken as 0.15. Other conditions were kept consistent with those in the experiments. Fig. 3 Sample used in the tensile strength test

2.3 Finite element simulation model and conditions The software Deform-2D was used to carry out the finite element simulation. In order to get a shorter computing time, a 2D axisymmetric model was established to simulate the mechanical clinching process and height-reducing process. The whole simulation including mechanical clinching process and height-reducing process should be carried out in succession to ensure that the simulation conditions are consistent. The first simulation phase is mechanical clinching process with extensible dies. A plastic model was assumed for the sheet material. The punch, sheet holder, anvil, and sliding sectors were taken as rigid. Quadrilateral elements were used to mesh the Al5052 sheets. Automatic remeshing technology was also used in the finite element simulation to prevent the mesh distortion. The friction conditions was modeled between the dies and sheets by assuming a coulomb friction with μ = 0.15. The friction coefficient in the contact between the upper and lower sheets was taken as 0.3. Other conditions were kept consistent with those in the experiments. The second simulation phase is height-reducing process with a pair of flat dies. In order to make the deformation and

3 Results and discussion 3.1 Validation of the numerical model The accuracy of the numerical model should be validated before showing the numerical results. In order to validate the numerical model effectively, the experimental results and numerical predictions of the geometrical parameters are compared under the same compressing conditions [25]. The variation of the neck thickness and interlock of the clinched joint with a bottom thickness of 1.2 mm was taken as an example to validate the numerical model. The experimental results and numerical predictions of the geometrical parameters are compared and shown in Fig. 5. The experimental results and numerical predictions of the geometrical parameters are in good agreement. Thus, the numerical model can be used to evaluate the material flow and strain distribution of the height-reduced joint in the heightreducing process. 3.2 Material flow in the height-reducing process In the height-reducing process, a pair of flat dies was used to compress the joint. The geometrical shape of the clinched joint was modified and reshaped by the material flow. The material flow of the height-reduced joint in the height-reducing process is shown in Fig. 6. A height-reduced joint with a bottom thickness of 1.2 mm was taken as an example to show the material flow. As can be seen, the effective strain reaches the highest at the neck of the upper sheet and the edge of the joint bottom, where the severe deformation occurs. The protrusion of the joint was compressed by the flat die in the height-reducing process. With the movement of the top flat die, some materials of the protrusion were compressed to flow downward to be gathered at the neck of the clinched joint and some materials of the protrusion were compressed to flow radially. The neck thickness and interlock were increased because of the material flow. 3.3 Geometrical parameters of the joints

Fig. 4 Experimental clamping system

The tensile strength of the joint mainly depends on the geometrical parameters of the joint profile. In the height-reducing

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Fig. 5 Model validation of the height-reduced joint: a neck thickness and b interlock

process, the material of the protrusion on the joint was compressed to flow downward. There was no hamper to hinder the material flow, so the bottom thickness was not changed in the height-reducing process. Neck thickness and interlock are two important parameters which have important influence on the strength of the joint. The neck thicknesses and interlocks of different joints are shown in Fig. 7. The parameter “X” is the bottom thickness of the joint, and the parameter “s” is the sum of the initial thicknesses of the sheets. As can be seen, the neck thickness of the clinched joint was increased with the increase of the bottom thickness, while the interlock was enlarged with the decrease of the bottom thickness. The clinched joint with a bottom thickness of 1.5 mm has the largest neck thickness compared with other clinched joints. The flat die was used to compress the protrusion of the clinched joint in the height-reducing process. With the movement of the top flat die, some materials of the protrusion were compressed to flow downward to be gathered at the neck of the clinched joint, which increases the neck thickness. Other materials of the protrusion were compressed to flow radially, which can increase the interlock of the clinched joint. With the increase of the compressing force, more and more materials will flow downward to increase the neck thickness and flow radially to increase the interlock.

