Effects of Salinity and Density on Tadpoles of Two Anurans from the Río Salado, Puebla, Mexico Author(s): Guillermo A. Woolrich-Piña, Geoffrey R. Smith, and Julio A. Lemos-Espinal Source: Journal of Herpetology, 49(1):17-22. Published By: The Society for the Study of Amphibians and Reptiles URL: http://www.bioone.org/doi/full/10.1670/13-127
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Journal of Herpetology, Vol. 49, No. 1, 17–22, 2015 Copyright 2015 Society for the Study of Amphibians and Reptiles
Effects of Salinity and Density on Tadpoles of Two Anurans from the Rı´o Salado, Puebla, Mexico GUILLERMO A. WOOLRICH-PIN˜A,1,2 GEOFFREY R. SMITH,3
IPN ESIA Ticoma´n ‘‘Ciencias de la Tierra,’’ Laboratorio de Paleontologı´a y Geobiologı´a, Av. Ticoma´n #600, Col. San Jose´ Ticoma´n, Del. Gustavo A. Madero, Me´xico Districto Federal, Mexico 2 ´ Bolı´var, Av. Rı´o Mixcoac No.48, Col. Insurgentes Mixcoac, Del. Benito Jua´rez, Me´xico D.F. C.P. 03920 Universidad Simon 3 Department of Biology, Denison University, Granville, Ohio 43023 USA 4 ´ Laboratorio de Ecologı´a, UBIPRO, FES Iztacala, Universidad Nacional Autonoma de Me´xico, Av. De los Barrios #1, Col. Los Reyes Iztacala, Tlalnepantla, Estado de Me´xico, Me´xico
ABSTRACT.—Numerous studies have explored environmental factors that drive the distributions of anuran larvae. However, the causal links between physical or chemical factors and tadpole distributions often remain untested. The Rı´o Salado is an intermittent, naturally saline river in Puebla, Mexico, that is increasingly being impacted by removal of water for commercial salt production. Using tadpoles of Exerodonta xera (Hylidae; Puebla Treefrog) and Incilius occidentalis (Bufonidae; Pine Toad), we experimentally examined the hypothesis that the distribution of tadpoles along the Rı´o Salado results from the effects of salinity on tadpole survivorship, growth, and metamorphosis. We also examined the effect of tadpole density and the interaction of tadpole density and salinity, because pool size likely affects tadpole density. Increased salinity did not affect survivorship in I. occidentalis but reduced survivorship in E. xera by approximately 20% at both 0.4 parts per thousand (ppt) (0.4 g L-1) and 0.8 ppt (0.8 g L-1). Higher salinities delayed metamorphosis by up to 9 wk in E. xera and by 3 or 4 d in I. occidentalis. Tadpole density had a nonlinear effect on survivorship in E. xera, and higher densities delayed metamorphosis in I. occidentalis. There were no significant interactions between salinity and tadpole density in either species. Our results suggest that even though they can be found in pools averaging 0.8 ppt, tadpoles may not emerge from such pools because of delayed metamorphosis at salinities around 0.8 ppt. Decreasing pool volume and increasing tadpole density may further delay emergence of I. occidentalis. The removal of water from the Rı´o Salado to produce salt may threaten amphibians that use the river for breeding. ´ de renacuajos; sin embargo, los RESUMEN.—Numerosos estudios han examinado los factores ambientales que influyen en la distribucion ´ de renacuajos frecuentemente permanecen sin probarse. El Rı´o Salado es un rı´o vı´nculos entre factores fı´sicos o quı´micos y la distribucion ´ de agua para la produccion ´ comercial de sal. Utilizando salino localizado en Puebla, Me´xico que esta´ siendo muy impactado por la extraccion ´ ´ de los renacuajos a lo renacuajos de Exerodonta xera e Incilius occidentalis, experimentalmente examinamos la hipotesis que la distribucion largo del Rı´o Salado es el resultado de los efectos de la salinidad sobre la sobrevivencia, crecimiento y metamorfosis de los renacuajos. Tambie´n ´ de la densidad de renacuajos y la salinidad, ya que el taman˜o de las pozas examinamos el efecto de la densidad de renacuajo y la interaccion probablemente afecta la densidad de los renacuajos. El incremento de la salinidad no afecto la supervivencia de I. occidentalis pero redujo la sobrevivencia de E. xera en aproximadamente 20% tanto en tratamientos de 0.4 como de 0.8 partes por mil (ppm). Salinidades ma´s altas retrasaron la metamorfosis hasta por nueve semanas en E. xera y por tres o cuatro dı´as en I. occidentalis. La densidad de renacuajos tuvo un efecto no lineal sobre la supervivencia en E. xera y las densidades ma´s altas retrasaron la metamorfosis en I. occidentalis. No hubo interacciones significativas entre la salinidad y densidad de renacuajos en ninguna de las dos especies. Nuestros resultados sugieren que aunque estas especies pueden ocupar pozas con un promedio de 0.8 ppm, los renacuajos podrı´an no salir de estas pozas que se esta´n secando debido al retraso en la metamorfosis en salinidades de alrededor 0.8 ppm. Disminuyendo el volumen de las pozas e incrementando la densidad de los ´ de renacuajos de I. occidentalis. La extraccion ´ de agua del Rı´o Salado para producir sal puede renacuajos puede retrasar la transformacion amenazar la habilidad de los anfibios que utilizan el Rı´o Salado para reproducirse.
