Efficiency and Duality in Nondifferentiable Multiobjective Programming

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and constraint functions is directionally differentiable in its own direction di for a nondifferentiable multiob- jective programming problem. Based upon these ...
Applied Mathematics, 2011, 2, 452-460 doi:10.4236/am.2011.24057 Published Online April 2011 (http://www.SciRP.org/journal/am)

Efficiency and Duality in Nondifferentiable Multiobjective Programming Involving Directional Derivative Izhar Ahmad Department of Mathematics and Statistics, King Fahd University of Petroleum and Minerals, Saudi Arabia, India E-mail: [email protected]; [email protected] Received December 24, 2010; revised February 24, 2011; accepted February 26, 2011

Abstract In this paper, we introduce a new class of generalized dI-univexity in which each component of the objective and constraint functions is directionally differentiable in its own direction di for a nondifferentiable multiobjective programming problem. Based upon these generalized functions, sufficient optimality conditions are established for a feasible point to be efficient and properly efficient under the generalised dI-univexity requirements. Moreover, weak, strong and strict converse duality theorems are also derived for Mond-Weir type dual programs. Keywords: Multiobjective Programming, Nondifferentiable Programming, Generalized dI-Univexity, Sufficiency, Duality

1. Introduction The field of multiobjective programming, also known as vector programming, has grown remarkably in different directions in the setting of optimality conditions and duality theory. It has been enriched by the applications of various types of generalizations of convexity theory, with and without differentiability assumptions, and in the framework of continuous time programming, fractional programming, inverse vector optimization, saddle point theory, symmetric duality and vector variational inequalities etc. Hanson [1] introduced a class of functions by generalizing the difference vector x  x in the definition of a convex function to any vector function   x , x  . These functions were named invex by Craven [2] and  -convex by Kaul and Kaur [3]. Hanson and Mond [4] defined two new classes of functions called Type I and Type II functions, which were further generalized to pseudo Type I and quasi Type I functions by Rueda and Hanson [5]. Zhao [6] established optimality conditions and duality in nonsmooth scalar programming problems assuming Clarke [7] generalized subgradients under Type I functions. Kaul et al. [8] extended the concept of type I and its generalizations for a multiobjective programming problem. They investigated optimality conditions and derived Wolfe type and Mond-Weir type duality results. Suneja Copyright © 2011 SciRes.

and Srivastava [9] introduced generalized d-type I functions in terms of directional derivative for a multiobjective programming problem and discussed Wolfe type and Mond-Weir type duality results. In [10], Kuk and Tanino derived optimality conditions and duality theorems for non-smooth multiobjective programming problems involving generalized Type I vector valued functions. Gulati and Agarwal [11] discussed sufficiency and duality results for nonsmooth multiobjective problems under ( F ,  ,  , d -type I functions. Agarwal et al. [12] established sufficient conditions and duality theorems for nonsmooth multiobjective problems under V-type I functions. Recently, Jayswal et al. [13] obtained some optimality conditions and duality results for nonsmooth multiobjective problems involving generalized  F ,  ,  ,   d  V -univexity. Antczak [14] studied d-invexity is one of the generalization of invex function, which is introduced by [15]. In [14], Antczak established, under weaker assumptions than Ye, the Fritz John type and Karush-Kuhn-Tucker type necessary optimality conditions for weak Pareto optimality and duality results which have been stated in terms of the right differentials of functions involved in the considered multiobjective programming problem. Some authors [16-18] proved that the Karush-KuhnTucker type necessary conditions [14] are sufficient under various generalized d-invex functions. Antczak [19] AM


corrrected the Karush-Kuhn-Tucker necessary conditions in [14] and discussed the sufficiency and duality under d  r  type I functions. Recently, Silmani and Radjef [20] introduced generalzed dI-invexity in which each component of the objective and constraint functions is directionally differentiable in its own direction and established the necessary and sufficient conditions for efficient and properly efficient solutions. The duality results for a Mond-Weir type dual are also derived in [20]. They also observed that the Karush-Kuhn-Tucker sufficient conditions discussed in [16-18] are not applicable. More recently, Agarwal et al. [21] introduced a new class of generalized d     ,    type I for a non-smooth multiobjective programming problem and discussed optimality conditions and duality results. In this paper, we introduce d I  V -univexity and generalized d I  V -univexity in which each component of the objective and constraint functions of a multiobjective programming problem is semidirectionally differentiable in its own direction di. Various Karush-Kuhn-Tucker sufficient optimality conditions for efficient and properly efficient solutions to the problem are established involving new classes of semidirectionally differentiable generalized type I functions. Moreover, usual duality theorems are discussed for a Mond-Weir type dual involving aforesaid assumptions. The results in this paper extend many earlier work appeared in the literature [9,10,12,14-16, 19].

