as infrequent and catastrophic. many large burns experienced repeated ..... rlder Note cha.gc in sc.rle tbr ptors El andCt but nor tbr E2 of Ct. 180 Grav and ...
AndrewN. Grayrand Jerry F.Franklin,co ege of ForestFesources. u niversty of washington. seatte wash nqton
Effectsof MultipleFireson the Structureof SouthwesternWashington Forests Abstract Fire frequcncy,iniensit!,.and size can inlluence the nlture of foresl developmenl.\\irh poren!iall,,-pfofound cl]ects on ecos]srem processesand the abundanceofnalive spccies. The cllect ofrn inten\e wildfire and subsequentse!ere fires withn a sho( period (reburns)on lbrest establishment.composition. and slructure wa! examimedin thc 16,000 ha Siouxon Creck waterrhed ir the westerDCa\cudesof sourhernWashinglon. Elidencc ol large intensc lires and small prrchv tlres wa\ found in rhe lvatcnhed, \\'ith 4 fircs occurdng since I900. ltcc est.rblishmcntw.rsfapid and abundantthroughourmos( of rhe areabumed in thc t902 fire. lossibly fiom sur\ivrl ofon-site sccd sources.Tree esrablishmcnt\\'asdelayedon;rost rcburnsand conespondedwith ),ea.sof abundantregional Douglas-flr lPseudat:u+a no