Numerous studies have examined environmental factors that drive distributions of anuran larvae, both within and among bodies of water (e.g., ponds, lakes, rivers). For example, the presence or absence of fish can explain the distribution of several species of tadpoles, with many species being absent in the presence of fish (Porej and Hetherington, 2005; McGarvie Hirner and Cox, 2007; Hamer and Parris, 2011). Other studies have found that physical or chemical factors can also influence the distribution of tadpoles (Welch and MacMahon, 2005; Girish and Krishnamurthy, 2009; Woolrich-Pin˜a et al., 2010a), including salinity, a factor that is often negatively correlated with the presence of amphibians (Smith et al., 2007; Collins and Russell, 2009; Woolrich-Pin˜a et al., 2010a, 2011). Salinity is of particular concern for amphibians, and other freshwater organisms, because in many regions of the world, freshwater habitats are becoming increasingly saline. In northern temperate regions, salinization occurs as a function of the use of road-deicing salts (Godwin et al., 2003; Thunqvist, 5
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DOI: 10.1670/13-127
2004; Ramakrishna and Viraraghavan, 2005). In warmer and more arid regions, salinization is increasing because of increased use of groundwater by humans (e.g., irrigation) that draw down aquifers causing saltwater intrusion (Williams, 1987, 2001; Cardona et al., 2004). In Mexico, salinization is threatening some rivers in arid and semiarid regions (Contreras-B. and Lozano-V., 1994). Furthermore, elevated salinity has been shown to affect the behavior, activity, and demography of a variety of amphibians negatively (Sanzo and Hecnar, 2006; Squires et al., 2008; Denoel¨ et al., 2010) along with their growth (Wu and Kam, 2009; Squires et al., 2010), development (Sanzo and Hecner, 2006; Wu and Kam, 2009), and survivorship (Dougherty and Smith, 2006; Karraker et al. 2008, 2010; Brown and Walls, 2013; Hua and Pierce, 2013). We have studied the distribution of tadpoles along the Rı´o Salado, an intermittent river in Puebla, Mexico. Salinities in the Rı´o Salado gradually increase from 0.5 parts per thousand (ppt) (0.5 g L-1) in the vicinity of Zapotitla´n Salinas to 6.2 ppt (6.2 g L-1) near San Gabriel Chilac because of accumulation of salts from the rocks through which the river flows (Woolrich-Pin˜a, 2010). This last concentration is much greater than those found
in regions of the river occupied by tadpoles of Incilius (formerly Bufo) occidentalis (Camerano, 1879) (Barbosa-Morales, 2008, Aquino-Caballero, 2010; Pine Toad), Exerodonta (formerly Hyla) xera (Mendelson and Campbell, 1994) (Herna´ndez-Rı´os, 2010; Puebla Treefrog), Hyla arenicolor (Woolrich-Pin˜a et al., 2011; Canyon Treefrog), and Lithobates spectabilis (Woolrich-Pin˜a, pers. obs.; Showy Leopard Frog). Our field observations demonstrated significant relationships between the distribution of tadpoles and various physical and chemical parameters among pools along the Rı´o Salado. The distribution of I. occidentalis tadpoles is influenced by pool size and volume, distance from the main river channel, dissolved oxygen, salinity, and vegetative cover (Woolrich-Pin˜a et al., 2010a). The distribution of E. xera tadpoles is related to salinity, dissolved oxygen, and pool volume (Woolrich-Pin˜a et al., pers. obs.). However, causal links between physical or chemical factors and tadpole distribution remain untested. Using E. xera and I. occidentalis tadpoles, we experimentally examined the hypothesis that their distribution along the Rı´o Salado is limited by the effects of salinity on tadpole survivorship, growth, and metamorphosis. We were particularly interested in salinity because, in addition to being naturally saline, the Rı´o Salado is increasingly being impacted by human activities. In particular, water is removed from the Rı´o Salado by ‘‘salineras’’ that extract salt from river water via evaporation. Removing water from the Rı´o Salado for ‘‘salineras’’ decreases the volume of water flowing in the river and thus reduces the volume of water in pools, affecting hydroperiod and potentially influencing salinity. For instance, removal of water from rivers for irrigation or other uses can increase salinity (Williams, 2001). Indeed, size and depth of pools found along the Rı´o Salado can vary significantly across the year, with mean depths of persisting pools dropping to approximately 10 cm at the end of the summer (Woolrich-Pin˜a et al., 2010a,b). We predicted that both species would be negatively affected by increasing salinity. MATERIALS