2. Preliminaries and Definitions The following conventions for equalities and inequalities will be used. If x =  x1 , , xn  , y =  y1 , , yn    n , then x = y  xi = yi , i = 1, , n ; x < y  xi < yi , i = 1, , n ; x  y  xi  yi , i = 1, , n; x  y  x  y and x  y , We also note  q (resp.  q or  q ) the set of vectors y   q with y  0 (resp. y  0 or y > 0 ). Definition 1 [22]. Let D be a nonempty subset of  n ,  : D  D   n and let x0 be an arbitrary point of D.The set D is said to be invex at x0 with respect to  , if for each x  D , x0    x, x0   D,    0,1 .

D is said to be an invex set with respect to  , if D is invex at each x0  D with respect to the same  . Definition 2 [23]. Let D   n be an invex set with respect to  : D  D   n .A function f : D   is called pre-invex on D with respect to  , if for all x, x0  D ,

 f  x   1    f  x0   f  x0    x, x0   ,    0,1 . Definition 3 [14]. Let D   n be an invex set with respect to  : D  D   n . A m-dimensional vector

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valued function  : D   m is pre-invex with respect to  , if each of its components is pre-invex on D with respect to the same function  . Definition 4 [7]. Let D be a nonempty open set in  n . A function f : D   is said to be locally Lipschitz at x0  D , if there exist a neighborhood   x0  of x0 and a constant K > 0 such that f  y   f  x   K y  x , x, y    x0  ,

where . denotes the Euclidean norm. We say that f is locally Lipschitz on D if its locally Lipschitz at any point of D. Definition 5 [7]. If f : D   n  R is locally Lipschitz at x0  D , the Clarke generalized directional derivative of f at x0 in the direction d   n , denoted by  f  y  td   f  y   f 0  x0 ; d  = lim sup  . y  x0 t   t 0

And the usual one-sided directional derivative of f at x0 in the direction d is defined by f   x0 ; d  = lim

f  x0   d   f  x0 

  0


whenever this limit exists. Obviously, f 0  x0 ; d   f   x0 ; d  .

We say that f is directionally differentiable at x0 if its directional derivative f   x0 ; d  exists finite for all d  n . Definition 6 [15]. Let f : D   N be a function defined on a nonempty open set D   n and directionally differentiable at x0  D. f is called d-invex at x0 on D with respect to  , if there exists a vector function  : D  D   n , such that for any x  D , f  y  f  x  K y  x , x, y    x0  fi  x   fi  x0   f i  x0 ;  x, x0   , for all i = 1, , N ,

where fi  x0 ;  x, x0   denotes the directional derivative of fi at x0 in the direction

  x, x0  : fi  x0 ;  x, x0   = lim  0

fi  x0    x, x0    fi  x0 


If Inequalities (1) are satisfied at any point x0  D , then f is said to be d-invex on D with respect to  . Definition 7 [20]. Let D be a nonempty set in  n and  : D  D   n a function.  We say that f : D   is a semi-directionally




differentiable at x0  D ,if there exist a nonempty subset S   n such that f   x0 ; d  exists finite for all d  S  We say that f is a semi-directionally differentiable at x0  D in the direction   x, x0  , if its directional derivative f   x0 ;   x, x0   exists finite for all x  D . Definition 8 [20]. Let f : D   N be a function defined on a nonempty open set D   n and for all i = 1, , N , fi is semi-directionally differentiable at x0  D in the direction i : D  D   n . f is called dI-invex at x0 on D with respect to i i =1, N , if for any x  D , fi  x   fi  x0   fi  x0 ;i  x, x0   , for all i, 2, , N ,

