ELECTOR RESPONSE INFORMATION. The City of Kamloops intends to
purchase property at 915 7th Street and part of 880 8th Street and renovate the
existing ...
The City of Kamloops intends to purchase property at 915 7th Street and part of 880 8th Street and renovate the existing building for the North Shore Community Policing Office. The estimated project cost and the amount the City proposes to borrow to undertake this project is $1,550,000, repayable over fifteen years. For information on the project, please contact Jodie MacDonald, RCMP Municipal Support Services Manager, at 250-828-3235 or
[email protected]. City of Kamloops North Shore Community Policing Office Loan Authorization Bylaw No. 14-1-172 has been drafted for the purpose of borrowing $1,550,000 to undertake this project. Section 86 of the Community Charter requires that electors be notified that an Alternative Approval Process exists for the purpose of permitting electors to petition against the proposed bylaw. The only persons entitled to sign elector response forms are the electors of the area to which the approval process applies, the whole of the City of Kamloops. For information on the Alternative Approval Process, contact the Legislative Services Division at 250-828-3483 or
[email protected]. 1. Unless Alternative Approval Elector Response Forms petitioning against the bylaw have been received from 10% (6,836) of the eligible electors within the City of Kamloops by the deadline date, Bylaw No. 14-1-172 will be deemed to have received the approval of the electors.
2. All Elector Response Forms must be received by the City on or before 4:30 pm on February 21, 2014, to be considered.
A person who is not an elector of the City of Kamloops must not sign this Alternative Approval Elector Response Form. The term "elector" means a person who, at the time of signing this form, meets the qualifications of the Local Government Act for registration as a resident elector or as a non-resident property elector of the City of Kamloops. No corporation is entitled to be registered as an elector or have a representative registered as an elector and no corporation is entitled to vote. The ability to withdraw your Alternative Approval Elector Response Form exists whether you have provided that form to the City directly OR to a neighbour or canvasser. Requests to withdraw your form must be made no later than February 21, 2014.
CITY OF KAMLOOPS LOAN AUTHORIZATION BY-LAW NO. 14-1-172 ELECTOR RESPONSE FORM I am OPPOSED to the adoption of City of Kamloops North Shore Community Policing Office Loan Authorization Bylaw No. 14-1-172, which authorizes borrowing of $1,550,000 repayable no later than fifteen years by way of debentures. I, the undersigned, hereby certify that: • • • • • •
I am eighteen years of age or older; I am a Canadian citizen; I have resided in British Columbia for at least six months; I have resided in OR have been a registered owner of real property in the City of Kamloops for at least 30 days; I am not disqualified by law from voting in local elections; and I am entitled to sign this elector response form and have not previously signed an elector response form related to Bylaw No. 14-1-172.
A person who presents an Alternative Approval Elector Response Form to another person for signing must not knowingly make any false or misleading statements about the proposed bylaw. ELECTOR'S FULL NAME (print)
RESIDENTIAL ADDRESS* (and mailing address if different from residential address)
*Non-resident Property Electors must include the address of their property in order to establish their entitlement to sign the petition. DEADLINE FOR RECEIPT OF SIGNED FORMS IS February 21, 2014, at 4:30 pm (postmarks not accepted) to: Legislative Services Division, 7 Victoria Street West, Kamloops, BC, V2C 1A2 Telephone: 250-828-3483; Fax: 250-828-3578 Email:
[email protected] T:\CCA\LEG SVS\GENERAL\AAP Form - NSCPO.docx