Sep 12, 2015 - Send Email. Rating: 4.5/5 ... .html. 2/3. SUMMARY OF RESULTS. 36.7% of the students used the platform for preparing the final exam. We were ...
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Tudor Calinici
Iuliu Hatieganu University of Medicine and Pharmacy ClujNapoca, Romania
Teodora Irina Adam
Medical Informatics and Biostatistics Department
Tudor Drugan
7BB Approaches to teaching and le
ELearning and Learning by Competition in Undergraduate Medical Education BACKGROUND
Undergraduate medical students are expected to follow a vast curriculum, which requires time management and specific abilities.Certain subjects studied in school seem to be challenging, both for medical students and the teacher.
Students must find a method to understand and operate with the new information, which is apparently without obvious connection with the rest of the subje curriculum. The teacher is supposed to deliver technical/ nonmedical information to young students who possess little knowledge in medical area, but are en and very willing to "play doctor". Adapting biostatistics for the freshmen is not an easy task, therefore making use of their enthusiasm could be a successful teaching method.
One way to do so is to engage them in a competition, the prizes being not only the confirmation and the recognize of the students value but also added to grade
Students enrolled in 2014 in the first year at the Faculty of Medicine studied biostatistics for a semester, wich was followed by multiple choice questions ev
After experiencing a month of the classic teaching method, students were introduced to the new study tool. Moodle was used to create a platform intended to
an auxiliary tool to facilitate the study of biostatistics. It was made attractive by presenting it as a contest. Students could enroll in the competition by submitt
of questions and their answers (Q&A) on biostatistics course topics. The teacher’s role was to evaluate the Q&A: if correct, the pair was published on the plat
earned it’s author one point. If not eligible, the teacher responded the student, indicating the mistake. The publishers’ ranking was available until the en competition, thus stimulating competitivity and providing additional motivation. Top ranking students were promised bonus points at the final exam.
36.7% of the students used the platform for preparing the final exam. We were interested to see if there was a difference between the final exam grades of the students who used the platform and those who did not use it.