where fi  x0 ;i  x, x0   denotes the directional derivative of fi at x0 in the direction

i  x, x0  : fi  x0 ;i  x, x0   fi  x0  i  x, x0    fi  x0 

 lim  0

Minimize f  x  =  f1  x  , f 2  x  , , f N  x  

x  D,

where f : D   , g : D   k , D is a nonempty open subset of  n . Let X =  x  D : g  x   0 be the set of feasible solutions of (MP). For x0  D , we denote by J  x0  the set  j  1, 2, , k  : g j  x0  = 0 , J = J  x0  and by J  x   resp.J  x   the set N



and b1  x1 , x0  1  g j  x0     j  x, x0  g j  x0 ; j  x, x0   (4)

for every x  X and for all i = 1, 2, , N and j = 1, 2, , k . If the inequality in (3) is strict (whenever x  x0 ), we say that (MP) is of semistrictly d I  V -univex type I . at x0 with respect to i i =1, N and  j  j =1, k

Subject to g  x   0,

 j  1, 2,, k : g  x   0

is verified for all i  1, , N  and x  X such that fi  x  < fi  x0  , and for a certain j  1, , N  such that f j  x  > f j  x0  . Following Jeyakumar and Mond [24], Kaul et al. [8] and Slimani and Radjef [20], we give the following definitions. Definition 12.  f , g  is d I  V -univex type I at x0  D if there exist positive real valued functions  i and  j defined on X  D , nonnegative functions b0 and b1 , also defined on X  D, 0 : R  R, 1 : R  R;i : X  D  R n , and  j : X  D  R n   such that (3)

Consider the following multiobjective programming problem


fi  x0   fi  x   M  f j  x   f j  x0  


i i =1, N ,


Definition 11. An efficient solution x0  X of (MP) is said to be properly efficient, if there exists a positive real number M such that inequality

b0  x, x0  0  fi  x   fi  x0     i  x, x0  fi  x0 ;i  x, x0  

If Inequalities (2) are satisfied at any point x0  D , then f is said to be d I -invex on D with respect to

 MP 

f  x  < f  x0   f  x   f  x0   .

Definition 13.  f , g  is quasi- d I  V -univex type I at x0  D if there exist positive real valued functions  and  j , defined on X  D , nonnegative functions b0 and b1 , also defined on X  D, 0 : R  R, 1 : R  R and  N  k  dimensional vector functions i : X  D  R n , i = 1, N and  j : X  D  R n , j = 1, k

such that for some vectors   RN and   Rk : N  b0  x, x0  0  i i  x, x0   fi  x   fi  x0     i =1 

(resp. g j  x0  > 0  . we

have J  x0   J  x0   J  x0   1, 2, , k and if x0  X , J  x0  =  . We recall some optimality concepts, the most often studied in the literature, for the problem (MP). Definition 9. A point x0  X is said to be a local weakly efficient solution of the problem (MP), if there exists a neighborhood N  x0  around x0 such that f  x   f  x0  for all x  N  x0   X

Definition 10. A Point x0  X is said to be a weakly efficient (an efficient) solution of the problem (MP), if there exists no x  X such that Copyright © 2011 SciRes.



 0  i fi ( x0 ;i ( x, x0 ))  0 x  X i =1

and k  b1  x, x0  1   j  j  x, x0  g j  x0    0  j =1    j g j  x0 ; j  x, x0    0 x  X . k


j =1

If the second inequality in (5) is strict  x  x0  , we say that (MP) is of semi-strictly quasi d I -V-univex type . I at X with respect to i i =1, N and  j  j =1, k



Definition 14.  f , g  is pseudo- d I  V -univex type I at x0  D if there exist positive real valued functions  i and  j , defined on X  D , nonnegative functions b0 and b1 , also defined on X  D , 0 : R  R , 1 : R  R and  N  k  dimensions vector functions i : X  D  R n , i = 1, N and  j : X  D  R n , j = 1, k

such that for some vectors   RN and   Rk : N

i =1

N  b0  x, x0  0  i i  x, x0  ( fi  x   fi  x0 )   0 x  X  i =1  (7) and

 j g j  x0 ; j  x, x0    0  k

k  b1  x, x0  1   j  j  x, x0  g j  x0    0 x  X .  j =1 

j  J  x0  such that

 i fi  x0 ;i  x, x0     N

jJ ( x0 )

