t2 t1. âBl. ât. [ânBl]â1dt,. (2) where Bl is the main, maximum variance component of .... dvB. Jx Jy Jz. Cx Cy Cz. Fig. 1. 500 s of Cluster data from â¼15:25 UT, ...
Annales Geophysicae, 23, 1391–1403, 2005 SRef-ID: 1432-0576/ag/2005-23-1391 © European Geosciences Union 2005
Annales Geophysicae
Electric current and magnetic field geometry in flapping magnetotail current sheets A. Runov1 , V. A. Sergeev2 , W. Baumjohann1 , R. Nakamura1 , S. Apatenkov2 , Y. Asano1 , M. Volwerk1,6 , Z. V¨or¨os1 , T. L. Zhang1 , A. Petrukovich3 , A. Balogh4 , J.-A. Sauvaud5 , B. Klecker6 , and H. R`eme5 1 Space
Research Institute, Austrian Academy of Sciences, A-8042, Graz, Austria Petersburg University, Russia 3 Space Research Institute, Russian Academy of Sciences, Moscow, Russia 4 Imperial College, London, UK 5 CESR, Toulouse, France 6 MPE, Garching, Germany 2 St.
Received: 10 December 2004 – Revised: 3 March 2005 – Accepted: 29 March 2005 – Published: 3 June 2005
Abstract. Using four-point magnetic field measurements by the Cluster spacecraft, we statistically analyze the magnetic field and electric current configurations during rapid crossings of the current sheet observed in July–October 2001 at geocentric distances of 19 RE . The database includes 78 crossings, specially selected to apply multi-point data analysis techniques to calculate vector derivatives. Observed bipolar variations of jz , often with |jz |>jy , indicate that the electric currents follow kinks of the current sheet. The current density varies between 5–25 nA/m2 . The half-thickness of the current sheet during flapping varies over a wide range, from 1 to 20 ion thermal gyroradii (Lcp , calculated from average temperature and lobe magnetic field for each crossing). We found no relationship between the tilt angle of the current sheet normal and the half-thickness. In 68 cases the magnetic field curvature vector has a positive (earthward) X-component. Ten cases with a negative (tailward) curvature, associated with reconnection, were detected within 01 in 99% and Sh /(2a)>3 in more than 50% of the cases. Therefore, the use of the linear gradient estimator technique is justified for most of the crossings in our database. 5.3
Electric currents in the neutral sheet
To survey the directions of electric currents we calculated the current unit vector ej =∇×B/|∇×B| in the neutral sheet (|Bx |0 half-plane, indi-
Fig. 7. Electric current and curvature directions. Upper panel: Distribution Y and Z components of the unit vectors ej =j/j ; Bottom panels: Projections of ej (left-hand panel), and projections of eC =C/C (right-hand panel) onto the X0 −Y 0 plane.
cating that electric currents often deviate from the nominal dawn-dusk direction during current sheet flapping events, as in Fig. 2. There are four events with a significant negative Y component of ej . This may be explained by an increase in the kink front steepness up to its overturn, similar to the situation described by Zhang et al. (2002). The left-hand bottom panel in Fig. 7 shows projections of the electric current direction in the X 0 −Y 0 plane. The electric current basically has a negative X-component in the morning sector and a positive one in the evening sector. An occurrence rate analysis shows that in the post-midnight sector in 7 cases from 23 ej x >0 and in 16 cases ej x ≤0; in the pre-midnight sector in 37 cases ej x ≥0 and in 18 cases ej x 0), as expected on closed magnetic field lines of the plasma sheet. In 10 cases Cx