Study Species.—Exerodonta xera is endemic to the Valle de Tehuaca´n where it typically breeds in temporary streams during July and August (Woolrich-Pin˜a et al., 2005). In Puebla, I. occidentalis typically occurs in pine forest and dry tropical ´ deciduous forests (Oliver-Lopez et al., 2000). Incilius occidentalis in the Valle de Zapotitla´n Salinas breeds during the rainy season (November–February) in pools and slow-moving water in rivers ´ or in pools along rivers (Oliver-Lopez et al., 2000; Smith and Lemos-Espinal, 2010). Methods.—We collected tadpoles of each species used in this experiment from pools in the main channel of the Rı´o Salado shortly after hatching and transported them back to the laboratory (collection localities for I. occidentalis were Rı´o Salado, near to Jardin Bota´nico, 18819 0 25.4 00 N, 97828 0 37.4 00 W, 1,460 m; and for E. xera were near Tilapa, 18816 0 22.6 00 N, 97829 0 14.2 00 W, 1,620 m). Salinity in pools where we collected the tadpoles was 0.1 ppt. Tadpoles were maintained before and during the experiment in plastic containers (20 cm · 32 cm · 11 cm) with 2 L of dechlorinated tapwater, with constant aeration and food available ad libitum (ground Purina Rabbit Chow added every 3 d). Water temperature was maintained between 23 and 24.2 8C before and during the experiment, a range that was 1–28C lower than the mean temperatures of pools in the Rı´o Salado during the period when tadpoles are present in nature (November– February; Woolrich-Pin˜a et al., 2010a,b). After 4 d, tadpoles had
reached Gosner stage 26–27 (Gosner, 1960) and were placed into experimental treatments (initial snout–vent length [SVL] = 9–11 mm). Our experimental design was a fully factorial 3 · 3 design with three density treatments (two, four, and eight tadpoles) and three salinity treatments (0, 0.4, and 0.8 ppt) replicated three times for each species. Densities of tadpoles used correspond to one, two, and four tadpoles L-1, densities that fall within the range of densities we have observed along the Rı´o Salado (Woolrich-Pin˜ a et al., pers. obs.). We chose our salinity treatments to include conditions that tadpoles experience in pools along the Rı´o Salado (I. occidentalis: overall range 0.3–0.9 ppt, Woolrich-Pin˜a et al., 2010b; H. arenicolor: overall range 1.2– 2.8 ppt, Woolrich-Pin˜a et al., 2011). We used InstantOceant Synthetic Sea Salt that is primarily Na+ and Cl-, but that includes other ions as well (e.g., Mg2+, SO42-, Ca2+, K+) in lesser quantities, to create salinity treatments (see Christy and Dickman, 2002 for details on the chemical composition of InstantOcean). Overall salinity levels were confirmed using a YSI model 85-10 FT hand-held meter. Water was changed (refreshing the treatments) and containers were cleaned weekly. We recorded when each tadpole metamorphosed (Gosner stage 46; tail fully reabsorbed) and then measured their SVL with a transparent ruler. We analyzed each species separately. We used a two-way multivariate analysis of variance (MANOVA) to analyze the effects of salinity, tadpole density, and their interaction on each species, with survivorship, time to metamorphosis (in weeks), and size at metamorphosis as the dependent variables. A significant MANOVA was followed by univariate analyses of variance (ANOVAs) on each dependent variable. We used Tukey’s honestly significant difference (HSD) post hoc tests when a univariate ANOVA was significant to determine which treatments were significantly different. Before analyses, we transformed tadpole survivorship using an arcsine-square root transformation. Data analyses were conducted using JMP 10.0 (SAS Institute, Cary, NC). RESULTS Exerodonta xera.