i =1

 j g j  x0 ; j  x, x0    0,

x  X ,

(9) Further, assume that one of the following conditions is satisfied: a) i)  f , g  is quasi strictly-pseudo d I  V -univex

i fi  x0 ;i  x, x0    0 

j =1



Definition 15.  f , g  is quasi pseudo- d I  V -univex type I at x0  D if there exist positive real valued functions  i and  j , defined on X  D , nonnegative functions b0 and b1 , also defined on X  D , 0 : R  R, 1 : R  R and ( N  k ) dimensions vector functions i : X  D  Rn , i = 1, N and  j : X  D  Rn , j = 1, k such that the relation (5) and (8) are satisfied. If the second inequality in (8) is strict (x  x0 , we say that (VP ) is of quasi strictly-pseudo d I - V type I at x0 with respect to i i =1, N and  j  . j =1, k

Definition 16.  f , g  is pseudoquasi - d I -V-univex type I at x0  D if there exist positive real valued functions  i and  j , defined on X  D , nonnegative functions b0 and b1 , also defined on X  D , 0 : R  R, 1 : R  R and ( N  k ) dimensions vector functions i : X  D  R n , i = 1, N and  j : X  D  R n , j = 1, k , such that   Rk the relations (7) and (6) are satisfied. If the second inequality in (7) is strict  x  x0  , we say that  MP  is of strictlypseudo quasi d I  V  type I at x0 with respect to i i =1, N and  j  . j =1, k

type I at x0 with respect to i i =1, N ,  j 

, ,   and for some positive functions  i , i = 1, N ,  j , jJ x0

j  J  x0  , ii) for any u  R , u  0  0  u   0; 1  u  < 0  u < 0; b0  x, x0  > 0, b1  x, x0  > 0;

b) i)

 f ,g

is strictly-pseudo d I  V -univex type I at

x0 with respect to i i =1, N ,

  j

,  ,  and    i , i = 1, N ,  j ,

jJ x0

for some positive functions j  J  x0  , ii) for any u  R , 0 (u ) > 0  u > 0; u  0  1 (u )  0, b0 ( x, x0 ) > 0, b1 ( x, x0 )  0. Then x0 is an efficient solution for  MP  . Proof: Condition a). Suppose that x0 is not an efficient solution of  MP  . Then there exists an x  X such that f  x   f  x0  ,

which implies that N

 i i  x, x0   fi  x   fi  x0   0.


i =1

Since b0  x, x0  > 0 ; u  0  0  u   0 , the above inequality gives N  b0  x, x0  0   i i  x, x0   fi  x   f i  x0    0.  i =1 

From the above inequality and Hypothesis i) of a), we have

 i fi  x0 ;i  x, x0    0. N

i =1

3. Optimality Conditions

By using the Inequality (9) we deduce that

In this section, we discuss some sufficient conditions for a point to be an efficient or properly efficient for (MP) under generalized d I  V  univex type I assumptions. Theorem 3.1. Let x0 be a feasible solution for (MP) and suppose that there exist  N  J  vector functions i : X  X  R n , i = 1, N ,  j : X  X  R n , j  J  x0  and scalars  i  0, i = 1, N , Copyright © 2011 SciRes.

 i =1i = 1; N

 j  0,

jJ ( x0 )

 j g j  x0 ; j  x, x0    0,

which implies from the condition part ii) of a) that   b1  x, x0  1    j  j  x, x0  g j  x0   < 0.  jJ  x0  

Since b1  x, x0  > 0; 1  u  < 0  u < 0, we get AM



 j  j  x, x0  g j  x0  < 0.


 

jJ x0

As   0 and g j  x0  = 0; j  J  x0 , it follows that  j g j  x0  = 0, j  J  x0  , which implies that

 j  j  x, x0  g j  x0  = 0.

