Biotechnology in Animal Husbandry 25 (5-6), p 1117-1122, 2009 Publisher: Institute for Animal Husbandry, Belgrade-Zemun
ISSN 1450-9156 UDC 636.09
EFFICACY OF SOME DISINFECTANTS ON E. coli MICROORGANISMS ISOLATED IN POULTRY BREEDING HOUSES/FARMS Ž. Ilić1, D. Jakić-Dimić1, D. Maslić-Strižak1, I. Pavlović1, B. Miljković1, G. Žugić2, M. Gavrović3 1
Scientific Veterinary Institute of Serbia, Belgrade, Republic of Serbia Medicines and Medical Devices Agency of Serbia, Belgrade, Republic of Serbia 3 Krka, Pharmaceutic compani d.d., SI-8501 Novo Mesto, Slovenia Corresponding author:
[email protected] Original scientific paper 2
Abstract: We examined antimicrobial efficacy against E. coli microorganisms for the following disinfectants: phenol (1 and 2% concentration), potassium hydroxide (2 and 3%), potassium dichloride izocyanurat (0.02 and 0.04%), perchlor vinegar acid (2 and 3%), iodophor (0.1 and 0.3%), potassium peroxisulphate (1 and 2%), amphotenzide (1 and 2%), and formaldehyde (5 and 10%). The best efficacy against E. coli has been archived with potassium hydroxide and formalidechid followed by perchlor vinegar acid and iodophor, while phenol and potassium dichloride izocyanurat had the lowest efficacy. Key words: desinfection, biocides, deisificiences, E. coli
Introduction The diseases of bacterial etiology present important factors in poultry production, therefore the sources of spreading the infection in poultry flocks and possible economic losses, which they induce, need to be investigated. Great agglomeration of poultry at poultry houses induce increased pathogenicity of some microbial agents, especially bacteria, which could cause infection with high rate of morbidity and mortality (Langsrud and Sundheim, 1998; Ilić, 2004). Zoonotic potential of same microbial agents like Salmonella spp. or E. coli present a special epidemiological problem in poultry breeding (Pavlović et al. 1988; Ilić et al.,1989). Those agents pose a permanent risk for human health, mostly to people who work with poultry or to the consumers who eat contaminated poultry meat or eggs (Anderton, 1989; Mayhall, 1996). To eradicate this infectious agents it is necessary to disinfect poultry houses before and after chicken arrival and during the production period, especially if health problems occur (Vukičević, 1989; Böhm,1997). For these reasons we
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performed an experiment, which was aimed to determinate the main bacterial contaminants at breeder poultry farms, and test the influence of several most utilized disinfectant to isolated pathogenic microorganisms. In this paper we present the efficacy of various disinfectant of E. coli.
Materials and Methods In the period 2000-2005 we performed examination at 24 poultry farms. The isolation of microorganisms in poultry houses was done by taking swabs from various parts of poultry houses (floor, walls, etc.). The swabs were delivered to the laboratory of the Department of Poultry Disease at the Scientific Veterinary Institute of Serbia and processed by routine microbiological laboratory methods for bacteriology cultivation and determination (Ašanin et al., 2006) In this experiment we tested antibacterial efficacy of next disinfectant: phenol (1 and 2% concentration), potassium hydroxide (2 and 3%), potassium dichloride izocyanurat (0.02 and 0.04%), perchlor vinegar acid (2 and 3%), iodophor (0.1 and 0.3%), potassiumperoxisulphate (1 and 2%), amphotenzide (1 and 2%), and formaldehyde (5 and 10%). The survival of bacteria was examined for 1, 5 and 10 minutes and 24 hours after exposition to each disinfectant, using the methods described by Lambert et al. (1989). Control we performed using swabs taken from various parts of the premises and using microbiological examination method described by Cremieux and Fleurette (1991).
Results and Discussion During the experiment, the presence of E. coli, Salmonellae spp., Staphylococcus spp., and Aspergillus spp. was determined. During the examination, formaldehyde proved to have the best antibacterial action against E. coli because it destroyed tested microorganism in both concentrations, promptly after the exposure. Followed, perchlor vinegar acid and iodophor were efficient after exposition of 5 minutes in both concentrations to all tested microorganisms. Potassiumperoxisulfate, phenol and amphotenzide were efficient in all concentration after 10 minutes to all tested microorganisms. Potassium dichloride izocyanurat showed the efficacy against all bacterial microorganisms after 24 hours exposition. The results are presented in Table 1.
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Table 1. The results of antibacterial activity of disinfectant against E. coli Concentration Disinfectant Phenol Potassiumhydroxide
Potassium dichloroizocyanurat Perchlore vinegar acid Amphotenzide Iodophorus Potassium peroxisulfate Formalidechid
% 1 2 2
Exposition time in minute 1 5 10 + + + + +
Control -
3 0.02
+ -
+ -
+ +
0.04 2
+ +
3 1 2 0.1 0.3 1
+ + + + + +
+ + + + + +
5 10
+ +
+ +
+ +
Legend: + disinfectant operate; - disinfectant not operate; ± disinfectant deficient operate
The obtained results, especially for formaldehyde and potasiumhydroxide efficacy, are similar to the results of the examinations performed by Tucker et al. (1975), Andryunin (1982), and Dietz et al. (1980). The efficacy of perchlore vinegar acid was analogous to the results of Bodiroga et al. (1996), and Ilić (2004). Similarly, the efficacy of amphotenzide to E. coli and other micro organisms were published by Mijatov et al. (1997, 1998) and Ilić (2004). The efficacy of other disinfectants was analogous to the results of Kleiner et al. (1988), Mijatov et al. (1998), Ilić (2004), and Ilić et al. (2006, 2008).
Conclusion The results of our examination show that formaldehyde was outstanding as a disinfectant with the best antibacterial and antifungal action because it destroyed tested microorganism in both concentrations, promptly after exposure. Other disinfectant have shown minimum variation at exposition time and efficacy against bacterial and fungal microorganisms.
Ž. Ilić et al.
Ispitivanje efikasnosti pojedinih dezinfekcionih sredstava na E. coli izolovane iz objekata sa farmi brojlera Ž. Ilić, D. Jakić-Dimić, D. Maslić-Strižak, I. Pavlović, G. Žugić, M. Gavrović
Rezime Cilj istraživanja je da se utvrdi uticaj antimikrobnih (hemijskih) dezinfekcionih sredstava na preživljavanje patogenih mikroorganizama izolovanih sa farmi brojlera. U tu svrhu ispitana su baktericidna i fungicidna svojstva kod sledećih dezinfekcionih sredstava: fenola (1 i 2%), natrijum hidroksida (2 i 3%), natrijum dihloroizacijanutrata (0,02 i 0,04%), persirćetne kiseline (2 i 3%), amfotenzida (1 i 2%), kalijumperoksisulfata (1 i 2%), jodofora (0,1 i 0,3%), formaldehida (5 i 10%). Najbolji efekat prema E. coli imao je formaledhid i natrijum hidroksid, slede persirćetna kiselina, amfotenzid, jodofor i kalijumperoksisulfata, a najmanju efikasnost je pokazao fenol i natrijum dihloroizacijanutrat.
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