—There was a significant effect of salinity in the MANOVA (Roy’s greatest root = 2.30; F3,17 = 13.05, P = 0.0001). There was also a significant effect of density (Roy’s greatest root = 0.595; F3,17 = 3.37, P = 0.043). The interaction of salinity and density was not significant in the MANOVA (Roy’s greatest root = 0.094; F4,18 = 2.34, P = 0.094). Survivorship was slightly lower in the 0.4 ppt (0.76 6 0.06) and 0.8 ppt (0.79 6 0.11) treatments compared with the control (0.96 6 0.03), but this difference only approached statistical significance (F2,18 = 3.03, P = 0.073). Survivorship was lowest in the four tadpole density and highest in the two tadpole density treatments and intermediate at the eight tadpole density (Fig. 1A; F2,18 = 4.04, P = 0.035). The interaction between salinity and tadpole density was not significant (F4,18 = 0.60, P = 0.66). Time to metamorphosis for E. xera increased with salinity (Fig. 1B; F2,18 = 13.06, P = 0.0003). Time to metamorphosis was not affected by tadpole density (F2,18 = 1.68, P = 0.21). The interaction between salinity and density treatments was not significant (F4,18 = 1.06, P = 0.40). Size (SVL) at metamorphosis was similar in the 0 and 0.8 ppt salinity treatments and lowest in the 0.4 ppt salinity treatment (Fig. 1C; F2,18 = 4.80, P = 0.02). Tadpole density had no effect on
FIG. 2. Effect of (A) salinity and (B) tadpole density on the time to metamorphosis in Incilius occidentalis tadpoles from the Rı´o Salado, Puebla, Mexico. Means are given 61 SE. Means not sharing letters are significantly different (Tukey’s HSD post hoc test, P 0.05).
FIG. 1. The effect of (A) tadpole density on survivorship and salinity treatments on (B) time to metamorphosis and (C) size (SVL) at metamorphosis of Exerodonta xera tadpoles from the Rı´o Salado, Puebla, Mexico. Means are given 61 SE. Means not sharing letters are significantly different (Tukey’s HSD post hoc test, P 0.05).
size at metamorphosis (F2,18 = 1.48, P = 0.25). The interaction term was not significant (F4,18 = 1.44, P = 0.26). Incilius occidentalis.—In the MANOVA, there was a significant effect of salinity on I. occidentalis (Roy’s greatest root = 0.823; F3,17 = 4.66, P = 0.015). There was also a significant density effect (Roy’s greatest root = 2.35; F3,17 = 13.3, P = 0.0001). The interaction between salinity and density was not significant in the MANOVA (Roy’s greatest root = 0.21; F4,18 = 0.94, P = 0.46).
Survivorship was not affected by salinity treatments (F2,18 = 1.78, P = 0.20). Survivorship did not differ among the tadpole density treatments (F2,18 = 0.27, P = 0.76). The interaction between salinity and tadpole density was also not significant (F4,18 = 0.22, P = 0.92). Metamorphosis was delayed in the 0.8 ppt salinity treatment relative to the 0 ppt and the 0.4 ppt salinity treatments (Fig. 2A; F2,18 = 3.77, P = 0.043). Time to metamorphosis was significantly higher in the eight tadpole density treatment compared with the two and four tadpole density treatments (Fig. 2B; F2,18 = 13.2, P = 0.0003). The interaction between salinity and density treatments was not significant (F4,18 = 0.31, P = 0.87). Size (SVL) at metamorphosis was not affected by salinity treatment (F2,18 = 1.02, P = 0.38). Tadpole density had no effect on size at metamorphosis (F2,18 = 0.53, P = 0.60). The interaction term was also not significant (F4,18 = 0.80, P = 0.54). DISCUSSION Increased salinity did not affect survivorship in the tadpoles of either I. occidentalis or E. xera, although there was a trend for survivorship in E. xera to be lower in both the low and high salinity treatments (reduction in survivorship approximately
20% in both treatments). Salinity treatments had sublethal effects, with higher salinities delaying metamorphosis in both species, and intermediate salinities reducing size at metamorphosis in E. xera. Marginally significant effects on survivorship were only observed in E. xera. However, the reduction of survivorship of E. xera in the salinity treatments was not large (approximately 20% in both treatments). The fact that salinity levels we used in our experiment did not have large negative effects on survivorship is consistent with our observations of tadpole distributions in pools along the Rı´o Salado. Pools in which we observed tadpoles of I. occidentalis had a mean salinity of 0.8 ppt, whereas pools that did not have tadpoles averaged 1.2 ppt (Woolrich-Pin˜a et al., 2010b). Pools in which tadpoles of E. xera were observed had a mean salinity of 0.3 ppt, and pools without E. xera tadpoles had a mean salinity of 1.8 ppt (Woolrich-Pin˜a et al., pers. obs.). Thus, tadpoles of both these species can tolerate extended