 

jJ x0

The above equation contradicts Inequality (11) and hence the conclusion of the theorem follows: Condition b): Since g j  x0  = 0,  j  0, j  J  x0  , and  j  x, x0  > 0, j  J  x0  , we obtain

 i , i = 1, N and  j , j  J  x0  , ii) for any u  R , u  0  1  u   0, 0  u   0  u  0,

b0  x, x0  > 0, b1  x, x0   0;

b) i)  f , g  is strictly pseudo d I  V  univex type ,  ,  and I at x0 with respect to i i =1, N ,  j  jJ  x0  for positive functions  i = 1, N and  j , j  J  x0  , ii) for any u  R u  0  0  u   0; u  0  1  u   0;

 j  j  x, x0  g j  x0  = 0, x  X .

b0  x, x0  > 0, b1  x, x0   0.

 

jJ x0

By Hypothesis ii) of b), we get   b1  x, x0  1    j  j  x, x0    0.  jJ  x0  

From the above inequality and the Hypothesis i) of b)( in view of reverse implication in (8), if follows that

 j g j  x0 ; j  x, x0   < 0, x  X \  x0  .

Then x0 is an efficient solution for  MP  . Further Suppose that these exist positive real numbers ni , mi such that ni <  i  x, x0  < mi , i = 1, N for all feasible x .Then x 0 is a properly efficient solution for  MP  Proof: Condition a). Suppose that x0 is not an efficient solution of  MP  . Then there exists an x  X such that f  x   f  x0  which implies that N

i i  x, x0   fi  x   fi  x0   < 0.

 

jJ x0

By using Inequality (9), we deduce that

i fi  x0 ;i  x, x0   > 0, N


i =1

x  X \  x0  ,

Since g j  x0  = 0,  j  0 and

 j  x, x0  > 0, j  J  x0 


i =1

we obtain

which by virtue of relation (7) implies that

  b0  x, x0  0  i i  x, x0   fi  x   fi  x0    > 0,  i =1  x  X \  x0  .

From the above inequality and Hypothesis ii) of a), we have

The above inequality along with Hypothesis ii) of b) gives N

i i  x, x0   fi  x   fi  x0   > 0, x  X \  x0  .


i =1

Since (10) and (13) contradicts each other, and hence the conclusion follows: Theorem 3.2. Let x0 be a feasible solution for (MP) and suppose that there exist  N  J  vector functions i : X  X  R n , i = 1, N ,  j : X  X  R n , j  J  x0  and scalars  i  0, i = 1, N ,  i =1i = 1,  j  0, j  J  x0  N

such that Inequality (9) of Theorem 3.1 is satisfied. Moreover, assume that one of the following conditions is satisfied. a) i)  f , g  is pseudo quasi d I  V  univex type I at x0 with respect to i i =1, N ,  j  some positive functions Copyright © 2011 SciRes.

 

jJ x0

 j  j  x, x0  g j  x0  = 0.

 

jJ x0


,  ,  and for

  b1  x, x0  1    j  j  x, x0  g j  x0    0.  jJ ( x0 ) 

Using Hypothesis i) of a), we deduce that

 j  j  x, x0  g j  x0 ; j  x, x0    0.


jJ ( x0 )

The Inequalities (9) and (14) yield that

 i =1i fi  x0 ;i  x, x0    0, N

which by Hypothesis i) of a), we obtain N  b0  x, x0  0  i i  x, x0   fi  x   fi  x0     0, (16)  i =1 

The Inequality (16) and Hypothesis ii) of a) give

ii  x, x0   fi  x   fi  x0    0. N


i =1

Since (14) and (17) contradict each other, we conclude AM


that x0 is not an efficient solution of  MP  . The properly efficient solution follows as in Hanson et al. [25]. For the proof of part b), we proceed as in part b) of Theorem 3.1, we get Inequality (17). Thus complete the proof.

4. Mond-Weir Type Duality Consider the following multiobjective dual to problem  MP   MD  Maximize f  y  =  f1  y  , f 2  y  , , f N  y   subject to

i fi  y;i  x, y     j g j  y; j  x, y    0, x  X N


i =1

j =1


0  u   0  u > 0; u  0  1  u   0; b1  x, y   0, b0  x, y  > 0;

c) i)

and for some positive functions 1, 2, , N and j = 1, 2, , k , ii) for any u  R , b0  x, y  > 0, b1  x, y  > 0.

