Electric Power Systems II - Western Engineering - University of ...

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Diverse topics within the field of electric power systems will be covered in ... J. J Grainger and W. D. Stevenson, Jr. Power System Analysis, McGraw-Hill, Inc.
WESTERN UNIVERSITY FACULTY OF ENGINEERING DEPARTMENT OF ELECTRICAL AND COMPUTER ENGINEERING ECE 4464a/b – Electric Power Systems II Course Outline for Fall 2013 Objective: The objective of the course is to allow the student to gain a detailed understanding of the modeling and operation of modern electric power systems. Diverse topics within the field of electric power systems will be covered in detail in this course. Course Instructor: Instructor: Mehdi Narimani Email: [email protected] Office: TEB 375 CEAB Units: ES 66% ED 34% Contact Hours: 3 lecture hours/week, 1 tutorial hour/ week, 1 lab hour/week, 0.5 course Corequisites: AM 3415a/b Prerequisites: ECE 3333a/b, AM 2415 Restrictions: Limited to students in 4th year of Electrical or Computer Engineering program Unless you have either the requisites for this course or written special permission from your Dean to enrol in it, you will be removed from this course and it will be deleted from your record. This decision may not be appealed. You will receive no adjustment to your fees in the event that you are dropped from a course for failing to have the necessary prerequisites. Topics: 1. Power flow studies 2. Symmetrical faults 3. Symmetrical components 4. Unsymmetrical faults 5. Power system stability 6. Introduction to High Voltage DC (HVDC) Transmission and Flexible AC Transmission Systems (FACTS) Course Materials: J. D. Glover, M.S. Sarma and T.J. Overbye, “Power System Analysis and Design”, 5th Edition, Nelson, 2012. Reference Materials: J. J Grainger and W. D. Stevenson, Jr. Power System Analysis, McGraw-Hill, Inc. New York, 1994. Available at Taylor Library: TK3001.G73 1994. S. A. Nasar, Theory and Problems of Electric Power Systems, Schaum's Outline Series, McGraw- Hill, New York, 1990. Available at Taylor Library: TK1001.N38 1990. Learning Outcomes: Knowledge Base Problem Analysis Investigation Design Engineering Tools

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Individual Work Team Work Communication Professionalism Impact on Society

Ethics and Equity Economics and Project Management Life-Long Learning

Western University Faculty of Engineering Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering

ES1036A: Programming Fundamentals for Engineers Course Outline 2013-14 (Fall 2013: September 9, 2013 – December 6, 2013) No classes on October 14 (Thanksgiving), October 31- November 1 (Fall Study Break)

Description: This course is intended to establish a foundation for Computer Programming with specific emphasis on Engineering problems and applications. The course will cover the introductory aspects of Object-Oriented Analysis, Design, and Implementation (using C++) techniques, along with Testing according to the specified requirements of the program. Computer Programming will be treated as part of the Engineering Process, and as such will be contextualized through the course according to the Engineering Profession. Instructor:

Dr. Quazi M. Rahman, P.Eng., SMIEEE TEB 361, 519-661-2111 ext. 81399, UWO e-mail address: [email protected] Consultation hours: Tuesdays: 1pm – 2 pm, Wednesdays: 2pm – 4pm; other times: by appointment please.

Academic Calendar Copy: http://www.westerncalendar.uwo.ca/2013/pg907.html#34456 Contact Hours per week: 3 lecture hours, 2 laboratory hours, 0.5 course Antirequisite: Computer Science 1025A/B, 1026A/B, the former Computer Science 036a/b Prerequisites: Co-requisite: Unless you have either the requisites for this course or written special permission from your Dean to enrol in it, you will be removed from this course and it will be deleted from your record. This decision may not be appealed. You will receive no adjustment to your fees in the event that you are dropped from a course for failing to have the necessary prerequisites. CEAB Academic Units: Engineering Science 100% Required Textbook: None Other Required References: None Recommended Reference: Introduction to Programming with C++, 3/E, Y. Daniel Liang, ISBN-10: 0133252817, ISBN-13: 9780133252811, Prentice Hall, 2012. [One can use any older version too.]

Knowledge Base: Students will develop an understanding of: 1. Power system components

2. Operation of electrical power transmission systems 3. Representation of unbalanced three phase quantities using symmetrical components 4. HVDC and FACTS technologies and their application in electrical power systems Students will acquire the ability to: 1. Perform Load Flow analysis 2. Calculate fault currents in both symmetrical and unsymmetrical faults 3. Identify the needs of stable power system operation Problem Analysis: Students will employ their knowledge base to understand and solve problems. Investigation: By doing experiments in the lab and also approaching mathematical analysis, they will be able to reach to the solutions and valid conclusions. Design: Students will be able to propose technical solutions to problems presented. Engineering Tools: Students will learn basic and advanced tools for the analysis of electrical power systems. Individual Work: Students will work individually to run and analyse laboratory experiments and solve problems based on lecture material.

Evaluation: Maximum Penalties Course Component












Midterm Tests




Final examination




For the purpose of evaluation, the course is divided into three components, namely, lecture (midterm tests and final examination), laboratory and assignments. In order to pass the course, a student must obtain a passing grade in each component. A student who fails any component shall receive a final grade not greater than 48%. To obtain a passing grade, a mark of 50% or more must be obtained on the final examination. A final examination mark of