Effects of tomato extract on human platelet aggregation in vitro Asim K. Dutta-Roy, Lynn Crosbie, Margaret J. Gordon To cite this article: Asim K. Dutta-Roy, Lynn Crosbie, Margaret J. Gordon (2001) Effects of tomato extract on human platelet aggregation in vitro, Platelets, 12:4, 218-227, DOI: 10.1080/09537100120058757 To link to this article: http://dx.doi.org/10.1080/09537100120058757
Published online: 07 Jul 2009.
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Date: 04 July 2017, At: 02:00
Platelets ( 2001 ) 12, 218– 227
Effects of tomato extract on human platelet aggregation in vitro Asim K. Dutta-Roy, Lynn Crosbie, Margaret J. Gordon
Among all fruits tested in vitro for their anti-platelet property, tomato had the highest activity followed by grapefruit, melon, and strawberry, whereas pear and apple had little or no activity. Tomato extract ( 20– 50 m l of 100% juice) inhibited both ADP- and collagen-induced aggregation by up to 70% but could not inhibit arachidonic acid-induced platelet aggregation and concomitant thromboxane synthesis under similar experimental conditions. The anti-platelet components ( MW