of 15 books related to electric machines and drives. After his suc- ... Electric Transformers. â¡ Energy Conversion and ... a list of references. The book also con-.
Book News by Marian P. Kazmierkowski and Fernando A. Silva
Electric Machines and Power Electronics Electric Machines: Steady State, Transients, and Design with MATLAB By Ion Boldea and Lucian Tutelea, CRC Press, Taylor & Francis Group, Boca Raton, 2010, Hardcover, 775 pages, ISBN: 978-1-42005572-6.
rof. Ion Boldea is a well-known expert, author, and coauthor of 15 books related to electric machines and drives. After his successful textbook Electric Drives (coauthor of [1]), he and coauthor Lucian Tutelea now present a new textbook devoted to electric machines. In contrast to his last two-volume set on electric generators, which was written in a handbook style [2], this new book has strong tutorial attributes and is designed for three semesters of study: one semester for undergraduate (Part I) and two semesters for a graduate course (Parts II and III). The book consists of 15 chapters grouped in three parts as follows: 1) Part I: Steady State n Introduction n Electric Transformers n Energy Conversion and Types of Electric Machines n Brush-Commutator Armature Windings n Induction Machines: Steady State n Synchronous Machines: Steady State
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2) Part II: Transients n Example 2: Transformer steady state n Advanced ModTHE AUTHORS HAVE els for Electric MADE A STRONG n Example 3: TransMachines former unbalanced EFFORT TO UNIFY load current n Transients of SYMBOLS AND Brush-Commutan Example 4: TransAPPROACH tor DC Machines former unbalanced THROUGHOUT THE load impedance n Synchronous Ma2) DC steady-state motor chine Transients BOOK. n Transients of Inn Example 5: Sepaduction Machines rated excited dc motor 3) Part III: FEM Analysis and Optin Example 6: Series excited dc mal Design motor 3) AC motor steady state n Essentials of Finite Element Method in Electromagnetics n Example 7: Induction motor characteristic n FEM in Electric Machines: Electromagnetic Analysis n Example 8: Synchronous motor characteristic n Optimal Design of Electric 4) Transients Machines: The Basics n Optimization Design of Surn Example 9: No load transface PMSMs former—grid connection n Optimization Design of Inducn Example 10: Loaded tion Machines. transformer—grid connection The three parts are independent; n Example 11: dc motor however, the authors have made a transients strong effort to unify symbols and n Example 12: Induction motor approach throughout the book. Each transients chapter is supplemented with a n Example 13: Synchronous mosummary, well-selected problems, and tor transients a list of references. The book also con5) Optimal design tains numerous computer simulation n Example 14: Induction motor programs in MATLAB and Simulink, by Hooke-Jeeves method available on an accompanying comn Example 15: Induction motor pact disc (CD), to help readers make a by genetic algorithms quantitative assessment of various n Example 16: Synchronous moparameters and performance inditor by Hooke-Jeeves method ces of electric machines. It can be n Example 17: Synchronous movery useful for homework, seminars, tor by genetic algorithms. and laboratory work. The examples This very capable, well-balanced on CD are structured in the following textbook is primarily dedicated to categories: electrical, mechanical, and mecha1) Transformer tronic engineering students but will also be useful for research and n Example 1: Magnetic circuit
development engineers in industry who are interested in design, manufacturing, testing, and exploitation of electric machines for constant or adjustable speed drives and generating electricity.
References [1] I. Boldea and S. A. Nasar, ‘‘Electric drives,’’ IEEE Ind. Electron. Mag., vol. 1, no. 1, p. 51, 2007. [2] I. Boldea, ‘‘The electric generators handbook,’’ IEEE Ind. Electron. Mag., vol. 1, no. 2, p. 41, 2007.