exposure to salinities up to 0.8 ppt for most of their larval period without suffering large increases in mortality. It may be that the brief interval (4 d) that the tadpoles were kept in freshwater before being placed in the experiment reduced the effects of the salinity treatments (see Kuznetsov and Lobachyov, 2007; Squires et al., 2010). Compared with other species for which tolerance to chronic exposure to increased salinity has been examined, E. xera and I. occidentalis show similar tolerances. For example, tadpoles of Rana temporaria exposed to a salinity of 1.5 ppt for 2 mo (Denoel ¨ et al., 2010); tadpoles of Lithobates clamitans (Green Frog) exposed to a salinity of 0.945 ppt for 58 d (Karraker, 2007); and Lithobates catesbeianus (American Bullfrog) exposed to a salinity of 1 ppt for 60 d (Matlaga et al., 2014) showed no reduction in survivorship. In contrast, Lithobates sylvaticus (Wood Frog) tadpoles showed reduced survivorship with exposure to 1.03 ppt for 90 d (Sanzo and Hecnar, 2006) and to 0.945 ppt for 70 d (Karraker et al., 2008). Thus, the responses seen in our experiment do not appear to be atypical (i.e., these species do not appear to have an exceptional tolerance for salinity). However, we do note that a congener of I. occidentalis, Incilius nebulifer (Gulf Coast Toad), showed increased mortality when acutely exposed to salinities as low as 0.44 ppt (Hua and Pierce, 2013). Our results also suggest that even though they can be found in pools with salinities above 0.5 ppt, these tadpoles may not be able to successfully emerge from such pools. In both species, metamorphosis was delayed by several days (I. occidentalis) or weeks (E. xera) in the high salinity treatment (0.8 ppt). This contrasts with the acceleration of metamorphosis by L. sylvaticus exposed to 1.03 ppt (Sanzo and Hecnar, 2006) and Fejervarya limnocharis exposed to up to 13 ppt (Wu and Kam, 2009). The delay we observed could result in the inability of tadpoles to successfully metamorphose because of pools drying, especially in E. xera that showed delays of almost 5 wk at 0.4 ppt and 9 wk at 0.8 ppt. For I. occidentalis, the delay of 4 or 5 d may not have much impact on the ability to successfully emerge from pools along the Rı´o Salado because they breed when the size of pools is relatively constant and when pools are at their deepest (Woolrich-Pin˜a et al., 2010a). However, E. xera breeds during a period (July–August; Woolrich-Pin˜a et al., 2005) when depth and size of pools along the Rı´o Salado are declining rapidly and isolated pools are drying up (Woolrich-Pin˜a et al., 2010a). Indeed, given that the window for breeding in this species is approximately 8–9 wk in July and August, delays of 5 to 9 wk could have a dramatic effect on their ability to successfully emerge. It therefore appears that pools with salinities >0.4–0.8 ppt may be harmful to these populations because eggs are laid
in them (up to at least 1.2 ppt; Smith and Lemos-Espinal, 2010). Tadpoles can survive in these pools but none may emerge before the pools dry because of the delayed metamorphosis. Plasticity of time to metamorphosis in response to pond drying appears to be related to the permanence and predictability of the hydroperiod experienced by a species (e.g., Richter-Boix et al., 2006). The ability to accelerate metamorphosis in response to pool drying might ameliorate some of the observed delays in metamorphosis, although we have no information about the ability of E. xera and I. occidentalis to accomplish this relationship. Some species of hylids (e.g., Richter-Boix et al., 2006) and bufonids (Wilbur, 1987; Marquez-Garcia et al., 2009; Perotti et al., 2011) do show such plasticity, but some do not (e.g., hylids: Leips et al., 2000; bufonids: Boone and James, 2003; Boone et al., 2004), including a congener of I. occidentalis, I. nebulifer (Vogel and Pechmann, 2010). Further experiments examining the interaction of pool drying, salinity, and tadpole density may help elucidate the extent of the threat to these populations. However, given the delays we observed, it would seem more likely such plasticity might help I. occidentalis overcome the delayed metamorphosis (delay of 4–5 d), but not E. xera (delay of 5–9 wk). We did not assess the relative tolerance of tadpoles at Rı´o Salado to salinity compared