Fig. 6 Material flow of the joint in the height-reducing process

In the height-reducing process, both the neck thickness and interlock were enlarged with the decrease of the protrusion height. The neck thicknesses of the height-reduced joints are larger than those of the clinched joint. This proves that the height-reducing method can increase the neck thickness of the joint. The height-reduced joint with a neck thickness of 1.5 mm has the largest neck thickness. In the clinching process, the upper Al5052 sheet undergoes a larger plastic deformation which generates an obvious thinning near the corner radius of the punch. In the heightreducing process, the material of the protrusion was compressed to flow downward. Because of the material flow, the height-reducing method can contribute to enlarge the neck thickness and interlock. The height-reduced joint with a bottom thickness of 1.5 mm has the largest neck thickness, tensile strength, and energy absorption. The appearances and cross-sectional shapes of the joints with a bottom thickness of 1.5 mm are shown in Fig. 8. As can be seen, the protrusion height of the clinched joint can be reduced with no damage to the neck thickness and interlock in the height-reducing process. The protrusion height of the joint with a bottom thickness of 1.5 mm was reduced from 1.49 to 0.62 mm. This heightreducing method was proved to be efficient for reducing the protrusion height.


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Fig. 9 The failure mode of the clinched joint and height-reduced joint

Fig. 7 Neck thicknesses and interlocks of different joints

3.4 Failure mode The typical failure modes of the joint are the button separation mode and neck fracture mode. The button separation mode is the result of a small interlock, while the neck fracture mode is the result of a thin neck. It is significant to investigate the failure mode of the joint to explain the correlations between the tensile strength and the neck thickness of the joint in the study. As shown in Fig. 9, the main failure mode of the clinched joint and height-reduced joint in the tensile strength tests is the neck fracture mode, which means that the neck thickness has an important influence on the tensile strength of the joint. Neck fracture mode is generated by fracture of the joint in the thin neck of the upper sheet. During the tensile strength

test, an axial load is applied on the joint. Because of the mechanical interlock to hook the Al5052 sheets, the tensile load is mainly applied on the neck of the sheet. With the upward movement of upper sheet, the axial tensile load is increased, which gives rise to an increase of the tensile stress of the sheet [37, 38]. The analytical model developed for predicting the strength of the joint, F, is calculated as follows by Eq. (1) [1]: F ¼ σ f  A ¼ π  ð2Rt N þ t N  t N Þ  σ f


where σf is the fracture stress, A the projection area of the neck, and R and tN are the punch radius and neck thickness, respectively. As can be seen from the equation, the neck thickness is one of the main factors which determine the tensile strength of the joint. The tensile strength of the joint can be increased by increasing the neck thickness in the heightreducing process. When the tensile stress of the sheet reaches the fracture stress, the neck of the joint is fractured at the weak areas. The tensile strength of the joint in the tensile strength test is determined by the neck area of the upper Al5052 sheet. So, the strength and energy absorption of the joint depend on the neck thickness of the joint in the study. The height-reducing method can increase the tensile strength and energy absorption of the joint by increasing the neck thickness. It is better to generate sufficient neck thickness to meet the requirement of the joint strength. 3.5 Tensile strength and energy absorption

Fig. 8 The appearances and cross-sectional shapes of the joints

Tensile strength and energy absorption are two primary features in the structural study of the clinched joint. The tensile strength of the joint represents the capability of tensile resistance, and the energy absorption in the strength test represents the capability of shock resistance. Tensile load condition is more representative for some applications of the clinched joint in mechanical structures. The average tensile strengths of the clinched joints and heightreduced joints with different geometrical parameters are shown in Fig. 10. As can be seen, the clinched joint with a bottom thickness of 1.5 mm has the highest tensile strength compared with other clinched joints, and the height-reduced joint with a bottom