Power Microelectronics: Device and Process Technologies By Yung C. Liang, Ganesh S. Samudra, World Scientific Publishing Company, 2009, Hardcover, 432 pages, ISBN-10: 9812791000, ISBN-13: 9789812791009.
ower electronic systems experienced tremendous evolution mainly because of advances in power semiconductors: from the first thyristors and power bipolar transistors to the insulated gate bipolar transistor (IGBT) and injection-enhanced IGBT (IEGT), power converters and switching power processing evolved because of the capabilities of new and optimized power semiconductor devices [1], such as gate turn-off thyristors or metaloxide semiconductor field-effect transistors (MOSFETs). The demand for device portability and efficiency needs smart power semiconductor integrated devices. To economically design and build systems with digital, analog, and radiofrequency circuits [2], their power supply and their power management circuits should be integrated in the same system chip—system on chip (SoC). Efficient SoC power converters are needed, requiring a deep
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knowledge of power semiconductor behavior and power switches fabrication processes using the silicon wafer process technology. Switching power converters, while taking advantage of newer power semiconductor devices, also advance to circumvent their voltage, current, and switching limits [3]. The power semiconductor industry continuously fuels this advancement by proposing new materials, devices, and stretching the existing practical limits. Liang and Samudra, from the National University of Singapore, have published articles about power microelectronics and smart power semiconductors in leading IEEE journals and conferences. They wrote Power Microelectronics: Device and Process Technologies. This textbook analytically explains the state-of-the-art devices and future device generation, discussing: n theories and process technologies needed to understand and design modern integrated power semiconductor devices n modern semiconductor materials [such as silicon carbide (SiC), silicon germanium (SiGe), gallium arsenide (GaAs), gallium and aluminum nitride (GaN), and AlN] n fundamentals of semiconductors, carrier physics, recombination and lifetime control, avalanche and punchthrough, p-n junction devices operation, junction electrostatics, and termination n detailed structure and performance of p-i-n and Schottky diodes, GaAS and SiC diodes, merged p-i-n Schottky diodes, and smart power synchronous diodes (rectifiers) n unipolar MOSFET, VMOS, DMOS, UMOS, MOSFET dv/dt limits, and silicon on insulator (SoI) n bipolar IGBT, dual gate IGBT for soft switching, integrated current sensors, integrated smart power over-current protection, fabrication steps, and issues n IGBT-derived structures: emitter switched thyristor, base resistance
dual-gate controlled thyristor, IEGT, MOS-controlled thyristor n superjuntion (SJ) structures, SJ power MOSFET structures, CoolMOS, supertrench MOSFETs, vertical deep trench (Resurf DMOS—VTR-DMOS), SJ DMOS and UMOS, polysiliconflanked VDMOS (PF SJ VDMOS), oxide bypassed (OB) SJ MOSFET (OBVDMOS, OBUMOS), tunable OB (TOB) SJ MOSFET (TOB VDMOS), gradient OB MOSFET, and lateral SJ MOSFET n fabrication and modeling using actual fabricated devices with the process steps clearly described n practical case studies in designing power devices (PFVDMOS, TOBUMOS) with laboratory measurements and scanning electron microscope photographs. The book contains comprehensive material for (power) electronics students and for power semiconductor device designers/engineers. It includes the following chapters: 1) Introduction 2) Carrier Physics and Junction Electrostatics 3) Bipolar Junction Diode 4) Power Metal-Oxide-Semiconductor Field-Effect Transistor 5) Insulated-Gate Bipolar Transistor 6) Superjunction Structures 7) Fabrication and Modeling of Power Devices 8) Practical Case Studies in Power Devices. An index and references (given in each chapter) are also included. Power Microelectronics is a valuable textbook for power electronics final year undergraduate or graduate students and for designers and researchers/engineers working on power semiconductor devices and SoC.
References [1] B. Jayant Baliga, Modern Power Devices. New York: Wiley, 1987. [2] T. H. Lee, The Design of CMOS RadioFrequency Integrated Circuits. Cambridge, U.K.: Cambridge Univ. Press, 2001. [3] M. H. Rahid, Ed., Power Electronics Handbook, 2nd ed. New York: Academic, 2007.