Efficacy of artemether and artesunate in mice infected ...

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Dec 11, 2013 - Department of Laboratory Medicine, The Affiliated Hospital of. Weifang Medical University, 465 Yuhe Road, Kuiwen District,. Weifang City ...
Efficacy of artemether and artesunate in mice infected with praziquantel non-susceptible isolate of Schistosoma japonicum Wei Wang, Tian-Yu Li, Yuan Ji, Guo-Li Qu, Yi-Li Qian, Hong-Jun Li, Jian-Rong Dai & You-Sheng Liang Parasitology Research Founded as Zeitschrift für Parasitenkunde ISSN 0932-0113 Volume 113 Number 3 Parasitol Res (2014) 113:925-931 DOI 10.1007/s00436-013-3724-5

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Author's personal copy Parasitol Res (2014) 113:925–931 DOI 10.1007/s00436-013-3724-5


Efficacy of artemether and artesunate in mice infected with praziquantel non-susceptible isolate of Schistosoma japonicum Wei Wang & Tian-Yu Li & Yuan Ji & Guo-Li Qu & Yi-Li Qian & Hong-Jun Li & Jian-Rong Dai & You-Sheng Liang

Received: 19 November 2013 / Accepted: 27 November 2013 / Published online: 11 December 2013 # Springer-Verlag Berlin Heidelberg 2013

Abstract Praziquantel is currently the only drug of choice for the treatment of human Schistosoma japonicum infections, and praziquantel-based chemotherapy has been proved to be generally effective to control the morbidity and reduce the prevalence and intensity of S. japonicum infections. However, the potential emergence of praziquantel resistance in S. japonicum seriously threatens the elimination of this neglected tropical disease in China. The purpose of this study was designed, in mouse animals, to evaluate the in vivo Wei Wang, Tian-Yu Li, and Yuan Ji contributed equally to this work. W. Wang : G.