Effervescent Proliposome Formulations for Delivery of Xylometazoline ...

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6.52; University of Central Lancashire. Sneha Subramanian at University of Central Lancashire · Sneha Subramanian. 7.94; University of Central Lancashire. + 2.
Effervescent Proliposome Formulations for Delivery of Xylometazoline Hydrochloride O. Korale, S. Subramanian, I. Khan, M. A. Alhnan, W. Ahmed, A. Elhissi University of Central Lancashire Purpose To explore the suitability of effervescent proliposomes for the entrapment of the hydrophilic drug Xylometazoline Hydrochloride. Methods Four effervescent proliposomes formulations with drug were manufactured using a rotary evaporator. Effervescent constituents were Sodium Bicarbonate, Sodium Benzoate and Citric Acid. Soya phosphatidylcholine was included in all formulations while formulations were tested with and without mannitol and cholesterol. Following hydration, formulations were probe-sonicated for 20 seconds. Morphology of proliposomes was assessed using scanning electron microscopy (SEM). The resultant liposomes were evaluated in terms of size and zeta potential, and drug entrapment efficiency (EE) was measured using high-performance liquid chromatography (HPLC). Results Effervescent proliposomes were prepared with 1:10 w/w lipid to carrier ratio with either mannitol or effervescent salt carrier particles. Liposomes with mannitol and cholesterol were relativity small in size after incorporation of drug (2.347±1.03µm). By contrast, non-effervescent liposomes appeared to be larger (4.48±0.25µm) (p