Please provide your Curriculum Vitae (max 2 pages) and Cover Letter (1 page) by 31st March. 2018 to Federica Margheri -
European Health Management Association Young Advisory Committee Call for applications Active since 1982, the European Health Management Association (EHMA) is a non-profit membership organisation open to all those committed to improving health and healthcare. We strive to improve the take up and implementation of health policy and effective practice through knowledge sharing, training, and research. With events, special interest groups and networks, as well as engagement tools, we provide a platform for healthcare managers, healthcare professionals, health policy makers, researchers, and educators to engage. Young EHMA is a forum for early career professionals in health management research, practice, or policy to interact with peers about topics of interest, shared experiences, and career needs. Young EHMA is governed by the Young Advisory Committee (YAC). In addition to managing networking forums and organising events for Young EHMA, members of the YAC are also represented as coopted members on the EHMA Board and Scientific Advisory Committee (SAC). EHMA and the YAC are now accepting applications from early career health management professionals to join the YAC. Candidates selected for the YAC will be required to attend monthly online meetings as well as a face-to-face meeting held at the EHMA Annual Conference.1 To be eligible, candidates must be affiliated with an EHMA member organisation or be individual members of EHMA. The YAC position will be held for two years.
How to apply: Please provide your Curriculum Vitae (max 2 pages) and Cover Letter (1 page) by 31st March 2018 to Federica Margheri -
[email protected]. The selection process will take place during spring of 2018 (more information to come).
Candidates are required to cover their own conference-related costs.
Rue Belliard 15/17, 1040 Brussels, Belgium │ +32 250 265 25 │
[email protected] │