Ekologi Pariwisata (Ecotourism)

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Nov 22, 2017 - Ekologi diartikan sebagai ilmu yang mempelajari baik interaksi antar makhluk hidup maupun interaksi antara makhluk hidup dan ...
Ekologi Pariwisata (Ecotourism)

Sekolah Tinggi Pariwisata Satya Widya Jurusan Bina Wisata Agung Yoga Asmoro, S.Tr, MM.Par 082139695715

Ecology Definitions

1866 Ernst Haeckel: the comprehensive science of the relationship of the organism to the environment

1927 Charles Elton: Scientific natural history

1963 E. P. Odum: The study of the structure and function of nature

1972 C. J. Krebs: The scientific study of the interactions that determine the distribution and abundance of organisms

1: a branch of science concerned with the interrelationship of organisms and their environments 2: the totality or pattern of relations between organisms and their environment (Merriam-Webster Dictionary, 2017)


A. Yoga Asmoro, S.Tr, MM.Par


Ecology Definitions





Berasal dari kata Yunani oikos ("habitat") dan logos ("ilmu"). Ekologi diartikan sebagai ilmu yang mempelajari baik interaksi antar makhluk hidup maupun interaksi antara makhluk hidup dan lingkungannya. Istilah ekologi pertama kali dikemukakan oleh Ernst Haeckel (1834 - 1914). Dalam ekologi, makhluk hidup dipelajari sebagai kesatuan atau sistem dengan lingkungannya. 22/11/17

A. Yoga Asmoro, S.Tr, MM.Par


Tourism Definitions

Tourism as the temporary movement of people to destination outside their normal places of work and residence, the activities undertaken during their stay in those destinations and the facilities created to cater to their needs. (Mathieson and Wall, 1982) The processes, activities, and outcomes arising from the relationships and the interactions among tourists, tourism suppliers, host governments, host communities, and surrounding environments that are involved in the attracting and hosting of visitors. (Goeldner and Ritchie, 2003) Wisata adalah kegiatan perjalanan yang dilakukan oleh seseorang atau sekelompok orang dengan mengunjungi tempat tertentu untuk tujuan rekreasi, pengembangan pribadi, atau mempelajari keunikan daya tarik wisata yang dikunjungi dalam jangka waktu sementara. (UU RI No 10, 2009) Tourism is a social, cultural and economic phenomenon which entails the movement of people to countries or places outside their usual environment for personal or business/professional purposes. (UNWTO, 2014)


A. Yoga Asmoro, S.Tr, MM.Par


Tourism Definition





A. Yoga Asmoro, S.Tr, MM.Par



Perspective of Tourism

1. The tourist. The tourist seeks various psychic and physical experiences and satisfactions. The nature of these will largely determine the destinations chosen and the activities enjoyed. 2. The businesses providing tourist goods and services. Businesspeople see tourism as an opportunity to make a profit by supplying the goods and services that the tourist market demands. 3. The government of the host community or area. Politicians view tourism as a wealth factor in the economy of their jurisdictions. Their perspective is related to the incomes their citizens can earn from this business. Politicians also consider the foreign exchange receipts from international tourism as well as the tax receipts collected from tourist expenditures, either directly or indirectly. 4. The host community. Local people usually see tourism as a cultural and employment factor. Of importance to this group, for example, is the effect of the interaction between large numbers of international visitors and residents. This effect may be beneficial or harmful, or both. (Goeldner and Ritchie, 2003)


A. Yoga Asmoro, S.Tr, MM.Par


EcoTourism Definitions


A. Yoga Asmoro, S.Tr, MM.Par


EcoTourism Definitions Ecotourism is low impact nature tourism which contributes to the maintenance of species and habitats either directly through a contribution to conservation and/or indirectly by providing revenue to the local community sufficient for local people to value, and therefore protect, their wildlife heritage area as a source of income. (Goodwin, 1996) Ecotourism is travelling to relatively undisturbed natural areas for study, enjoyment, or volunteer assistance. It is travel that concerns itself with the flora, fauna, geology, and ecosystems of an area, as well as the people (caretakers) who live nearby, their needs, their culture, and their relationship to the land. it [sic] views natural areas both as ‘home to all of us’ in a global sense (‘eco’ meaning home) but ‘home to nearby residents’ specifically. It is envisioned as a tool for both conservation and sustainable development – especially in areas where local people are asked to forgo the consumptive use of resources for others. (Wallace and Pierce, 1996) Ecotourism is now defined as "responsible travel to natural areas that conserves the environment, sustains the well-being of the local people, and involves interpretation and education" (TIES, 2015).


A. Yoga Asmoro, S.Tr, MM.Par


Principles of Ecotourism


A. Yoga Asmoro, S.Tr, MM.Par


Ecotourism vs Nature Based Tourism


A. Yoga Asmoro, S.Tr, MM.Par


Wildlife Tourism ●

Nature-based tourism and wildlife component, where wildlife is an incidental part of the overall NBT product. Locations with good wildlife viewing opportunities, includes accommodation units that are located in wildlife-rich habitat and may attract wildlife through the provision of food. Artificial attractions based on wildlife, which include, for example, human-made attractions where animals are kept in captivity.

Specialist animal watching, for special-interest groups like birders.

Habitat specific tours, which focus on areas or regions rich in animal life.

Thrill-offering tours, where dangerous animals are enticed to engage in spectacular behaviour for the viewing pleasure of tourists. Hunting/fishing tours, in natural, semi-captive or farmed environments where animals are killed or released back into the wild.

Reynolds and Braithwaite, 2001 Wildlife Tourism It is defined by Higginbottom (2004: 2) as, ‘tourism based on encounters with nondomesticated (non-human) animals’. This includes wildlife-watching tourism (freeranging animals); captive-wildlife tourism in man-made confinements, like zoos; and hunting and fishing tourism. 22/11/17

A. Yoga Asmoro, S.Tr, MM.Par


Wildlife Tourism

Source: Reynolds and Braithwaite (2001)


A. Yoga Asmoro, S.Tr, MM.Par


Adventure tourism Adventure Tourism is ‘an outdoor leisure activity that takes place in an unusual, exotic, remote or wilderness destination, involves some form of unconventional means of transportation, and tends to be associated with low or high levels of activity’ (Canadian Tourism Commission 1995: 5).


Adventure Ecotourism Tourism

(1) Nature Observation


(2) Wildlife Viewing (e.g. birding, whale watching)


(3) Water Adventure Products (e.g. canoeing, kayaking)


(4) Land Adventure Products (e.g. hiking, climbing)


(5) Winter Adventure Products (e.g. dog sledding, crosscountry skiing)


(6) Air Adventure Products, including hot-air ballooning, hang-gliding, air safaris, bungee jumping and parachuting.



A. Yoga Asmoro, S.Tr, MM.Par


Adventure tourism

Tourism activity spectrum

Source: Fennell and Eagles (1990)


A. Yoga Asmoro, S.Tr, MM.Par


ACE Tourism The changing face of ecotourism


A. Yoga Asmoro, S.Tr, MM.Par


The Importance of Ecotourism in Indonesia


A. Yoga Asmoro, S.Tr, MM.Par


The Importance of Ecotourism in Indonesia


A. Yoga Asmoro, S.Tr, MM.Par




A. Yoga Asmoro, S.Tr, MM.Par