2.25 kWh. Get rid of your extra fridge or freezer. 2.35 kWh. Upgrade to an ENERGY STAR® Window AC. 0.64 kWh. Install LE
ELECTRIC VEHICLE ENERGY USAGE The average commute is 25 miles/day. KAILUA
By The Numbers An EV requires an estimated 8 kWh of charge for every 25 miles. On Oahu, that 8 kWh per day can cost you about $82/month*.
*Based on $0.34/kWh
You might be thinking . . . $82/month is great, but I’m buying a brand new car! How can I really make it worth it? The answer is:
ZERO OUT YOUR USAGE WITH NEGAWATTS. THE NEGA-WHAT? A negawatt is energy that has been saved by getting rid of an energy-hogging device (like an old fridge) or by upgrading to a more energy-efficient technology. Think of it like a game – the more negawatts you create, the closer you get to zero!
Try these energy-efficient upgrades and offset the energy used to charge your EV:
EXAMPLE 1: Solar Water Heater ENERGY STAR® Fridge Install LEDs (2)
5.66 kWh 2.25 kWh 0.09 kWh 8.0 kWh
EXAMPLE 2: Solar Water Heater Upgrade Window AC Low-Flow Showerheads (2) Smart Power Strip
5.66 kWh 0.64 kWh 1.68 kWh 0.21 kWh 8.19 kWh
Remember, these are just examples.
The combination of energy conservation and efficiency measures you use in your home are entirely up to you! (Savings may vary based on usage and electric rates.)
ENERGY SAVED (per day)
Install a solar water heater
5.66 kWh
Trade in your old refrigerator for an ENERGY STAR® model
2.25 kWh
Get rid of your extra fridge or freezer
2.35 kWh
Upgrade to an ENERGY STAR® Window AC
0.64 kWh
Install LEDs (7-watt)
0.045 kWh
Use a low-flow showerhead (1.5 gpm) on a solar water heater
0.12 kWh
Use a low-flow showerhead (1.5 gpm) on an electric water heater
0.84 kWh
Use a smart power strip for electronic devices
0.21 kWh
Qualifies for a cash rebate from Hawaii Energy
To learn more about our rebates and incentives, visit HawaiiEnergy.com
Hawaii Energy is the ratepayer-funded energy conservation and efficiency program administered by Leidos Engineering, LLC under contract with the Hawaii Public Utilities Commission, serving Hawaii, Honolulu and Maui counties.