with tadpoles from other populations inhabiting streams with lower or higher salinities. However, other species of amphibians show the ability to adapt to increased salinity (Brady, 2012; Hopkins et al., 2012), with populations from higher salinity habitats showing increased tolerance compared with populations from lower salinity habitats (Gomez-Mestre and Tejedo, 2003, 2004). In addition, some species of tadpoles demonstrate an ability to acclimate to increasing levels of salinity (Hsu et al., 2012; Wu et al., 2014), but in some cases exposure to sublethal levels of salinity decreases subsequent tolerance of salinity (Hua and Pierce, 2013). It would be enlightening to conduct additional experiments comparing the relative tolerances within these two species, and other species of anurans that occur along the Rı´o Salado (e.g., H. arenicolor), and their abilities to acclimate to salinity. Tadpole density had a negative effect on survivorship in E. xera, but not in a linear manner (i.e., the biggest effect was at intermediate density; Fig. 1A), and did not affect size at or time to metamorphosis. In I. occidentalis, the highest tadpole density delayed metamorphosis, but tadpole density did not affect survivorship or size at metamorphosis. The effects of density on the tadpoles in our experiment are to be expected given the numerous previous studies that have shown that density can affect tadpole survivorship or time to metamorphosis negatively in hylids (Warner et al., 1993; Smith et al., 2004) and bufonids (Brockelman, 1969; Saidapur and Girish, 2001; Distel and Boone, 2011). The sizes of the pools along the Rı´o Salado can change dramatically throughout the year (Woolrich-Pin˜a et al., 2010a,b). Such changes likely alter the density that tadpoles experience in these pools; thus, the effects of density on the tadpoles of E. xera and I. occidentalis that we observed in our experiment are likely relevant to tadpoles in nature (Leips et al., 2000). Removal of water by ‘‘salineras’’ may decrease the amount of water in the Rı´o Salado and in turn may result in a river that is a series of pools connected by very little flow. As these pools lose water during the dry season, they will likely become increasingly saline, smaller, and have shorter hydroperiods. Our results suggest that ‘‘salineras’’ may threaten amphibian populations along the Rı´o Salado by affecting salinity and hydroperiod of pools and leading to major reductions in successful metamor-
´ SALADO SALINITY EFFECTS ON TADPOLES OF THE RIO phosis of these species. Indeed, there has been a recent decline in the distribution and abundance of anurans along the Rı´o Salado. At the end of the 1990s, it was common to observe tadpoles of four species of anurans in the Rı´o Salado and its associated pools (Canseco-Ma´rquez et al., 2003; Woolrich-Pin˜a and J. Lemos-Espinal, pers. obs.). However, in the last 5–6 yr, there has been an obvious decline in amphibian populations along the Rı´o Salado, with no other apparent change in the environment that might explain the decline (Woolrich-Pin˜a and J. Lemos-Espinal, pers. obs.). Our results suggest that the impacts of similar anthropogenic changes in the freshwater rivers and streams in the arid tropics worldwide (Williams, 1987, 2001; Cardona et al., 2004) need to be examined experimentally, because simple observational surveys may not reflect the underlying fitness consequences of such changes accurately. Acknowledgments.—This research was part of the doctoral dissertation of GAW-P submitted to the Universidad Nacional ´ Autonoma de Me´xico. We thank E. Aquino Caballero and A. Hernandez Rios for logistical support to carry out this part of the project that led to the realization of their professional theses. We also thank anonymous reviewers for helpful comments on previous versions of this manuscript. Financial support was provided by project PAPIIT IN 221707 and projects PAPCA 2008–2009 and 2009–2010. CONACYT provided a scholarship to support GAW-P during this study. All necessary regulations pertaining to the collection of these species that were in place at the time of this research were followed and the experiments were approved by the Denison University Institutional Animal Care and Use Committee (07-004).
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