Then f  x   f  y  . Proof: Since

 j g j  y   0, j = 1, 2, , k , u  0  1  u   0, b1  x, y  > 0 , and  j  x, y  > 0, j = 1, 2, , k

 j : X  D  R n , j = 1, 2, , k .

we have

Let Y be the set of feasible solutions of problem  MD  ; that is,

 y, , ,   ,    : j

i fi  y;2  x, y     j g j  y; j  x, y    0, k

i =1

j =1

k b1  x, y  1   j =1 j  j  x, y  g j  y    0.  

By Condition a) (in view of definition 16), it follows that



 j  j  x, y  g j  y; j  x, y    0. k


i = 1, 2, , N ;

 j : X  D  R n , j = 1, 2, , k .

 y, , ,  

i i =1, N

i i =1, N

,  j 

j =1, k

be feasible solution for (MP)

and (MD) respectively. Moreover, assume that one of the following conditions is satisfied: a) i)  f , g  is pseudo quasi d I -V-univex type I at y with respect to  > 0,  , i i =1, N ,  j 

j =1, k


for some positive functions  i ,  j for i = 1, 2, , N and j = 1, 2, , k , ii) for any u  R

0  u   0  u  0; u  0  1  u   0;

 f ,g

is a feasible solu-

type I at y with respect to  ,  , i i =1, N ,  j 


i fi  y;i  x, y    0.


i =1

From (19) and Hypothesis i) of a), we obtain N  b0  x, y  0  i i  x, y   fi  x   fi  y     0.  i =1 


Condition ii) of a) and Inequality (20) give N

ii  x, y   fi  x   fi  y    0.


i =1

Assume that f  x   f  y  . Since N

i i  x, y   fi  x   fi  y   < 0,

is strictly-pseudo quasi d I -V-univex j =1, k


for some positive function  i ,  j for i = 1, 2, , N and j = 1, 2, , k , ii) for any u  R , Copyright © 2011 SciRes.

j =1, k

 i > 0, i = 1, 2, , N and  > 0 , we obtain

b0  x, y  > 0, b1  x, y   0

b) i)

,  j 

tion for (MD), the first dual constraint with (18) implies that

We denote by PrDY , the projection of set Y on D . Theorem 4.1. (Weak Duality). Let x and

 y, , ,  


j =1

 j g j  y   0, x  X ; y  D,   RN ,   Rk ; i : X  D  R n

j =1, k

 i ,  j for i =

0  u  > 0  u > 0; u > 0  1  u  > 0;

i : X  D  R n , i = 1, 2, , N ,

i i

is quasi strictly-pseudo d I  V -univex

type I at y with respect to  ,  , i i =1, N ,  j 

 j g j  y   0, j = 1, 2, , k , y  D,   RN ,   Rk


 f ,g


i =1

which contradicts (21), Therefore, the conclusion follows: The proof of part b) and c) are very similar to proof of part a), except that: for part b), the Inequality (21) becomes strict  >  and Inequality (22) becomes non strict  . For part c), the Inequality (18) becomes strict  <  , AM



it follows that the Inequalities (20) and (21) become strict  >  . Since   0 , then the Inequality (22) becomes non strict  . In this cases, the Inequalities (21) and (22) contradicts each other always. Remark 1: If we omit the assumption  > 0 in the condition i) of a) or the word “strictly” in the condition b),we obtain, for this part of theorem, f  x   f  y  . Theorem 4.2. (Weak Duality). Let x and

 y, , ,  

i i =1, N

,  j 

 MP 

j =1, K

be feasible solutions for

and  MD  respectively, Assume that 1)  f , g  is semi-strictly d I  V -univex type I at y

with respect to  > 0 ,  , i i =1, N ,  j 

 

some positive functions  i 2) for any u  R ,

i =1, N

 

,  j

j =1, k

j =1, k

and for

i =1

which contradicts (26). Theorem 4.3. (Strong Duality ).Let x0 be a weakly efficient solution for  MP  . Assume that the function g satisfies the d I -constraint qualification at x0 with respect to  j  . Then there exist   R>N and   R>K j =1, k

such that

 x0 ,  ,  ,i i =1, N ,  j 

functions of

 MP 

Then f  x   f  y  . Proof: Since  j g j  y   0, j = 1, 2, , k , which implies that k


j =1

 x , ,  ,   0



j =1

The first dual constraint and (24) give

 x , ,  ,   0


1   f  x   fi  y   > fi  y,i  x, y   ,  i  x, y  0  i

i = 1, 2, , N .

