Upconversion: road to El Dorado of the fluorescence world, upconversion nanoparticles (UCNs), in the recent times have a
El Dorado, 9780330423045, Picador Pan Macmillan Australia, 2007, 2007 Upconversion: road to El Dorado of the fluorescence world, upconversion nanoparticles (UCNs), in the recent times have attracted attention due to their unique properties, which makes them ideal fluorophores for use in biological applications. There have been various reports on their use for targeted cell imaging, drug and gene. Intensive care delirium: the effect of outside deprivation in a windowless unit, the Effect of Outside Deprivation in a Windowless Unit Larkin M. Wilson, MD, El Dorado. An unusual situation exists in the medical community of El Dorado, Ark. Two general hospitals serve the geographical area and each has an in¬ tensive care unit. Analogies at War: Korea, Munich, Dien Bien Phu, and the Vietnam Decisions of 1965, page 19. CHAPTER 1 Analogical Reasoning in Foreign Affairs: Two Views AT THE BEGINNING of Werner Herzog's film Aguirre, the Wrath of God, a troop of Spanish conquistadors debates whether to continue the dan- gerous search for El Dorado, the legendary city of gold. Guilt by association: The culture of accusation and the American Anthropological Association's investigation of Darkness in El Dorado, abstract The American Anthropological Association's investigation of the charges in Darkness in El Dorado (Tierney 2000) found that the late James Neel and Napoleon Chagnon harmed the Yanomami in the course of their research in Venezuela and Brazil. Large, Rich, and Beautiful Empire of Guiana: With a Relation to the Great and Golden City of Manoa (which the Spaniards Call El Dorado), Etc. Performed in, tHE reign of Queen Elizabeth presents one of the most interesting periods in the history of England. If we contemplate the master-spirits of that time, distinguished in literature, in enterprize, or in the new projects of colonization, as heroes or as politicians, we must. The creature in the map: a journey to El Dorado, this brilliantly written reconstruction of Sir Walter Raleigh's 1595 South American journey combines painstaking scholarship, vivid travelogue, and an intuitive sensitivity for the many meanings of the El Dorado myth.... Nicholl brings this six-week expedition to life.... A rare. Impact of annual average daily traffic on highway runoff pollutant concentrations, e-mail:
[email protected] 4Civil Engineer, El Dorado County DOT, 2850 Fairlane Ct., Placer- ville, CA95667; formerly, California Dept. 50 El Dorado 0.3 Residential 37,000 50 El Dorado 0.1 Open 14,100 50 El Dorado 0.3 Open 11,600 180 Fresno 0.7 Transportation 41,000. Mineralogy and morphology of amphiboles observed in soils and rocks in El Dorado Hills, California, abstract From the Executive Summary: At the request of the US Environmental Protection Agency (USEPA), the US Geological Survey (USGS) has conducted an independent study of amphiboles in rocks and soils in the El Dorado Hills, California, area. The purpose of this. The continuing quest for El Dorado: round two, an increasing number of publications supports the autonomous development of dense sedentary populations with advanced social organization throughout Amazonia in spite of abundant archaeological, ethnographic, physical, and biological evidence for environmental. Carpal tunnel syndrome and the myth of El Dorado, world for El Dorado, the city of gold, electrodiagnosticians are still searching for the gold standard, an infallible diagnostic test for carpal tunnel syndrome (CTS). Like El Dorado, a perfect test for CTS based on measuring conduction in median nerve myelinated fibers. Pet ownership in rural Northern California (El Dorado County, demographic and economic aspects of pet ownership were studied in 488 households in El Dorado County, California, from May to July 1971. About 60% of households owned dogs or cats, and pet ownership was most prevalent (75%) in two small residential communities. Military deterrence of international terrorism: An evaluation of Operation El Dorado Canyon, this study addresses the question of whether Operation El Dorado Canyon, the April 1986 US air raid on Libya, influenced the pattern of international terrorism in the period that followed. Specifically, the study documents the frequency and severity of acts of international. Windâ driven particle mobility on Mars: Insights from Mars Exploration Rover observations at El Dorado and surroundings at Gusev Crater, the ripple field known as El Dorado was a unique stop on Spirit's traverse where dust-raising, active mafic sand ripples and larger inactive coarse-grained ripples interact, illuminating several long-standing issues of Martian dust mobility, sand mobility. Search for physically based runoff modelâ ”A hydrologic El Dorado, the search for physically based distributed runoff models has been underway for more than half a century. A great deal of progress has been made and we have a much better understanding of hydrological processes today than engineers and scientists. Crime and social interactions, east Point, Georgia, has a crime rate of 0.092 crimes per capita. El Dorado, Arkansas, which has more unem- ployment, less education, more poverty, and lower per capita in- come, has a crime rate of 0.039 crimes per capita. The chemistry of Bodipy: a new El Dorado for fluorescence tools, in the steadily expanding field of fluorescent dyes, labels and electroluminescent materials difluoroboron-dipyrromethenes play a prominent role. The review highlights recent advances made with these boron-stabilized cyanine dyes. The chemistry at the boron atom. In search of El Dorado: The elusive financial returns on corporate political investments, although many believe that companies' political activities improve their bottom line, empirical studies have not consistently borne this out. We investigate the relationship between corporate political activity (CPA) and financial returns on a set of 943 S&P 1500. Masters of all they surveyed: exploration, geography, and a British El Dorado, chronicling the British pursuit of the legendary El Dorado, Masters of All They Surveyed tells the fascinating story of geography, cartography, and scientific exploration in Britain's unique South American colony, Guyana. How did nineteenth-century Europeans turn areas they. Seeking El Dorado: African Americans in California, from the 18th century, African Americans, like many others, have migrated to California to seek fortunes or, often, the more modest goals of being able to find work, own a home, and raise a family relatively free of discrimination. Not only their search but also its outcome. Natural versus anthropogenic sources of Amazonian biodiversity: the continuing quest for El Dorado, growing concern that human activities are producing unanticipated and often undesirable changes in biota and climate is stimulating efforts to document their extent and reduce or reverse their impact. Achieving this goal is hampered by differences in the perception. by BJ Meggers