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eGovernment4EU platform. • Connecting Europe Facility (CEF). • Horizon 2020. • Being actively involved / relations
SESSION TITLE: B. eGovernment MODERATOR: Federica Bordelot, EUROCITIES


1. Recognise the role of LA in the implementation of the eGovernment action plan 2. Identify a number of challenges cities have in implementing the actions 3. Suggest a systematic mechanism for cities to meet and give feedback to the EC on their progress

INITIAL INPUT European Commission: presentation of the eGovernment Action plan: its principles and 20 actions, government body, implementation/take-up of the actions

Examples in cities

Opportunities   

eGovernment4EU platform Connecting Europe Facility (CEF) Horizon 2020

   

Challenge s       

Being actively involved / relationships with Member States Digital by default (cultural challenges) Digital divide Data protection Culture of PA (policy analysis?) to be understood by citizens National legislations FTTH (Fiber To The Home)


Full e-procurement (Municipality of Kungsbacka) Open balance online Group of municipalities (The Netherlands) working on open data platforms (citizens to be involved in sustainable policies) Open source

Open questions   

Government Private cloud, good or bad? (security / privacy) How to work cross-border to achieve the DSM?

1. Having a more active and prominent role for cities in the implementation of the Action Plan  Continue the dialogue with the European Commission & Member States.

2. Actions decided / identification of challenges

NEXT 3. More (socio-cultural and technical) challenges than opportunities. STEPS 4.