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Fig. 10 Average tensile strengths of different joints

thickness of 1.5 mm has the highest tensile strength compared with other height-reduced joints. The strength of the height-reduced joint is higher than the clinched joint. This proves that the height-reducing process can contribute to increase the strength of the joint. The strength of the height-reduced joint with a bottom thickness of 1.5 mm is increased by 16.4 % compared with the clinched joint with a bottom thickness of 1.5 mm. Because the neck fracture mode is the main fail mode of the joints, the critical parameter was the neck thickness. Thus, the processing conditions that promoted larger neck thicknesses resulted in the formation of the stronger joints. The height-reducing process can increase the tensile strength of the clinched joint by increasing the neck thickness. The tensile strength of the joint is increased with the increase of the bottom thickness, and the tensile strength of the height-reduced joint is higher than the clinched joint. The variation trend of the tensile strength is similar with the variation trend of the neck thickness. This proves that the neck thickness has an important influence on the tensile strength of the joint in this study. The force-displacement curves of the joints with different geometrical parameters are shown in Fig. 11. To make the exhibition and comparison expediently, all the force-displacement curves were shown in the same figure with a same coordinate scale. As can be seen, the curves suddenly drop after the force peak. This indicates that the two sheets have been separated completely. The height-reduced joints have larger displacements than the clinched joint in the tensile strength test. This proves that the height-reducing method can increase the displacement of the joint before failure. Energy absorption is one of the most important features in the structural analysis of the clinched joint. The area between the xcoordinate and force-displacement can represent the energy absorption of the joint in the tensile strength test. It is better for the joint to have a high capability of energy absorption to absorb

Fig. 11 Force-displacement curves of the joints

more energy before the failure. The values of energy absorption of the clinched joints and height-reduced joints with different geometrical parameters are shown in Fig. 12. As can be seen, the height-reducing method can increase the capability of energy absorption of the joint. The height-reduced joint with a bottom thickness of 1.5 mm can absorb more energy than other joints. As mentioned above, the variation trend of the tensile strength and energy absorption is similar with the variation trend of the neck thickness. The energy absorption of the height-reduced joint with a bottom thickness of 1.5 mm is increased by 86.2 % compared with the clinched joint with a bottom thickness of 1.5 mm. The energy absorption of the joint is increased with the increase of the bottom thickness, and the energy absorption of the height-reduced joint is higher than the clinched joint. The variation trend of the energy absorption is similar with the variation trend of the neck thickness.

Fig. 12 The values of energy absorption of different joints


Int J Adv Manuf Technol (2017) 90:3533–3541

4 Conclusions


An investigation of effects of geometrical parameters on the strength and energy absorption of the height-reduced joint was carried out in this study. A pair of flat dies was used to compress the protrusion of the joint. The protrusion height of the joint with a bottom thickness of 1.5 mm was reduced from 1.49 to 0.62 mm. According to the experimental results, the following conclusions can be drawn:


1. The height-reducing method can increase the strength of the clinched joint. The height-reduced joint with a bottom thickness of 1.5 mm has the highest strength of all. The average tensile strength of the height-reduced joint with a bottom thickness of 1.5 mm is increased by 16.4 % compared with that of the clinched joints. 2. It is better for the joint to have a high capability of energy absorption to absorb more energy before the failure. The height-reduced joint can absorb more energy than the clinched joint in the tensile strength test. The value of energy absorption of the height-reduced joint with a bottom thickness of 1.5 mm is increased by 86.2 % compared with that of the clinched joints. 3. Neck fracture mode is the main failure mode of the clinched joint and height-reduced joint in this study. The strength and energy absorption of the height-reduced joint depend on the neck thickness. The height-reducing method can increase the tensile strength and energy absorption of the joint by increasing the neck thickness. In order to prevent the neck fracture mode, a thick neck is required for the height-reduced joint.






13. 14.



17. 18.

19. Acknowledgments This research work is financially supported by the National Natural Science Foundation of China (Grant No. 51675414) and the National Natural Science Foundation of China (Grant No. 51305333).



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