Electric Drives and Microelectronic Circuits - IEEE Xplore

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Book News by Marian P. Kazmierkowski and Fernando A. Silva. Electric Drives and Microelectronic Circuits. Model-Based Predictive. Control of Electric Drives.
Book News by Marian P. Kazmierkowski and Fernando A. Silva

Electric Drives and Microelectronic Circuits Model-Based Predictive Control of Electric Drives By Arne Linder, Rahul Kanchan, Ralph Kennel, and Peter Stolze, Cuvillier-Verlag, Goettingen, 2010, Soft cover, 256 pages, ISBN-10: 3869553987, ISBN-13: 9783869553986.


he presented book is coauthored by Prof. Ralph Kennel and his coworkers from the Electrical Machine and Power Electronics Group of Wuppertal University, Germany, and is based on the Ph.D. thesis submitted by Arne Linder in 2005. The main goal of this work is to examine the applicability of model-based predictive control techniques in converter-fed ac drive systems. The book consists of 11 chapters altogether, covering the following areas: 1) Introduction 2) Field-Oriented Control 3) Cascade Control with PI Controllers 4) Predictive Control 5) Model-Based Predictive Control (MPC) 6) Generalized Predictive Control (GPC) 7) Discrete-Time Machine Model for Current Control 8) Multivariable GPC Control

Digital Object Identifier 10.1109/MIE.2011.940257 Date of publication: 25 March 2011

9) Direct Model-Based n the presentation and MODEL-BASED Predictive Control discussion of differ10) Related Control PREDICTIVE CONTROL ent types of modStructures els, methods for OF ELECTRIC DRIVES 11) Summary and fuhandling nonlinearINCLUDES IMPORTANT ture prospects. ities, and model Also, a list of 125 RESEARCH RESULTS discretization references, an index, MAINLY CONCERNED n it provides syntheand seven appendices WITH GPC-BASED sis and evaluation are added at the end CURRENT AND SPEED of multivariable GPC of the book. The ap- CONTROL. current controller pendices list the foland finite-state MPC lowing: glossary (A), nomenclature that takes into account finite con(B), normalization values (C), physical verter states in optimization process machine constants (D), polynomials n the discussion of related control and matrices for GPC (E), methods for structures: internal model conmatrix inversion (F), and an alternatrol (IMC) and linear quadratic tive method for matrix decomposicontrol (LQC) tion (G). n it presents numerous simulated The reader will find in this typical and experimental illustrations of monograph two chapters reviewing the methodologies and algorithms the properties of field-oriented condeveloped in the text. trol based on cascade structure and Model-Based Predictive Control of seven chapters introducing in the Electric Drives includes important recontrol algorithms of model-based search results mainly concerned with predictive control (see also [1] and GPC-based current and speed control. [2]), with special emphasis on GPC. It is addressed to readers interested The monograph is written well, with in the important basic mechanisms excellent care given to the steps of of advanced MPC systems in drive review, exposition, and relevant examtechnology, including engineers and ples. Further, important features of practitioners, as well as to research this book include: staff and postgraduate students. n the overview and classification of the predictive control methods References used so far in ac drive systems [1] P. Cortes, M. P. Kazmierkowski, R. Kennel, D. E. Quevedo, and J. Rodriguez, ‘‘Predicn it provides synthesis and comtive control in power electronics and parative study between convendrives,’’ IEEE Trans. Ind. Electron., vol. 55, no. 12, pp. 4312–4324, Dec. 2008. tional synchronous two PI and [2] S. Kuro, P. Cortes, R. Vargas, U. Ammann, and two GPC-based current controlJ. Rodriguez, ‘‘Model predictive control—A simple and powerful method to control power lers as well as PI- and GPC-speed converters,’’ IEEE Trans. Ind. Electron., vol. 56, controllers no. 6, pp. 1826–1838, June 2009.