1 , we On Multiplying by i and taking  i =  i  x, y  get b0  x, y  i   fi  x   fi  y   > i f i  y,i  x, y   , i = 1, 2, , N  i 0

Adding with respect to i, and applying (25) and Hypothesis ii), we have N

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j =1, k

 , respectively. If,

 Y

j =1, k


is a weakly efficient

 MD  .

Proof. By the Theorem 31 [20], there exists    k Jx  and     0 such that

 i =1i fi  x0 ;i  x, x0     j =1 j g j  x0 ; j  x, x0    0, k

x  X .

It follows that

 x ,  , ,   0

i i =1, N

,  j 

j =1, k

 Y.


vially, the objective function values of (MP) and (MD) are equal.

 x , ,  ,   0

i i =1, N

weakly efficient solution of

 y ,  ,  ,   

Dividing both sides of (3) by  i  x, y  and taking x  y , by Hypothesis i), we get

i =1

,  j 

(resp. an efficient) solutions of

Suppose that

i =1

ii  x, y   fi  x   fi  y   > 0.

have the same values

,  j 

i i =1, N

i i =1, N


b0  x, y 

 MD 


By (23) and Hypothesis i) (with b1  x, y   j  x, y  ) in Definition 12 replaced by  j  x, y  it follows that

i fi  y,i  x, y    0.


 Y and objective

j =1, k

further, the weak duality between  MP  and  MD  in theorem holds with the condition a) without  > 0 (resp. with the condition b) or c)), then

b0  x, y  > 0, b1  x, y   0.

 j g j  y, j  x, y    0.


i i  x, y   fi  x   fi  y   < 0,

at x0 and


0  u  > 0  a > 0,  u   0  1  u   0,

 j  j  x, y  g j  y   0.

Assume that f  x   f  y  . Since  i > 0 and  > 0 , we have

 i i =1, N

 

f  x0  < f y 

theorem. Hence

 

, 

 j

j =1, k

,  j 

 MD  .

 Y

j =1, k

 Y

is not a

Then there exists

such that

which violates the weak duality

 x , ,  ,   0

i i =1, N

,  j 

j =1, K

 Y

is in-

deed a weakly efficient solution of (MD). Theorem 4.4. (Strict Converse Duality). Let x0 and

 y ,  ,  ,   0

i i =1, N

,  j 

j =1, k

 be feasible solutions for (MP)

and (MD) respectively, such that N


i =1

i =1

i fi  x0  = i fi  y0  . Moreover, assume that

 f ,g


is strictly pseudo quasi

d I  V  type I at yo with respect to i i =1, N ,  j  j =1, k and for  and  . Then x0 = y0 . Proof. Since  j g j  y0   0 j = 1, 2, , k , we have



k  b1  x0 y0  1   j  j  x0 , y0  g j  y0    0.  j =1 

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 j g j  y0 ; j  x0 , y0    0.


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j =1

The Inequality (28) and feasibility of

 y , ,  ,   0

i i =1, N

,  j 

j =1, k

for (MD) give

i fi  y0 ;i  x0 , y0    0, N

i =1

which by the first part of Hypothesis ii), we obtain N  b0  x0 , y0  0  i i  x0 , y0   fi  x0   fi  y0    > 0,  i =1  x  X .

The above inequality along with Hypothesis iii) gives N

i i  x0 , y0   fi  x0   fi  y0   > 0.


i =1

By Hypothesis i), iii) and  i  x0 , y0  > 0, i = 1, 2, , N we have

ii  x0 , y0   fi  x0   fi  y0   = 0. N


i =1

Now (29) and (30) contradict each other. Hence the conclusion follows.

5. Conclusion and Future Developments In this paper, generalized d I  V -univex functions have been introduced. The sufficient optimality conditions are discussed for a point to be an efficient or properly efficient for (MP) under the introduced functions. Appropriate Mond-Weir type duality relations are established under these assumptions. Sufficiency and duality with generalized d I  V -univex functions will be studied for nonsmooth variational and nonsmooth control problems, which will orient the future research of the author.

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